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AND   OF   TllK 








VOL.  II. 




(late  Schenck  &  M'Farlane), 










THE  COUNTIES  OF  AYR  AND  RENFREW,  .  .  .  .21 
















FIELD,  COUNTY  TYRONE,  ^  .  .  .  .  .86 


OF  LONDON,  98 













AND  GORTINESSON,  .  .  ' 156 





No.  I.  PAGE 

LAND, DATED  10TH  SEPTEMBER  1621,  ....  179 

No.  II. 


12TH  JULY  1625, 195 

NO.  nr. 



NO.   IV. 


OF  THE  EARLDOM  OF  STIRLING,      .  210 






ACCORDING  to  tradition,  several  members  of  the  House 
of  Alexander  obtained  a  settlement  in  Caithness  under 
Campbell  of  Glenorchy,  who  in  1672  fought  a  battle 
with  Sinclair  of  Keiss,  at  Artimarlach,  near  Wick. 
These  settlers  were  the  immediate  followers  of 
Campbell  of  Glenorchy,  and  accompanied  him  from 

On  the  20th  June  1632,  Alexander  Alexander  or 
Else-hinder,  "  portioner  of  Drum/'  in  the  county  of 


Aberdeen,  granted  at  Cosnaghtoune,  an  obligation  to 
Lord  Colville  of  Culross  for  £61  (Reg.  of  Deeds,  vol. 

On  the  4th  July  1633,  a  contract  of  marriage  was 
entered  into  between  Alexander  Alshender  in  Doneis, 
and  Christian  Chalmer,  daughter  of  Charles  Chalmer 
in  Kintore,  Aberdeenshire,  the  "  tocher  "  being  500 
merks  (Reg.  of  Deeds,  vol.  480). 

On  the  9th  November  1633,  John  Alexander  in  Big- 
head  of  Torreis,  granted  at  Insh,  Aberdeenshire,  an 
obligation  for  100  merks  to  JohnCruikshank  of  Cadden 
(Reg.  of  Deeds,  vol.  479). 

On  the  25th  November  1633,  John  Alexander, 
burgess  of  Aberdeen,  and  his  sons,  James  and  Patrick 
Alexander,  purchased  from  James  Gordon  the  lands 
of  Auchmull  for  3500  merks  (Reg.  of  Deeds,  vol. 

On  the  7th  August  1644,  "  Mr  William  Alexander" 
was  served  heir  to  his  father,  Robert  Alexander,  bur- 
gess of  Aberdeen,  in  the  lands  of  Ward  of  Kinmundie, 
in  the  parish  of  St  Machar  and  county  of  Aberdeen 
(Special  Retours,  Aberdeen,  xviii.  144). 

Mr  John  Alexander,  described  as  "advocate  in 
Edinburgh,"  was  one  of  the  three  husbands  of  Mary, 
daughter  and  heiress  of  George  Jamesone,  the  emi- 
nent painter,  a  native  of  Aberdeen.  On  the  15th 
January  1645,  he  petitioned  the  town  council  of  the 
burgh  to  grant  him  a  feu  of  a  portion  of  ground, 
called  the  Hayfield,  which  George  Jamesone,  his 


father-in-law,  had  held  in  liferent.  His  request  was 
acceded  to,  and  the  feu-duty  fixed  at  "four  pundis 
Scotis  money  yearlie  "  (Council  Kecords  of  Aberdeen). 
By  his  wife,  Mary  Jamesone,  Mr  John  Alexander 
had  two  sons,  who  attained  considerable  distinction. 
John  Alexander  studied  the  art  of  painting,  chiefly  in 
Florence,  and  on  his  return  to  Scotland  in  1720, 
resided  at  Gordon  Castle,  under  the  patronage  of  the 
Duchess  of  Gordon,  daughter  of  the  Earl  of  Peter- 
borough. He  painted  portraits,  allegorical  pieces, 
and  historical  landscapes.  Many  of  the  portraits  of 
Queen  Mary  were  executed  by  him.  He  began  a 
picture  of  Queen  Mary's  escape  from  Lochleven 
Castle,  in  which  the  scenery  round  the  lake  is  intro- 

^  duced,  but   he  died  before   completing   it.      Cosmo 
Alexander,  another  son  of  Mr  John  Alexander  and 
Mary  Jamesone,  became  known  as  an  engraver ;  he 
\  engraved  a  portrait  of  his  maternal  grandfather. 

On  the  7th  March  1645,  Mr  John  Alexander,  advo- 
cate, and  Bichard  and  Alexander  Alexander,  and  other 


X  citizens  of  Aberdeen,  met  to  arrange  measures  for 
dissuading  the  Marquis  of  Montrose  from  marching 
his  army  into  the  city.  John  and  Kichard  Alex- 
ander were  among  the  delegates  appointed  to  wait 
upon  the  marquis  (Burgh  Kecords  of  Aberdeen ; 
Spalding's  Memorials,  vol.  ii.,  p.  452). 

Alexander  Alexander,  bailie  in  Aberdeen,  was,  on 
the  8th  August  1672,  admitted  an  honorary  burgess 
of  Stirling  (Stirling  Burgh  Kecords). 


Alexander  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander  Alexander, 
bailie  in  Aberdeen,  was  a  regent  in  Marischal  College 
of  that  city.  Obtaining  licence  from  Alexander, 
Bishop  of  Edinburgh,  he  was  admitted  minister  of 
Glass,  Banffshire,  before  the  8th  April  1679.  Having 
two  half-nets'  fishing  on  the  mid-chingle  in  the  Dee, 
at  Aberdeen,  he  purchased  nets,  hired  servants,  and 
had  the  fishing  conducted  by  a  relative.  Finding  at 
the  expiry  of  two  years  that  he  had  obtained  a  profit 
of  only  two  shillings,  he  abandoned  operations.  The 
fishings  proved  more  advantageous  to  his  heir,  who, 
in  1760,  let  them  for  a  rent  of  £60.  Mr  Alexander 
was  deprived  by  the  Act  of  Parliament,  25th  April 
1690,  which  restored  the  ejected  Presbyterian  mini- 
sters. He  resumed  possession  of  the  cure  on  a 
vacancy  in  1693,  and  though  his  right  was  disputed, 
he  contrived  to  retain  the  living  till  his  death,  which 
took  place  in  1713.  By  his  wife,  Margaret  Collisone, 
he  had  a  son,  Alexander,  proprietor  of  Auchinoll, 
and  five  daughters  (Fasti  Eccl.  Scot.,  iii.  199). 

On  the  17th  January  1657,  Isobel  and  Margaret 
Alexander  were  served  co-heiresses  to  John  Alex- 
ander, merchant  in  Aberdeen,  their  father  (Inq. 

Nisbet  describes  the  arms  of  "Alexander  Alex- 
ander of  Auchmull,  sometime  bailie  of  Aberdeen," 
thus  :  "  Parted  per  pale,  argent  and  sable,  a  cheveron 
between  two  mullets  in  chief,  and  a  crescent  in  base, 
all  counter-changed ;  crest,  a  hand  sustaining  a  pair 


of  balances  of  equal  scales  ;  motto,  Quod  tibi  ne  alteri  " 
(Nisbet's  Heraldry,  vol.  i.,  p.  30). 

Walter  Alexander  was  admitted  minister  of  the 
parish  of  Echt,  Aberdeenshire,  14th  October  1666 ; 
he  demitted  in  1694.  By  his  marriage  with  Janet 
Scot,  he  had  a  son,  William,  who  became  a  teacher 
in  Aberdeen.  He  was  served  heir  to  his  mother 
on  the  28th  September  1712  (Fasti  Eccl.  Scot., 
iii.  531). 

Thomas  Alexander,  who  had  graduated  at  King's 
College,  Aberdeen,  on  the  4th  July  1682,  was,  prior 
to  1688,  admitted  minister  of  Logie-Coldstone,  in  the 
county  of  Aberdeen.  He  died  on  the  6th  July  1715, 
aged  fifty-three.  His  son,  Alexander  Alexander  of 
Jackstoun,  was  served  heir  to  him  on  the  14th 
January  1724.  He  had  a  son,  Thomas,  who  resided 
at  Inverernan,  and  a  daughter,  Margaret,  who  mar- 
ried John  Forbes  of  Inverernan  (Fasti  Eccl.  Scot., 
iii.  535). 

On  the  16th  March  1694,  John  Alexander  in 
Boyne's  Mill,  parish  of  Forgue,  Aberdeenshire,  is 
described  as  "eldest  son  of  the  deceased  James 
Alexander  in  Boyne's  Mill."  He  declined  service  to 
the  lands  (Reg.  Mag.  Sig.,  xvii.  464). 

John  Alexander  in  Chopiswallis,  in  the  parish  of 
Fordoun,  Kincarclineshire,  died  in  April  1577.  In 
his  will,  dated  23d  August  1576,  he  appoints  his 
wife,  Isobel  Merchant,  and  his  son,  Charles  Alex- 
ander, as  his  executors.  Thomas  Alexander,  "mes- 


singer  to  the  kingis  maiestie,"  is  a  witness,  and  John 
Alexander  in  Middletoun  is  a  debtor  on  the  estate 
(Edin.  Com.  Reg.,  vol.  x.). 

On  the  23d  August  1620,  Janet  Alexander,  spouse 
of  Alexander  Alexander  in  Calsayend,  parish  of  Con- 
veth  (Laurencekirk),  and  county  of  Kincardine,  exe- 
cuted his  will  (Com.  Reg.  of  St  Andrews). 

William  Alexander  in  Collatown  of  Garlabank, 
Forfarshire,  executed  his  will  on  the  10th  February 
1580  (Edin.  Com.  Reg.). 

On  the  1st  April  1577,  John  Alexander,  brother's 
son  of  the  deceased  David  Alexander  in  Leis  Myln, 
Forfarshire,  and  his  executor-dative,  presented  the  in- 
ventory of  his  deceased  relative,  valued  £226, 16s.  8d. 
Scots  (Edinburgh  Com.  Reg.). 

James  Alexander,  merchant  -  burgess  in  Dundee, 
died  in  November  1605.  In  his  will,  dated  the  6th 
day  of  the  same  month,  he  names  as  his  executors, 
his  wife,  Elspeth  Galloway,  and  David  Alexander, 
litster-burgess  of  Dundee.  His  "  frie  geir  "  is  valued 
at  1019  lib.  14s.  He  mentions  his  "lawfull  bairnes," 
William,  Christian,  and  Euffame  Alexander,  and,  as 
one  of  his  debtors,  "  Archibald  Alexander  in  Banff" 
(Edin.  Com.  Reg.,  vol.  xli.). 

John  Alexander  in  Montrose  was,  on  the  18th  May 
1665,  served  heir  to  his  father,  John  Alexander, 
miller  in  Montrose  (Inq.  Spec.). 

On  the  23d  December  1648,  David  Alexander  was 
served  heir  of  James  Alexander  of  Ravensby,  his 


father,  in  the  lands  and  village  of  Carnoustie  and 
others,  in  the  parish  of  Barry  and  county  of  Forfar 
(Inq.  Spec.,  Forfarshire).  David  Alexander  acquired 
the  adjacent  lands  of  Balskellie  by  a  charter,  dated 
25th  January  1667  (Charters  in  Chancery).  On  the 
21st  December  1676,  James  Alexander,  son  of  David 
Alexander,  obtained  service  in  the  lands  of  Balskellie, 
and  in  the  village  and  lands  of  Carnoustie  (Inq. 
Speciales,  Forfarshire).  The  family  is  mentioned  by 
Nisbet  (Heraldry,  vol.  i.,  p.  25). 

Thomas  Alexander  in  Wester  Persie,  Forfarshire, 
died  intestate  in  June  1580.  His  testament-dative 
and  inventory  were  given  up  by  his  brother,  David 
Alexander  in  Wester  Persie,  on  behalf  of  John, 
Marion,  and  Isobel  Alexander,  children  of  the 
deceased  (Edin.  Com.  Keg.,  vol.  x.). 



WILLIAM  ALEXANDER,  "  indweller  in  Leyth,"  died  "  of 
the  pest"  in  December  1587.  The  inventory  of  his 
effects  was  produced  by  "  Cristane  Braidie,  his  relict 
spous/'  together  with  his  will,  dated  12th  December 
1587.  The  latter  presents  the  following  clause  : 

"  I,  the  said  Mr  William,  leivis  to  my  said  spous  and  my 
sone  William,  and  to  the  langest  leivar  of  thame  tua,  to  nocht 
failzieing,  Williame  my  sone,  the  rest  to  be  gewin  to  my  said 
spous,  to  wit,  the  hail  wair  quhilk  trusting  for  goddis  caus 

that  my  brether,  to  wit,  Thomas  and  Henrie,  James  and 
Alexander,  sail  on  na  maner  of  way  be  allowit  to  defraude  my 
said  spous,  .  .  .  and  vmquhile  sone,  to  wit,  William  .  .  ." 

The  goods  of  the  deceased  were  valued  at  £279,  8s. 
Scots.  Among  the  debtors  on  the  estate  were  John 
Alexander,  portioner  of  Pitsgobir  (Pitgogar),  and 
Gauin  Alexander,  "his  sone  and  appeirant  air,"  and 


Andro  Braidie  in  Striveling  (Stirling)  (Edin.  Com. 
Reg.,  vol.  xix.). 

Robert  Alexander,  merchant,  Leith,  was,  on  the 
nomination  of  Sir  William  Alexander  of  Menstry, 
appointed  searcher  at  that  port.  The  office  was 
claimed  by  a  son  of  Bernard  Lindsay,  the  former 
occupant  of  the  post,  whereupon  the  following  royal 
letter,  dated  7th  January  1627-8,  was  addressed  to 
Lord  Napier,  the  Treasurer-Depute  : 

"  Eight,  &c.  Haveing  been  informed  how,  by  the  death  of 
Bernard  Lindsay,  the  place  of  Searcher  at  Leith  doth  vake  at 
our  disposition,  whereupon  we  were  pleased  to  grant  a  guift  to 
one  Eobert  Alexander,  Merchand  there,  according  to  the  guift 

granted  by  us  thairupon,   But  since  informed  that  one  

Lindsay,  a  sone  of  the  said  late  Bernard,  doth  pretend  an 
interest  therein,  Wee  have  thought  good  that  you  trie  the  estate 
thereof  and  certifie  us  back  again  of  the  same  or  otherwise 
if  you  shall  find  just  cause  that  the  said  Eobert  should  discharge 
that  place.  Wee  likewayes  require  you  to  use  your  best  means 
for  causing  settle  him  tharin  according  to  our  said  guift " 
(Eegister  of  Letters). 

On  the  27th  February  1652,  James  Alexander, 
brewer  in  Leith,  and  Janet  Reid,  were  married  (South 
Leith  Parish  Register).  They  had  a  daughter,  Mar- 
garet, baptized  10th  October  1658,  and  a  son,  William, 
baptized  27th  September  1660  (Baptismal  Register  of 
Edinburgh).  On  the  14th  June  1688,  William  Alex- 
ander, indweller  in  Leith,  executed  his  will  (Edin. 
Com.  Reg.). 

James  Alexander,  advocate,  was,  on  the  2d  May 


1685,  served  heir  to  David  Alexander  in  Leith,  his 
elder  brother  (General  Retours,  xxxviii.  64). 

Eobert  Alexander  is  mentioned  as  a  merchant- 
burgess  of  Edinburgh  in  1597  (Edinburgh  Baptismal 

John  Alexander,  merchant-burgess  in  Edinburgh, 
died  on  13th  June  1616.  His  testament  was  "  made 
and  gevin  up  by  himself,  with  his  awin  tung,  speik- 
and  at  Perth,  the  12  day  of  June  1616."  He  names 
Susanna  Alexander,  his  daughter,  as  his  only  execu- 
tor. His  assets  amounted  to  153  lib.  6s.  8d.  (Edin- 
burgh Commissariat  Reg.). 

Robert  Alexander,  merchant  in  Leith,  died  in 
1629,  and  on  the  17th  July  of  that  year  his  son,  who 
bore  the  same  Christian  name,  was  served  as  his 
heir  (General  Services,  x.  346).  On  the  26th  March 
1635,  a  bond  for  £2000  Scots,  in  favour  of  the  late 
Robert  Alexander,  indweller  in  Leith,  by  Sir  William 
Alexander  of  Menstry,  with  "Walter  Alexander, 
gentleman  usher  to  the  prince,"  as  one  of  the  caution- 
ers, was  registered  at  Edinburgh  at  the  instance  of 
Elizabeth  Alexander,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Robert 
(Register  of  Bonds). 

The  testament-dative  and  inventory  of  umquhil 
George  Alexander,  merchant-burgess  of  Edinburgh, 
who  died  in  November  1589,  was  given  up  by  Marion 
and  Catherine  Alexander,  his  daughters,  on  the  19th 
January  1610.  His  goods  were  valued  at  £770,  16s. 
8d.,  and  as  one  of  his  debtors  was  named  David 


Alexander,  merchant-burgess  of  Edinburgh  (Edin. 
Com.  Reg.,  vol.  xlvi.).  David  Alexander  is,  on  the 
15th  February  1590,  described  as  "merchant-burgess 
of  Edinburgh  "  (Register  of  Deeds,  vol.  xxxvi.,  317). 
He  had  sasine  of  a  mill  at  Stirling  (Stirling  Reg.  of 
Sasines),  and  on  the  6th  June  1616  obtained  a  charter 
of  a  hundred  merks  out  of  the  lands  of  Wester  Spott, 
Haddingtonshire  (Reg.  Mag.  Sig.).  He  died  on  the 
31st  December  1616.  In  his  will,  dated  14th  August 
1611,  he  mentions  his  wife,  Isobel  Allan,  his  son, 
"Mr  Robert  Alexander,"  and  his  daughters,  Eliza- 
beth, Elspeth,  Barbara,  Katherine,  and  Janet;  also 
his  two  sisters,  Christian  and  Margaret.  As  one  of 
the  guardians  of  his  children  he  names  "  Sir  William 
Alexander  of  Menstrie."  His  movable  estate  is 
valued  at  £3102,  10s.  Scots  (Edin.  Com.  Reg., 
vol.  L). 

Elizabeth,  eldest  daughter  of  David  Alexander, 
married  first,  in  1618,  James  Cochrane,  merchant- 
burgess  and  one  of  the  magistrates  of  Edinburgh, 
receiving  from  him  in  liferent  the  five-merk  lands  of 
Luchscillis,  in  the  barony  of  Monkland  and  county  of 
Lanark  (Gen.  Reg.  of  Sasines,  vol.  ii.,  p.  176) ;  she 
married,  secondly,  John  Winram,  merchant-burgess 
of  Edinburgh,  and  is  named  as  a  widow  7th  July 
1642  (General  Retours,  vol.  xvi.,  247). 

On  the  29th  January  1607,  Robert  Alexander, 
writer  in  Edinburgh,  made  complaint  against  a  person 
who  was  indebted  to  him,  and  refused  to  pay  (Reg. 


Mag.  Concilii).  He  was,  on  the  20th  March  1617, 
served  heir  to  David  Alexander,  his  father  (Gen. 
Ketours,  vol.  vi.,  184,  258). 

On  the  4th  December  1619,  Elizabeth  Alexander, 
wife  of  Bailie  James  Cochrane,  and  Katherine  Alex- 
ander, wife  of  John  Small,  merchant-burgess  of  Edin- 
burgh, were  served  heirs-portioners  of  Mr  Robert 
Alexander,  their  brother  (Gen.  Eetours,  vii.  181, 182). 

On  the  22d  December  1631,  Sir  James  Ker  of 
Crailing  granted  an  obligation  to  William  Stirling, 
writer  in  Edinburgh,  as  tutor  for  Elizabeth  Alex- 
ander, daughter  of  the  late  Robert  Alexander,  writer 
and  keeper  of  his  Majesty's  signet,  for  1000  merks 
(Gen.  Reg.  of  Deeds). 

On  the  21st  December  1635,  Mr  Harie  Shaw, 
minister  at  Logie,  granted  a  bond  for  £60  to  John 
Alexander,  Writer  to  the  Signet,  Edinburgh.  A  wit- 
ness to  the  transaction  was  James  Alexander,  mer- 
chant-burgess in  Stirling  (Register  of  Deeds,  489). 

Alexander  Alexander  was  long  employed  as  "  ser- 
vitor "  or  amanuensis  to  the  Earl  of  Stirling.  With 
a  view  to  his  obtaining  the  office  of  a  macer  in  the 
Court  of  Session,  Lord  Stirling  had  recommended 
him  to  the  Privy  Council.  As  the  recommendation, 
though  proceeding  on  the  royal  authority,  had  been 
overlooked,  the  command  as  to  his  appointment  was, 
on  the  24th  July  1630,  thus  emphatically  renewed  : 

"  (CHARLES  I.) 
"  Eight,  &c.     Whereas  wee  wer  long  since  pleased  to  signifie 


or  plesure  that  Robert  Chreichtoun  and  Alexander  Alexander 
should  be  preferred  to  the  first  vacking  offices  of  Maesarie, 
whereof  notwithstanding  they  have  been  disappointed  (as  we 
are  crediballie  informed),  contrarie  to  our  royal  intentions.  Now 
least  others  should  unseasonably  importune  us  to  have  these 
two  offices,  or  least  the  said  Robert  and  Alexander  be  furder 
disappointed  of  what  wee  intend  for  them,  Our  pleasour  is  that 
you  tak  notice  of  or  royall  intentions  herein.  And  if  any  such 
offices  doe  vaik  at  or  guift  by  death,  demissioune,  deprivatioune, 
or  other  wayes,  that  you  hearken  to  none  that  have  been  or 
shalbe  suittors  unto  us  or  you  for  the  same  (seeing  according  to 
or  first  intention),  wee  have  resolved  to  grant  the  first  place 
soe  vaiking  unto  the  said  Robert,  &  the  next  unto  the  said 
Alexander,  and  to  this  effect  that  you  both  cause  mak  ane  act  of 
counsell  and  sederunt.  And  for  your  soe  doeing  these  presents 
shalbe  a  sufficient  warrant." 

As  the  Council  remained  silent,  the  Lords  of  Session 
were,  in  a  royal  letter  dated  18th  May  1632,  next 
reminded  of  Alexander's  claims.  They  were  requested 
not  to  allow  his  employment  abroad  in  the  royal 
service  to  interfere  with  his  preferment  (Register  of 
Letters).  He  obtained  a  macership  soon  afterwards. 
He  married  Margaret,  eldest  daughter  of  John 
Forsyth,  resident  at  Westminster;  she  was,  on  the 
18th  January  1643,  served  heir  to  her  grandfather, 
John  Forsyth,  burgess  in  Forres  (General  Retours, 
xvii.  146).  Alexander  Alexander's  will  is  dated  7th 
April  1646  (Edinburgh  Com.  Reg.). 

On  the  16th  November  1636,  William  Alexander, 
merchant-burgess  of  Edinburgh,  granted  to  Thomas 
Winram  a  tak  or  lease  of  "  thrie  baithis  on  the  south 
side  of  the  hie  street  of  Edinburgh  "  for  six  years,  at 


the  yearly  rent  of  "thrie  hundreth  merkis  Scots 
money"  (Reg.  of  Deeds,  vol.  516). 

Thomas  Alexander,  writer  in  Edinburgh,  died  in 
November  1690,  and  his  testament-dative  was  de- 
livered up  by  his  widow,  Janet  Waterston.  His 
goods  were  valued  at  £133,  6s.  8d.  (Edin.  Com.  Reg., 
vol.  Ixxix.). 

Early  in  the  eighteenth  century,  William  Alexander 
(probably  of  Edinburgh)  described  as  "  nearest  heir- 
male  to  the  title  of  Earl  of  Stirling,"  married  Eliza- 
beth, eldest  daughter  of  the  Rev.  Andrew  Lumisden, 
minister  of  Duddingston,  and  latterly  non-jurant 
Bishop  of  Edinburgh,  by  his  wife,  Katherine,  only 
child  of  John  Craig,  son  of  the  celebrated  Sir  Thomas 
Craig  of  Riccarton.  By  his  wife,  William  Alexander 
had  a  son  and  daughter,  who  both  died  without  issue 
(Analecta  Scotica,  vol.  ii.,  pp.  32,  41). 

During  the  sixteenth  century,  a  branch  of  the 
House  of  Alexander  was  settled  in  the  county  of 
Peebles.  In  the  Edinburgh  Commissariat  Register 
are  recorded  the  wills  of  Andrew  Alexander  in 
Kirkurd,  dated  5th  February  1574;  and  of  Thomas 
Alexander  in  Linton,  dated  16th  April  1575.  In  the 
same  register  appear  the  will  of  Janet  Alexander, 
spouse  to  Alexander  Forester,  cooper  in  Blyth,  in 
the  parish  of  Linton,  who  died  in  October  1586,  "her 
free  gear"  amounting  to  231  lib.  10s.;  the  will  of 
William  Alexander  in  Gravelpits,  in  the  parish  of 
Linton,  dated  14th  January  1588 ;  and  the  will  of 

MEMORIALS    OF    THE   HOUSE    OF  ALEXANDER.          15 

James  Alexander  in  Gravelpits,  of  the  same  parish, 
and  his  wife,  Margaret  Russell,  in  parish  of  Linton 
and  sheriffdom  of  Peebles,  of  whom  the  former  died 
on  8th  November  1597,  and  the  latter  on  the  8th 
December  of  the  same  year,  leaving  a  son,  Richard. 

A  branch  of  the  family  settled  in  the  town  of 
Peebles.  On  the  14th  February  1711,  Patrick  Alex- 
ander, described  as  "  dweller  in  Kirkburne,"  had  a 
son,  William,  baptized  (Peebles  Parish  Register).  On 
the  18th  December  1729,  William  Alexander,  mer- 
chant in  Peebles,  and  Margaret  Crichton,  were  married 
(Peebles  Parish  Register).  Robert,  a  son  of  this 
marriage,  became  a  merchant  at  Moffat,  Dumfries- 
shire. By  his  wife,  Susan  Nicol,  sister  of  the  Rev. 
William  Nicol,  minister  of  the  Scottish  Church,  Swal- 
low Street,  London,  he  had  an  only  child,  William. 
Deprived  of  both  his  parents  in  childhood,  William 
Alexander  was  educated  in  Edinburgh,  where  he 
afterwards  settled.  His  son,  the  Rev.  William  Lind- 
say Alexander,  D.D.,  born  at  Edinburgh  on  the  24th 
August  1808,  studied  at  the  Universities  of  Edin- 
burgh and  St  Andrews,  and  in  1828  was  appointed 
classical  tutor  in  the  Lancashire  College,  Blackburn. 
He  was  in  1835  elected  pastor  of  an  Independent 
church  in  Edinburgh,  an  office  to  which  was  added, 
in  1854,  the  Professorship  of  Theology  to  the  Congre- 
gationalists  of  Scotland.  Among  other  works,  he 
has  published,  "  Anglo-Catholicism  not  Apostolical," 
"  Christ  and  Christianity,"  1854;  "  Life  of  Dr  Ward- 


law,"  1856 ;  "  Christian  Thought  and  Work/'  1862 ; 
"  St  Paul  at  Athens/'  1865.  He  has  contributed  the 
articles  "  Moral  Philosophy,"  "  Scripture,"  and  "  Theo- 
logy," to  the  eighth  edition  of  the  "  Encyclopedia 
Britannica ;  "  edited  the  third  edition  of  "  Kitto's  Bib- 
lical Cyclopaedia ; "  and  is  a  member  of  the  committee 
for  revising  the  translation  of  the  Old  Testament. 

In  his  "  History  of  Peeblesshire,"  Mr  William  Cham- 
bers of  Glenormiston  mentions  Charles  Alexander, 
farmer  at  Easter  Happrew,  in  the  parish  of  Stobo, 
who,  at  the  close  of  the  eighteenth  century,  was  dis- 
tinguished for  his  skill  as  an  agriculturist  (Cham- 
bers's  Peeblesshire,  p.  236). 

John  Alexander,  a  scion  of  the  House  of  Menstry, 
graduated  at  the  University  of  St  Andrews  in  1603 
(Act.  Rect.  Univ.  St  And.).  In  1610  he  was  ap- 
pointed rector  of  the  united  parishes  of  Hoddam, 
Luce,  and  Ecclefechan,  in  the  county  of  Dumfries. 
He  erected  a  parish  church  on  a  central  site  at  his 
private  cost  (Chalmers'  Caledonia,  1824,  4to,  vol.  iii., 
p.  197).  He  was  one  of  fifty-five  ministers  who,  on 
the  27th  June  1617,  subscribed  a  protest  on  behalf 
of  the  liberties  of  the  Church.  On  the  21st  October 
1634,  he  was  nominated  a  member  of  the  commission 
for  the  maintenance  of  Church  discipline  (Fasti  Eccl. 
Scot.,  i.  620).  On  the  6th  January  1636,  he  granted 
to  Sir  Eichard  Murray,  Bart,  of  Cokpute,  on  behalf 
of  his  wife,  Isobel  Barclay,  and  their  son,  William,  a 
renunciation  of  an  annual  rent  of  400  merks  "  furth 


of  the  lands  of  Cokpute,"  to  which  he  had  right  by 
a  contract  made  at  Manchester  on  the  5th  November 
1632  (Register  of  Deeds,  vol.  489).  He  and  his  wife 
obtained  a  charter,  on  the  28th  November  1642,  of 
the  lands  of  Over  Isgill,  in  the  county  of  Dumfries 
(Keg.  Mag.  Sig.,  lib.  Ivii.,  No.  162). 

On  the  13th  February  1643,  a  charter  under  the 
Great  Seal  was  granted  to  James,  Lord  Johnstoun  of 
Lochwood,  and  Mr  John  Alexander,  rector  of  Hod- 
dam,  equally  between  them  and  their  heirs,  of  the 
lands  of  Glendonyng,  comprehending  half  the  lands 
of  Corlaw,  Wester  Ker,  Fellcolme,  and  Felbrae, 
within  the  lordship  of  Eskdale  and  shire  of  Dumfries, 
as  principal,  and  the  other  half  of  Corlaw,  lands  of 
Curcleuche,  etc.,  in  warrandice,  which  lands  formerly 
belonged  to  the  said  James  Johnstoun  of  Westraw, 
and  were  resigned  by  him  for  this  new  infeftment 
(Reg.  Mag.  Sig.,  lib.  Ivii.,  No.  232). 

Mr  John  Alexander,  minister  of  Hoddam,  died  on 
the  14th  July  1660,  in  his  seventy-eighth  year.  In 
the  Register  of  the  Privy  Seal  for  1664,  are  narrated 
certain  proceedings  between  Isabella  Barclay,  his 
widow,  and  their  son  James,  and  the  Rev.  James 
Craig,  admitted  minister  of  Hoddam  in  1661,  in 
regard  to  the  possession  of  the  manse. 

Mrs  Isabella  Barclay,  relict  of  Mr  John  Alexander, 
minister  of  Hoddam,  died  2d  July  1682,  aged  eighty- 
two.  The  family  consisted  of  three  sons,  James, 
John,  and  William,  and  a,  daughter,  Barbara  (Fasti 


Eccl.  Scot.,  vol.  i.,  p.  620).  James,  the  eldest  son, 
acquired  the  estate  of  Knockhill,  in  the  parish  of 
Hoddam.  In  1701  he  settled  £1195,  6s.  4d.  Scots 
on  the  poor  of  the  parish. 

John,  second  son  of  Mr  John  Alexander,  was  some 
time  session- clerk  at  South  Leith,  an  office  which  he 
demitted  on  the  13th  July  1682  (S.  Leith  Sess.  Keg.). 
In  1680  he  published  a  quarto  volume,  entitled 
"  Jesuitico-Quakerism  Examined ;  or,  a  Confutation  of 
the  Blasphemous  and  Unreasonable  Principles  of 
the  Quakers,  with  a  Vindication  of  the  Church  of 
God  in  Britain."  This  work  was  dedicated  to  Sir 
Kobert  Clayton,  Lord  Mayor  of  London  ;  and  it  bears 
to  have  been  examined  and  approved  by  John  Hamil- 
ton at  the  appointment  of  the  Lord  Bishop  of  Edin- 
burgh. In  1683  John  Alexander  was  ordained 
minister  of  Kirknewton.  He  was  in  the  same  year 
translated  to  Durrisdeer,  in  the  county  of  Dumfries. 
Having  adhered  to  Episcopacy,  he  was  ejected  by  the 
people  in  1689.  He  died  at  Edinburgh  on  the  16th 
July  1716,  in  his  eighty-eighth  year.  He  married, 
first,  Isobel,  third  daughter  of  James,  Bishop  of  Gal- 
loway ;  and,  secondly,  Margaret  Angus,  who  died  at 
Edinburgh  subsequent  to  the  13th  September  1723. 

William  Alexander,  doctor  of  medicine  (probably 
the  youngest  son  of  Mr  John  Alexander,  minister  of 
Hoddam),  obtained  sasine  of  the  lands  of  Gillespie 
and  Craignarget,  in  the  parish  of  Old  Luce,  on  the 
16th  September  1709. 


The  estate  of  Kirkland,  in  the  parish  of  Dairy  and 
stewartry  of  Kirkcudbright,  belonged,  in  the  latter 
part  of  the  seventeenth  century,  to  Thomas  Alex- 
ander. He  acquired,  by  marriage,  the  lands  of 
Macketstown,  Glenhowl,  and  others  in  the  same 
parish.  He  is  now  represented  by  James  Alexander 
of  Corrieden,  in  the  parish  of  Balmaclellan  and 
stewartry  of  Kirkcudbright.  His  younger  brother, 
William,  is  owner  of  the  lands  of  Macketstown  and 

On  the  28th  May  1684,  Hugh  Alexander  of  Barra- 
chan,  in  the  parish  of  Mochrum,  is  mentioned  as 
having  for  his  wife,  Janet,  daughter  of  John  M'Cul- 
loch  of  Myreton,  in  the  same  parish.  They  appear  to 
have  had  an  only  child,  Margaret,  who  seems  to  have 
married  James  M'Culloch,  and  to  have  had  two  sons, 
John  and  Eobert. 

Migrating  from  the  Carrick  district  of  Ayrshire,  a 
branch  of  the  family  of  M'Alexander  effected  a  settle- 
ment in  the  district  of  Glenluce,  Wigtownshire.  En- 
gaging in  the  nautical  profession,  members  of  the 
family  traded  with  the  opposite  shore  of  Ireland, 
where  some  of  them  effected  a  settlement.  -  John 
M 'Alexander,  owner  of  a  coasting  vessel  at  Chapel- 
rossan,  near  Glenluce,  where  he  resided  about  the 
middle  of  the  eighteenth  century,  adopted  the  modern 
name  of  Alexander,  which  is  borne  by  his  descen- 
dants. By  his  wife,  Elizabeth  Murray,  he  had  three 
sons,  John,  William,  and  Hugh ;  also  four  daughters. 


William,  the  second  son,  born  21st  February  1763, 
was  pastor  of  the  Congregational  churches  at  Prescot 
and  Leigh,  Lancashire  ;  he  died  on  the  23d  January 
1855,  in  his  ninety-third  year.  His  memoirs  have 
been  published  by  his  son,  the  Rev.  John  Alexander, 
minister  of  Princes  Street  Chapel,  Norwich,  and 
author  of  several  religious  publications. 



IN  the  year  1413,  Richard  Alexander  is  one  of  the 
several  arbiters  appointed  to  decide  upon  a  question 
between  John  Stewart  of  Darnley  and  Sir  John  Ross 
of  Hawkhead,  relating  to  the  lands  of  Hullerished 
(Memorials  of  the  Maxwells  of  Pollok,  vol.  i.).  As 
Paisley  at  this  period  consisted  of  not  more  than 
twelve  houses,  it  is  not  improbable  that  from  this 
Richard  was  descended  John  Alexander,  who,  in 
1488,  when  the  village  of  Paisley  was  erected  into  a 
royal  burgh,  was  created  a  burgess.  He  is  described 
as  owner  of  a  house  and  land  on  the  west  side  of  the 
"  Paisley  Tak  and  Unhouss"  (Charter  by  Abbot 
George  Schaw  to  Andrew  Payntor,  1490).  In  1491 
David  Alexander  was  placed  on  the  roll  of  burgesses 
(Burgh  Records  of  Paisley).  He  succeeded  John 
Alexander,  and  possessed  the  same  property  in  1498 
(Charter  by  Robert,  Abbot  of  Paisley,  to  Richard 
Brigton).  In  1508  Gilbert  Alexander  became  a 
burgess  of  Paisley  (Burgh  Records).  In  the  MS. 


Rental  Book  of  the  Monastery  of  Paisley  (Advocates 
Library,  p.  153),  the  following  entry  occurs  in  the 
rental  of  John  Hamilton,  commendator,  made  in 
October  and  November  1525  :  "  Annui  redditus  ville 
de  Paslay,  The  Pryor  croft,  Jhone  Alexr-  &  Gilbert 
Alexr->  xiijs-  iiijd-"  Gilbert  Alexander  married  Agnes 
Inglis,  by  whom  he  had  a  son,  William,  who  is  men- 
tioned as  his  heir  in  1542  (Family  MSS.,  vol.  i.). 

In  the  Eental  .Book,  at  pages  185  and  187,  are 
these  entries  :  "  Anno  M°  etc.  xxvij  (1527)  Brablo 
syd,  Jhon  Alexr-  elder,  xiij  acris  .  .  .  ane  akyr 
jbl  bere;"  (circa  same  date),  "Corsflat,  xvij  acris, 
Jhone  Alexr-  ane  akyr  lb-  bere." 

John  Alexander,  son  of  John  Alexander,  pos- 
sessed, prior  to  1541,  the  house  and  land  known 
as  the  "  Paisley  Tak."  He  is,  in  a  charter  of 
that  year,  granted  by  John,  Abbot  of  Paisley,  to 
John  Dowhill,  described  as  "the  late  John  Alex- 
ander." In  1579  John  Alexander  of  the  Paisley 
Tak  is  named  in  a  deed  preserved  in  the  family.  In 
the  same  year,  Robert  Alexander,  with  his  wife,  Janet 
Mathie,  purchased,  at  the  cross  of  Paisley,  "the 
Pasley  Tak,"  situated  on  the  east  side  of  the  house 
and  land  possessed  by  John  Alexander  (Charter  in 
possession  of  the  family  of  Ballochmyle).  Robert 
Alexander  is  described  as  "  chamberlain  "  to  my  Lord 
of  Paisley  *  in  1597,  when  he  was  created  a  burgess 

*  Lord  Claud  Hamilton,  third  son  of  James,  Earl  of  Arran  and  Duke  of 
Chatelherault,  created  Lord  Paisley  in  1585.  James,  his  eldest  son,  was  first 
Earl  of  Abercorn. 


of  the  burgh  (Burgh  Records).  He  had  a  son,  John, 
who  married,  in  1598,  Elizabeth  Carswell,  by  whom 
he  had  two  sons,  Eobert  and  James,  and  two  daugh- 
ters, Catherine  and  Janet.  Both  the  daughters  were 

James,  second  son  of  John  Alexander  and  Eliza- 
beth Carswell,  was  one  of  the  two  bailies  of  Paisley, 
and  a  Commissioner  of  War.  He  had  two  sons, 
James  and  Claud.  The  latter  became  a  solicitor  in 

Eobert,  elder  son  of  John  Alexander  and  Eliza- 
beth Carswell,  was  born  in  1604.  He  was  a  solicitor 
in  Paisley ;  in  1647  he  was  elected  a  magistrate. 
He  purchased,  in  1648,  the  estate  of  Blackhouse, 
near  Ayr;  in  1665  the  estate  of  Boghall,  Ayrshire  ; 
and  in  1670  the  lands  of  Newtoun,  Renfrewshire. 
He  married  first,  in  1633,  Marion,  daughter  of  Claud 
Hamilton  of  Blackhole,  by  his  wife,  Janet  Orr,  who 
died  in  1648 ;  and  secondly,  Janet,  daughter  and 
co-heiress  of  David  Henderson,  burgess  of  Paisley, 
by  his  wife,  Isobel  Algeo.  In  an  infeftment,  dated 
3d  June  1662,  are  named  "Robert  Alexander  of 
Blackhouse,  and  Janet  Henderson  his  spouse."  In 
the  chancel  of  Paisley  Abbey  a  tombstone  was 
placed  by  Robert  Alexander,  to  denote  his  right  of 
sepulture  in  that  sacred  edifice.  It  is  inscribed  with 
his  initials  and  the  initials  of  his  two  wives,  with 
their  respective  shields. 

By  his  first  wife,  Robert  Alexander  of  Blackhouse 


had  several  children.  Of  these,  two  sons,  James 
and  Claud,  and  two  daughters,  Janet  and  Marion, 
survived  him.  Janet,  the  elder  daughter,  married 
James  Dunlop  of  Dovecot,  and  had  issue.  Marion, 
the  younger  daughter,  married,  in  1678,  John  Max- 
well of  Brediland,  and  had  issue.  Of  Robert  Alex- 
ander's second  marriage  were  born  two  sons,  Robert 
and  John.  John  settled  in  Carolina.*  He  died  on 
the  8th  October  1699,  and  his  testament-dative  and 
inventory  were,  in  January  1707,  "  made  and  given 
up  by  Kobert  Alexander,  one  of  the  Principal  Clerks 
of  Session."  Among  those  indebted  to  him  appears 
the  name  of  William,  Lord  Eoss,  who  had  originally 
granted  a  bond  to  his  father,  the  late  Robert  Alex- 
ander of  Blackhouse  (Edin.  Com.  Reg.,  vol.  Ixxxiii.). 

Robert,  third  son  of  Robert  Alexander  of  Black- 
house  (by  his  second  wife,  Janet  Henderson),  married 
Janet,  daughter  of  Alexander  Smith  of  Reids toun,  by 
his  wife,  Margaret,  daughter  of  Major  Hugh  Buntein 
of  Kilbryde.  By  her  he  had  two  daughters,  Janet, 
who  married  her  relative,  Robert  Alexander  of  Black- 
house  ;  and  Margaret,  who  married  Robert  Alexander 
of  Newtoun. 

James  Alexander,  designed  "  of  Boghall,"  eldest 
son  of  Robert  Alexander  of  Blackhouse,  was  born  in 
1634.  He  entered  the  University  of  Glasgow,  where 
he  graduated  in  1653.  Obtaining  licence  as  a  pro- 

*  Robert  Alexander,  Member  of  Congress  for  Carolina  during  the  war  of  inde- 
pendence, may  have  been  grandson  of  John  Alexander,  the  original  settler. 


bationer  in  1655,  he  was  the  same  year  ordained 
minister  of  Kilmalcolm,  Renfrewshire.  For  his  ad- 
herence to  the  Presbyterian  polity,  he  was  deprived 
by  Act  of  Parliament,  llth  June,  and  of  the  Privy 
Council,  1st  October  1662.  Accused  of  preaching 
and  baptizing  irregularly,  he  was  summoned  to  Ayr 
in  March  1669 ;  he  died  of  fever  in  the  same  year 
about  the  age  of  thirty-four  (Fasti  Eccl.  Scot.,  vol.  ii., 
p.  250).  He  married  Mary,  daughter  of  John  Max- 
well of  Southbar,  descended  from  Adam  Maxwell, 
fifth  son  of  the  first  Lord  Maxwell  of  Caerlaverock, 
by  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  William  Cuninghame  of 
Craigends  ;  she  died  in  1670.  By  her  he  had  a  son, 
John,  and  four  daughters,  Elizabeth,  Mary,  Jean,  and 
Anna.  His  daughter  Jean  was,  in  September  1689, 
married  to  William  Greenlees,  one  of  the  magistrates 
of  Paisley  (Keg.  Abbey  Parish  of  Paisley). 

John  Alexander,  only  son  of  Mr  James  Alexander, 
succeeded  his  father  in  the  estate  of  Boghall  in  1669, 
and  his  grandfather,  Eobert  Alexander,  in  the  lands  of 
Blackhouse  in  1687.  He  married  Janet,  daughter  of 
Alexander  Cuninghame  of  Craigends,  by  his  wife, 
Janet,  daughter  of  William  Cuninghame  of  Achin- 
yards,  and  had  two  sons,  Robert  and  William,  and  a 
daughter,  Anna.  Anna  Alexander  married  Peter 
Murdoch,  who,  in  1731,  was  Lord  Provost  of  Glasgow. 

Robert  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  John  Alexander 
of  Blackhouse  and  Boghall,  married  Janet,  daughter 
of  his  grand-uncle,  Robert  Alexander,  by  whom  he 


had  a  daughter,  Jean,  who  married  John  Lockhart 
of  Lee. 

William  Alexander,  second  son  of  John  Alexander 
of  Blackhouse  and  Boghall,  succeeded  to  the  paternal 
estates  on  the  death  of  Kobert,  his  elder  brother. 
He  became  a  banker  in  Edinburgh,  and  was  elected 
Lord  Provost  of  that  city  in  1752,  and  its  parliament- 
ary representative  in  1754.  A  continuation  of  his 
line  will  be  found  under  the  section,  "  Family  of  Alex- 
ander of  Airdrie  and  Cowdenhill." 

Claud,  second  son  of  Kobert  Alexander  of  Black- 
house,  by  his  first  wife,  Marion  Hamilton,  was  born 
in  1645.  By  a  disposition,  dated  24th  September 
1669,  he  received  from  his  father  several  subjects  in 
the  town  of  Paisley.*  In  1671  his  father  granted 
him  the  lands  of  Newtoun  (Reg.  Mag.  Sig.,  lib.  Ixii., 
288).  A  zealous  supporter  of  Presbyterianism,  he 
became  obnoxious  to  the  Government,  and  was  im- 
prisoned at  Edinburgh.  According  to  Wodrow  (vol. 
iv.,  215),  he  was,  on  the  3d  August  1686,  liberated 
"  under  a  bond  of  a  thousand  pounds  sterling,  to  live 
regularly,  and  answer  when  called  to  anything  that  is 
to  be  laid  to  his  charge." 

In  1677  Claud  Alexander  of  Newtoun  married  Jean, 
third  daughter  of  William  Ralston  of  that  ilk,  and 
his  wife,  Ursula  Mure  of  Glanderstoun,  by  whom  he 
had  two  sons  and  two  daughters.  In  the  Poll  Tax 

*  This  disposition,  in  the  handwriting  of  the  granter,  is  now  in  the  possession 
of  Mr  David  Semple,  writer,  Paisley. 


Eolls  of  Eenfrewshire  for  1695,  he  is  entered  thus : 
"Claud  Alexander  of  Newtoune  for  himself,  4  lib. 
6sh. ;  Jean  Ralstoune,  his  spouse,  6sh. ;  Kobert,  Claud, 
Ursula,  and  Marion,  Alexander's  children,  each  6sh,, 
with  three  servants." 

Marion,  elder  daughter  of  Claud  Alexander  of 
Newtoun,  was  born  in  March  1683.  She  married,  in 
1709,  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  Gavin  Cochrane  of 
Craigmuir,  brother  of  William,  first  Earl  of  Dun- 
donald.  Ursula,  the  younger  daughter,  born  Febru- 
ary 1688,  married,  in  1706,  John  Russell  of  Braidshaw, 
ancestor  of  Sir  William  Russell,  Bart,  of  Charlton, 
Gloucestershire.  Claud,  the  younger  son,  born  26th 
February  1690,  perished  at  sea. 

Robert  Alexander,  elder  son  of  Claud  Alexander 
of  Newtoun,  born  in  April  1681,  succeeded  his  father 
in  the  estate  of  Newtoun  in  1703.  He  married  his 
cousin  Margaret,  daughter  of  his  uncle,  Robert  Alex- 
ander, by  whom  he  had  a  son  and  daughter.  The 
daughter,  Jean,  married  Robert  Neilson  of  Paisley, 
by  whom  she  had  issue. 

Claud  Alexander,  only  son  of  Robert  Alexander  of 
Newtoun,  was  born  in  1724,  and  succeeded  to  New- 
toun in  1738.  He  married,  in  1746,  Joanna,  daughter 
of  Alexander  Cuninghame  of  Craigends  (descended 
from  the  noble  House  of  Glencairn),  by  his  wife, 
Anne,  daughter  of  Sir  John  Houstoun,  Bart,  of  that 
ilk,  and  grand-daughter  of  John  Drummond,  Earl  of 
Melfort.  Claud  Alexander  of  Newtoun  died  in  1772, 

28        MEMORIALS   OF   THE   HOUSE   Otf   ALEXANDER. 

leaving  five  sons  and  six  daughters.  The  daughters 
were — Catherine ;  Margaret,  born  1753  ;  Anna,  born 
1754;  Wilhelmina,  Lockhart,  and  Lilias  (Baptismal 
Register  of  Abbey  Parish,  Paisley).  Wilhelmina 
Alexander  is  celebrated  by  Burns  in  his  song,  "  The 
Bonnie  Lass  o'  Ballochmyle."  The  poet  had,  by  the 
banks  of  the  Ayr,  chanced  to  encounter  Miss  Wilhel- 
mina. There  was  no  conversation  or  sign  of  recog- 
nition, but  the  poet  afterwards  despatched  to  her  a 
copy  of  his  song.  She  did  not  acknowledge  it,  but 
her  nephew,  the  proprietor  of  Ballochmyle,  has 
placed  a  bower  on  the  spot  where  the  poet  saw  her. 
Miss  Wilhelmina  Alexander  died  unmarried  in  1843, 
at  the  age  of  eighty-eight. 

Lockhart,  fifth  daughter  of  Claud  Alexander  of 
Newtoun,  married  her  cousin,  Claud  Neilson,  and  had 

Boyd,  third  son  of  Claud  Alexander,  born  January 
1758,  entered  the  service  of  the  East  India  Company. 
He  purchased  the  estates  of  Southbar  and  Boghall, 
Renfrewshire.  In  1796  he  was  chosen  M.P.  for  Ren- 
frew, and  was  returned  as  representative  for  Glasgow 
in  1806.  He  married  his  cousin,  Camilla,*  daughter 
of  Boyd  Porterfi eld  of  that  ilk,  by  his  wife  Christian, 
daughter  of  Alexander  Cuninghame  of  Craigends. 
He  died  without  issue  in  1825.  Alexander,  fourth 
son  of  Claud  Alexander,  born  August  1766,  died 

*  Camilla  Alexander  was  great-great-granddaugliter  of  William  Boyd,  first 
Earl  of  Kilmarnock,  whose  great-grandson,  the  fourth  earl,  was  beheaded  on 
Tower  Hill  for  joining  in  the  rebellion  of  1745. 


unmarried.  John,  the  youngest  son,  entered  the 
army,  and  became  major  in  the  56th  Regiment.  He 
married  his  cousin  Jean,  daughter  of  Kobert  Neilson, 
and  died  without  issue. 

Robert,  eldest  son  of  Claud  Alexander,  was  born 
in  1747.  He,  in  1772,  succeeded  to  Newtoun,  which 
he  afterwards  sold;  he  died  without  issue.  Claud, 
second  son,  born  1753,  entered  the  Civil  Service  of 
the  East  India  Company,  and  became  paymaster- 
general  of  the  Company's  troops  in  Bengal.  From 
the  old  family  of  Whitefoord  he  purchased  the  estate 
of  Ballochmyle,  Ayrshire,  in  1783,  and  there  estab- 
lished his  seat.  He  married,  in  1788,  Helenora, 
daughter  of  Sir  William  Maxwell,  Bart,  of  Spring- 
kell,  by  his  wife,  Margaret,  daughter  of  Sir  Michael 
Shaw  Stewart,  Bart,  of  Blackball  and  Ardgowan. 
He  was  father  of  three  sons  and  five  daughters. 
Margaret  Stewart,  the  eldest  daughter,  died  in  1861; 
Catherine  Maxwell,  second  daughter,  died  in  1834 ; 
Anna  Joanna,  third  daughter,  died  in  1859;  Helenora, 
fourth  daughter,  died  young.  Mary,  the  youngest 
daughter,  married,  in  1834,  Joshua  Stansfield  Cromp- 
ton  of  Azerley,  Yorkshire ;  she  died  in  1867,  leaving 

Claud,  eldest  son  of  Claud  Alexander  of  Balloch- 
myle, became  an  officer  in  the  1st  regiment  of  Guards. 
He  succeeded  to  Ballochmyle  in  1809,  and  married 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Colonel  Keatinge,  by  his 
wife,  Lady  Martha  Brabazon,  daughter  of  Anthony, 


eighth  Earl  of  Meath.  He  died  without  issue  in 
1845,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  brother,  William 
Maxwell  Alexander  of  Southbar.  This  gentleman 
died  unmarried  in  1853,  and  was  succeeded  in  his 
estates  by  his  brother,  Boyd  Alexander. 

Boyd  Alexander  of  Ballochmyle  and  Southbar, 
born  in  1796,  married,  in  1828,  Sophia  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  Sir  Benjamin  Hobhouse,  Bart,  of 
Westbury,  Wiltshire,  and  sister  of  John,  Lord 
Broughton,  G.C.B.,  by  whom  he  had  five  sons  and 
one  daughter,  Helenora  Margaret  Angela.  She  mar- 
ried, in  1857,  John  Archibald  Shaw  Stewart,  second 
son  of  Sir  Michael  Shaw  Stewart,  Bart,  of  Ardgowan, 
and  died  in  1865,  leaving  issue. 

John  Hobhouse  Inglis,  second  son  of  Boyd  Alex- 
ander of  Ballochmyle,  was  born  in  1832,  and  suc- 
ceeded his  father  in  the  estate  of  Southbar.  In  1844 
he  joined  the  Royal  Navy,  in  which  he  obtained  the 
rank  of  captain.  He  served  in  the  East  and  West 
Indies  and  the  Crimea ;  also  in  the  Japanese  war,  in 
which  he  was  severely  wounded.  Captain  Alexander 
was  a  Companion  of  the  Bath ;  an  aide-de-camp  to 
the  Queen,  and  an  officer  of  the  Legion  of  Honour. 
He  married  Isabella  Barbara,  daughter  of  T.  C. 
Hume,  Esq.,  and  had  issue,  two  sons,  Boyd  William 
John,  born  1862,  and  Edwin  St  Clair,  born  1865 ;  also 
three  daughters,  Sophia  Isabella,  Evelyn  Mary,  and 
Cora  Sybil.  Captain  Alexander  died  in  November 


Boyd  Francis  Alexander,  third  son  of  Boyd  Alex- 
ander of  Ballochmyle,  was  born  in  1834.  He  served 
with  the  Kifle  Brigade  in  Turkey,  India,  and  Canada. 
He  was  twice  wounded  in  the  Indian  Mutiny,  and 
was  mentioned  in  despatches,  and  promoted  to  the 
rank  of  major  in  the  army  for  his  services.  He  is 
now  lieutenant-colonel.  He  married,  in  1865,  Mary, 
daughter  of  David  Wilson  of  Castleton,  Surrey,  by 
whom  he  has  had  four  sons,  Boyd  and  Robert,  born 
1873 ;  Herbert,  born  1874 ;  and  David,  born  1876 ; 
and  two  daughters,  Marion  and  Helenor.  In  1871 
he  purchased  the  estate  of  Swifts,  Kent. 

William  Maxwell,  fourth  son  of  Boyd  Alexander 
of  Ballochmyle,  was  born  in  1836.  He  was  some 
time  in  the  Civil  Service  of  the  East  India  Company, 
and  served  as  a  volunteer  at  Agra  in  the  Indian 
Mutiny.  He  married  Emma,  daughter  of  the  Rev. 
William  Thorp. 

Michael  Stewart,  youngest  son  of  Boyd  Alexander 
of  Ballochmyle,  was  born  1839,  and  died  in  1855. 

Claud  Alexander,  now  of  Ballochmyle,  was  born 
15th  January  1831.  He  succeeded  his  father  in  the 
estate  of  Ballochmyle  in  1861.  He  is  a.  deputy- 
lieutenant  of  Ayrshire,  a  colonel  in  the  Grenadier 
Guards,  and  has  obtained  the  Order  of  the  Medjidee. 
With  his  regiment  he  served  in  the  Crimean  war. 
At  the  general  election  in  1874  he  was  elected  M.P. 
for  South  Ayrshire.  In  1863  he  married  Eliza, 
daughter  of  Alexander  Speirs  of  Elderslie,  M.P., 


Lord-Lieutenant  of  Eenfrewshire,  by  whom  he  has  a 
son,  Claud,  born  24th  February  1867. 

The  families  of  this  branch  use  the  following  ar- 
morial bearings :  Alexander  of  Boghall  and  Black- 
house  bears,  "parted  per  pale  argent  and  sable,  a 
chevron  betwixt  a  writing-pen  fessways  in  chief,  and 
a  crescent  in  base,  all  counterchanged ;  above  the 
shield,  an  helmet  befitting  his  degree,  mantled  gules, 
doubled  argent;  next  is  placed  on  a  torse  for  crest, 
a  hand  holding  a  quill  proper ;  the  motto  in  scroll, 
'  Fidem  Serva.'  Matriculated  26th  July  1673  "  (Lyon 

Boyd  Alexander  of  Southbar,  M.P.  for  Eenfrew, 
matriculated  in  1784,  bears,  "  parted  per  pale  argent 
and  sable,  a  chevron;  in  base  a  crescent,  and  in 
chief  a  writing-pen  counterchanged ;  all  within  a 
bordure,  parted  per  pale  gules  and  or.  Crest — A 
dexter  hand  holding  a  writing-pen,  both  proper. 
Motto — '  Fidem  Serva ' "  (Lyon  Eegister). 

The  arms  of  Claud  Alexander  of  Ballochmyle, 
matriculated  in  1788,  are :  "  Parted  per  pale  argent 
and  sable,  a  chevron ;  in  base  a  crescent,  and  in 
chief  a  fleur  -  de  -  lys,  all  counterchanged  ;  within  a 
bordure  parted  per  pale  gules  and  or.  Crest — An 
elephant  proper.  Motto  — '  Perseverantia  vincit'" 
(Lyon  Eegister). 



WILLIAM  ALEXANDER,  second  son  of  John  Alexander 
of  Blackhouse  and  Boghall,  was,  on  the  13th  June 
1733,  admitted  a  burgess  and  guild  brother  of  Edin- 
burgh. He  was  elected  Lord  Provost  of  that  city  on 
the  3d  October  1752,  and  was  re-elected  to  the  office 
on  the  2d  October  1753  (Burgess  and  Town  Council 
Records  of  Edinburgh).  In  1754  he  was  chosen  one 
of  the  Parliamentary  representatives  of  the  city 
(Anderson's  History  of  Edinburgh,  pp."  609,  610). 
According  to  the  Rev.  Dr  Somerville,  Lord  Provost 
Alexander  conducted  business  as  a  banker  in  Edin- 
burgh. He  often  received  a  solitary  letter  by  the 
London  mail,  a  fact  which  Dr  Somerville  quotes  in 
illustration  of  the  limited  business  then  conducted  in 
the  Scottish  capital  (Somerville's  Life  and  Times, 
1741-1814).  Lord  Provost  Alexander  died  in  July 
1763.  He  married  Marione  Louisa  de  la  Croix,  a 
member  of  a  Huguenot  family  which  fled  from  Roch- 
elle  on  the  revocation  of  the  Edict  of  Nantes,  by 
whom  he  had  three  sons,  Robert,  William,  and  Alex- 


ander  John,  and  a  daughter,  Jean.  Having  died 
intestate,  his  testament-dative  and  inventory  were 
made  and  given  up  by  Eobert  and  William  Alex- 
ander, merchants  in  Edinburgh,  his  sons  and  executors. 
His  substance  was  declared  to  consist  of  stock  in  the 
Koyal  Bank  of  Scotland,  amounting  to  £6792  (Edin. 
Com.  Keg.,  vol.  cxx.).  Inscribed  in  a  mortuary  en- 
closure attached  to  Eoslin  Chapel,  presented  to  him 
by  a  member  of  the  House  of  St  Clair,  are  these 
words  :  "  In  this  ground  are  interred  William  Alex- 
ander, Provost  and  M.P.  for  Edinburgh,  who  died 
1763 ;  also  his  daughter  Jean,  and  sons  Eobert  and 
Alexander  John  Alexander.  Eepaired  1840."* 

Eobert  and  Alexander  John,  sons  of  Lord  Provost 
Alexander,  died  without  issue.  William,  the  second 
son,  was  born  in  1729.  After  a  period  of  residence 
in  France,  he  proceeded  in  1783  to  the  United  States. 
Till  1811  he  resided  at  Staunton  in  Virginia,  when 
he  removed  to  Kentucky,  where  he  died  in  1819,  at 
the  age  of  ninety.  He  married,  first,  Christian,  only 
daughter  of  John  Aitchison  of  Eochsolach  and 
Airdrie,  in  the  county  of  Lanark ;  and  secondly, 
Agatha  de  la  Porte,  belonging  to  an  ancient  family 
at  Montpellier!  Of  his  first  marriage  were  born  two 
sons  and  six  daughters.  Bethia,  the  eldest  daughter, 
born  27th  March  1757,  died  in  1839,  unmarried; 
Marianne,  second  daughter,  born  12th  December 

*  Mrs  Marione  Louisa  de  la  Croix,  relict  of  William  Alexander,  died  on  the 
1st  January  1773. 


1758,  married  General  Jonathan  Williams  of  Phila- 
delphia, nephew  of  Dr  Franklin;  she  had  a  son, 
H.  J.  Williams,  of  Chesnut  Villa,  Philadelphia, 
and  a  daughter,  Mrs  Thomas  Biddle,  deceased; 
Christine,  third  daughter,  born  24th  August  1762, 
died  unmarried  in  1845 ;  Jane,  fourth  daughter,  born 
5th  June  1765,  died  1843;  Isabella,  fifth  daughter, 
born  17th  October  1768,  married  John  Peter  Hankey, 
merchant,  London,  by  whom  she  had  three  sons, 
John  Alexander,  General  Henry,  and  Captain  Wil- 
liam, and  a  daughter,  Julia,  who  married  the  Hon. 
Seymour  Bathurst;  Joanna,  sixth  daughter,  born 
10th  June  1771,  died  in  1783. 

By  his  second  marriage,  William  Alexander  was 
father  of  four  sons,  John  Regis,  Andrew,  Charles,  and 
James,  and  a  daughter,  Apolline  Agatha,  who  mar- 
ried Thomson  Hankey,  Esq.,  M.P.  for  Peterborough, 
and  one  of  the  directors  of  the  Bank  of  England. 

John  Regis,  eldest  son  of  William  Alexander  by 
his  second  marriage,  married,  first,  Marianne  Camp- 
bell, secondly,  Eliza  Dudley ;  he  died  in  1874,  leaving 
issue.  Andrew  Alexander  married  Mira  Madison, 
daughter  of  the  governor  of  Kentucky ;  he  died  in 
1834,  leaving  issue.  Charles,  the  second  son  of  the 
second  marriage,  married  Martha  Madison,  and  has 
two  sons. 

William,  born  18th  May  1755,  eldest  son  of  Wil- 
liam Alexander  of  Airdrie,  was  called  to  the  bar  by 
the  Society  of  the  Middle  Temple  on  the  22d  Nov- 


ember  1782.  He  was  nominated  King's  Counsel  in 
1800,  and  a  Master  of  Chancery  in  November  1809. 
In  1824  he  was  appointed  Lord  Chief  Baron  of 
the  Exchequer,  an  office  which  he  held  till  January 
1831,  when  he  was  succeeded  by  Lord  Chancellor 
Lyndhurst.  He  was  sworn  of  the  Privy  Council  on 
his  elevation  to  the  bench,  19th  January  1824,  and 
the  same  day  received  the  honour  of  knighthood. 
As  an  equity  and  real  property  lawyer,  he  enjoyed 
professional  celebrity.  He  succeeded  in  1837  to  the 
estate  of  Cloverhill  or  Cowden,  in  the  parish  of 
New  Kilpatrick,  Dumbartonshire,  on  the  death  of 
Andrew  Hunter  Spreul  Crawfurd,  his  second  cousin. 
He  died  on  the  29th  June  1842,  at  the  advanced  age  of 
eighty-seven.  His  remains  were  deposited  at  Koslin 

Eobert  Alexander,  second  son  of  William  Alex- 
ander and  Christian  Aitchison,  was  born  7th  January 
1767,  and  emigrated  to  the  United  States  in  1786. 
He  first  settled  in  Virginia,  and  removed  to  Kentucky 
in  1791.  There  he  purchased  the  extensive  estate 
of  Woodburn,  in  the  county  of  Woodford.  He  died 
in  February  1841.  By  his  wife  Eliza,  daughter  of 
Daniel  Weisiger  of  Frankfort,  Kentucky,  whom  he 
married  in  1814,  he  had  three  sons  and  two  daugh- 
ters. Lucy,  the  elder  daughter,  born  18th  September 
1822,  married  James  B.  Waller  of  Chicago,  by  whom 
she  has  had  two  sons  and  seven  daughters.  Mary 
Bell,  the  second  daughter,  born  29th  July  1830,  mar- 


ried,  in  1859,  Henry  Charles  Deedes,  Esq.,  formerly 
of  the  Indian  Office.  William  Alexander,  the  eldest 
son,  born  in  1816,  died  in  1817. 

Robert,  the  second  son,  born  25th  October  1819, 
was  educated  at  Oxford,  where  he  graduated  as 
Bachelor  of  Arts.  He  succeeded  to  the  estates  of 
Airdrie  and  Cowdenhill  on  the  death  of  his  uncle, 
Sir  William  Alexander,  in  1842,  when  he  added  to 
his  patronymic  the  names  of  Spreul  Crawfurd  Aitchi- 
son.  He  died  unmarried  1st  December  1867. 

Alexander  John  Alexander,  third  son  of  Robert 
Alexander  of  Woodburn,  Kentucky,  born  7th  Octo- 
ber 1824,  succeeded  to  the  estates  of  Woodburn, 
Airdrie,  and  Cowdenhill,  in  1867.  He  married,  first, 
6th  May  1851,  Lucy,  daughter  of  David  Humphreys 
of  Woodford,  Kentucky,  by  whom  (she  died  25th 
September  1858)  he  had  David,  born  19th  February 

1852,  died  February  1860 ;  Mary,  born  6th  October 

1853,  died  January  1860;    and  Robert,   born  July 
1855,  died  9th   December   1859.      Alexander  John 
Alexander  of  Woodburn  married,  secondly,  5th  Octo- 
ber 1871,  Lucy,  daughter   of  Humphrey  Fullerton 
of  Chillicothie,  Ohio,  by  whom  he  has  had  Robert 
Aitchison,  born  27th  August  1872,  died  15th  Octo- 
ber  1872;    Elizabeth,  born   19th  September   1873; 
and  Alexander  John  Aitchison,   born    5th   August 



AMONG  the  descendants  of  Richard  Alexander  of 
Paisley  (see  supra,  p.  21)  was  John  Alexander,  who  is 
mentioned  in  1553;  also  his  son,  Alexander  (Balloch- 
myle  Family  Papers).  Robert  Alexander  is  described 
in  1595  as  farmer  at  Candren,  near  Paisley.  His  son 
Robert  was  a  tanner  at  Causeyside,  on  the  banks  of 
the  river  Cart.  According  to  the  Registers  of  Paisley 
Abbey  Parish,  families  of  the  name  of  Alexander 
continued  to  reside  at  Candren  and  at  Causeyside, 
Paisley,  till  the  beginning  of  the  present  century. 

In  1599,  John  Alexander,  elder,  was  member  of  a 
jury  at  the  service  of  an  heir ;  and  in  1600,  John 
Alexander,  younger,  was  one  of  a  jury  at  another 
service.  Robert  Alexander,  elder,  in  Candren,  is 
mentioned  in  1610. 

John  Alexander  the  younger  was  father  of  four 
sons,  Robert,  William,  John,  and  James,  and  a 
daughter,  Janet.  Robert,  the  eldest  son,  engaged  in 
merchandise  at  Paisley,  and  was  elected  a  bailie  of 


the  burgh.  In  the  record  of  the  baptism  of  Robert, 
lawful  son  of  Claud  Alexander,  younger,  in  Paisley, 
21st  May  1680,  he  is  named  as  co-witness  with  Eobert 
Alexander,  in  Blackhouse,  and  is  styled  "Eobert 
Alexander,  merchand,  late  baylie  of  Paysley  "  (Regis- 
ter Abbey  Parish,  Paisley).  He  married  Janet  Snod- 
grass,  and  had  issue  (Poll  Tax  Roll,  Paisley,  1695). 

William  Alexander,  second  son,  was  a  merchant- 
burgess  of  Paisley,  and  also  held  office  in  the  magis- 
tracy. He  married,  July  1670,  Margaret  Hamilton 
of  Paisley  (Register  Abbey  Parish,  Paisley). 

John  Alexander,  third  son,  settled  in  Dublin  as  a 
lime  agent.  He  died  in  1671,  leaving  a  widow  and  a 
daughter  Avia,  who  married  William  Hartley,  with 
issue  (Grant  Book,  Probate  Court,  Dublin). 

James  Alexander,  fourth  son,  practised  in  Dublin 
as  a  solicitor  (see  "  Family  of  Alexander  of  Dublin  "). 

Janet  Alexander,  daughter  of  John  Alexander  the 
younger,  married  John  Spreul,  merchant-burgess  and 
magistrate  of  Paisley.  Bailie  Spreul  purchased  lands 
from  the  community  of  Paisley  in  1672,  one  of  the 
cautioners  for  the  price  being  his  brother-in-law, 
Robert  Alexander,  merchant  (Burgh  Records  of 

Bailie  Spreul  had,  by  his  wife  Janet  Alexander, 
two  sons — James,  who  became  an  apothecary  in 
Paisley,  and  John,  of  whom  hereafter.  James 
Spreul,  apothecary  in  Paisley,  married,  21st  Janu- 
ary 1674,  Anna,  daughter  of  John  Spreul,  town- 


clerk  of  Glasgow.  Their  daughter  married  John 
Shortridge,  merchant,  Glasgow,  and  had  a  son 
John,  who  became  a  magistrate  of  that  city.  He 
married  Hannah  Park  of  Paisley,  and  succeeding  to 
the  entailed  property  of  his  maternal  ancestors  in 
the  Trongate  of  Glasgow,  assumed  the  surname  of 

The  family  of  Spreul  merits  particular  notice  owing 
to  its  connection  at  several  points  with  the  House 
of  Alexander. 

Walter  Spreul  of  Cowden,  "  seneschal  of  the  Len- 
nox," had,  in  the  reign  of  Alexander  III.,  a  grant 
from  the  Earl  of  Lennox  of  the  lands  of  Dalquharn 
in  Dumbartonshire.  In  that  county  the  family 
remained  till  1622,  when  William,  Lord  Cochrane  of 
Cowden,  father  of  the  first  Earl  of  Dundonald,  pur- 
chased from  John  Spreul  the  lands  of  Cowden. 
John  Spreul,  a  younger  son  of  the  proprietor  of 
Cowden,  was  in  1507  vicar  of  Dundonald,  and  Pro- 
fessor of  Philosophy  in  the  College  of  Glasgow.  He 
was  subsequently  appointed  rector  of  the  university 
and  a  canon  of  the  cathedral  (Eental  Book  of  Diocese 
of  Glasgow,  printed  for  the  Grampian  Club).  He 
purchased  the  lands  of  Ladymuir,  Castlehill,  and 
Blackairn,  in  the  diocese  of  Glasgow.  In  1555  his 
lands  came  into  the  possession  of  his  nephew,  John 
Spreul,  burgess  of ~  Glasgow.  The  grandson  of  this 
person,  John  Spreul,  was  Provost  of  Renfrew  early 
in  the  reign  of  Charles  I.  His  son,  who  bore  the 


same  Christian  name,  was  town-clerk  of  Glasgow, 
and  afterwards  a  Principal  Clerk  of  Session  (Nisbet's 
Heraldry,  vol.  i.,  p.  427;  and  vol.  ii.,  appendix, 
p.  24).  ' 

John  Spreul,  eldest  son  of  John  Spreul,  town-clerk 
of  Glasgow,  was  trained  to  legal  pursuits.  He  mar- 
ried Isobel,  only  child  of  Hugh  Craufurd  of  Clober- 
hill,  Dumbartonshire,  and,  succeeding  to  the  lands, 
assumed  the  surname  of  Craufurd.  In  1716  John 
Spreul  executed  a  deed  of  entail,  by  which  he  des- 
tined the  lands  of  Cloberhill  and  Drumchapel  (which 
he  called  Cowden,  the  name  of  the  old  family  estate) 
to  his  heirs-male,  whom  failing,  his  heirs  whomsoever. 
Of  his  marriage  were  born  eight  daughters,  and  on 
his  death,  without  male  issue,  the  estate  devolved 
on  the  issue  of  his  youngest  daughter,  Agnes,  wife 
of  -  Hunter,  whose  grandson,  Andrew  Hunter 
Spreul  Crauford,  succeeded  to  the  estate.  '  On  the 
death  of  this  gentleman  in  1837,  Sir  William  Alex- 
ander, Chief  Baron  of  Exchequer,  grandson  of  the 
eldest  daughter  of  the  entailer,  succeeded  to  the 

John  Spreul,  merchant  in  Paisley,  who  .married 
Janet  Alexander,  was  descended  from  the  old  family 
of  Cowden.  In  the  Burgh  Records  of  Paisley  is  the 
following  entry  :  "  19th  Decr  1600.— qlk  day  Gabriel 
Spruell  was  decernit  to  deliver  to  Rob1  Stewart  ane 
stane  cheis,  price  y*  xiijs.  iiijd.,  or  then  ane  buik 
callit  the  Howis  of  Alex1-"  Gabriel  Spreul  died  in 


April  1603,  and  the  book  called  "  The  Howis  of  Alex- 
ander "  is  known  only  by  the  preceding  entry.  When 
a  youth,  attending  the  grammar  school  of  Paisley,  the 
persecuted  William  Muir  of  Caldwell  lodged  in  the 
house  of  John  Spreul,  and  it  is  probable  that  he  then 
embraced  those  Covenanting  principles,  on  account 
of  which  he  suffered  persecution  (Wodrow's  History, 
vol.  ii.,  pp.  28,  29,  73,  75 ;  vol.  iii.,  pp.  439-441).  A 
zealous  upholder  of  Presbyterianism,  he  was  selected 
for  punishment  by  General  Dalziel  in  1667,  but  con- 
trived to  effect  his  escape  (Wodrow's  History,  vol. 
iv.,  p.  252).  His  son  John,  who  afterwards  became 
an  apothecary  in  Glasgow,  was  taken  prisoner  at 
Paisley  by  Dalziel's  soldiers  in  1667,  in  consequence 
of  his  refusing  to  divulge  his  father's  hiding-place. 
In  1677  he  was  cited  to  appear  before  a  court  at 
Glasgow  on  the  charge  of  nonconformity.  Learning 
that  a  severe  sentence  was  contemplated,  he  fled 
from  the  country.  Leaving  his  business  to  the  con- 
duct of  his  wife,  he  first  proceeded  to  Holland,  and 
afterwards  resided  at  Dublin  with  his  uncle,  James 
Alexander.  After  the  battle  of  Drumclog,  he  re- 
turned to  Scotland  in  June  1679  ;  but  on  the  defeat 
of  the  Covenanters  at  Bothwell  Bridge  on  the  22d  of 
that  month,  he  again  sought  refuge  abroad.  Keturn- 
ing  to  Scotland  in  1680  with  the  view  of  carrying  his 
wife  and  family  to  Eotterdam,  he  was,  on  the  12th 
November  of  that  year,  apprehended  at  Edinburgh, 
and  examined  before  the  Privy  Council,  As  his 


answers  failed  to  implicate  himself  or  others,  the 
Council  decreed  that  he  should  be  examined  by  tor- 
ture. Though  twice  subjected  to  the  frightful  tor- 
ture of  the  boot,  he  maintained  his  equanimity  and 
upheld  his  honour.  He  was  committed  to  the  prison 
of  the  Bass  in  1681,  and  there  remained  till  May 
1687,  when  he  was  liberated  (Wodrow's  History,  vol. 
iii.,  pp.  252-262;  vol.  iv.,  pp.  412,  413). 

John  Alexander,  of  the  family  of  Candren,  was 
born  at  Paisley  in  October  1690  (Family  Information). 
He  proceeded  to  Ireland,  and  settled  as  a  tanner  and 
coal  merchant  at  New  Eoss,  county  Wexford.  He 
married  Catherine/  daughter  of  Colonel  Knight 
Clifford,  co -heiress  of  the  estate  of  Cahirglissane, 
county  Galway.  He  died  in  1769.  In  his  will  he 
expresses  a  desire  to  be  buried  "  privately,  without 
scarves."  To  his  son  James,  as  holding  a  commis- 
sion in  the  army,  he  bequeathed  "  five  shillings,  not 
from  any  dislike."  To  his  son  Arthur  he  provided 
his  freehold  lease  in  Eoss,  with  the  stock  of  his  tan- 
yard,  salt- work,  and  coal-yard  in  Eoss ;  also  his  hold- 
ings in  Carlow  and  Leighlen  Bridge,  and  the  interest 
of  his  dwelling-house  and  fields,  called  Tabbercreach. 
To  his  second  son,  Eobert,  he  bequeathed  £100,  with 
the  expression  of  a  hope  that  having  got  a  college 
education,  he  would  consider  this  sum  as  sufficient. 

*  "December  16,  1727. — Licence  granted  by  the  archbishop  for  the  solemni- 
sation of  marriage  between  John  Alexander,  of  the  parish  of  Hook,  in  the  county 
of  Wexford,  gent.,  and  Catherine  Clifford,  of  the  parish  of  Warburge,  Dublin" 
(Book  of  Acts,  Prerogative  Court,  Dublin). 


To  his  "  deare  sister  Madden  "  he  bequeathed  £5  to 
buy  mourning  (Will  in  Probate  Court). 

James  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  John  Alexander 
of  New  Ross,  served  as  a  lieutenant  in  the  83d 
Regiment.  He  married  Mary,  daughter  of  J.  Love- 
lace, by  whom  he  had  three  sons,  John,  James,  and 
Wentworth,  and  four  daughters,  Jane,  Hannah, 
Margaret,  and  Grizel.  He  died  in  1791,  and  his 
will,  dated  22d  April  1789,  was  proved  to  his  son 
John  on  the  renunciation  of  his  executors.  De- 
scribed as  "  James  Alexander  of  Harristoun,  in 
King's  County,"  he  bequeathed  to  his  eldest  son, 
John,  that  part  of  the  lands  of  Cahirglissane,  in  the 
barony  of  Kiltarton,  county  Galway,  which  came 
to  him  by  his  mother,  subject  to  the  payment  of  £10 
yearly  to  his  "beloved  wife,  Mary  Alexander."  To 
his  daughters,  Jane,  Hannah,  Margaret,  and  Grizel, 
he  bequeathed  £100  each,  and  to  his  son  James  £50. 
Failing  the  issue  of  his  son  John,  he  bequeathed  the 
lands  of  Cahirglissane  to  his  son  James  and  his  issue, 
whom  failing,  to  his  son  Wentworth,  and  failing  the 
issue  of  all  his  sons,  to  his  daughters  in  equal  shares. 
To  his  son  Wentworth,  he  bequeathed  his  farm  of 
Carrick,  near  Portarlington,  in  Queen's  County.  He 
made  a  suitable  provision  for  his  wife,  and  constituted 
as  his  executors  "his  brothers,  Arthur  Alexander 
and  the  Rev.  Dr  Robert  Alexander,  both  of  New 

James,  second  son  of  James  Alexander  of  Harris- 


toun,  married,  first,  Cosswaith,  and,  secondly, 

Winskill,  by  whom  he  had  two  daughters. 
Wentworth,  the  third  son,  died  without  issue.  John, 
the  eldest  son,  married  a  daughter  of  Giles  Mahon, 
Esq.,  by  whom  he  had  three  sons,  John,  James,  and 
Arthur.  John  died  in  infancy.  James  died  in  1847, 
leaving  two  daughters.  Arthur  Alexander,  now  of 
Maryville,  county  Galway,  was  born  in  1810.  He 
married,  first,  a  daughter  of  B.  Falkner,  Esq.,  and 
secondly,  a  daughter  of  A.  Johnson,  Esq.,  without 

Arthur  Alexander,  youngest  son  of  John  Alexander 
of  New  Ross,  succeeded  to  his  father's  estate;  he 
died  unmarried  on  the  7th  January  1819. 

Robert,  second  son  of  John  Alexander  of  New 
Eoss,  is  described  in  the  will  of  his  brother  James, 
as  the  Rev.  Dr  Robert  Alexander.  He  married  a 
daughter  of  Mr  Goddard  Richards,  by  whom  he  had 
two  sons  and  five  daughters.  George,  the  second  son, 
born  17th  March  1802,  is  unmarried.  John,  the 
elder  son,  born  4th  March  1798,  is  LL.D.  and  rector 
of  Carne,  county  Wexford.  He  has  five  sons  and 
three  daughters.  Robert,  the  eldest  son,  born  28th 
December  1831,  died  llth  August  1835.  The  other 
sons  are — John,  born  2d  September  1833  ;  Stuart, 
born  5th  April  1835 ;  George,  born  27th  May  1839 ; 
Arthur,  born  13th  December  1843.  John,  the  second 
son,  is  rector  of  Corclone.  He  married  a  daughter 
of  John  Jacob,  M.D.,  and  has  sons  and  daughters. 


George  Alexander  of  Knockcroghery,  county  Eos- 
common,  executed  his  will  on  the  9th  November 
1792.  He  bequeathed  to  his  son  John  the  lands  of 
Seagh  or  Lisraahoon;  whom  failing,  to  his  son  George 
and  his  heirs-male;  or  failing  them,  to  his  brother 
Edward  and  his  heirs-male ;  and  failing  them,  to  his 
brother  John  and  his  heirs-male;  whom  failing,  to  his 
grandson,  George  Eobinson.  To  his  daughters,  Dame 
Elizabeth  Eobinson  and  Mary  Campion,  he  be- 
queathed his  right  to  the  lands  of  Knockcroghery. 
He  bequeathed  to  his  daughter,  Jane  Sandys,  £300, 
and  to  his  daughter,  Susanna  Dempsey,  £300,  also 
various  sums  to  his  grand-children.  He  appointed 
as  executors  his  cousin  George  Hill  of  Spring  Hall, 
county  Galway,  and  his  nephew,  Samuel  Alexander 
of  Eoscommon. 

On  the  death  of  George  Alexander  of  Knockcrog- 
hery, the  validity  of  his  will  was  disputed  in  the  Court 
of  Exchequer  by  his  son  John,  but  it  was  affirmed 
and  proved  to  the  executors  on  the  17th  February 

John  Alexander  of  Knockcroghery,  merchant, 
died  in  1803.  On  the  4th  July  of  that  year  his 
will,  dated  18th  June  1802,  was  proved  to  his 
widow.  To  his  eldest  daughter,  Ann  Jones,  other- 
wise Alexander,  he  bequeathed  £10,  and  to  his 
son-in-law,  Eobert  Galbraith,  five  shillings.  The 
residue  of  his  estate  he  divided  between  his  wife, 
Elizabeth  Alexander,  otherwise  Tennant,  and  his 


youngest   daughter,   Margaret   Galbraith,   otherwise 

Kichard  Alexander  of  Eoscommon  died  in  1799 ; 
his  will  was  proved  on  the  31st  August  of  that  year. 
To  his  daughter,  Susanna  Lynch,  otherwise  Alexander, 
he  bequeathed  the  lands  of  Mechane,  in  the  barony  of 
Athlone,  and  to  his  son  Samuel  fifty  pounds. 



ACCORDING  to  the  Register  of  Paisley,  Reginald,  or 
Ranald,  second  son  of  Somerled  by  his  second  mar- 
riage, became  a  monk  of  Paisley,  and  granted  to  that 
monastery  "  eight  cows  and  two  pennies  for  one  year, 
and  one  penny  in  perpetuity  from  every  house  on  his 
territories  from  which  smoke  issued;"  he  also  enjoined 
his  dependants  to  afford  protection  to  the  members 
of  the  monastery.  Fonie,  his  wife,  became  a  sister 
of  the  convent,  and  granted  to  the  monks  a  tithe  of 
her  goods,  whether  in  her  own  possession  or  on  the 
ocean.  Donald,  son  of  Reginald,  also  became  a 
monk,  and  his  wife  a  sister  of  the  convent,  while  both 
made  liberal  grants  to  the  members.  Angus,  son  of 


Donald,  also  described  as  a  monk,  granted  to  the 
convent,  sometime  before  the  year  1295,  one  penny 
yearly  for  every  house  in  his  territories,  and  half  a 
merk  of  silver  for  his  own  residence  (Keg.  de  Passe- 
let,  pp.  125-127). 

In  1455  John  of  Yle,  Earl  of  Koss  and  Lord  of  the 
Isles,  confirmed  to  the  monks  of  Paisley  the  rectory 
of  the  church  of  "  Saint  Kylkeran,  in  Kyntire,"  with 
liberty  to  dispose  of  it  at  their  pleasure  (Reg.  de 
Passelet,  p.  156). 

From  the  Mull  of  Kintyre  members  of  the  House 
of  Alexander  obtained  settlements  in  the  counties  of 
Ayr  and  Renfrew,  under  protection  of  the  monks 
of  Paisley,  many  of  the  first  settlers  being  kindly- 
tenants  of  the  monastery. 

In  the  Obit  Book  of  the  church  of  St  John  the 
Baptist,  Ayr,  is  mentioned,  in  the  obit  of  Thomas 
Sorbie,  who  died  20th  March  1438,  the  tenement  of 
John  Alexander,  thus  :  "  tenm  Johanis  alexadri " 
(Obit  Book  of  Ayr,  pp.  8,  46). 

A  charter  was,  on  the  9th  July  1450,  granted  by 
James  II.,  under  the  Great  Seal,  confirming  a  charter 
by  Colin  M' Alexander  of  Dalcussen  to  Gilbert 
M 'Alexander,  his  son  and  apparent  heir,  arid  to  the 
heirs-male  of  his  body ;  whom  failing,  to  Alexander 
M' Alexander,  brother  of  the  said  Gilbert,  and  the 
heirs  of  his  body;  whom  failing,  to  the  granter's  heirs 
whomsoever,  of  the  lands  of  Dalcussen,  in  the  earldom 
of  Carrick  and  shire  of  Ayr,  for  rendering  yearly  to 


the  Earl  of  Carrick,  superior  of  the  lands,  a  common 
suit  in  the  earl's  court,  with  the  customary  service. 
Among  the  witnesses  to  the  original  charter,  which  is 
dated  "at  Peynmachey,  llth  March  1449,"  are  Alex- 
ander M'Alexander,  laird  of  Creicnew,  Fergus  M' Alex- 
ander, and  Duncan  M' Alexander  (Reg.  Mag.  Sig., 
lib.  iv.,  46). 

In  the  Protocol  Book  of  John  Crawford,  notary- 
public  of  Ayrshire,  1542-1550  (No.  8  in  General 
Register  House),  a  contract,  dated  8th  March  1549, 
is  recorded  between  Gabriel  Sympill  of  Newlands,  and 
Robert  Alexander,  respecting  the  sale  of  certain  sub- 
jects. There  is  a  further  entry,  dated  30th  March 
1550,  between  Ninian  Mershall  and  Robert  Alex- 
ander, with  consent  of  his  wife,  Elizabeth  Lang,  in 
connection  with  lands  occupied  by  Robert  Alexander 
and  his  "forbears." 

At  the  burgh  of  Ayr,  on  the  13th  March  1589,  an 
action  was  prosecuted  by  Fergus  M'Alexander  of 
Dalreoch,  parish  of  Colmonel,  Ayrshire,  against 
Robert  Campbell,  "  burges  of  Air,  and  Mareoun  Cun- 
ighame,  his  spouse,"  anent  a  contract  made  on  the 
25th  June  1588,  between  Campbell  on  the  one  part, 
and  M'Alexander  on  the  other,  whereby  the  former 
sold  to  the  latter  a  tenement  in  Ayr,  at  the  price 
of  400  merks.  M' Alexander  complained  that  Camp- 
bell would  not  adhere  to  the  articles  in  the  contract, 
nor  register  the  contract.  Campbell  made  no  ap- 
pearance, and  the  Lords  decerned  the  contract  to  be 


registered  (Reg.  of  Deeds,  vol.  xxxiv.,  fol.  317).  On 
the  22d  May  1634,  Andrew  M 'Alexander  of  Dalreoch 
granted  at  Colmonel,  to  John  Ramsay  in  Dalreoch, 
and  Jonet  Dultie,  his  spouse,  an  obligation  for  260 
merks  (Register  of  Deeds,  vol.  484). 

At  Maybole,  on  the  31st  August  1669,  Fergus 
M/ Alexander,  minister  at  the  church  of  Barr,  obtained 
service  as  nearest  agnate  or  relative  on  the  father's 
side,  to  Hew,  Andrew,  Margaret,  Agnes,  Jonet,  and 
Elizabeth  M'Alexander,  children  of  the  late  John 
M'Alexander  of  Dalreoch.  In  this  service  it  is  certi- 
fied that  the  heir  exceeds  the  age  of  twenty-five 
years,  and  that  he  is  immediate  successor  to  the  said 
Hew,  Andrew,  Margaret,  Agnes,  Jonet,  and  Elizabeth 
M' Alexander,  should  they  chance  to  die ;  the  children 
to  be  educated  with  Agnes  Kennedy,  their  mother, 
till  they  be  of  lawful  age  (Reg.  of  Deeds,  book  xxix., 
229).  Fergus  M' Alexander  or  Alexander  was  a 
bursar  in  the  University  of  Glasgow  in  1631,  and 
there  graduated  in  1635.  He  thereafter  ministered 
at  Kilmud  and  Greyabbey  in  Ireland  (Reid's  Irish 
Presbyterian  Church,  vol.  ii.,  p.  153),  and  being 
recommended  by  a  committee  of  the  General  Assembly, 
5th  May  1647,  was  ordained  minister  of  Barr,  Ayr- 
shire, in  1653.  He  was  deprived  of  this  charge 
by  the  Acts  of  Parliament,  llth  June,  and  of  the 
Privy  Council,  1st  October  1662.  He  was  reponed 
in  the  living  of  Barr  in  1687 ;  he  died  on  the  15th 
November  following,  and  his  remains  were  deposited 


in  the  parish  church  (Fasti  Eccl.   Scot,  vol.  ii.,  p. 

At  the  Tolbooth  of  the  Canongate  on  the  4th 
February  1671,  Hugh  M' Alexander  was  served  heir 
to  John  M'Alexander  of  Dalreoch  (Reg.  of  Deeds, 
xxx.  144). 

A  branch  of  the  House  of  M 'Alexander  possessed, 
in  the  sixteenth  century,  the  lands  of  Gorsclays,  near 
Maybole.  On  the  20th  March  1591,  a  charter  under 
the  Great  Seal  was  granted  to  Thomas  M' Alexander 
of  Corsclays,  of  the  forty-shilling  land  of  Tumnochtie, 
of  old  extent,  in  the  earldom  of  Carrick  and  shire  of 
Ayr,  formerly  belonging  to  John  Kennedie  of  Blair- 
quhane,  sold  under  reversion  by  John  M' Alexander, 
to  which  reversion  the  said  Thomas  was  cessioner  and 
assignee,  and  had  thereupon  obtained  a  decreet  of 
redemption.  Also  of  the  merk  land  of  Laggangill, 
and  the  merk  land  of  Drummerling,  of  old  extent,  in 
the  parish  of  Girvan,  resigned  by  the  said  John 
Kennedie  in  favour  of  the  said  Thomas,  and  the 
two-merk  lands  of  Corsclays,  and  the  three-merk 
lands  of  Drummor,  in  the  parish  of  Camneill,  which 
formerly  belonged  to  the  said  Thomas,  erecting  the 
said  lands  into  a  free  tenandry,  to  be  held  of  the 
king,  paying  therefor  the  rights  and  services  due  and 
wont  (Eeg.  Mag.  Sig.,  lib.  xxxviii.,  No.  318). 

On  the  8th  March  1632,  Claud  M'Alexander  was, 
at  Maybole,  served  heir  to  his  father,  George  M' Alex- 
ander of  Corsclays,  and  his  mother,  the  late  Catherine 


M'Culloch.  George  M' Alexander  died  in  September 
1622  (Eeg.  of  Deeds,  xiii.  42). 

On  the  28th  December  1635,  Robert  M< Alexander 
of  Corsclays  granted  a  discharge  for  500  merks 
to  John  Ferguson  of  Kilkenner,  and  Gilbert  Ross, 
late  Provost  of  Maybole.  One  of  the  witnesses  is 
John  Alexander,  the  granter's  son  (Reg.  of  Deeds, 
vol.  455).  On  the  21st  October  1658,  a  service  was 
"  expede  at  the  Tolbuith  of  the  burgh  of  Ayr,"  to 
Robert  M' Alexander,  now  of  Corsclays,  as  heir  to 
Robert  M 'Alexander  of  Corsclays,  deceased  (Reg.  of 
Deeds,  xxv.  127).  On  the  26th  August  1684,  Robert 
Alexander  of  Corsclays  complained  that  he  was  fined, 
by  Crawford  of  Ardmillan,  on  the  7th  of  the  preceding 
February,  £2808,  for  withdrawing  from  ordinances,  by 
a  decreet  passed  in  his  absence,  when  he  was  sick 
(Wodrow's  History,  vol.  iv.,  p.  52). 

On  the  2d  August  1698,  Mr  Henry  Scrymsour  of 
Bowhill  was  served  heir  to  umquhil  Isabella  Scrym- 
sour, relict  of  Robert  Alexander  of  Corsclays,  his 
sister-german  (Register  of  De£ds,  xlvii.  348). 

Gilbert  Alexander  in  Derinconner,  parish  of  Auchin- 
leck,  and  sheriffdom  of  Ayr,  died  on  the  19th  Novem- 
ber 1589.  His  testament-dative  and  inventory  were 
given  up  by  his  son,  John  Alexander,  by  decreet  of 
the  Commissaries  of  Edinburgh.  It  was  dated  24th 
January  1592,  and  the  movable  estate  was  valued  at 
401  lib.  6s.  8d.  (Edinburgh  Commissariat  Register, 
vol.  xxiv,). 


John  Alexander  of  Darneholme,  and  his  wife, 
Agnes  Wylie,  both  died  in  the  year  1596.  Their 
joint  will  is  dated  at  Darneholme  on  the  14th  May 
1596.  They  nominated  as  executors  their  son  and 
daughter,  Adam  and  Marion  Alexander.  Another 
son,  John,  received  a  legacy  of  20  merks,  and  a 
daughter,  Agnes,  20  merks.  The  "  frie  geir  "  of  the 
deceased  amounted  to  190  lib.  (Edin.  Com.  Keg.). 

Eobert  Alexander  in  Mirriehill,  parish  of  Stewar- 
ton,  and  county  of  Ayr,  died  in  November  1631. 
His  testament -dative  was,  on  the  6th  March  1632, 
given  up  by  his  relict,  Janet  Montgomerie,  on  behalf 
of  Isobel  and  Margaret  Alexander,  their  ''lawful 
bairns."  The  "  frie  geir"  amounted  to  403  lib.  6s. 
Robert  Alexander  in  Mirriehill  is  cautioner  to  the 
executors,  and  among  the  debtors  are  named  Robert 
and  Thomas  Alexander  (Glasgow  Com.  Reg.). 

Marion  Alexander,  spouse  to  Archibald  Temple- 
toun,  in  Corse  of  Kilbryde,  Ayrshire,  died  on  the  15th 
August  1619.  She  bequeathed  her  "frie  geir,"  which 
amounted  to  53  lib.  11s.  8d.,  to  her  six  children 
(Glasgow  Com.  Keg.).  On  the  15th  June  of  the 
same  year,  Janet  Alexander  in  Skirricraw,  in  the 
parish  of  Kilbryde,  executed  her  will,  leaving  her 
"  frie  geir  "  to  her  grandchildren,  Janet,  Elspeth,  and 
Margaret  Syres  (Commissariat  Keg.  of  Glasgow). 

John  M'Alexander  of  Drummochrian,  in  the  parish 
of  Barr,  is  named  in  an  obligation  dated  Ayr,  21st 
July  1636  (Keg.  of  Deeds,  vol.  495).  On  the  28th 


November  1636,  Andrew  M 'Alexander,  brother-ger- 
man  of  John  M'  Alexander  of  Drummochrian,  received 
from  Thomas  Kennedy  of  Penquhane,  an  obligation 
for  £48  (Keg.  of  Deeds,  vol.  498).  John  Alex- 
ander of  Drummochrian  was,  along  with  others, 
charged  with  being  concerned  in  the  rising  at  Both- 
well,  and  was  indicted  to  an  assize  on  the  5th  April 
1681.  He  was  forfeited,  and  being  pronounced  a 
traitor,  was  sentenced  to  execution.  His  estate  was 
conferred  on  the  Earl  of  Glencairn,  who  made  it 
over  to  John  M'Levan  of  Grimmat,  who  held  it  till 
1693.  John  Alexander  was  a  second  time  indicted 
for  rebellion  and  reset  of  rebels,  in  July  1683 
(Wodrow's  History,  vol.  iii.,  pp.  250  and  466). 

Connected  with  the  family  of  Alexander  in  southern 
Ayrshire,  was  the  Rev.  Kobert  Alexander,  minister 
of  Girvan.  Licensed  by  the  Presbytery  of  Ayr, 
1st  August  1711,  he  was  ordained  minister  of 
Ayr  in  the  following  year.  He  died  on  the  8th 
September  1736.  By  his  will,  dated  July  1736, 
he  left  £200  for  maintaining  a  student  in  divinity 
at  the  University  of  Edinburgh,  to  be  presented  by 
the  kirk  session  of  Girvan  to  natives  of  the  parish. 
He  married  Janet,  daughter  of  Hugh  Hamilton, 
merchant  in  Ayr,  who  died  23d  February  1762 
(Fasti  Eccl.  Scot.,  ii.  117). 

On  the  22d  August  1603,  Kobert  Alexander  of 
Bargarran,  in  the  county  of  Kenfrew,  being  in  "  deidly 
seiknes,"  executed  his  will,  nominating  his  wife  as  his 


executrix.  He  bequeathed  the  remainder  of  his 
property,  after  paying  his  debts,  to  be  equally 
divided  among  John,  James,  Agnes,  and  Margaret, 
his  "four  bairnes."  His  son  John,  to  whom  he  left 
a  special  legacy  of  40  lib.,  is  described  as  "merchand 
burges  of  Glasgow."  His  "  frie  geir  "  amounted  to 
109  lib.  6s.  8d.  His  will  was  confirmed  at  Glasgow 
on  the  5th  April  1604  (Glasgow  Com.  Reg.). 

In  January  1634,  died  Robert  Alexander  of  Hill 
of  Dripps,  in  the  parish  of  Cathcart,  Renfrewshire. 
His  testament-dative  was,  on  the  13th  January  1635, 
given  up  by  his  relict,  Isobell  Reid,  on  behalf  of  "James 
Alexander,  minor,  his  lawful  sone."  His  "  frie  geir," 
was  estimated  at  733  lib.,  and  one  of  the  cautioners 
in  the  executory  was  Robert  Alexander,  merchant  in 
Glasgow  (Glasgow  Com.  Reg.). 

In  1666,  William  Alexander  in  Dripps  was  fined 
£100,  because  in  his  parish  of  Cathcart  he  refused  to 
assist  the  curate  in  enforcing  attendance  on  Episco- 
pal ordinances.  He  was,  in  1683,  again  fined  £100 
for  refusing  to  become  an  elder  under  Mr  Robert 
Fenwick,  the  Episcopal  incumbent  (Wodrow's  His- 
tory, vol.  ii.,  p.  3,  and  vol.  iii.,  p.  425). 

On  the  2d  July  1631,  George  Alexander,  merchant- 
burgess  of  Glasgow,  received  an  obligation  from  John 
Laing,  burgess  there,  for  110  merks;  it  was  recorded 
at  Edinburgh  in  September  1634  (Reg.  of  Deeds, 
vol.  479). 

Margaret  Alexander,  wife  of  John  Alexander,  bur- 


gess  of  Hamilton,  died  30th  November  1598.  Her 
testament-dative  and  inventory  were  given  up  by 
Jonet  Alexander,  her  father's  sister,  "  the  frie  gear  " 
amounting  to  962  lib.  2s.  8d.  (Edin.  Com.  Keg.). 

On  the  2d  January  1634,  John  Wood  in  Holm- 
barne  granted  an  obligation  to  John  Alexander, 
son  of  John  Alexander,  merchant-burgess  of  Hamil- 
ton, for  £44  (Register  of  Deeds,  vol.  497).  John 
Alexander,  burgess  of  Hamilton,  was  prosecuted 
for  his  adherence  to  the  Presbyterian  Church. 
Accused  of  resetting  rebels,  and  "  other  treasonable 
crimes,"  he  was  sent  to  prison  on  the  24th  July  1683 
(Wodrow's  History,  vol.  iii.,  p.  466). 

William  Alexander  in  Syd  of  Robertoun,  parish  of 
Lesmahago,  and  county  of  Lanark,  died  in  December 
1663.  His  testament -dative  and  inventory  were 
given  up  by  Marion  Rob,  his  relict,  on  the  16th 
March  1663-4;  the  free  gear  amounting  to  102  lib. 
13s.  4d.  (Com.  Reg.  of  Lanark). 

John  Alexander,  burgess  in  Linlithgow,  died  in 
October  1577.  In  his  will,  dated  at  Linlithgow,  29th 
October  1577,  he  mentions  his  brother  James.  His 
movable  estate  is  valued  at  160  lib.  Scots .  (Stirling 
Com.  Reg.). 

Alexander  Alexander  died  at  Strathbrock,  parish 
of  Uphall,  Linlithgowshire,  in  August  1569.  His 
testament-dative  and  inventory  were,  on  the  3d  Novem- 
ber of  the  same  year,  given  up  by  his  brother  David. 
His  free  gear  was  valued  at  71  lib.  (Edin.  Com.  Reg.). 


Robert  Alexander  in  Easter  Town  of  Strathbrock 
died  on  the  9th  December  1569.  His  testament-dative 
and  inventory  were,  on  the  23d  December  1570,  given 
up  by  John,  Margaret,  and  Jonet  Alexander,  his 
"  lawful  bairns."  His  free  gear  was  valued  at  230  lib. 
17s.  8d.  (Edin.  Com.  Keg.). 

James  Alexander  in  Eeidheuch,  parish  of  Falkirk, 
died  in  December  1596.  His  inventory,  valued  at 
741  lib.  6s.  8d.,  was  given  up  by  his  brother,  Eobert 
Alexander  in  Beircrofts,  on  behalf  of  James,  Patrick, 
Agnes,  and  William,  "his  lawful  bairns"  (Edin. 
Com.  Keg.). 

John  Alexander  in  Falkirk  died  22d  June  1618 
(Stirling  Com.  Keg.). 



A  SURVEY  of  the  province  of  Ulster,  commenced  in 
1580,  was  completed  in  1609  by  Sir  Thomas  Ridgway, 
Vice-Treasurer  of  Ireland.  Among  the  owners  of 
lands  or  baronies,  the  family  name  of  Alexander  does 
not  appear  (Maps  of  Ireland,  1609 ;  Petty 's  Census 
Eeturns ;  Hardinge  on  the  Earliest  Irish  Census). 

In  April  1610,  James  I.  issued  a  commission  for 
the  plantation  of  Ulster.  The  Commissioners,  who 
were  certain  English  and  Scottish  noblemen,  were 
authorised  "  to  agree  and  conclude  as  to  the  planting 
of  the  several  counties,  with  power  to  grant  war- 
rants for  letters-patent  under  the  Great  Seal "  (Tran- 
scripts from  the  State  Paper  Office,  2d  series,  vol.  L, 
1603-1624,  fol). 

The  Commissioners  divided  the  forfeited  lands 
into  portions  of  two  thousand,  fifteen  hundred,  and 
one  thousand  acres.  Those  who  received  the  largest 
portions  were  bound,  within  four  years,  to  build  a 
castle  and  bawn — the  latter  being  a  walled  enclo- 
sure with  towers  at  the  several  angles.  The  castle 


was  built  in  the  interior  of  the  enclosure,  being 
intended  to  secure  the  inmates  and  their  cattle  from 
the  incursions  of  plundering  natives.  Owners  of  the 
second  class  were  called  on,  within  two  years,  to  erect 
a  stone  or  brick  house  and  bawn ;  and  those  of  the 
third  class  a  bawn  only;  while  all  were  bound  to 
plant  British  families  on  their  possessions,  and  to 
provide  them  with  defensive  weapons  (Reid's  Presb. 
Church  in  Ireland,  vol.  i.,  passim). 

On  the  recommendation  of  the  Commissioners, 
letters-patent,  dated  19th  July  1610,  were  granted  to 
Sir  James  Cuninghame  of  Glengarnock,  Ayrshire, 
conferring  on  him  and  his  heirs  two  thousand  acres 
in  the  precincts  of  Portlagh,  barony  of  Raphoe,  and 
county  of  Donegal.  This  grant  was  declared  to  em- 
brace "  the  quarters  or  parcels  of  land "  designated 
Moragh,  Dryan,  Magherybegg,  Magherymore,  Tryan 
Carickmore,  Grachley,  and  two  portions  of  land  called 
Eredy,  while  it  was  made  a  condition  that  the  grantee 
should  "  alienate  the  premises  to  no  mere  Irishman,  or 
any  other  person  or  persons,  unless  he  or  they  first  take 
the  oath  of  supremacy  "  (Inq.  Can.  Hib.  Rep.,  vol.  ii.). 

The  lands  of  Glengarnock,  in  the  parish  of  Kil- 
birnie,  Ayrshire,  and  extending  to  1400  acres, 
were  acquired  in  1293  by  Reginald  Cuninghame, 
second  son  of  Sir  Edward  Cuninghame  of  Kilmaurs, 
through  his  marriage  with  the  heiress,  whose  sur- 
name was  Riddell.  The  lands  and  barony  remained 
in  possession  of  the  family  till  1613,  when  Sir  James 


Cuninghame  of  Glengarnock  assigned  the  estate  to 
his  creditors  (Cuninghame  Topographised,  pp.  168- 

On  the  1st  May  1613,  Sir  James  Cuninghame 
granted  legal  tenures  on  his  lands  in  Donegal  to 
thirty-nine  persons  who  had  made  settlements  thereon. 
That  portion  of  the  lands  called  Eredy  was  divided 
among  nine  settlers,  one  of  whom  was  John  Alex- 
ander (Inq.  Can.  Hib.,  vol.  ii.). 

The  name  Eredy  closely  resembles  Eradall,  one  of 
the  merk  lands  in  South  Kintyre,  granted  by  James 
III.  in  1484  to  Tarlach  MacAlexander  of  Tarbert 
(Reg.  Mag.  Sig.,  lib.  x.,  9).  Sir  William  Alexander 
of  Menstry,  afterwards  Earl  of  Stirling,  maintained  a 
correspondence  with  his  relatives  in  Kintyre,  while 
he  and  his  predecessors  were  in  habits  of  intimacy 
with  the  House  of  Cuninghame  of  Glengarnock. 
When  he  had  obtained  his  first  step  in  the  peerage, 
he  invited  to  visit  him  at  Menstry  his  relative, 
Archibald  Alexander  of  Tarbert,  and  procured  him 
burghal  honours  at  Stirling,  while  the  chief  of  Mac- 
Alexander,  in  reciprocal  friendship,  acknowledged 
him  head  of  his  clan  (vol.  i.,  p.  147).  Between  the 
families  of  Alexander  of  Menstry  and  Cuninghame 
of  Glengarnock,  an  intimacy  had  subsisted  for  gene- 
rations. "John  Cunynghame  of  Glengarno "  was 
associated  with  Alexander  Alexander  of  Menstry — 
great-grandfather  of  Sir  William  Alexander — and 
others,  in  a  contract  with  John,  Bishop  of  Dunkeld, 


and  Donald,  Abbot  of  Coupar,  the  instrument  bear- 
ing date  22d  December  1547  (Acta  Dom.  Concilii 
Sessionis,  xxvi.,  p.  32).  By  Eobert  Alexander  of 
Stirling,  a  scion  of  the  House  of  Menstry,  was  granted 
a  loan  of  200  merks  to  James  Cuninghame,  fifth  Earl 
of  Glencairn,  to  whom  Sir  James  Cuninghame  was 
related,  alike  by  kindredship  and  marriage  (Will 
of  Lord  Glencairn,  Edin.  Com.  Keg.). 

To  enable  him  to  complete  the  purchase  of  his 
lands  in  Donegal,  Sir  William  Alexander  granted  to 
Sir  James  Cuninghame  a  loan  of  £400  sterling,  for 
which,  on  the  26th  February  1613-14,  he  obtained  a 
mortgage  on  the  lands  (Records  of  the  Irish  Eolls, 
vol.  v.,  p.  96).  As  Sir  James's  creditors  continued 
importunate,  Sir  William  Alexander  proceeded,  on 
the  24th  June  1618,  to  foreclose  the  mortgage,  and 
to  take  sasine  of  the  lands  (Records  of  Irish  Rolls). 
But  this  proceeding  was  only  intended  for  his  friend's 

According  to  Pynnar,  who,  under  the  direction  of 
the  Plantation  Commissioners,  made  a  survey  of 
Ulster  in  1619,  Sir  James  Cuninghame  had,  on  his 
estate  in  Donegal,  erected  "  a  bawne  of  lyme  and  stone, 
and  a  small  house  in  it,  and  in  which  the  lady  and 
her  daughter  do  now  dwell."  Pynnar  found  near  the 
bawn  "  a  small  village,  consisting  of  twelve  houses, 
inhabited  with  British  tenants  "  (Survey  of  Ulster). 

Sir  James  Cuninghame  died  in  1623,  leaving  a 
widow.  This  lady,  a  daughter  of  James,  seventh 


Earl  of  Glencairn,  was  pursued  by  her  husband's 
creditors,  from  whom  she  was  successfully  defended, 
through  the  efforts  of  Sir  William  Alexander  (Reg.  of 
Letters).  In  1629,  Sir  John  Cuninghame,  son  of  the 
original  patentee,  obtained  the  superiority  of  his 
father's  lands,  and  had  them  erected  into  a  manor, 
with  power  to  create  tenures  (Morris's  Calendar, 
Charles  I.,  p.  453).  Thereupon  the  original  settlers, 
including  John  Alexander  at  Eredy,  received  new 
titles  to  their  lands,  and  taking  the  oath  of  supremacy 
obtained  denization  (Irish  Inquisitions,  vol.  ii.,  1629). 
The  district  of  Laggan,  lying  between  Lough  Foyle 
and  Lough  Swilly,  in  county  Donegal,  was  on  the 
plantation  of  Ulster  chiefly  appropriated  to  Scottish 
settlers  (Hill's  Montgomery  MSS.,  p.  183,  note).  In 
that  district  John  Alexander  of  Eredy  occupied 
several  holdings.  In  the  Subsidy  Koll  of  the  county 
of  Donegal  for  1662,  he  is,  in  the  parish  of  Taghboyne, 
assessed  for  £4,  18s.  In  the  Hearth  Tax  Roll*  of 
Raymoghy  parish  for  1663,  he  is  styled  "John  Allex- 
ander  of  ye  Dukes  t  land."  In  Clonmany  parish  he 
is  described  as  "  John  Allexander  of  Erithy  "  (Eredy), 
and  in  the  parish  of  Raphoe  as  "  John  Allexander  of 
Maghercolton."  He  is  also  named  in  the  Hearth 
Tax  Roll  of  the  parish  of  Clonleigh. 

*  In  1662  the  Parliament  of  Ireland  passed  an  order  that  a  tax  for  public  pur- 
poses should  be  imposed  "on  the  several  hearths,  firing  places,  and  stoves,"  in 
the  different  counties.  Lists  were  therefore  made  up,  by  certain  commissioners, 
of  all  persons  who  owned  fire-places,  i.e.,  occupied  respectable  houses  throughout 
the  kingdom.  These  lists  are,  for  genealogical  purposes,  extremely  valuable. 

t  The  Duke  of  Lennox. 


John  Alexander  of  Eredy  appears  to  have  had 
several  sons.  In  the  Hearth  Tax  Eoll  of  Clonmany 
parish  for  1665,  is  named,  as  a  householder,  "  John 
Alexander,  jun."  In  Taghboyne  parish  Archibald 
Alexander  is,  in  the  Subsidy  Eoll  for  1662,  assessed 
for  £13,  15s. ;  he  is,  in  1663,  in  the  Hearth  Tax  Roll 
of  Taghboyne  parish,  entered  as  "  Archibald  Alex- 
ander of  Ballybiglimore." 

In  the  parish  of  Clonleigh,  in  1663,  John  Alexander 
is  associated  with  a  "  William  Alexander,"  and  in  the 
roll  of  that  parish  for  1665  he  is  named  along  with 
William  Alexander  of  the  parish  of  Eaphoe.  In  the 
Hearth  Tax  Eoll  of  the  parish  of  Errigal,  county 
Londonderry,  in  1663,  is  named  Eobert  Alexander 
at  Dunvanaddy  and  Mevoy. 

The  district  of  Laggan,  in  which  John  Alexander 
of  Eredy  and  his  sons  occupied  lands,  became  a  scene 
of  contention.  In  this  neighbourhood,  in  1641,  Sir 
Phelin  O'Neill  raised  the  standard  of  revolt.  For 
its  suppression  the  English  Government  granted 
commissions  to  the  Viscount  Montgomery  (husband 
of  Lady  Jean  Alexander),  Sir  James  Montgomery, 
Sir  William  Stewart  of  Aughentane,  and  his  brother 
Sir  Eobert.  These  were  authorised  to  raise  four 
regiments  of  infantry  and  as  many  troops  of  horse 
(Eeid's  Irish  Presb.  Church,  vol.  i.,  p.  344).  The  small 
army  was  entrusted  to  the  command  of  Sir  Eobert 
Stewart  and  Sir  Alexander,  son  of  Sir  William 
Stewart  of  Aughentane.  Garrisons  were  provided  to 

MEMORIALS    OF   THE    HOUSE    OF  ALEXANDER.          65 

the  forts  of  Omagh  and  Newton  Stewart,  while  Sir 
Robert  Stewart  at  once  relieved  the  garrisons  of 
Lymavaddy  and  Ballycastle.  Sir  Robert  afterwards 
attacked  O'Neill  at  Glenmakwin,  near  Raphoe,  and 
destroying  five  hundred  of  his  followers,  inflicted  on 
him  a  heavy  discomfiture.  Sir  Alexander  Stewart, 
along  with  Sir  Thomas  Staples  and  Colonel,  after- 
wards Sir  Audley  Mervyn,  vigorously  followed  up 
these  successes.  The  rebels  were  worsted  every- 
where, till,  at  a  decisive  engagement  at  Clones,  county 
Monaghan,  on  the  13th  June  1643,  Sir  Robert  Stewart 
subjected  O'Neill  to  an  overwhelming  defeat. 

The  rebellion  was  renewed  in  1649.  On  the  21st 
March  of  that  year  the  Laggan  troops  recovered  from 
the  rebels  the  forts  of  Newton  Cuninghame  and  the 
Corrigans,  and  proceeded  to  lay  siege  to  Londonderry. 
But  in  the  following  August  a  party  of  Irish  dragoons 
burned  the  fort  of  Corrigans  and  Manor  Cuning- 
hame and  the  town  of  St  Johnstone,  compelling  the 
Stewarts  to  abandon  the  siege  of  Londonderry  and 
return  to  the  Laggan.  In  former,  as  well  as  present 
operations  against  the  rebels,  John  Alexander  of 
Eredy  and  his  son  John,  had  rendered  important 
service,  and  so  recommended  themselves  to  the  favour 
of  Sir  Alexander  Stewart,  younger  of  Aughentane, 
one  of  the  commanders  of  the  Laggan  army.  Pro- 
bably on  his  recommendation,  John  Alexander  the 
younger  received  compensation  for  the  destruction  of 
his  property  by  the  rebels  in  1649.  He  is  named 


tenth  in  a  long  list  of  persons  so  compensated,  in  a 
document  issued  on  the  2d  January  1668,  by  Sir 
Edward  Smyth,  Lord  Chief-Justice  of  the  Court  of 
Common  Pleas,  Sir  Edward  Bering,  Bart.,  Sir 
Allan  Brodrick,  and  others,  commissioners  for  the 
settlement  of  Ireland.  The  entry  respecting  him  is 
in  these  words  :  "  To  John  Allexander,  forty-seaven 
pounds  two  shillings  and  ten  pence"  (Parchment 
Roll,  Act  of  Settlement). 

John  Alexander,  younger  of  Eredy,  joined  the 
army  of  the  Laggan,  in  which  he  obtained  the  rank 
of  captain.  He  resided  some  time  at  Londonderry, 
and  latterly  at  Dublin.  He  died  at  Dublin  in  the 
year  1690.  His  will,  dated  23d  September  1690,  was 
proved  in  the  Prerogative  Court  on  the  21st  of  the 
following  February.  The  testator  styles  himself 
"  Captain  John  Alexander,"  and  appoints  his  wife, 
Susanna  Alexander,  his  executrix  and  sole  legatee. 
In  the  Eegister  of  the  Prerogative  Court,  the  testator 
is  styled  "  Captain  John  Alexander  nuper  de  London- 
derry," while  the  seal  attached  to  his  will  displays  a 
dexter  arm  embowed,  the  hand  holding  a  dagger,  the 
crest  of  his  Scottish  ancestors,  the  MacAlexanders  of 

Captain  John  Alexander  was,  according  to  tradi- 
tion, twice  married.  By  his  first  marriage  he  had  a 
son,  Alexander,  so  named  in  honour  of  his  patron 
and  military  commander,  Sir  Alexander  Stewart  of 
Aughentane.  His  son,  who  obtained,  on  the  Aughen- 


tane  estate,  the  lands  of  Girlaw,  in  the  barony  of 
Clogher  and  county  of  Tyrone,  married  Jean  Stewart 
of  Killymoon,  a  near  relative  of  Sir  William  Stewart 
of  Aughentane,  afterwards  Viscount  Mountjoy.  This 
marriage,  it  is  alleged,  was  distasteful  to  Lord 
Mountjoy,  who  desired  for  his  relative  a  more  aristo- 
cratic alliance.  To  his  father,  Alexander  Alexander 
also  became  obnoxious,  probably  on  account  of  his 
adherence  to  the  Presbyterian  Church,  which  his 
father  had  deserted.  Before  his  death,  his  father  is 
said  to  have  forgiven  him,  but  the  will  of  Captain 
Alexander  would  not  warrant  the  conclusion. 

Alexander  Alexander  of  Girlaw  had  by  his  wife, 
Jean  Stewart,  four  sons,  John,  Hugh,  William,  and 
Alexander,  and  two  daughters,  Mary  and  Jane. 
Mary  married  Samuel  Beatty,  and  Jane  married 
Andrew  Gray,  both  of  the  Eary,  near  Stewartstown. 

Alexander  Alexander,  youngest  of  the  four  sons 
of  Alexander  Alexander  of  Girlaw,  forfeited,  by  an 
imprudent  marriage,  the  kindly  feeling  of  his  family. 
He  lived  at  Cloon,  near  Lisbellan,  in  the  county  of 
Fermanagh,  and  had  two  sons,  Andrew  and  Joseph, 
and  a  daughter,  Mary.  Andrew  emigrated  to  Ame- 
rica. Joseph  lived  at  Cloon;  he  married 'and  had 
two  sons,  George  and  Alexander.  The  daughter 
Mary  married  John  Rutledge  of  Shanco,  near  Temple, 
county  Fermanagh. 

William,  third  son  of  Alexander  Alexander,  at- 
tained a  very  advanced  age.  He  married  Anne 


Baxter  of  Glenoo,  by  whom  he  had  three  sons  and 
a  daughter,  Margaret,  who  married  James  Dennis  of 
Murley.  William,  the  second  son,  resided  at  Drum- 
bad;  he  died  unmarried.  James,  the  third  son, 
resided  at  Tullynevin,  and  died  unmarried.  Daniel, 
the  eldest  son,  married  Margaret  Burnside  of  Cur- 
lough,  in  the  county  of  Fermanagh,  by  whom  he  had 
three  sons  and  three  daughters ;  he  died  about  the 
year  1809,  aged  ninety-three. 

Margaret,  eldest  daughter  of  Daniel  Alexander, 
married  James  Wood  of  Tullynevin ;  Sarah,  the 
second  daughter,  married  Robert  Howe  of  Maghara- 
viely;  and  Ellen,  the  third  daughter,  married  her 
relative,  William  Alexander. 

John,  second  son  of  Daniel  Alexander,  emigrated 
to  Philadelphia;  he  died  unmarried.  William,  the 
third  son,  married  Mary  Coulter,  by  whom  he  had 
four  sons,  William,  James,  George,  and  Burnside, 
and  two  daughters,  Mary  and  Jane. 

Robert,  eldest  son  of  Daniel  Alexander,  married 
Anne  Eutledge;  he  resided  at  Carrowkeel,  county 
Fermanagh,  and  died  in  1836,  aged  sixty-six.  He 
married,  and  had  four  sons  and  two  daughters. 
Ellen,  the  elder  daughter,  married  John  Hunter,  and 
had  eight  children.  Anne,  the  younger  daughter, 
married  Henry  Bushel,  without  issue.  John,  the 
eldest  son,  married  Jane  Wilson ;  he  now  resides  in 
Australia.  Alexander,  the  second  son,  married  Mar- 
garet Rutledge,  without  issue ;  he  resides  at  Carrow- 


keel  in  Fermanagh.  George,  the  third  son,  died 
unmarried.  Joseph,  the  fourth  son,  married  Jane 
Rutledge,  by  whom  he  has  had  four  children. 

Hugh,  second  son  of  Alexander  Alexander  of 
Girlaw,  married  Rachel,  daughter  of  Robert  Birney 
of  Gortmore,  in  the  barony  of  Clogher,  and  Lucy, 
daughter  of  Colonel  Corry  of  Ahenis  Castle,  county 
Tyrone,  ancestor  of  the  Earls  of  Belmore.  He  was 
father  of  two  sons,  and  a  daughter,  Jane,  who  married 
Samuel  Smith,  Nurney,  county  Carlow.  Robert, 
the  elder  son,  married  Jane  Small  of  Cess,  in  the 
barony  of  Clogher,  by  whom  he  had  four  sons  and 
two  daughters.  Mary,  the  elder  daughter,  married 
John  Lendrum  at  Mullaghmore ;  Jane,  the  younger 
daughter,  married  Robert  M'Callum,  Screeby,  county 
Tyrone.  Of  the  four  sons,  Robert,  the  second  son, 
settled  in  Philadelphia,  where  he  married  and  had 
children;  Hugh,  the  third  son,  settled  in  Scotland, 
and  died  unmarried.  George,  the  fourth  son,  emi- 
grated to  America,  and  there  died  unmarried. 

James,  eldest  of  the  four  sons  of  Robert  Alexander 
and  Jane  Small,  resided  in  Fivemiletown.  He  died 
on  the  13th  February  1811,  aged  fifty-four.  He  mar- 
ried Sarah  Lendrum,  by  whom  he  had  three  sons  and 
two  daughters.  Sarah,  the  elder  daughter,  married 
Richard  Beatty;  Jane,  the  younger,  married  Oliver 
Kidd ;  George,  the  second  son,  died  26th  November 
1833,  aged  thirty-three  ;  James,  the  third  son,  died 
in  1867.  Joseph,  the  eldest  son,  married  Anne, 


daughter  of  James  Hogg  of  Grogey,  county  Fer- 
managh ;  he  resided  at  Fivemiletown,  county  Tyrone, 
and  there  died  in  1859.  He  left  a  son,  Joseph,  and 
a  daughter,  Jane,  who  resides  at  Dublin,  unmarried. 

Joseph  Alexander,  only  son  of  Joseph  Alexander 
and  Anne  Hogg,  is  a  solicitor  at  Enniskillen,  county 
Fermanagh.  He  married  Ada  Frances,  daughter  of 
John  Hamilton  of  Milltown,  county  Donegal,  and 
has  a  son,  Percy  Hamilton,  and  two  daughters,  Annie 
Josephine  and  Anna  Jane  Butt. 

Joseph,  second  son  of  Hugh  Alexander  of  Girlaw, 
married  Sarah  Gillespie  of  Screeby,  by  whom  he  had 
two  sons  and  four  daughters.  Eachel,  the  eldest 
daughter,  married  Eobert  Frith  of  Coinagney  ;  Mary, 
the  second  daughter,  married  James  Ball  of  Drumgay, 
near  Enniskillen ;  Sarah,  the  third  daughter,  married 
George  Beatty  of  Cavenalich ;  and  Jane,  the  youngest 
daughter,  married  Ralph  Breen  of  Craene. 

Thomas,  eldest  son  of  Joseph  Alexander  and  Sarah 
Gillespie,  married  Jane  Little,  and  settled  near 
Frederickton,  Oronoco,  U.S.  John,  the  second  son, 
settled  at  Kahoran,  Ireland.  He  married  Susan 
Shorte,  by  whom  he  had  two  daughters,  Margaret,  who 
married  Robert  Elliott,  and  Sarah,  who  married  Pat- 
rick Latimer.  He  prepared  a  pedigree  chart  of  his 

John,  eldest  son  of  Alexander  Alexander  of  Girlaw, 
married  Sarah  Armstrong  of  Cloon,  by  whom  he  had 
five  sons,  Alexander,  William,  John,  George,  and 


Eobert.  Alexander,  the  eldest  son,  resided  on  his 
mother's  estate  of  Cloon,  and  died  unmarried.  John, 
the  third  son,  married  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John 
Cooke  of  Creive,  by  whom  he  had  one  son  and  six 

William,  only  son  of  John  Alexander  and  Elizabeth 
Cooke,  resided  at  Breakly,  county  Tyrone,  and  died  un- 
married. Sarah,  eldest  daughter  of  John  Alexander, 
died  unmarried;  Martha,  the  second  daughter,  mar- 
ried Robert  Mitchell,  Leitrim ;  Jane,  third  daughter, 
married  James  Cairns,  Malinbarney,  with  issue ;  Eliza- 
beth, fourth  daughter,  married  William  Alexander, 
Fivemiletown,  county  Tyrone ;  Eleanor,  fifth  daughter, 
married  George  Beatty,  Tralee ;  Mary,  the  sixth  and 
youngest  daughter,  married  William  Chirgar,  and 
died  in  America. 

George,  fourth  son  of  John  Alexander  of  Girlaw, 
resided  at  Breakley,  county  Tyrone,  and  died  un- 
married. Eobert,  the  fifth  son,  married  Jane  Paul 
of  Kell,  by  whom  he  had  two  sons  and  a  daughter, 
Sarah,  who  married  John  Baxter  in  Belfast.  Wil- 
liam, the  elder  son,  married  Ellen,  daughter  of  Daniel 
Alexander,  and  had  two  sons  and  four  daughters ; 
Robert,  the  elder  son,  resided  at  Tempo,  -and  Wil- 
liam, the  younger,  settled  at  Furnish,  county  Tyrone. 
John,  second  son  of  Robert  Alexander  and  Jane  Paul, 
married  Isabella  Rutledge,  and  left  a  son,  William. 

William,  second  son  of  John  Alexander  of  Girlaw, 
and  on  the  death  of  his  elder  brother,  Alexander, 


representative  of  this  branch  of  the  House  of  Alex- 
ander, resided  at  Girlaw.  Engaging  in  manufactures, 
he  attained  considerable  opulence.  Proceeding  to 
the  district  market  at  Fintona,  he  was  waylaid,  at  a 
lonely  spot  near  Fivemiletown,  and  there  cruelly  mur- 
dered. The  murderer,  whose  object  was  plunder, 
contrived  to  escape. 

By  his  wife,  Martha  Wilson  of  Cavenacross,  county 
Fermanagh,  William  Alexander  of  Girlaw  had  four 
sons,  John,  James,  George,  and  Hugh.  George,  the 
third  son,  resided  at  Breakley,  and  died  in  1840,  aged 
eighty.  By  his  wife,  a  daughter  of  Captain  Cairnes 
of  Killyfaddy,  he  had  four  sons  and  two  daughters. 
George,  the  eldest  surviving  son,  resides 'in  Phila- 
delphia ;  he  has  had  three  sons,  James,  John,  and 
William.  Martha,  the  eldest  daughter,  married  James 
Mills  of  Dromore,  by  whom  she  has  had  two  sons, 
George  and  William,  and  three  daughters,  Eliza, 
Martha,  and  another. 

Hugh,  youngest  son  of  William  Alexander  of  Gir- 
law, died  unmarried.  James,  second  son,  resided  at 
Ardcloy,  county  Tyrone ;  he  died  in  1830,  aged 
seventy-four.  By  his  marriage  with  Jane  Cooke,  he 
had  two  sons,  William  and  James,  and  two  daughters, 
Eliza,  who  married  James  Burnside,  and  Anne  Jane, 
who  married  Edward  Cooke.  James,  the  younger 
son,  died  unmarried;  William,  the  elder  son,  married, 
first,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John  Alexander,  who 
died  13th  October  1827 ;  and  secondly,  Eliza  Moore, 


who  died  5th  March  1835.  He  died  6th  November 
1866,  aged  seventy-four,  leaving  a  son,  John,  and 
six  daughters — Charlotte,  wife  of  Thomas  Clements, 
Lucinda,  wife  of  John  William  Henry,  and  Eliza 
Anne,  Jane,  Margaret,  and  Maria,  unmarried. 

John,  eldest  son  of  William  Alexander  of  Gir- 
law,  entered  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  on  the  7th 
October  1790.  He  became  vicar  of  Drumrany,  in 
the  county  of  Westmeath,  and  died  on  the  9th 
January  1822.  He  married  at  Castle  Knock,  county 
Dublin,  in  1794,  Martha,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Bellingham  Ruxton  of  Carrickmacross,  county 
Monaghan,  afterwards  of  Armagh,  and  great-great- 
granddaughter  of  Captain  John  Ruxton  of  Ardee, 
county  Louth ;  she  died  at  Kingstown,  county  Dublin, 
in  1846. 

By  his  wife,  Martha  Ruxton,  the  Rev.  John  Alex- 
ander had  ten  children,  of  whom  two  sons  died  in 
infancy.  Martha,  the  eldest  daughter,  married  the 
Rev.  Francis  Short,  rector  of  Corkbeg,  county  Cork, 
with  issue  ;  she  died  2d  March  1844.  Susan,  second 
daughter,  married  Major  John  Dalzell  of  the  16th 
Regiment ;  she  died  in  July  1875.  Of  her  three 
children,  one  died  in  infancy.  Her  daughter,  Emma, 
died  unmarried.  Her  son,  John  Alexander  Dalzell,  is 
colonel  in  command  of  the  53d  Regiment.  Colonel 
Dalzell  has  been  honourably  mentioned  in  military 
despatches,  and  has  obtained  promotion  for  gallant 
conduct  in  the  field.  Twice  married,  he  is  father  of  a 


daughter  by  his  first  wife.  Anne,  third  daughter  of 
the  Rev.  John  Alexander,  married  her  cousin,  Robert 
Pooler  ;  she  died  without  issue. 

Brickell,  eldest  son  of  the  Rev.  John  Alexander  of 
Drumrany,  was  born  in  1795.  Entering  the  army, 
he  became  a  captain  in  the  16th  Regiment.  He 
married  Maria,  daughter  of  John  Hopkins,  and 
died,  without  issue,  on  the  9th  May  1829. 

John  Ruxton  Alexander,  third  son  of  the  rector  of 
Drumrany,  was  born  in  March  1799.  Proceeding  to 
India  as  assistant-surgeon  in  the  military  service  of 
the  East  India  Company,  he  became  surgeon  to  the 
Madras  Horse  Artillery ;  he  died  of  fever  at  Banga- 
lore on  the  28th  April  1827.  By  his  wife,  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  Colonel  Smith  of  the  Indian  Army,  he 
had  a  daughter  Louisa. 

Augustus  Ruxton  Alexander,  fourth  son  of  the 
Rev.  John  Alexander,  was  born  on  the  22d  Sep- 
tember 1805.  Proceeding  to  India  in  the  service  of 
the  East  India  Company,  he  was  posted  to  the  33d 
Madras  Native  Infantry,  of  which  regiment  he  became 
Interpreter  and  Quartermaster.  He  died  of  fever  at 
Bellary  in  India  on  the  16th  May  1833.  Richard 
Barlow,  fifth  son  of  the  Rev.  John  Alexander,  was 
born  at  Drumrany  in  1811.  He  resided  in  Dublin, 
and  died  at  Windsor  in  October  1868.  He  was 
twice  married  without  issue. 

William,  second  son  of  the  Rev.  John  Alexander, 
was  born  on  the  2d  April  1796.     In  1815  he  entered 


the  army,  joining  the  24th  Hussars.  On  the  disband- 
ment  of  that  regiment  subsequent  to  the  war,  he 
obtained  a  cavalry  cadetship  in  the  East  India  Com- 
pany's service ;  and,  being  sent  to  Bengal,  joined  the 
5th  Light  Cavalry.  Appointed  in  1838  to  the  com- 
mand of  the  4th  Regiment  of  Irregular  Horse,  he  joined 
the  army  which  proceeded  to  AfFghanistan  under 
Sir  John,  afterwards  Lord  Keane.  For  his  services 
at  the  capture  of  Ghuznee,  he  was  honourably  men- 
tioned in  despatches,  promoted  to  a  brevet-majority, 
and  granted  a  medal,  and  second-class  order  of  the 
Dooranee  Empire.  At  the  battle  of  Maharajpore  he 
commanded  the  5th  Bengal  Light  Cavalry.  During  the 
first  Seikh  war,  he  took  part  with  his  regiment  at  the 
battles  of  Moodkee,  Ferozeshahur,  and  Sobraon.  In 
the  second  Seikh  war,  he  was,  in  the  skirmish  at 
Eamnuggur,  severely  wounded;  his  right  arm  was 
shattered,  and  had  to  be  amputated  on  the  field.  In 
acknowledgment  of  distinguished  service,  he  was 
nominated  C.B.,  promoted  to  a  brevet-colonelcy,  and 
appointed  commandant  of  one  of  the  sanataria  in  the 
Hills.  He  died  on  the  2d  October  1851,  at  the  age 
of  fifty-five. 

Colonel  William  Alexander  married,  in  1823, 
Ann,  eldest  daughter  of  Lieutenant- General  James 
Kennedy,  C.B.  Descended  from  the  Earls  of  Cassilis, 
James  Kennedy  was  born  on  the  24th  July  1778. 
At  an  early  age  he  entered,  as  a  cavalry  cadet,  the 
service  of  the  East  India  Company.  He  became 


colonel  of  the  5th  Bengal  Light  Cavalry,  and  attained 
the  rank  of  lieutenant-general.  He  died  at  Benares 
on  the  26th  September  1859,  having  completed  his 
eighty -first  year.  He  married,  26th  April  1804, 
Anna,  daughter  of  Colonel  Don,  a  cadet  of  the  old 
Scottish  family  of  that  name.  Born  on  the  28th 
March  1787,  she  has  attained  her  eighty-ninth  year. 
For  many  years  she  has  resided  at  Benares,  where 
she  is  celebrated  for  her  beneficence.  When  the 
Prince  of  Wales  visited  Benares  in  1876,  His  Royal 
Highness  expressed  a  desire  that  Mrs  Kennedy 
might  be  presented  to  him.  He  congratulated  her 
on  her  venerable  age,  and  on  the  respect  and  affection 
which  she  so  largely  enjoyed. 

By  his  wife,  Ann  Kennedy,  Colonel  William  Alex- 
ander was  father  of  four  sons  and  four  daughters,  of 
whom  two  sons  and  two  daughters  died  young. 

Anna  Maria,  elder  surviving  daughter,  was  born 
13th  April  1824.  She  married  Amyand  Powney 
Charles  Elliot,  captain  in  the  5th  Light  Cavalry, 
youngest  son  of  the  Hon.  J.  E.  Elliot,  and  grandson 
of  the  Earl  of  Minto.  She  died  6th  November  1857, 
leaving  two  sons  and  two  daughters.  Captain  Elliot 
died  in  January  1869. 

Ellen  Henrietta,  younger  surviving  daughter  of 
Colonel  William  Alexander,  was  born  on  the  20th 
April  1830.  She  married,  4th  October  1849,  Colonel 
Henry  Lane  of  the  5th  Bengal  Cavalry,  son  of  Henry 
Snayth  Lane  of  Broad  Oak,  Sussex.  Colonel  Lane 


succeeded  to  the  paternal  estate  in  1866.  He  is,  by 
his  wife,  Ellen  Henrietta  Alexander,  father  of  four 
sons  and  four  daughters.  His  eldest  son,  Henry 
Alexander,  married,  8th  April  1874,  his  cousin,  Grace 
Elliot,  by  whom  he  has  a  son,  born  27th  March 

Augustus  Hay,  younger  surviving  son  of  Colonel 
William  Alexander,  was  born  26th  January  1827;  he 
entered  the  service  of  the  East  India  Company  as 
ensign  of  the  68th  Regiment,  and  was  afterwards 
appointed  to  a  regiment  of  irregular  cavalry.  Before 
the  mutiny,  he  was  appointed  by  the  Earl  of  Dal- 
housie,  Governor-General,  to  be  second  in  command 
of  the  3d  Oude  Irregular  Cavalry.  Fighting  with  his 
regiment  at  Allahabad  against  the  rebels,  he  fell 
mortally  wounded.  He  died  on  the  6th  June  1857. 
His  remains  were  interred  in  the  fort  at  Allahabad. 
A  brave  soldier,  his  premature  death  was  deeply 

William  Ruxton  Eneas  Alexander,  elder  surviving 
son  of  Colonel  William  Alexander,  was  born  on  the 
27th  August  1825.  Joining  the  Indian  Army  in  1842, 
he  served  in  the  Punjab,  and  was  present  at  the  battle 
of  Goojerat.  He  commanded  the  Ramgurh  Irregular 
Cavalry  during  the  campaign  in  Burmah,  1852-53,  and 
was  present  with  the  land  column  at  the  relief  of 
Pegu.  He  took  part  in  the  capture  of  Meaday,  and 
having  led  the  attack  on  the  stockade  of  Thomah,  was 
much  commended  in  the  despatches.  In  1855  he,  in 


command  of  the  Ramgurh  Irregular  Cavalry,  aided 
in  suppressing  the  Sonthall  insurrection.  In  the 
following  year  he  was  vested  with  civil  powers  in  the 
disturbed  district.  For  his  services  in  subduing  the 
revolt,  he  received  the  thanks  of  the  Governor  of 
Bengal,  of  the  Commander-in-Chief,  and  of  the  Court 
of  Directors.  During  the  mutiny  of  1857,  he  com- 
manded the  regiment  known  as  "Alexander's  Horse," 
and  greatly  distinguished  himself  in  an  action  fought 
on  the  7th  February  1858,  when,  at  the  head  of  a 
small  party,  he  defeated  and  scattered  a  large  body 
of  insurgents.  He  assisted  in  successfully  resisting 
the  attack  on  Agra  in  June  1857,  and  took  part  with 
Colonel  Greathead's  column  in  repulsing  the  rebel 
force  from  Gwalior  in  October  1857.  In  1862  he;  in 
reward  of  service,  received  the  officiating  command 
of  the  3d  Bengal  Cavalry.  In  August  1867  he  was  ap- 
pointed Colonel-Commandant  of  the  1st  Bengal  Cav- 
alry. Having  retired  from  the  army  in  April  1876, 
he  received  rank  as  major-general. 

Major-General  W.  R.  E.  Alexander  married,  llth 
September  1850,  his  cousin,  Charlotte,  daughter  of 
Edward  Macleod  Blair,  second  son  of  Sir  Robert 
Blair,  K.C.B.  Head  of  the  family  of  Alexander  of 
Girlaw,  he  is  a  chief  representative  of  the  Irish  branch 
of  the  House  of  Alexander.  His  portrait  fronts  the 
title-page  of  the  present  volume. 



WILLIAM  ALEXANDER,  one  of  the  sons  of  Archibald 
Alexander  of  Ballybiglemore,  in  the  parish  of  Tagh- 
boyne,  county  Donegal  (descended  from  the  House  of 
MacAlexander  of  Tarbert,  in  Kintyre),  occupied  a 
holding  on  the  estate  of  Manor  Cuninghame,  in  Tagh- 
boyne  parish.  He  had  four  sons,  Archibald,  William, 
Eobert,  and  Peter.  Peter  Alexander,  the  youngest 
son,  settled  at  Londonderry ;  he  was  twice  married, 
with  issue.  Sometime  after  his  death,  his  second 
wife,  Jane  Scott,  emigrated  to  Kentucky  with  several 
children,  who  there  settled. 

William,  second  son  of  William  Alexander  at  Manor 
Cuninghame,  emigrated  to  Philadelphia,  and  there 
settled.  He  married  a  widow,  and  died  without 
issue.  Eobert,  the  third  son,  emigrated  to  Pennsyl- 
vania in  1736,  where  he  became  a  teacher  of  mathe- 
matics ;  he  afterwards  settled  in  Virginia. 

Archibald  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  William  Alex- 
ander, was  born  at  Manor  Cuninghame  on  the  4th 

80         MEMORIALS    OF   THE    HOUSE    OF   ALEXANDER. 

February  1708.  In  1736  he  accompanied  his  brother 
Robert  to  America,  settling  at  New  Providence,  in 
Pennsylvania.  About  the  year  1747  he  removed  from 
New  Providence  to  Augusta,  now  styled  Rockbridge, 
in  Virginia,  where  his  brother  Robert  had  already 
settled.  He  married  first,  at  Manor  Cuninghame, 
on  the  31st  December  1734,  his  cousin,  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Joseph  Parks,  who  occupied  lands  in 
the  county  Donegal ;  *  she  died  in  July  1755.  He 
married,  secondly,  at  Augusta,  in  1757,  Margaret 
M'Clure,  of  an  Irish  family. 

By  his  first  wife,  Margaret  Parks,  Archibald  Alex- 
ander was  father  of  two  sons,  William  and  Joseph ; 
and  five  daughters,  Elizabeth,  Anne,  Hannah,  Phebe, 
and  Margaret.  Joseph,  the  second  son,  was  born  at 
New  Providence,  Pennsylvania,  on  the  9th  February 
1742 ;  he  married  Sarah  Reid.  Elizabeth,  the  eldest 
daughter,  was  born  at  Manor  Cuninghame  on  the 
28th  October  1735 ;  she  married  John  M'Cleery  of 
Timber  Ridge,  Virginia.  Anne,  second  daughter,  born 
at  New  Providence,  Pennsylvania,  17th  September 
1740,  married  the  Rev.  Mr  Carruthers.  Hannah, 
third  daughter,  born  at  New  Providence  on  the  21st 
April  1745,  married  Joseph  Lyle.  Phebe,  fourth 
daughter,  born  at  Augusta  12th  August  1749,  married 
John  Paxton;  Margaret,  fifth  daughter,  born  at 
Augusta  9th  July  1751,  died  in  infancy. 

By  his   second  wife,  Margaret  M'Clure,  William 

*  Members  of  the  family  of  Parks  are  still  resident  in  the  county  Donegal. 


Alexander  was  father  of  four  sons  and  three  daughters. 
John,  the  eldest  son,  born  28th  July  1764,  died  in 
1828  ;  he  married  Sarah  Gibson  ;  James,  second  son, 
born  4th  October  1766,  married  Martha  Telford; 
Samuel,  born  6th  February  1769,  married 
M'Coskie ;  Archibald,  the  fourth  son,  born  3d  March 
1771,  married  Isabel  A.  Patton.  Mary,  the  eldest 
daughter,  born  4th  July  1760,  married  John  Tremble; 
Margaret,  second  daughter,  born  1st  February  1762, 
died  unmarried  ;  Jane,  youngest  daughter,  born  1773, 
married  the  Rev.  John  Doak  of  Tennessee. 

William  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  Archibald  Alex- 
ander and  Margaret  Parks,  was  born  on  the  river 
Schuylkill  in  Pennsylvania,  on  the  22d  March  1738. 
He  settled  in  Virginia,  where  he  engaged  in  agri- 
cultural and  commercial  pursuits.  He  married,  in 
February  1767,  Agnes  Anne,  daughter  of  Andrew 
Eeid,  an  opulent  landowner,  and  by  her  was  father 
of  three  sons  and  six  daughters.  Andrew,  the  eldest 
son,  married  Miss  Aylett;  John,  the  third  son,  married 
Elizabeth  Lyle.  Margaret,  the  eldest  daughter,  mar- 
ried Edward  Graham ;  Sarah,  second  daughter,  mar- 
ried Samuel  H.  Campbell;  Phebe,  third  daughter, 
married  William  Carruthers ;  Elizabeth,  "  fourth 
daughter,  married  Henry  M'Cleery;  Anne,  fifth 
daughter,  married  Eev.  William  Turner ;  and  Martha, 
sixth  daughter,  married  Benjamin  H.  Eice. 

Archibald  Alexander,  second  son  of  William  Alex- 
ander and  Agnes  Anne  Eeid,  was  born  on  the  17th 


April  1772.  Licensed  to  preach  in  October  1791,  he 
was  not  long  afterwards  appointed  President  of  Hamp- 
den  Sidney  Presbyterian  College.  In  1807  he  was 
chosen  pastor  of  the  third  Presbyterian  congregation 
of  Philadelphia,  where  he  ministered  till  July  1812, 
when  he  became  First  Professor  in  the  Theological 
Seminary  at  Princeton,  New  Jersey,  an  office  which 
he  held  till  his  death,  which  took  place  on  the  22d 
October  1851.  He  was  D.D.  and  LL.D.  His  more 
considerable  works  are  his  "  History  of  the  Colonisa- 
tion of  the  Western  Coast  of  Africa,"  1846,  8vo ; 
"History  of  the  Israelitish  Nation,"  1852,  8vo;  "  Out- 
lines of  Moral  Science,"  1852,  8vo ;  and  "  Practical 
Sermons."  His  memoirs  have  been  published  by  his 
eldest  son,  the  Eev.  James  Waddel  Alexander,  D.D. 
(New  York,  1855). 

Dr  Archibald  Alexander  married,  5th  April  1802, 
Janetta,  daughter  of  the  Rev.  Dr  James  Waddel,  of 
the  county  of  Louisa,  Virginia.  By  this  union  he 
became  father  of  six  sons,  and  a  daughter,  Janetta, 
who  survives,  unmarried. 

James  Waddel  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  the  Eev. 
Dr  Archibald  Alexander,  was,  on  the  13th  March 
1804,  born  at  Hopewell,  an  estate  situated  at  the 
junction  of  the  counties  of  Louisa,  Orange,  and  Albe- 
marle,  near  the  present  site  of  Gordonsville.  Having 
attended  an  academy  at  Princeton,  he  entered  the 
College  of  New  Jersey  in  1817,  where  he  graduated 
three  years  afterwards.  Entering  the  ministry  of 


the  Presbyterian  Church,  he  was,  in  1828,  elected 
pastor  of  the  congregation  at  Trenton,  New  Jersey. 
He  was,  in  1830,  appointed  Professor  of  Rhetoric 
in  the  College  of  New  Jersey,  an  office  which  he 
exchanged  in  1844  for  the  pastorate  of  Duane  Street 
Church,  New  York.  In  November  he  was  admitted 
Professor  of  Divinity  in  the  Theological  Seminary 
at  Princeton ;  he  returned  to  New  York  in  1851 
to  become  pastor  of  the  Fifth  Avenue  Church  of 
that  city.  There  he  ministered  with  remarkable  ac- 
ceptance till  his  death,  which  took  place  on  the  31st 
July  1859.  He  was  D.D.,  and  was  much  esteemed  for 
his  theological  learning,  and  his  remarkable  power  of 
illustrating  and  enforcing  Divine  truth.  In  1832-33 
he  edited  the  Presbyterian  magazine.  Besides  his 
memoir  of  his  father,  he  published,  "  Christian  Faith 
and  Practice,"  "  Thoughts  on  Preaching,"  and  two 
volumes  of  pulpit  discourses.  His  "Forty  Years' 
Familiar  Letters "  were  published  in  1870,  in  two 
octavo  'volumes.  He  married,  18th  June  1830, 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  George  Cabell,  M.D.,  by 
whom  he  had  three  sons,  Henry,  James  Waddel,  and 

William  Cowper  Alexander,  second  son  of  the  Rev. 
Dr  Archibald  Alexander,  was  born  in  the  county  of 
Prince  Edward,  Virginia,  on  the  20th  May  1806. 
He  studied  at  the  Colleges  of  New  Jersey  and 
Princeton,  graduating  at  the  latter  in  1824.  Choos- 
ing the  legal  profession,  he  was  called  to  the  bar  in 


1827.     In  1837  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the  legis- 
lature of  New  Jersey.     A  Senator  of  State  from  1853 
to  1860,  he  was  four  years  President  of  the  Senate. 
Of  the  Peace  Congress,  for  the  purpose  of  averting 
the  civil  war,  composed  of  delegates  from  all  the 
states  of  the  Union,  he  was  an  active  member,  and 
often  presided  at  the  deliberations.     In  1857  he  was, 
in  the  democratic  interest,  candidate  for  the  governor- 
ship of  New  Jersey,  but  was  defeated.     In  1859  he 
became  first  president  of  the  Equitable  Life  Assur- 
ance Society  of  the  United  States,  and  thereafter 
resided  at  New  York.     He  died  unmarried  on  the 
24th  August  1874.     He  held  a  commission  in  the 
army,  and  was  known  as  Colonel  Alexander. 

Joseph  Addison  Alexander,  third  son  of  the  Rev. 
Dr  Archibald  Alexander,  was  born  in  the  city  of 
Philadelphia  on  the  24th  April  1809.  He  studied  at 
the  College  of  New  Jersey,  where  he  graduated  B.A. 
in  1826.  In  the  same  year  he  was,  by  the  common 
council,  elected  clerk  of  the  borough  of  Virginia. 
After  a  period  of  public  teaching,  he  was,  in  1830, 
appointed  adjunct  Professor  of  Ancient  Languages 
in  the  College  of  New  Jersey.  In  1834  he  was 
nominated  adjunct  Professor  of  Oriental  Literature 
in  the  Theological  Seminary  at  Princeton;  he  was 
elected  professor  in  1835.  In  the  same  year,  he  was 
licensed  to  preach  by  the  Presbytery  of  New  Bruns- 
wick, and  at  once  obtained  celebrity  for  the  power 
and  unction  of  his  pulpit  prelections.  An  accom- 

MEMORIALS    OF   THE   HOUSE    OF   ALEXANDER.         85 

plished  philologist  and  general  scholar,  he  contri- 
buted to  the  current  periodical  literature,  important 
articles  from  his  pen  appearing  in  the  Princeton 
Review,  the  Biblical  Repertory,  and  the  Emporium, 
a  monthly  magazine.  He  published  "Lectures  on 
the  Literature  and  History  of  the  New  Testament." 
His  great  work,  a  "  Commentary  on  Isaiah,"  he  com- 
menced in  1836,  and  completed  in  1846.  He  died 
in  January  1861. 

Of  the  three  remaining  sons  of  the  Eev.  Dr  Archi- 
bald Alexander,  Archibald  and  Samuel  Davies  are 
unmarried.  Henry  M.  Alexander,  the  youngest  son, 
is  a  counsellor-at-law  at  New  York,  in  extensive 
practice.  By  his  wife,  Susan  M.  Brown,  Henry  M. 
Alexander  is  father  of  five  sons,  Charles,  Archibald, 
Samuel,  Henry,  and  Maitland,  and  of  a  daughter, 
Janetta  Waddel. 







ROBERT  ALEXANDER,  probably  a  son  of  John  Alex- 
ander of  Eredy,  and  certainly  a  near  connection  of 
his  house,  is,  in  the  Subsidy  Roll  of  1661,  named 
under  Errigal  parish,  county  Londonderry,  as  "Ro- 
bert Alexander  de  Meyboy,"  and  is  assessed  for  £3, 
the  subsidy  being  £1,  12s.  In  the  Hearth  Tax  Roll 
of  1663  he  is  entered  as  "  Robert  Alexander,  Dun- 
vanaddy  and  Mevoy."  According  to  a  well-authenti- 
cated tradition,  he  took  part  in  the  siege  of  London- 
derry in  1649,  and  in  acknowledgment  of  service, 
received  from  Colonel,  afterwards  Sir  Audley  Mervyn, 
a  grant  of  land  at  Drumquin,  in  the  parish  of  Ard- 
straw,  county  Tyrone.* 

Joseph,  son  of  Robert  Alexander,  was  twice  mar- 
ried.     By  his  first  wife  he  had  two  sons,  James  and 

*  For  an  account  of  Sir  Audley  Mervyn,  see  Transactions  of  Royal  Historical 
Society,  vol.  iii.,  p.  421. 


Thomas.  James,  the  elder  son,  resided  at  Dromore, 
county  Tyrone ;  his  remains  rest  in  the  churchyard  of 
that  place,  where  an  altar  tombstone  to  his  memory 
displays  the  armorial  escutcheon  of  the  House  of 

Thomas,  second  son  of  Joseph  Alexander,  married 
Mary  Osborne,  by  whom  he  had  three  sons,  James, 
Francis,  and  Thomas,  and  a  daughter,  Rebecca. 
Thomas,  the  youngest  son,  was  born  in  1764,  and 
died  in  December  1860,  aged  ninety-six  (Tombstone 
Inscription  in  Dromore  Churchyard).  By  his  wife, 
Mary  Skelton,  he  had  a  son,  Thomas,  who  now  re- 
sides at  Dromore. 

Joseph  Alexander  of  Drumquin  married,  as  his 
second  wife,  the  heiress  of  Drumarnagross,  county 
Tyrone ;  she  bore  him  three  sons,  John,  George,  and 
Joseph.  John,  the  eldest  son,  succeeded  his  mother 
in  the  lands  of  Drumarnagross.  He  married,  and 
had  seven  sons,  James,  Joseph,  Robert,  John,  Thomas, 
William,  and  George.  James  succeeded  his  father  in 
the  lands  of  Drumarnagross,  and  left  a  son,  Joseph, 
now  owner  of  the  estate. 

George,  second  son  of  Joseph  Alexander  by  his 
second  marriage,  was  physician  at  Fintona,  county 
Tyrone.  Joseph,  the  youngest  son,  practised  medi- 
cine at  Trillick  in  the  same  county. 

Jane,  wife  of  William  Alexander,  sixth  son  of 
John  Alexander  of  Drumarnagross,  is  interred  in  the 
parish  churchyard  of  Eaphoe.  She  died  on  the  13th 


January  1869,  aged  thirty-five  (Tombstone  Inscrip- 

Archibald  Alexander  is,  in  the  Subsidy  Roll  for 

1661,  of  the  parish  of  Taghboyne,  county  Donegal, 
assessed  for  property  to  the  value  of  £13,  15s.      He 
is,  in  the  Hearth  Tax  Roll  of  the  same  parish  for 

1662,  styled   " Archibald   Alexander   of    Ballybigle- 
more."     He  was  probably  a  son  of  John  Alexander 
of  Eredy,  and  brother  of  Robert  Alexander  of  Mey- 
boy,  and  afterwards  of  Drumquin.     As  a  lay  elder  he 
represented  the  Presbyterian  congregation  of  Tagh- 
boyne  in  the  Presbytery  of  Laggan,  from  1672  to 
1681  (Presbytery  Records).     In  the  burial-ground  at 
Balleighan,  in  Taghboyne  parish,  his  tombstone  is 
thus  inscribed :  "  Here  lyeth  the  body  of  Archibald 
Alexander,  who  deceased  the  31st  March,  anno  1689." 
Having  died  intestate,  his  wife  obtained  "  letters " 
for  the   administration   of   his   affairs    (Original    in 
General  Probate  Office).      She  died  in  1715,  and  is 
on   her  husband's   tombstone  thus   commemorated : 
"  Here  lyeth  the  body  of  Elizabeth  Mackey,  wife  of 
Archibald   Alexander,  who   departed  this  life  30th 
January  1715,  aged  78  years." 

James  Alexander,  a  younger  son  of  Archibald 
Alexander,  farmed  a  portion  of  the  lands  of  Bally- 
bigley,  and  died  there  on  the  28th  May  1743,  aged 
seventy-five.  His  wife,  Elizabeth  Paterson,  died 
3d  July  1740,  aged  sixty  (Tombstone  Inscription  at 


Joseph  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  Archibald  Alex- 
ander, married  Margaret  Jack.  His  marriage  licence 
is,  in  the  Diocesan  Registry  of  Londonderry,  entered 
thus:  "November  17,  1686. -- Licentia  ad  solem. 
matrimonii  inter  Josephum  Alexander  de  Bally- 
biglemore  in  paroch.  Taboyne  in  com.  Donnegall  et 
Margaretam  Jack  de  Brookhall  in  paroch.  Temple- 


Joseph  Alexander,  son  of  Joseph  Alexander  and 
Margaret  Jack,  died  in  the  autumn  of  1767.  He 
had  married  Elizabeth  Paterson,  and  in  his  will, 
dated  26th  October  1763,  he  names  four  sons,  James, 
Samuel,  William,  and  Joseph,  and  a  daughter, 
Sarah  (Will  in  Probate  Court).  James,  the  eldest 
son,  married  Jane,  daughter  of  Alexander  Scott,  by 
whom  he  had  four  sons,  Joseph,  Nathaniel,  John, 
and  Robert,  and  four  daughters.  Two  of  the  daugh- 
ters are  unmarried,  and,  with  their  sister,  a  widow, 
reside  at  Ballybigley.  Elizabeth,  the  remaining 
daughter,  married  John  Alexander,  son  of  James 
Alexander,  farmer,  Gortmesson,  county  Tyrone,  and 
had  issue,  seven  sons  and  one  daughter.  James, 
eldest  son  of  the  eldest  daughter,  is  now  farmer  at 
Drumenon,  Taghboyne  parish ;  he  is  married  and 
has  issue,  one  daughter.  Joseph,  second  son  of  John 
and  Elizabeth  Alexander,  is  farmer  at  Imlich,  county 

Joseph,  eldest  son  of  James  Alexander  of  Bally- 
bigley, died  unmarried.  Nathaniel,  the  second  son, 


emigrated  to  St  John,  New  Brunswick.  He  married 
and  had  sons  and  daughters.  His  only  surviving  son 
is  Charles  Crawford  Alexander. 

John,  third  son  of  James  Alexander  of  Ballybigley, 
died  without  issue.  Robert,  the  fourth  son,  pro- 
ceeded to  the  West  Indies,  and  there  died  without 

Samuel,  second  son  of  Joseph  Alexander  of  Bally- 
bigley, died  in  1767.  He  had  a  son,  James,  and  a 
daughter,  Elizabeth.  James  Alexander  was  bank- 
agent  at  Omagh;  his  remains  are  deposited  in  the 
parish  churchyard  of  Cappagh,  county  Tyrone.  Eliza- 
beth Alexander  resides  at  Eathmullen,  county  Donegal. 

John  Alexander,  printer,  Strabane,  county  Tyrone, 
was  descended  from  the  families  of  Ballybigley  and 
Crew.  He  died  in  1801.  In  his  will,  executed  18th 
November  1798,  he  names  his  sons,  John  and  Joseph. 

Descendants  of  Archibald  Alexander  of  Ballybig- 
ley settled  at  Londonderry.  Robert  Alexander  of 
Bishop  Street,  Londonderry,  who  died  in  1822, 
names  in  his  will  his  sons,  James  and  Samuel,  and 
his  daughters,  Hannah  and  Elizabeth.  James  Alex- 
ander of  Foyle  Street,  Londonderry,  whose  will  was 
proved  on  the  3d  November  1831,  made  bequests  to 
his  sons,  John  and  James,  and  his  daughters,  Mary, 
Jane,  Eleanor,  and  Elizabeth  (Wills  in  Probate 

Also  descended  from  Archibald  Alexander  of 
Ballybigley  is  the  family  of  Alexander  at  Kinnekally, 


parish  of  Taghboyue.  John  Alexander,  farmer  at 
Kinnekally,  died  on  the  7th  October  1724.  He  mar- 
ried, first,  Magdalene  Kilgour,  who  died  in  July  1709 
(Tombstone  Inscription) ;  and  secondly,  Mary.  In  his 
will,  dated  26th  March  1720,  he  names  his  sons, 
Robert,  Joseph,  and  John.  He  also  had  a  son  Jacob. 
"  Mr  Thomas  Alexander "  is  named  as  one  of  his 
executors  (Will  in  Probate  Court). 

John  Alexander,  son  of  John  Alexander,  farmer  at 
Kinnekally,  died  in  1785,  aged  seventy-nine.  In  his 
will,  dated  1st  October  1771,  he  names  a  son,  James, 
and  a  daughter,  Mary,  married  to  John  Gregg. 

James  Alexander,  son  of  John  Alexander  at  Kin- 
nekally, died  in  1829,  aged  eighty-five.  His  son 
James,  who  died  in  1836  (Tombstone  Inscription), 
left  a  son,  John,  who  is  now  farmer  at  Drumbarnet, 
near  Newton  Cuninghame,  county  Donegal. 

James  Alexander,  brother  of  John  Alexander, 
farmer  at  Kinnekally,  rented  the  farm  of  Altrest,  in 
the  parish  of  Donagheady.  He  had  a  son,  William, 
and  a  grandson,  James,  whose  son,  Robert,  is  now 
farmer  at  Altrest. 

Archibald  Alexander,  descended  from  Archibald 
Alexander  of  Ballybigley,  settled  at  Ratteen,  in  the 
parish  of  Taghboyne.  He  married,  and  had  a  son, 
Andrew,  who  purchased  the  small  estate  of  Crew, 
parish  of  Ardstraw,  county  Tyrone.  He  married 
Fanny  Lockhart,  by  whom  he  had  six  sons,  William, 
Samuel,  Hugh,  Joseph,  Andrew,  and  Thomas.  His 


tombstone  in  Ardstraw  parish  churchyard  is  thus 
inscribed :  "  Here  lyeth  the  body  of  Andrew  Alex- 
ander, who  departed  this  life  March  the  5th,  1779, 
aged  73  years." 

William,  second  son  of  Andrew  Alexander  of  Crew, 
married,  and  had  one  daughter.  Samuel,  the  third 
son,  married,  and  had  three  sons  and  one  daughter. 
David,  one  of  the  sons,  now  resides  at  Taghboyne. 

Hugh,  fourth  son  of  Andrew  Alexander,  proceeded 
to  the  parish  of  Donagheady,  and  there  purchased 
land.  One  of  his  sons  now  resides  at  Donemana, 
in  Donagheady  parish. 

Andrew,  fifth  son  of  Andrew  Alexander,  purchased 
land  at  Donemana,  where  his  son  resides  now. 

Thomas,  sixth  son,  emigrated  to  America. 

Joseph,  eldest  son  of  Andrew  Alexander  of  Crew, 
succeeded  his  father  in  his  lands.  He  married  Isa- 
bella Wauchope,  by  whom  he  had  five  sons,  Charles ; 
Andrew,  born  1799;  Thomas,  born  1800;  Joseph, 
born  1802 ;  and  James,  born  1804.  He  died  in  1806 
(Will  in  Probate  Court). 

Charles,  eldest  son  of  Joseph  Alexander  of  Crew, 
was  born  27th  September  1797.  He  died  some  years 
ago,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  second  brother,  Andrew, 
who  is  married,  with  issue. 

A  descendant  of  the  family  of  Ballybigley,  Andrew 
Alexander,  Presbyterian  minister  at  Urney,  county 
Tyrone,  executed  his  will  on  the  14th  October  1807, 
and  died  in  the  following  year.  To  his  wife,  Elizabeth 


Knox,  he  bequeathed  "  an  undisputable  right  to  the 
rents  of  Ballymanan,  in  the  parish  of  Donaghmore, 
and  county  of  Donegal."  He  mentions  his  daughter 
Elizabeth  Alexander,  unmarried,  and  his  married 
daughter,  Martha  M'Conechy,  and  her  children. 

Descended  from  the  House  of  Ballybigley,  Thomas 
Alexander,  "  of  the  town  of  Lisslimnaghan,  parish  of 
Cappagh,"  county  Tyrone,  executed  his  will  on  the 
1st  October  1783,  and  died  soon  afterwards.  He 
bequeathed  his  farm  in  liferent  to  his  wife  Isabella. 
Archibald  Alexander  is  named  as  a  legatee  (Will  in 
Probate  Court). 

A  scion  of  the  family  of  Ballybigley,  Jacob  Alex- 
ander acquired  the  lands  of  Greenville,  parish  of 
Ardstraw,  and  died  7th  June  1822,  aged  seventy- 
eight  (Tombstone  in  Ardstraw  Churchyard).  By  his 
wife,  Jane  Eakin,  he  had  a  son,  Joseph,  and  a  daughter, 
Jane,  who  died  17th  October  1822. 

Joseph  Alexander  succeeded  his  father  in  the  lands 
of  Greenville.  He  married  Isabella  Turner,  by  whom 
he  had  a  son,  John  George.  He  died  in  1834.  In 
his  will,  proved  at  Londonderry  on  the  12th  Decem- 
ber of  that  year,  he  leaves  an  annuity  to  his  wife 
out  of  the  lands  of  Bittany,  in  the  parish  of  Cap- 
pagh, and  the  lands  of  Greenville,  in  the  parish  of 
Ardstraw.  He  mentions  his  son  John  George  as  a 

John  George  Alexander,  only  son  of  Joseph  Alex- 
ander of  Greenville,  died  prior  to  1866.  In  the 


parish  churchyard  of  Ardstraw  a  tombstone  is  thus 
inscribed :  "  Erected  as  a  tribute  to  the  memory  of 
the  late  Jacob  Alexander,  Esq.  of  Greenville,  and  his 
family,  by  Francis  O'Neill,  executor  of  the  late  John 
George  Alexander,  Esq.,  pursuant  to  the  directions 
of  his  will,  May  1864.  Also,  the  body  of  John 
Alexander,  who  departed  this  life  the  20th  day  of 
January  1866,  aged  86  years." 

Joseph  Alexander,  of  the  parish  of  Upper  Long- 
field,  county  Tyrone  (a  supposed  descendant  of  the 
family  of  Ballybigley),  died  in  1832.  By  his  wife,  Jane 
Watson,  he  had  six  sons,  Thomas,  George,  John, 
Joseph,  Robert,  and  James ;  and  two  daughters, 
Isabella  and  Elizabeth  (Will  in  Probate  Court). 

In  the  Hearth  Tax  Roll  of  1662,  William  Alex- 
ander is  named  in  the  parish  of  Clonleigh,  county 
Donegal,  while  in  the  roll  of  1665  his  name  dis- 
appears from  Clonleigh,  and  is  included  in  Raphoe 
parish  in  the  same  county  (see  supra).  He  was 
probably  the  father  of  James  Alexander,  Presby- 
terian minister  at  Raphoe  from  1677  to  1704.  To 
the  charge  at  Raphoe,  otherwise  called  Convoy,* 
James  Alexander  was  ordained  12th  December 
1677  (Reid's  Irish  Presb.  Church).  Along  with 
his  brethren,  Mr  William  Trail,t  Mr  Robert  Camp- 

*  The  parish  of  Convoy  formerly  constituted  part  of  the  parish  of  Raphoe,  and 
though  the  meeting-house  was  at  Convoy,  the  incumbent  was  styled  minister  of 
Raphoe  (Note  to  Reid's  Presb.  Church  in  Ireland,  vol.  ii.,  p.  339). 

t  Mr  "William  Trail  was  son  of  Mr  Robert  Trail,  minister  of  Edinburgh,  grand- 
son of  Colonel  James  Trail  of  Killelagh,  in  Ireland,  and  great-grandson  of  the 
laird  of  Blebo,  in  Fife.  Born  in  1640,  he  was  ordained  Presbyterian  minister  at 


bell,*  and  Mr  John  Hart,t  he  was  in  1681  subjected 
to  a  course  of  persecution. 

Meeting  at  St  Johnstone,  on  the  2d  February  1681, 
the  Presbytery  of  Laggan  appointed  the  17th  day  of 
that  month  to  be  observed  for  special  fasting  and 
prayer.  The  Presbytery  also  framed  a  paper,  to  be 
read  from  the  different  pulpits,  enumerating  as  causes 
of  the  fast,  "  apostasy  and  perjury,  and  breach  of 
solemn  covenants."  Some  expressions  used  in  the 
paper  being  construed  as  reflecting  injuriously  on 
the  Episcopal  Church,  Mr  Alexander  and  his  three 
colleagues  were  summoned  before  the  justices  at 
Raphoe.  The  justices  met  on  Tuesday  the  3d  May, 
and,  after  an  examination,  the  charge  against  the 
four  brethren  was  dismissed.  Within  a  few  weeks 
thereafter,  the  brethren  were,  on  the  same  charge, 
summoned  before  the  Privy  Council,  and  by  that 
body  remitted  for  trial  to  the  assize  court  at  LifFord. 
The  court  of  assize  met  in  August,  and  the  brethren, 
being  found  guilty,  were  sentenced  to  pay  £20  each, 
and  to  subscribe  an  engagement  against  again  calling 
a  fast.  Kefusing  to  obtemperate  the  sentence,  they 

Lifford,  Ireland,  in  1672.  He  afterwards  proceeded  to  Maryland.  .  Returning 
to  Scotland  at  the  Revolution,  he  was  in  1690  admitted  minister  of  Borthwick, 
Edinburghshire.  He  died  3d  May  1714  (Fasti  Eccl.  Scot.). 

*  Mr  Robert  Campbell  was  ordained  minister  of  Raymoghy,  county  Donegal,  in 
1671.  He  was  called  to  the  parish  of  Roseneath,  Dumbartonshire,  in  1689  (Fasti 
Eccl.  Scot.  ;  Reid's  Presb.  Church). 

t  Mr  John  Hart  was  admitted  to  the  second  charge  of  Hamilton  in  1653,  and 
was  translated  to  Taghboyne  in  1656.  He  was  ejected  in  1662  under  pretence 
of  being  accessory  to  a  plot  against  the  bishops.  He  died  before  1689  (Fasti 
Eccl.  Scot). 

96         MEMORIALS    OF   THE   HOUSE    OF   ALEXANDER. 

were  imprisoned  at  Lifford  for  eight  months.  Their 
fines  were  afterwards  remitted  by  the  Court  of 
Exchequer  (Wodrow's  MSS.  ;  Heid's  Irish  Presb. 

James  Alexander  continued  to  minister  at  Eaphoe 
till  his  death,  which  took  place  on  the  17th  November 
1704.  His  salary  was,  on  his  appointment,  fixed  at 
£24  money,  with  twenty-four  barrels  of  corn.  He 
died  without  issue.  By  his  will,  dated  13th  March 
1702,  he  constituted  his  wife,  Marion  Shaw,  his  exe- 
cutrix and  sole  legatee  (Will  in  Probate  Court). 

Mrs  Marion  Alexander  or  Shaw,  relict  of  the  Eev. 
James  Alexander,  died  at  Eaphoe  in  1711.  In  her 
will  she  expressed  her  desire  to  be  buried  in  the 
churchyard  of  Eaphoe,  "  along  with  the  corps  of  her 
dear  husband."  She  bequeathed  her  substance  to 
her  niece,  Elizabeth  Shaw,  daughter  of  her  brother, 
Mr  James  Shaw.  As  overseers  for  the  proper  ad- 
ministration of  her  will,  she  named  Mr  Eobert  Camp- 
bell in  Eay,  Mr  Alexander  Nisbet  in  Tillidonell,  and 
Mr  Andrew  Fergusson  in  Burt. 

James  Alexander  of  Eaphoe  (probably  a  nephew 
of  the  Eev.  James  Alexander)  died  in  1723.  In 
his  will,  dated  12th  June  1723,  he  bequeaths  his 
entire  substance  to  his  wife  (Will  in  Probate  Court). 

In  the  churchyard  of  Eaphoe,  a  tombstone,  more 
than  a  century  old,  is  inscribed,  "  Here  lyeth  the 
body  of  Elizabeth  Alexander."  In  the  same  church- 
yard an  altar  tombstone  has  the  following  legend  : 


"  Erected  to  the  memory  of  William  Alexander,  sen- 
ior, who  departed  this  life  April  1856,  aged  83  years; 
also  of  Robert  Alexander,  who  died  July  1861,  aged 
78  years.  And  also  Jane  Alexander,  the  beloved 
wife  of  William  Alexander,  junior,  Dromore,  who 
died  13th  January  1869,  aged  35  years." 





IN  the  Hearth  Tax  Eoll  of  Errigal  parish,  county 
Londonderry,  is  named,  in  1663,  as  resident  at  the 
village  of  Garvachy,  "  Andrew  Alexander."  "  Eobert 
Alexander  de  Meyboy  "  is  entered  in  the  Subsidy 
Eoll  of  the  same  parish  in  1661  (see  supra).  Andrew 
Alexander  was,  it  is  believed,  a  son  of  John  Alex- 
ander, the  original  settler  at  Eredy,  county  Donegal ; 
he  was  at  the  siege  of  Londonderry  in  1649.  He 
obtained  the  favour  of  Captain,  afterwards  Sir  Thomas 
Philipps,  who,  with  his  elder  brother,  Mr  Dudley 
Philipps,  served  with  Sir  Eobert  and  Sir  Alexander 
Stewart  against  O'Neill.  Captain  Philipps  was  ap- 
pointed governor  of  Culmore  Fort,  near  Londonderry, 
and  obtained  lands  at  Newton  Limavady  (Eeid's 
Irish  Presb.  Church).  From  Sir  Thomas  Philipps,* 
or  his  son,  styled  Major-Colonel  George  Philipps,  f 

*  Andrew  Alexander  is  said  to  have  espoused,  as  his  first  wife,  a  daughter  of 
Sir  Thomas  Philipps,  but  on  what  we  deem  insufficient  evidence. 

t  This  person  is  described  as  author  of  the  celebrated  letter  to  Charles  I., 
complaining  of  the  London  Companies'  breach  of  charter  in  replanting  the  Irish 


Andrew  Alexander  obtained  a  grant  of  land  at  Bal- 
lyclose, in  the  parish  of  Drumachose,  near  Newton 

Andrew  Alexander  latterly  resided  at  Bally  close, 
where  he  reared  a  convenient  residence.  A  stone 
from  one  of  the  walls,  bearing  the  founder's  initials, 
with  the  date  1666,  is  placed  in  the  wall  of  the  present 
mansion.  Through  commercial  pursuits  conducted 
at  Londonderry,  Andrew  Alexander  attained  con- 
siderable opulence.  With  many  other  adherents  of 
the  Eevolution  Government,  he  was,  under  the  style 
of  Captain  Andrew  Alexander,  attainted  in  a  pre- 
tended parliament,  held  by  James  II.  at  Dublin,  on 
the  7th  May  1689. 

Andrew  Alexander  of  Ballyclose  married  the 
daughter  of  -  -  Hilles,  a  landowner  in  the  county 
of  Londonderry.  He  had  three  sons,  John,  Thomas, 
and  another. 

Thomas  Alexander  occupied  a  holding  in  the  parish 
of  Errigal.  Of  that  parish  he  was  churchwarden  in 
1696-97  (Vestry  Register). 

John  Alexander,  the  eldest  son,  sometime  traded 
in  Londonderry.  He  was  resident  at  Ballyclose  in 
1717,  for  on  the  16th  June  of  that  year  he  subscribed 
the  register,  certifying  that  Mr  Gervais  Temple, 
rector  of  Drumachose,  had  read  common  prayer  in 

Papists  in  place  of  English  and  Scottish  Protestants,  who  had  been  settled  on 
their  lands.  "He  was  attainted  at  a  pretended  Parliament  on  the  7th  May 
1689,  as  was  his  son,  Captain  Thomas  Phillips  of  Limerick,"  and  others  (Graham's 
History  of  the  Siege  of  Londonderry, 


the  parish  church,  on  the  occasion  of  his  admission  to 
the  cure  (Diocesan  Kegistry  of  Deny,  No.  1,  p.  410). 
He  purchased  the  estate  of  Gunsland,  county  Done- 
gal, and  built  a  town  residence  at  the  Diamond, 
Londonderry.  He  married  Anne  White,  a  widow, 
daughter  of  John  White  of  the  Cady  Hill,  Newton 
Limavady,  by  whom  he  had  three  sons  and  one 
daughter,  Martha,  who  married  Alexander  Kellie, 
with  issue.  He  died  12th  March  1747  (Family 
Tombstone  at  Newton  Limavady).  In  his  will, 
dated  21st  January  1746,  he  makes  bequests  to  his 
sons,  John,  Nathaniel,  and  William,  and  his  daugh- 
ter Martha;  also  to  John  Alexander,  described  as 
"his  brother's  son,"  and  to  Andrew  Alexander, 
described  as  son  of  his  brother  Thomas  (Will  in 
Probate  Court). 

John,  eldest  son  of  John  Alexander  of  Ballyclose, 
was  born  in  1695.  He  became  a  merchant  in  Lon- 
donderry. By  his  wife  Sarah,  daughter  of  Alexander 
Macaulay  of  Dromnagisson,  county  Antrim,  he  had 
three  sons,  Alexander,  Andrew,  and  John ;  and  two 
daughters,  Margaret  and  Amelia.  He  died  in  1766, 
aged  seventy-one  (Tombstone  at  Newton  Limavady). 
Margaret,  the  elder  daughter,  married  John  Cranstoun 
of  Belfast,  in  May  1794,  with  issue.  Amelia,  the 

younger  daughter,  married Williams,  by  whom 

she  had  three  daughters. 

Alexander  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  John  Alex- 
ander, served  in  the  navy ;  he  had  an  annuity  from 


his  younger  brother  Andrew.  He  died  unmarried. 
Andrew,  the  second  son,  succeeded  to  the  paternal 
estate;  he  married  Rebecca  Isabella,  daughter  of 
Colonel  Alexander  Stewart  of  Londonderry.  He  died, 
without  issue,  on  the  1st  July  1803,  aged  sixty-nine 
(Tombstone  at  Newton  Limavady).  By  his  will,  exe- 
cuted 2d  June  1803,  he  bequeathed  his  estate  in  trust 
to  Eobert  Alexander  of  Dublin,  and  Henry  Alexander 
of  Boomhall,  county  Londonderry,  for  payment  of  his 
wife's  annuity,  and  the  conveyance  of  the  rents  there- 
after to  his  brother,  John  Alexander  of  Belfast ;  on 
whose  decease  they  were  to  convey  his  estate  to 
Andrew  Alexander,  his  brother  John's  youngest  son ; 
failing  whom,  to  John  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  his 
said  brother ;  whom  failing,  to  the  right  heirs  of  the 
said  John  Alexander  (Will  in  Probate  Court). 

John,  third  and  youngest  son  of  John  Alexander  of 
Ballyclose,  was  born  26th  January  1736.  He  resided 
at  Belfast,  where  he  engaged  in  merchandise.  On  the 
29th  May  1760,  he  married  Anne,  daughter  of  George 
Portis,  Esq.,  collector  of  customs,  Belfast,  by  his 
wife,  Mary  Eatcliffe,  born  1741;  she  is,  in  the  Belfast 
Newsletter  announcing  the  nuptials,  described  as  "  a 
young  lady  of  great  beauty  and  merit,  with  a  hand- 
some fortune."  John  Alexander  was  father  of  four 
sons,  John,  George,  Andrew,  and  Alexander.  He 
died  23d  December  1821,  aged  eighty-six. 

George,  the  second  son,  died  without  issue. 

John  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  John  Alexander 


and  Anne  Portis,  was  born  27th  February  1764. 
He  sold,  in  1827,  the  estate  of  Bally  close  to  Major 
Alexander  Alexander  of  Newton  Limavady.  In 
1790  he  purchased  the  lands  of  Milford,  county 
Carlow,  where  he  died,  16th  August  1843,  aged 
eighty.  He  married,  8th  September  1801,  Christian 
Izod,  daughter  of  Lorenzo  Nickson,  Esq.  of  Chapel- 
izod,  county  of  Kilkenny,  by  whom  he  had  six 
sons,  John,  Lorenzo  William,  George,  James,  Charles 
Leslie,  and  Henry,  and  five  daughters,  Elizabeth, 
Anne,  Emily,  Lucia,  and  Fanny.  Elizabeth  and 
Emily  died  young;  Anne,  born  1st  August  1806, 
married,  6th  October  1828,  John  Cranstoun  of  Crane- 
brook,  county  Tyrone;  she  died  10th  April  1862, 
without  issue.  Lucia  is  unmarried;  Fanny,  born 
1st  February  1816,  married,  19th  October  1847, 
the  Eev.  Charles  Henry  Travers,  rector  of  Purley, 

Lorenzo  William,  second  son  of  John  Alexander 
of  Milford,  born  22d  October  1810,  married,  on  the 
25th  June  1857,  Harriet,  eldest  daughter  of  the  late 
Colonel  Henry  Bruen  of  Oak  Park,  county  Carlow, 
who  long  represented  that  county  in  Parliament. 
He  was  father  of  one  son,  Henry  Bruen,  and  two 
daughters,  Christian  and  Anne ;  he  died  21st  Septem- 
ber 1867. 

George,  the  third  son,  born  17th  February  1814, 
married,  28th  February  1861,  Susan,  daughter  of 
J.  H.  Collins,  barrister-at-law,  by  whom  he  has  had 


four  sons,  John  Stephen,  Frank,  James,  and  Walter, 
and  one  daughter,  Christian  Izod. 

James,  the  fourth  son,  born  8th  March  1818, 
married,  12th  July  1855,  Lucia  Margaret,  eldest 
daughter  of  Sir  William  Clarke  Travers,  Bart,  of 
Rossmore,  county  Cork,  without  issue. 

Charles  Leslie,  fifth  son,  born  28th  April  1820,  is 
vicar  of  Stewkley,  Buckinghamshire. 

Henry,  youngest  son  of  John  Alexander,  first  of 
Milford,  is  lieutenant-colonel,  1st  Dragoon  Guards. 

John  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  John  Alexander, 
first  of  Milford,  was  born  26th  July  1802.  He 
graduated  at  the  University  of  Dublin.  He  was 
High  Sheriff  of  Carlow  in  1824,  and  represented  that 
borough  in  Parliament  from  1853  to  1859.  He  mar- 
ried, 18th  October  1848,  Esther,  eldest  daughter  of 
Matthew  Brinkley,  Esq.  of  Parsonstown,  county 
Meath,  second  son  of  the  Bishop  of  Cloyne,  by 
whom  he  has  had  five  sons,  and  one  daughter, 
Harriet  Lucia,  who  married,  8th  July  1875,  Captain 
Donnethorne  of  the  Scots  Greys.  John,  the  eldest 
son,  born  23d  September  1850,  studied  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Cambridge.  He  is  now  an  officer  in  the 
Dragoon  Guards.  William  Cranstoun,  second  son, 
born  5th  November  1851,  studied  at  the  University 
of  Oxford,  and  follows  legal  pursuits.  Lorenzo,  third 
son,  born  28th  August  1853,  is  a  merchant  in 
London.  Charles  Henry,  fourth  son,  born  2d  June 
1856,  is  a  cadet  at  Woolwich ;  and  George,  fifth  son, 


born  20th  June  1858,  is  an  undergraduate  in  Trinity 
College,  Dublin. 

Nathaniel  Alexander,  second  son  of  John  Alex- 
ander of  Ballyclose  and  Gunsland,  and  grandson  of 
Captain  Andrew  Alexander,  was  born  in  1689.  He 
was  admitted  to  the  Corporation  of  Londonderry  in 
1740,  and  in  1755  was  elected  an  alderman  of  the 
city  (Corporation  Eecords).  He  succeeded  his  father 
in  the  estate  of  Gunsland,  county  Donegal.  He  died 
22d  September  1761,  aged  seventy-two.  His  remains 
were  deposited  in  the  burial-ground  of  the  Chapel  of 
Ease,  Londonderry  (Tombstone  Inscription).  By  his 
wife,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  William  M'Clintock 
of  Dunmore,  county  Donegal,  he  had  five  sons, 
William,  Eobert,  James,  John,  and  Nathaniel,  and 
six  daughters,  Mary  Jane,  Eebecca,  Elizabeth,  Ann, 
Jane,  senior,  and  Jane,  junior.  The  sons  John  and 
Nathaniel,  and  the  daughters  Elizabeth,  Ann,  Jane, 
senior  and  junior,  died  young. 

Mary  Jane  Alexander,  eldest  daughter  of  Nathaniel 
Alexander,  married,  first,  Weld,  Esq.,  Lon- 
donderry, by  whom  she  had  two  daughters,  who 
died  unmarried.  She  married,  secondly,  Hamilton 
Maclure,  Esq.,  of  Dublin,  by  whom  she  had  one 
daughter,  who  married  John  William  Foster,  Esq. 
of  Fane  Valley,  county  Louth,  and  had  sons  and 
daughters.  One  of  the  daughters  married,  in 
1819,  Thomas,  second  Lord  Plunket,  Bishop  of 


Eebecca  Alexander,  second  surviving  daughter  of 
Nathaniel  Alexander,  married  Josias  Dupre  of  Wilton 
Park,  Buckinghamshire,  and  had  issue.  A  daughter 
married  General  Sir  Terence  O'Brien. 

William  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  Nathaniel  Alex- 
ander, studied  at  the  University  of  Cambridge,  and 
was  called  to  the  bar,  but  afterwards  became  a 
merchant  in  the  city  of  London.  He  died  in  1774, 
and  his  remains  were  interred  in  St  Laurence 
church,  London.  By  his  wife,  Charlotte,  daughter 
of  Messenger  Monsey,  M.D.,  of  Mulberton,  in  the 
county  of  Norfolk,  who  died  in  1798,  he  had  four 
sons  and  seven  daughters.  Charlotte,  the  eldest 
daughter,  born  in  1754,  died  in  June  1829  unmarried. 
Elizabeth,  second  daughter,  born  1758,  died  unmar- 
ried in  September  1840.  Anne,  third  daughter,  born 
1759,  married  William  Dalton,  and  died  without 
issue  in  1840.  Jemima,  fourth  daughter,  born  in 
1764,  married  in  1789  the  Eev.  John  Edmund  Eolfe, 
vicar  of  Cranworth,  Norfolk,  first  cousin  of  Admiral 
Viscount  Nelson.  Her  son,  Eobert  Monsey  Eolfe, 
was  called  to  the  bar :  he  became  successively 
Solicitor-General,  Baron  of  Exchequer,  Vice-Chan- 
cellor, and  Lord  Justice  of  Appeal.  He  was  in  1850 
created  Baron  Cranworth,  and  in  1852  was  appointed 
Lord  High  Chancellor.  He  died  in  1868.  Eebecca, 
fifth  daughter  of  William,  died  young,  unmarried. 
Catherine,  sixth  daughter,  married,  in  1800,  the  Eev. 
J.  B.  Collyer  of  Hackford  Hall,  Norfolk,  by  whom 


she  had  two  sons  and  three  daughters.  Charlotte 
Collyer,  the  eldest  daughter,  married  the  Eev.  Dr 
Harris,  by  whom  she  had  an  only  child.  Robert, 
the  second  son,  entered  into  holy  orders,  and  died 
unmarried.  John,  the  eldest  son,  became  a  barrister- 
at-law.  He  married  Georgina  Frances  Amy,  eldest 
daughter  of  Sir  William  Johnston  of  Johnston,  Aber- 
deenshire,  with  issue.  Mary,  youngest  daughter  of 
William  Alexander,  died  unmarried  in  1844. 

Monsey,  eldest  son  of  William  Alexander,  was 
born  in  1756,  and  took  orders  in  the  English  Church. 
When  the  Earl  of  Bristol  was  appointed  Bishop  of 
Derry,  he  became  his  lordship's  chaplain.  He  after- 
wards obtained  the  incumbency  of  Moville,  county 
Derry,  and  died  in  1790.  By  his  wife,  Susanna, 
daughter  of  James  M'Clintock  of  Tearntagh,  county 
Donegal,  he  had  an  only  child,  Dorothea,  who  married, 
in  1816,  the  Eev.  Alexander  Staples,  rector  of  Gow- 
ran,  and  had  issue. 

William,  second  son  of  William  Alexander  of 
London,  engaged  in  merchandise  in  Dublin.  He 
was  drowned  while  bathing.  In  his  will,  dated  5th 
December  1791,  he  is  described  as  "of  St  Mary's 
Abbey,  in  the  city  of  Dublin."  He  made  bequests 
of  sums  varying  between  £500  and  ten  guineas  to 
numerous  relatives,  with  this  remark,  "  These  bequests 
may  possibly  be  construed  as  the  effects  of  vanity,  even 
so,  I  hope  the  crime  is  pardonable ;  but  it  really  was 
always  my  opinion  that  such  tokens  as  friendly  fare- 


wells  on  our  departure  for  a  strange  country,  were 
gratifying  to  the  feelings  of  both  parties.  I  have 
only  acted  therefore  in  support  of  my  opinion,  and 
wish  my  time  and  circumstance  would  permit  me  to 
enlarge  upon  the  subject." 

To  Henry  Alexander  of  William  Street  he  be- 
queathed the  contents  of  his  cellar,  which  he  describes 
as  "alas!  but  trifling."  His  will  closes  with  these 
words :  "  I  shall  now  conclude  with  sincere  prayers 
for  the  health,  happiness,  and  prosperity  of  my  rela- 
tions, friends,  and  acquaintances,  in  particular,  and 
for  the  general  peace  and  happiness  of  all  the  world" 
(Will  in  Probate  Court,  Dublin). 

John  Alexander,  third  son  of  William  Alexander 
of  London,  died  unmarried.  Robert  Alexander,  the 
fourth  son,  was  born  in  1771.  He  held  an  appoint- 
ment in  the  Civil  Service  of  the  East  India  Company, 
and  was  member  of  council  at  Madras.  He  married, 
first,  Miss  Williams ;  and  secondly,  Grace,  daughter 
of  the  Eev.  St  John  Blacker,  A.M.,  prebendary 
of  Inver,  in  the  county  of  Donegal;  she  died  19th 
October  1835.  Robert  Alexander  latterly  resided  in 
Gloucester  Place,  London.  He  left  two  sons, 
James  William  and  Robert,  and  two  daughters, 
Charlotte  and  Mary.  Charlotte,  elder  daughter, 
married  John  Muddelk,  Esq.  of  Greenhill  House, 
near  Maidstone.  Mary,  the  second  daughter,  mar- 
ried, 6th  April  1837,  the  Rev.  Sir  Samuel  Vincent 
Love  Hammick,  A.M.,  vicar  of  Milton  Abbot,  Devon, 


and  has  issue,  six  sons  and  one  daughter.  James 
William,  only  child  of  Eobert  Alexander  by  his  first 
wife,  died  in  India  in  1836  without  issue. 

Eobert  Alexander,  only  son  of  Eobert  Alexander 
by  his  second  wife,  resides  at  Downs  House,  Talding, 
Kent.  He  is  unmarried. 





ROBERT  ALEXANDER  of  Boomhall  was  second  son  of 
Nathaniel  Alexander,  alderman  of  the  city  of  London- 
derry, and  grandson  of  Captain  Andrew  Alexander 
of  Ballyclose,  county  Londonderry.  On  his  estate  of 
Boomhall,  near  Londonderry,  he  erected  a  family 
mansion,  at  the  spot  where  a  boom  was  constructed 
to  prevent  ships  sailing  towards  the  city  during  the 
siege  of  1689.  At  Londonderry  he  engaged  in  mer- 
chandise, and  became  prosperous.  He  died  on  the 
27th  March  1790,  aged  sixty-eight,  and  his  remains 
were  deposited  in  the  family  burial-ground  in  the 
Chapel  of  Ease  churchyard,  Londonderry  (Tombstone 

By  his   wife,   Anne,   daughter  and   co-heiress   of 


Henry  M'Culloch,  Esq.  of  Cladymore  and  Ballyarton, 
county  Londonderry  (who  died  20th  January  1817), 
Robert  Alexander  had  five  sons,  Nathaniel,  Henry, 
William,  James,  and  Josias  Dupre,  and  five  daughters, 
Elizabeth,  Jane,  Anne,  Eebecca,  and  Dorothea. 
Elizabeth,  the  eldest  daughter,  married  Sir  Andrew 
Ferguson,  Bart,  of  The  Farm,  county  Londonderry,  by 
whom  she  had  three  sons  and  four  daughters.  Anne, 
eldest  daughter,  married  Colonel  William  Blacker 
of  Carrick,  county  Armagh ;  she  died  3d  January 
1861  without  issue.  Sarah,  second  daughter,  mar- 
ried the  Eev.  William  Knox,  son  of  the  Bishop  of 
Derry,  and  grandson  of  Lord  Northland ;  she  died  in 
1819,  leaving  three  sons,  William,  Ferguson;  and 
Thomas.  Jane,  third  daughter,  married  John  Mont- 
gomery of  Benrarden,  county  Antrim,  by  whom  she 
had  a  son,  James,  and  two  daughters,  Barbara  and 
Isabella.  Eliza,  fourth  daughter,  married  John 
George  Smyly,  Q.C.,  by  whom  she  had  three  sons 
and  two  daughters.  Ellen,  the  younger  daughter, 
married  the  Rev.  Edward  Newland.  John,  the 
eldest  son,  is  a  captain  in  the  Londonderry  Militia. 
Andrew  Ferguson,  second  son,  is  rector  of  Aghadoey, 
county  Londonderry,  and  canon  of  Derry  Cathedral. 
William  John  is  the  third  son. 

Anne,  third  daughter  of  Robert  Alexander  of 
Boomhall,  married  Lieutenant  -  Colonel  Alexander 
Scott,  RA.,  afterwards  major-general;  she  died  18th 
September  1865. 


Nathaniel,  eldest  son  of  Eobert  Alexander  of 
Boomhall,  was  born  on  the  12th  August  1760. 
Having  studied  at  Harrow  and  at  Emmanuel  College, 
Cambridge,  and  obtained  orders,  he  was  collated 
precentor  of  Armagh  in  January  1796.  In  1802  he 
became  Bishop  of  Clonfert ;  and  was  in  1804  trans- 
lated successively  to  the  sees  of  Killaloe,  and  of 
Down  and  Connor.  In  1823  he  was  appointed 
Bishop  of  Meath.  He  was  D.D.,  and  a  member  of 
the  Privy  Council  of  Ireland.  He  purchased  the 
estate  of  Portglenone,  county  Antrim,  and  died  at 
Dublin,  21st  October  1840.  He  married  in  1785 
Anne,  only  surviving  daughter  of  the  Eight  Honour- 
able Richard  Jackson  of  Jackson  Hall,  county  Derry, 
M.P.,  and  heiress  of  her  brother,  Sir  George  Jackson, 
Bart.  By  her  (she  died  in  August  1837)  he  had 
seven  sons  and  four  daughters. 

Anne,  the  eldest  daughter,  married  —  September 
1813 — the  Eev.  John  Moles  worth  Staples,  rector  of 
Moville,  second  son  of  the  Eight  Honourable  John 
Staples  of  Lissan,  county  Tyrone,  and  brother  of 
Catherine,  first  wife  of  Eobert  Alexander,  Archdeacon 
of  Down,  and  of  the  Marchioness  of  Ormonde,  the 
Countess  of  Clancarty,  and  the  Honourable  Mrs 
Ponsonby.  She  died  in  1869.  Her  second  son  is 
Sir  Nathaniel  Alexander  Staples,  Bart,  of  Dunmore, 
Queen's  County. 

Mary  Jane,  second  daughter  of  Bishop  Nathaniel 
Alexander,  died  unmarried. 


Elizabeth  Eebecca,  third  daughter,  married  John 
Armytage  Nicholson  of  Balrath,  county  Meath ;  she 
died  in  1860.  Henrietta,  fourth  daughter,  married 
Eobert  Smyth,  Esq.  of  Gaybrook,  county  West- 

Eobert  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  Bishop  Nathaniel 
Alexander,  was  born  in  1788.  Having  entered  into 
holy  orders,  he  became  rector  of  Ahogill,  and  Arch- 
deacon of  Down;  he  succeeded  his  father  in  the  estate 
of  Portglenone.  He  married  first,  in  1813,  Catherine, 
youngest  daughter  of  the  Eight  Hon.  John  Staples  of 
Lissan,  county  Tyrone,  by  his  second  wife,  the  Hon- 
ourable Harriet,  daughter  of  Eichard,  third  Viscount 
Molesworth;  secondly,  in  18  32,  Hester,  eldest  daughter 
of  Alexander  M'Manus  of  Mount  Dens,  county  Antrim. 
The  Ven.  Eobert  Alexander  died  at  Portglenone  House 
on  the  31st  July  1840. 

By  his  first  wife,  Archdeacon  Alexander  was  father 
of  four  sons  and  seven  daughters.  Harriet,  the  eldest 
daughter,  married  John  Wakefield,  and  died  with- 
out issue.  Ann,  Louisa,  and  Mary,  second,  third, 
and  fourth  daughters,  died  without  issue.  Grace, 
fifth  daughter,  married  Gilbert  Nicholson  of  Glen- 
more,  Drogheda.  Catherine,  the  sixth  daughter, 
married  Molyneux  Shaldham,  Esq.  Charlotte,  the 
seventh  daughter,  is  unmarried. 

Nathaniel,  eldest  son  of  Archdeacon  Alexander, 
succeeded  to  the  estate  of  Portglenone.  He  was  a 
deputy-lieutenant  of  Antrim,  and  sometime  repre- 


sented  that  county  in  Parliament.  He  married 
Florinda,  daughter  of  Eichard  Boyle,  Esq.,  by  the 
Hon.  Alicia  Handcock,  daughter  of  Eichard,  Viscount 
Castlemaine.  He  died  in  1850,  and  was  succeeded 
by  his  son,  Eobert  Jackson  Alexander,  now  of  Port- 

John  Staples,  second  son  of  Archdeacon  Alexander, 
died  unmarried  in  India  in  1843.  Eobert,  the  third 
son,  is  unmarried.  George,  the  fourth  son,  died 
without  issue. 

Eichard  Jackson,  second  son  of  Bishop  Nathaniel 
Alexander,  died  in  1810,  unmarried.  James  Alex- 
ander, the  bishop's  third  son,  was  rector  of  Killegally, 
in  King's  County.  He  married  Alicia,  daughter  of 
Samuel  Dopping  of  Lowtown,  county  Westmeath,  and 
died  in  1855,  leaving  a  son,  Nathaniel,  who  died  in  1860. 

Nathaniel,  fourth  son  of  Bishop  Nathaniel  Alex- 
ander, was  a  merchant  in  Calcutta,  and  acquired  the 
estates  of  Craivagh,  county  Londonderry,  and  of 
Epsom,  in  the  county  of  Surrey.  He  married  Char- 
lotte, daughter  of  Noah  Hickey,  of  the  city  of  Dublin, 
by  whom  he  had  five  sons — Nathaniel,  born  1828, 
died  1865;  Eobert  Hugh,  born  1831 ;  William  James, 
born  1836;  John  Henry,  born  1839 ;  George  Caledon, 
born  1842;  and  four  daughters — Sophia  Charlotte, 
born  1824,  married  the  Eev.  Charles  Hay;  Ann 
Isabella,  born  1826;  Mary  Eliza,  born  1830;  and 
Henrietta  Frances,  born  1833. 

Henry  Alexander,  fifth  son  of  the  Bishop  of  Meath, 



was  born  on  the  16th  February  1803,  and  became  a 
barrister-at-law.  He  owns  a  considerable  estate 
in  the  parish  of  Forkill,  county  Armagh,  is  a  deputy- 
lieutenant,  and  was  high  sheriff  of  that  county  in  1856. 
He  married,  on  the  14th  August  1839,  Lady  Louisa 
Juliana,  second  daughter  of  Thomas,  Earl  of  Eanfurly, 
by  Mary  Juliana,  daughter  of  William  Stuart,  D.D., 
Lord  Primate  of  Ireland,  by  whom  he  has  six  sons 
and  five  daughters.  Blanch  Catherine  Sophia  Ann, 
the  eldest  daughter,  was  born  in  1841;  Alice  Mary 
Juliana,  second  daughter,  was  born  in  1843 ;  Con- 
stance Henrietta  Georgina,  third  daughter,  born  in 
1845,  married  in  1867  Captain  Colquhoun  Grant, 
Judge  of  Hydrabad,  Scinde ;  Emily  Louisa  Jane  was 
born  in  1850;  and  Edith  Ellen,  in  1864. 

Granville  Henry  Jackson,  eldest  son  of  Henry  Alex- 
ander of  Forkill,  was  born  in  1852,  Henry  Nathaniel 
in  1854,  Claud  Henry  in  1856,  Eonald  Henry  in 
1858,  Frederick  Henry  Thomas  in  1860,  Dudley 
Henry  Blayney  in  1863. 

George,  sixth  son  of  Bishop  Nathaniel  Alexander, 
held  an  appointment  in  the  Indian  Civil  Service. 
He  married,  in  1833,  Eebecca,  daughter  of  William 
Molloy  of  Kockvalley,  county  Tipperary,  by  whom 
he  had  one  son,  Nathaniel. 

William  Stuart,  seventh  son  of  Bishop  Nathaniel 
Alexander,  held  an  appointment  in  the  Indian  Civil 
Service.  He  married  Janet,  daughter  of  Brigadier- 
General  Charles  Dallas,  governor  of  St  Helena,  and 


niece  of  Sir  Thomas  Dallas,  G.C.B.,  lieutenant-gen- 
eral, by  whom  he  had  three  sons,  William,  who  died 
in  1868,  Nathaniel,  and  Charles. 

Henry,  second  son  of  Eobert  Alexander  of  Boom- 
hall,  was  called  to  the  English  bar.  Purchasing 
Glentogher,  an  estate  of  four  thousand  acres,  in 
county  Donegal,  he  attained  distinction  for  his  agri- 
cultural enterprise.  He  represented  the  city  of 
Londonderry  from  1797  to  1801,  and  was  sometime 
chairman  of  the  Committee  of  Ways  and  Means. 
When  his  first  cousin,  afterwards  Lord  Caledon,  was 
appointed  governor  at  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  he 
accompanied  him  as  secretary  to  that  colony.  He  died 

6th  May  1818.  By  his  wife, Rivers,  he  had  four 

daughters ;  the  eldest  is  Mrs  Rawlinson ;  the  three 
others,  Catherine,  Mary,  and  Eliza,  reside  at  Moville, 
county  Donegal.  Of  his  two  sons,  James  was  em- 
ployed in  the  East  India  Company's  service;  he 
married  Miss  Harvey  of  Merlin  Hall,  county  Donegal, 
and  died  in  India.  Eobert  is  a  general  in  the  army, 
and  resides  at  Blackheath,  Kent. 

William  Alexander,  third  son  of  Robert  Alexander 
of  Boomhall,  was  a  general  in  the  army,  and  mayor 
of  the  city  of  Londonderry.  He  died  on  the  1st 
January  1824,  aged  fifty-six.  He  married  Martha, 
daughter  of  Sir  Robert  Waller,  Bart,  of  Lisbrian, 
and  granddaughter  of  Samuel  Waller  *  of  Newport, 

*  Samuel  Waller  was  a  lineal  descendant  of  Lieutenant-General  Sir  Hardress 
Waller,  brother  of  Edmund  Waller,  the  poet. 


county  Tipperary,  and  Ann,  his  wife,  sister  of  Lord 
Chancellor  Jocelyn,  by  whom  he  had  three  sons 
and  one  daughter,  Catherine,  who  married  George 
Thompson  of  Clonskeagh  Castle,  county  Dublin. 
Waller,  his  second  son,  died  unmarried  in  1804. 
William  Ferguson,  his  third  son,  was  an  officer  in 
the  Indian  Army,  and  died  25th  March  1833. 

Eobert  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  General  Alexander, 
was  born  at  Drogheda  on  the  17th  September  1795. 
He  became  rector  of  Aghadoey,  and  prebendary  of 
Derry;  he  died  llth  May  1872.  He  married,  16th 
October  1820,  Dorothea,  only  child  of  Henry  M'Clin- 
tock  of  Ballyarton,  county  Londonderry,  by  whom 
he  had  three  sons  and  five  daughters.  Mary,  the 
eldest  daughter,  born  6th  June  1821,  married,  17th 
September  1845,  William  Keown  Boyd  of  Bally dugan, 
many  years  M.P.  for  Downpatrick,  by  whom  she 
has  had  eleven  children.  Eichard,  the  eldest  son,  is  an 
officer  in  the  navy ;  he  married  Florence,  daughter  of 
Stephen  Lushington,  and  niece  of  Sir  Stafford  North- 
cote.  Matilda,  the  second  daughter,  born  13th 
August  1822,  married  Maximilian  Hammond  Dali- 
son  of  Hampton,  in  the  county  of  Kent,  and  has 
eight  children. 

Elizabeth,  third  daughter  of  the  Eev.  Eobert  Alex- 
ander, married,  10th  January  1856,  the  Eev.  Andrew 
Ferguson  Smyly,  rector  of  Aghadoey  and  canon  of 
Derry,  by  whom  she  has  had  four  children. 

Katherine,  fourth  daughter,  born  in  1830,  married 


James  Sinclair,  second  son  of  James  Sinclair  of 
Holly  Hill,  county  Tyrone,  by  whom  she  has  one 

Dorothea,  fifth  daughter  of  the  Eev.  Kobert  Alex- 
ander, born  in  1831,  married,  in  1856,  Colonel  Henry 
Keown,  by  whom  she  has  bad  seven  children. 

The  Eight  Eev.  William  Alexander,  D.D.,  D.C.L., 
eldest  son  of  the  Eev.  Eobert  Alexander,  was  born 
at  Londonderry,  13th  April  1824.  He  was  educated 
at  Tunbridge  School,  and  at  Exeter  and  Brasenose 
Colleges,  Oxford.  At  that  university  he  obtained  the 
theological  prize  essay  in  1850,  and  the  university 
prize  for  a  poem  on  a  sacred  subject  in  1860.  He 
also  delivered  an  English  ode  in  the  Shelbrain  Theatre, 
addressed  to  Lord  Derby  upon  his  installation  as 
Chancellor  in  1853.  The  bishop  is  D.D.  by  diploma, 
and  received  the  honorary  degree  of  D.C.L.  in  1876 ; 
he  has  been  select  preacher  and  Bampton  lecturer. 
He  was  appointed  Dean  of  Emly  in  1864,  and  was 
advanced  to  the  bishopric  of  Derry  and  Eaphoe  in 
1867.  During  the  brief  period  of  his  career  in  the 
House  of  Lords,  he  delivered  a  speech  upon  the  Irish 
Church,  of  which  the  Times  said  that  "  loud  bursts 
of  cheers  greeted  the  bishop's  animated  address." 
The  Bishop  of  Derry  is  the  author  of  many  sepa- 
rate lectures,  discourses,  poems,  and  charges.  A 
long  series  of  articles  and  reviews  from  his  pen 
have  appeared  in  the  Christian  Remembrancer, 
the  Contemporary  Review,  Good  Words,  and,  in 


early  life,  in  the  Dublin  University  Magazine.  In 
1867  the  bishop  printed  for  private  circulation, 
"Specimens,  Poetical  and  Critical."  In  1872  he 
published  "  The  Leading  Ideas  of  the  Gospel : 
Sermons  preached  before  the  University  of  Oxford;" 
and  in  1876,  "The  Witness  of  the  Psalms  to  Christ 
and  Christianity  "  (Bampton  Lectures).  He  married, 
15th  October  1852,  Cecil  Frances,  daughter  of  Major 
Humphreys,  J.P.,  of  Miltown  House,  county  Tyrone. 
Mrs  Alexander  is  well  known  as  author  of  "  Moral 
Songs,"  "  Hymns  for  Little  Children,"  "  Hymns,  De- 
scriptive and  Devotional,"  and  other  works  ;  her 
noble  lyric,  "  The  Burial  of  Moses,"  has  scarcely  been 
surpassed  by  Tennyson  or  Browning. 

Eobert  Jocelyn  Alexander,  B.A.,  Brasenose  Col- 
lege, Oxford,  eldest  son  of  Bishop  William  Alex- 
ander, while  an  undergraduate  obtained  the  Newdi- 
gate  University  prize  for  a  beautiful  and  pathetic 
poem  on  "The  Last  of  the  Red  Indians."  He  was 
born,  June  llth,  1852,  and  married,  in  1876,  Alice 
Rachel,  daughter  of  J.  J.  Hamilton  Humphreys. 

Henry  M'Clintock,  second  son  of  the  Rev.  Robert 
Alexander,  was  born  7th  October  1834.  As  a  naval 
officer,  he  has  distinguished  himself  both  in  India  and 
New  Zealand.  He  married,  on  the  22d  October  1864, 
Eliza  Frances  Charlotte,  only  daughter  of  Sir  William 
S.  Wiseman,  Bart.,  C.B. 

Robert  Waller,  third  son  of  the  Rev.  Robert  Alex- 
ander, was  born  4th  April  1836.  An  officer  in  the 


Indian  Army,  he  was  killed  in  action  with  the  muti- 
neers before  Delhi  on  the  19th  June  1857. 

James,  fourth  son  of  Kobert  Alexander  of  Boom- 
hall,  proceeded  to  India,  and  there  acquired  a  large 
fortune.  Keturning  to  Britain  in  1811,  he  purchased 
the  estate  of  Somerhill,  Kent,  and  was  appointed 
deputy-lieutenant  for  that  county,  and  elected  M.P. 
for  Old  Sarum.  He  married,  first,  Eliza,  daughter  of 
Captain  Dundas ;  and  secondly,  on  the  18th  March 
1813,  Charlotte  Sophia,  daughter  of  Thomas  Dash- 
wood,  and  relict  of  the  Hon.  Charles  Andrew  Bruce, 
brother  of  the  Earl  of  Elgin.  He  died  on  the  12th 
September  1848.  By  his  first  wife  he  had  one  child, 
Eliza  Charlotte ;  and  by  his  second  marriage,  two  sons, 
Eobert  and  James,  and  three  daughters,  Charlotte 
Sophia,  Ann,  and  Jane.  Eliza  Charlotte,  the  eldest 
daughter,  became  in  1823  second  wife  of  Sir  Stratford 
Canning,  G.C.B.,  British  minister  at  Constantinople, 
afterwards  Viscount  Stratford  de  Kedcliffe ;  Charlotte 
Sophia  and  Ann  are  unmarried ;  Jane,  the  youngest 
daughter,  married  General  Sutherland;  she  died  with- 
out issue. 

Eobert,  eldest  son  of  James  Alexander  of  Somer- 
hill, was  born  on  the  10th  February  1815.  He 
married  his  cousin,  Miss  Fane,  and  died  at  his  resi- 
dence, near  Oswestry,  Shropshire,  on  the  23d  October 

James,  second  son  of  James  Alexander  of  Somer- 
hill, born  7th  May  1823,  married  Ann,  daughter  of 


Maximilian  Dudley  Dalison  of  Hampton,  Kent.  He 
is  a  banker  in  London,  of  the  house  of  Alexander, 
Fletcher,  &  Co. 

Josias  Dupre  Alexander,  fifth  son  of  Robert  Alex- 
ander of  Boomhall,  acquired  a  fortune  in  India.  In 
1816  he  purchased  the  estate  of  Stonehouse,  Kent, 
and  was  appointed  a  director  of  the  East  India  Com- 
pany, and  elected  M.P.  for  Old  Sarum  along  with  his 
brother  James.  He  died  20th  August  1839.  By  his 
wife,  Mary,  daughter  of  the  Eev.  Thomas  Bracken,  he 
had  two  sons  and  eight  daughters.  Of  his  daughters, 
Lucy  Emma,  Ellen  Louisa,  and  Fanny  Selina,  are 
unmarried ;  Charlotte  Maria  and  Agnes  Henrietta 
died  unmarried;  Mary  Ann  married  James  Pratt 
Barlow,  Esq. ;  Eliza  married,  22d  January  1842, 
Robert,  son  and  heir  of  the  Rev.  Boughey  Dolling 
of  Dollingstown,  county  Down;  Madeline  married 
Rev.  A.  Simpson. 

Caledon  Dupre,  eldest  son  of  Josias  Dupre  Alex- 
ander of  Stonehouse,  was  captain  of  the  1st  Life 
Guards.  He  married  Caroline,  daughter  of  Willing 

Josias  Bracken,  second  son  of  Josias  Dupre  Alex- 
ander, married,  llth  January  1848,  Agnes  Cecilia, 
eighth  daughter  of  Alderman  Sir  William  Curtis, 



JAMES  ALEXANDER,  third  and  youngest  son  of  Alder- 
man Nathaniel  Alexander,  was  born  at  Londonderry 
in  1730.  He  held  several  important  offices  in  India, 
and  on  his  return  to  Britain  was,  in  1774,  elected 
M.P.  for  Londonderry,  which  he  continued  to  repre- 
sent till  1784.  He  was,  on  the  6th  June  1790,  created 
Baron  Caledon  of  Caledon,  county  Tyrone,  in  the 
peerage  of  Ireland.  In  November  1797  he  was 
advanced  to  the  dignity  of  Viscount  Alexander,  and 
on  the  29th  December  1800  was  created  Earl  of 
Caledon.  He  married,  28th  November  1774,  Anne, 
second  daughter  of  James  Crawfurd  of  Crawfurds- 
burn,  county  Down  (who  died  21st  December  1777), 
by  whom  he  had  one  son  and  two  daughters.  Lord 
Caledon  died  23d  March  1802. 

Lady  Mabella,  elder  daughter  of  Lord  Caledon, 
born  7th  August  1775,  married,  6th  July  1796, 
Andrew  Thomas,  eleventh  Baron  Blayney,  and  be- 
came mother  of  the  eighth  and  last  Lord  Blayney. 


She  died  4th  March  1854.  Lady  Elizabeth,  younger 
daughter  of  Lord  Caledon,  born  2d  June  1776,  died 

Dupre  Alexander,  second  Earl  of  Caledon,  only 
son  of  the  first  earl,  was  born  14th  December  1777. 
He  was  Knight  of  the  Most  Illustrious  Order  of  St 
Patrick,  lord-lieutenant  of  the  county  of  Tyrone, 
and  colonel  of  the  Tyrone  Militia.  His  lordship 
married,  16th  October  1811,  Catherine  Freman, 
second  daughter  of  Philip,  third  Earl  of  Hardwicke, 
Lord-Lieutenant  of  Ireland,  by  whom  he  had  an  only 
son.  His  lordship  died  in  1839. 

James  Dupre,  third  Earl  of  Caledon,  only  son  of 
the  second  earl,  was  born  27th  July  1812.  He  was 
colonel  of  the  Tyrone  Militia,  and  captain  in  the 
Guards.  He  married,  4th  September  1845,  Lady 
Jane  Frederica  Harriet  Mary  Grimston,  fourth 
daughter  of  the  first  Earl  of  Verulam,  and  had  issue, 
three  sons  and  one  daughter.  The  earl  died  30th 
June  1855. 

Lady  Jane  Charlotte  Elizabeth,  only  daughter  of 
the  third  Earl  of  Caledon,  is  unmarried.  Walter 
Philip,  second  son  of  the  third  earl,  born  8th  Feb- 
ruary 1849,  is  lieutenant  in  the  Scots  Greys.  Charles, 
third  son,  born  26th  January  1854,  is  an  officer  in 
the  Tyrone  Militia. 

James,  fourth  Earl  of  Caledon,  was  born  llth  July 
1846,  and  succeeded  his  father  30th  June  1855.  His 
lordship  is  a  captain  in  the  Life  Guards. 


William  Alexander,  third  and  youngest  son  of 
John  Alexander  of  Gunsland  and  Londonderry,  and 
grandson  of  Captain  Andrew  Alexander,  settled,  be- 
fore 1736,  as  a  merchant  in  Dublin.  He  died  in 
1788.  By  his  wife,  Mary,  daughter  of  -  -  Porter, 
of  Vicardale,  county  Monaghan,  he  had  two  sons, 
William  and  Kobert,  and  five  daughters,  Mary, 
Anne,  Elizabeth,  Sarah,  and  Jane.  Jane  died  un- 
married. Mary  married  William  Jocelyn  Shaw  of 
Kentstown,  county  Meath.  Anne  married,  6th  Octo- 
ber 1764,  Sir  Eichard  Johnstone,  Bart,  of  Gilford, 
county  Down. 

William,  elder  son  of  William  Alexander  of  Dub- 
lin, was  born  on  the  3d  March  1743.  Engaging  in 
merchandise  at  Dublin,  he  became  lord  mayor  of 
that  city.  For  his  public  services  he  was  created  a 
baronet  llth  December  1809.  Sir  William  Alexander 
married,  1st  August  1764,  Catherine,  daughter  and 
heiress  of  John  Folie  Mapas  of  Eochetown,  county 
Dublin,  by  whom  he  had  two  sons  and  two  daughters. 

Catherine,  elder  daughter , of  Sir  William  Alexander, 
Bart.,  married  Eobert  Hamilton  of  Clonsillagh,  county 
Dublin.  Eliza,  the  younger  daughter,  married  John 
Hamilton  of  Hacketstown,  county  Dublin. 

William  John,  younger  son  of  Sir  William  Alex- 
ander, Bart.,  served  as  an  officer  in  the  army.  By 
his  wife,  Isabella,  younger  daughter  of  Eobert  Alex- 
ander of  Seamount,  he  had  four  sons  and  three 
daughters.  Harriet,  the  eldest  daughter,  married 


her  cousin,  the  Eev.  Godfrey  Alexander.  Elizabeth, 
the  second  daughter,  is  unmarried.  Anne  Catherine, 
the  youngest  daughter,  married  Captain  Edward 
Barnes,  eldest  son  of  Sir  Edward  Barnes,  late  com- 
mander-in-chief  in  India ;  she  died  in  1876.  Eobert 
Henry,  the  second  son,  was  killed  in  the  retreat  from 
Cabul  in  1842;  Henry,  third  son,  died  in  India  in 
1856 ;  Bichard,  fourth  son,  died  in  1867. 

William  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  William  John 
and  Isabella  Alexander,  is  a  major  in  the  army.  He 
married,  10th  September  1839,  Mary,  third  daughter 
of  the  Bight  Hon.  Edward  Grey,  Bishop  of  Hereford, 
by  whom  he  has  one  son  and  six  daughters.  Major 
William  Alexander  is  heir-apparent  to  the  baronetcy. 

Sir  Bobert  Alexander,  second  baronet,  elder  son 
of  the  first  baronet,  was  born  16th  December  1769. 
He  married  17th  June  1796,  Eliza,  daughter  and 
heiress  of  John  Wallis,  Esq.,  barrister-at-law,  by 
whom  he  had  three  sons  and  two  daughters.  He 
died  1st  December  1859. 

Jane  Anne,  elder  daughter  of  Sir  Bobert  Alexander, 
married,  6th  August  1833,  Captain  J.  Nembhard 
Hibbert  of  Chalfont  Park,  Bucks.  Catherine,  younger 
daughter,  died  at  London,  unmarried,  15th  April  1826. 

Sir  William  John  Alexander,  third  baronet,  eldest 
son  of  Sir  Bobert  the  second  baronet,  was  born  1st 
April  1797.  Educated  at  Trinity  College,  Cambridge, 
he  was  called  to  the  bar  in  1825.  Nominated  Q.C* 
in  1844,  he  was  afterwards  appointed  Attorney -Gen- 


eral  to  the  Prince  of  Wales.  He  died  on  the  31st 
March  1873. 

Sir  John  Wallis  Alexander,  Bart.,  second  son  of 
Sir  Eobert  Alexander,  second  baronet,  was  born  1st 
October  1800.  He  married,  18th  May  1858,  Lepel 
Charlotte  Phipps,  youngest  daughter  of  Henry,  first 
Earl  of  Mulgrave,  and  sister  of  Constantine  Henry, 
first  Marquis  of  Normandy;  she  died  in  1859,  without 
issue.  John  Wallis  Alexander  succeeded  his  brother 
in  1873  as  fourth  baronet. 

Kobert  Dupre,  third  son  of  Sir  Eobert  Alex- 
ander, married,  17th  September  1833,  Eliza,  youngest 
daughter  of  B.  B.  Nembhard  of  Jamaica,  by  whom 
he  has  had  two  sons  and  two  daughters.  Eobert 
Dupre,  the  elder  son,  was  born  on  the  4th  July  1834, 
and  died  in  infancy.  Eaynsford  Dupre,  second  son, 
was  born  25th  December  1835.  Caroline  Charlotte, 
the  elder  daughter,  married  Philip  Villiers  Eeid,  Esq., 
county  Clare.  Another  daughter  was  born  in  Sep- 
tember 1839. 

Eobert  Alexander  of  Seamount  and  Garristown, 
county  Dublin,  younger  son  of  William  Alexander, 
merchant,  Dublin,  married,  in  May  1785,  Henrietta 
Judith,  daughter  of  Henry  Quin,  M.D.,  physician- 
general  to  the  forces  in  Ireland,  by  whom  he  had 
eight  sons  and  six  daughters,  of  whom,  three  sons 
and  three  daughters  died  young  and  unmarried. 
Eobert  Alexander  died  at  London  on  the  14th  July 


Anne,  elder  daughter  of  Eobert  Alexander  of  Sea- 
mount  and  Garristown,  married  the  Rev.  J.  Nussey. 
Isabella,  younger  daughter,  married  Captain  William 
John  Alexander,  second  son  of  Sir  William  Alex- 
ander, Bart. 

William  James,  eldest  son  and  heir  of  Eobert 
Alexander  of  Seamount  and  Garristown,  married 
Gertrude,  eldest  daughter  of  Gustavus  Handcock 
Temple,  by  whom  he  had  two  sons,  Eobert  Quin  and 
Gustavus,  and  a  daughter,  Mary.  Gustavus  and 
Mary  Alexander  died  unmarried.  Eobert  Quin 
Alexander,  now  of  Garristown,  married  Miss  Eeilly, 
by  whom  he  has  two  sons  and  five  daughters.  The 
daughters  are  unmarried. 

Henry,  second  son  of  Eobert  Alexander  of  Sea- 
mount  and  Garristown,  was  a  director  of  the  East 
India  Company,  and  M.P.  for  Barnstaple.  He  mar- 
ried, first,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Joseph  Pringle, 
Esq.,  Consul-General  of  Madeira ;  secondly,  on  the 
4th  January  1843,  Sabina  Hester,  eldest  daughter  of 
Thomas  Taylor  of  Sevenoaks,  Kent,  by  Lady  Lucy 
Eachel,  youngest  daughter  of  Charles,  third  Earl  of 
Stanhope.  Of  these  marriages  were  born  three  sons, 
Henry  Eobert,  William  Charles,  and  Frederic,  and 
three  daughters,  Harriet,  Fanny,  and  Leonora. 
Henry  Eobert,  the  eldest  son,  married  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  Colonel  Young,  of  the  Honourable  East 
India  Company's  service ;  he  died  in  1869. 

The  Eev.  Charles  Alexander,  rector  of  Drumcree, 


in  the  diocese  of  Armagh,  third  son  of  Kobert  Alex- 
ander, married  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Edward  Smith 
Godfrey  of  Newark,  Nottinghamshire,  by  whom  he 
had  a  son,  Godfrey,  and  a  daughter,  Isabella.  God- 
frey Alexander  is  in  holy  orders,  and  is  rector  of 
Stoke  Bliss,  Herefordshire,  and  domestic  chaplain  to 
the  Earl  of  Caledon;  he  married  Miss  Alexander  Shaw. 
Isabella  Alexander  married  Thomas  Eawlinson,  by 
whom  she  has  two  sons  and  two  daughters. 

Eobert,  fourth  son  of  Eobert  Alexander  of  Sea- 
mount  and  Garristown,  held  an  appointment  in  India. 
He  died  in  April  1814,  without  issue. 

Edward  Alexander,  fifth  son  of  Kobert  Alexander, 
died  in  1872  without  issue. 



MEMBERS  of  the  sept  of  MacAlexander  of  Dalcussen 
and  Dalreoch,  in  the  southern  or  Carrick  district  of 
Ayrshire,  settled  on  the  Scottish  coast,  and  trading 
to  the  opposite  shores,  there  planted  their  families. 
The  distance  from  Stranraer  to  Larne  in  Antrim  is 
thirty-nine  miles.  According  to  a  tradition  which 
obtains  among  the  Irish  families,  an  exodus  of  the 
sept  of  MacAlexander  from  Galloway  to  the  coast  of 
Larne,  took  place  in  the  reign  of  Charles  I. 

In  the  Hearth  Tax  Kolls  of  the  county  of  Antrim  for 
1666,  the  name  of  MacAlexander  occurs  frequently. 
In  the  Eolls  of  Ballymena  parish  are  named  John 
M'Alexander  and  Hugh  M'Alexander.  In  the  parish 
of  Islandmagee,  William  M 'Alexander  and  Alexander 
M 'Alexander  are  named.  In  the  Rolls  of  Ballyter 
appear  the  names  of  Robert  M 'Alexander,  James 
M 'Alexander,  and  John  M 'Alexander.  In  the  same 
district  are  recorded  James  M'Alexander  at  Doagh, 
and  John  M 'Alexander. 


In  1701  John  M'Alexander  in  the  diocese  of 
Connor  and  county  of  Antrim  executed  his  will ;  he 
refers  to  five  sons,  naming  Samuel  and  Hugh ;  also 
three  daughters  (Will  in  Prerogative  Court). 

During  the  reign  of  Charles  I.  a  family  named 
Alexander,  adherents  of  the  Covenant,  fled  from 
Dumbartonshire,*  and  obtained  a  settlement  in  the 
parish  of  Kilwaughter,  near  Larne.  William  Alex- 
ander of  the  parish  of  Kilwaughter  is  mentioned  in 
the  Hearth  Tax  Roll  of  1666.  Mrs  Janet  Alexander, 
who  resided  at  Kilwaughter,  died  in  1709,  bequeath- 
ing to  John  Alexander,  her  brother,  "  one  boll  of 
oats  "  (Will  in  Probate  Court). 

In  the  Rent  Roll  of  the  Jointure  Lands  of  Anne, 
Countess  of  Clanbrassill,  William  Alexander  is  named 
in  1689  as  renting  for  one  pound  yearly  the  lands  of 
Ardigon  in  the  parish  of  Killileagh ;  and  in  the  same 
year  William  Alexander  is  entered  in  a  rental  of 
£2,  5s.  for  subjects  situated  in  the  town  of  Killileagh. 
In  the  same  Rent  Roll,  "  Widow  Alexander  "  appears 
in  1691  as  paying  £4*,  8s.  for  premises  in  the  town  of 
Killileagh  (Hamilton  MSS.,  pp.  126,  127). 

In  the  barony  of  Carey  in  the  northern  district  of 
Antrim,  John  Alexander  is  in  the  Subsidy  Rolls  of 
1661,  and  in  1666,  assessed  in  six  pounds  sterling. 

*  A  connection  between  the  families  of  Alexander  of  Stirling  and  those  of  Dum- 
barton is  indicated  by  the  following  minute :  "At  Stirling  the  14th  day  of  August 
1606,  the  eldership  of  the  Kirk  being  convenit ;  the  bretherin  thinkis  meet  that 
Cuthbert  Cunningham,  Provost  of  Dumbarton!  Colledge,  sail  pay  ad  pios  usus 
fyve  pundis  money  for  the  passage  through  the  Kirk  to  burie  the  corps  of  umq1 
Janet  Alexander,  his  spous"  (Kirk  Session  Records  of  Stirling). 

*    I 


In  1730  "Margaret  Alexander,  widow,"  undertakes 
along  with  Thomas  Alexander  to  administer  the 
estate  of  Robert  Alexander,  who  lived  in  the  parish 
of  Ahoghill  and  district  of  Connor  (Connor  Wills). 
On  the  8th  January  1735,  Thomas  Alexander  of 
Ballyclare,  in  the  parish  of  Ahoghill,  executed  his 
will  (Will  in  Probate  Court).  He  seems  to  have 
been  succeeded  as  tenant  at  Ballyclare  by  James 
Alexander,  who  died  in  February  1770,  aged  sixty 
(Tombstone  Inscription  in  Ballybinny  Churchyard, 
county  Antrim).  The  next  tenant  at  Ballyclare  (Size 
Hill  Farm),  was  James  Alexander,  who  is  named  in 
a  rent  roll  in  1798  (Estate  Register  of  the  Marquis 
of  Donegal).  His  tombstone  in  the  churchyard  of 
Ballybinny  is  thus  inscribed  :  "  In  memory  of  James 
Alexander  of  Size  Hill,  who  died  on  the  31st  May 
1810,  aged  forty  years.  Also  his  wife  Elizabeth, 
who  died  on  the  13th  August  1843,  aged  sixty-nine 

Thomas  Alexander,  tenant  at  Ballynure,  cousin  of 
the  preceding,  had  a  son  James,  now  a  physician  at 

William  Alexander  of  the  townland  of  Ballyhound, 
in  the  parish  of  Carnmoney,  executed  his  will  on  the 
9th  July  1775,  bequeathing  his  property  and  effects 
to  his  wife  and  children  (Will  in  Probate  Court).  In 
the  same  parish  Hugh  Alexander  rented  about  1750 
the  farm  of  Carntall  on  the  Donegal  estate.  He  had 
three  sisters,  who  married  and  had  families,  of  whom 


the  greater  number  emigrated  to  America.  He  mar- 
ried and  had  four  sons,  Hugh,  James  Ramsay,  John, 
and  Thomas.  John,  the  third  son,  rented  the  farm 
of  Ballyalbaragh  at  Ballyclare.  He  died  in  March 
1839.  In  his  farm  he  was  succeeded  by  his  son 
Thomas,  who  survives  (Family  Information). 

In  the  same  district,  James  Alexander  rented  the 
farm  of  Cogry  in  1775  (Estate  Register  of  the 
Marquis  of  Donegal).  In  this  farm  he  was  suc- 
ceeded by  William  Alexander,  whose  representative, 
John  Alexander  of  Cogry,  died  in  1815,  aged  sixty- 
seven  (Tombstone  in  Rashee  Churchyard).  Martha 
Alexander,  his  daughter,  married  Conway  M'Nicol, 
who  rented  the  farm  of  Cogry,  and  died  in  1863. 

John  Alexander,  farmer  at  Doagh,  near  Ballyclare, 
executed  his  will  on  the  2d  February  1786.  He 
bequeathed  his  movable  estate  to  his  grandchildren, 
Martha,  Margaret,  and  Jane  Alexander. 

Samuel  Alexander  of  Ballymena,  who  rented  the 
farms  of  Ballynaskie  and  Clogher,  executed  his  will 
on  the  13th  December  1790,  and  died  in  1792.  He 
divided  the  farm  of  Ballynaskie  between  his  sons, 
John  and  James,  and  made  bequests  to  his  son 
Patrick  and  his  daughter  Jane  (Will  in  Probate 

Robert  Alexander,  in  the  parish  of  Glenavy,  in  the 
county  of  Antrim,  died  in  1776 ;  his  will  is  dated 
10th  April  of  the  same  year.  He  made  bequests  to 
his  sons,  Robert  and  David ;  to  his  daughters,  Mary, 


otherwise  Courtney ;  Jean,  otherwise  M'Canbry ; 
and  Elizabeth,  otherwise  Durham ;  also  to  Robert, 
James,  John,  William,  and  Elizabeth  Alexander,  the 
children  of  his  son  Thomas  (Will  in  Probate  Court). 

In  a  bond,  dated  20th  August  1788,  Jane  Alex- 
ander, widow  of  Robert  Alexander,  of  the  parish  of 
Glenavy,  undertakes  to  pay  to  the  Lord  Bishop  of 
Down  and  Connor,  or  his  successors,  the  sum  of 
£1000.  Henry  Alexander  is  named  in  the  bond 
(Bond  in  Probate  Court). 

From  the  family  of  Alexander  of  Ballyclare  sprung 
those  families  of  the  name  who  now  reside  at  Larne 
and  Carrickfergus.  John  Alexander,  merchant  in 
Larne,  died  in  1809.  In  his  will,  dated  10th  June 
1807,  he  bequeathed  a  portion  of  his  substance  to  his 
sons,  James  and  William  (Will  in  Probate  Court). 

The  Rev.  Nathaniel  Alexander,  minister  of  the 
Presbyterian  congregation  at  Crumlin,  in  the  county 
of  Antrim,  belonged  to  the  family  of  Alexander  of 
Ballyclare.  From  1788  to  1802  he  successfully  con- 
ducted an  educational  institution.  He  was  married, 
but  died  without  issue.  From  the  family  of  Alex- 
ander of  Ballyclare  also  descended  the  Rev.  Thomas 
Alexander,  minister  at  Cairncastle,  county  Antrim. 
Son  of  Robert  Alexander,  farmer  at  Knockcairn, 
near  Crumlin,  county  Antrim,  he  was  born  on  the 
1st  January  1770.  He  studied  at  the  University  of 
Glasgow ;  and  being  licensed  to  preach  by  the  Pres- 
bytery of  Tempi  epatrick,  was,  in  1793,  ordained 


assistant  minister  of  the  Presbyterian  congregation 
at  Cairncastle.  In  1829  he  joined  the  Unitarian  or 
Eemonstrant  Secession  from  the  General  Synod  of 
Ulster.  Resigning  his  charge  in  1840,  he  latterly 
proceeded  to  London,  where  he  died  on  the  26th 
May  1851.  He  married  the  only  daughter  of  the 
Rev.  Mr  Lewson,  his  predecessor  at  Cairncastle,  by 
whom  he  had  five  sons,  John,  Robert,  Thomas, 
Lewson,  and  Henry,  and  one  daughter,  Jane.  John 
and  Robert  died  without  issue;  Thomas,  who  re- 
sides at  Iowa,  United  States,  has  five  children. 
Lewson  is  settled  in  Belgium,  and  has  five  children  ; 
Henry  is  minister  of  the  Unitarian  congregation  at 
Newry  (Christian  Unitarian  Magazine,  vol.  iv.,  pp. 
332-338,  336-372,  and  Private  Information). 

A  branch  of  the  family  of  MacAlexander  of  southern 
Ayrshire  emigrated  to  Ireland  from  Glenluce,  Wig- 
townshire, in  the  reign  of  Charles  I.  Thomas  Mac- 
Alexander  from  Glenluce  settled  at  Tanderagee,  near 
Gilford,  in  the  county  Armagh.  He  married,  and 
left  a  son,  William,  who,  studying  medicine,  prac- 
tised as  a  physician  at  Rathfirland,  county  Down. 
He  married  Elizabeth  Todd,  by  whom  he  had  four 
sons,  John,  William,  Thomas,  and  James,'  and  two 
daughters,  Jane  and  Margaret.  John  became  a 
physician,  and  practised  at  Rathfirland ;  he  and  his 
brothers,  William  and  James,  died  without  issue. 
Thomas,  the  third  son,  married  Isabella  Chambers  of 
Rathfirland,  and  left  two  sons,  John  and  William, 


and  two  daughters,  Eliza  and  Martha.  The  elder 
daughter,  Eliza,  married  William  Eae  of  the  island 
of  Bermuda ;  Martha,  the  younger  daughter,  is  wife 
of  the  Eev.  H.  Osborne  of  Holywood.  John,  the 
elder  son,  formerly  of  Phillistown  House,  Trim,  in 
the  county  of  Meath,  is  now  resident  in  Canada. 
William,  the  second  son,  is  a  graduate  in  medicine, 
and  a  staff-surgeon  in  the  army*  (Family  Informa- 

In  the  Hearth  Tax  Roll  of  the  barony  of  Onealand 
and  parish  of  Shankill,  county  Armagh,  for  1664, 
"  Culbert  [Cuthbert]  Alexander  "  at  "  Munbreefe  "  is 
assessed  two  shillings  for  one  hearth. 

Fergus  MacAlexander,  of  the  family  of  Dalreoch, 
parish  of  Colmonel,  Ayrshire,  who  was  a  bursar  of 
the  University  of  Glasgow  in  1631,  was  appointed 
minister  of  the  Presbyterian  congregation,  first  at 
Kilmud  (Kilmood),  and  afterwards  at  Greyabbey,  in 
the  county  of  Down  ;  he  was  subsequently  admitted 
parish  minister  of  Barr,  in  the  county  of  Ayr,  where 
he  died  in  1687  (see  supra,  vol.  ii.,  p.  51). 

William  Alexander,  a  member  of  the  Ayrshire 
family  of  Dalreoch,  settled  in  the  district  of  London- 
derry. In  the  Cathedral  Registry  of  Londonderry  is 
the  following  entry :  "  Fergus,  the  son  of  William 
Alexander,  bap.  the  21  Aprill  1655." 

*  Dr  "William  Alexander  possesses  as  an  heirloom  a  table  cover  about  five  feet 
square,  woven  with  an  earl's  coronet  in  the  centre,  surrounded  with  the  rose, 
shamrock,  and  thistle.  A  coronet  is  also  woven  into  the  four  corners,  with  the 
letters  E.  "W.  A.  inserted  between  the  spikes  of  a  purple  crown. 


A  supposed  member  of  this  family,  John  Alex- 
ander, settled  about  the  year  1666  in  the  vicinity  of 
Lough  Enagh,  in  the  parish  of  Glendermott  and 
county  of  Londonderry.  In  1686  he  purchased  the 
lands  of  Caw,  about  two  miles  to  the  eastward  of 
Londonderry,  on  the  east  bank  of  Boss's  Bay. 

William,  son  of  John  Alexander  of  Enagh  and 
Caw,  succeeded  his  father  in  these  lands.  He  mar- 
ried, and  had  three  sons,  Samuel,  John,  and  Robert. 

Eobert,  the  youngest  son,  emigrated  to  America. 
Refusing  to  join  the  party  who  contended  for  inde- 
pendence, he  returned  to  Britain.  He  afterwards 
sailed  for  America  with  letters  of  recommendation 
from  Charles  James  Fox ;  but  the  vessel  was  lost  at 
sea,  and  he  perished  with  the  other  passengers.  He 
married  Miss  Wilmot,  an  American  gentlewoman, 
and  two  of  his  sons  became  judges  in  the  United 

John,  second  son  of  William  Alexander,  owned 
lands  in  Kilfennan,  Enagh,  and  part  of  Gransagh,  in 
the  liberties  of  Londonderry;  he  died  in  1801.  In 
his  will,  which  was  executed  on  the  30th  August 
1800,  he  bequeathed  to  his  nephew,  John  Alexander, 
son  of  his  brother  Samuel,  that  part  of  the  lands  of 
Kilfennan  which  he  purchased  from  David  Wilson ; 
also  the  lands  of  Coshquean  and  Bonnymain,  in  the 
barony  of  Inneshowen,  held  in  lease  from  the  Marquis 
of  Donegal ;  also  his  title  and  interest  in  the  lands  of 
Enagh,  in  the  liberties  of  Londonderry ;  also  part  of 


the  lands  of  Gransagh  in  the  said  liberties.  To  his 
nephew,  Samuel  Alexander,  to  his  brother,  Samuel, 
and  other  relatives,  he  bequeathed  moneys  (Will  in 
Probate  Court). 

Samuel  Alexander,  eldest  son  of  William  Alexander 
of  Caw,  was  born  in  1725,  and  died  in  1814,  aged 
eighty-nine.  He  married  Sarah  Ross,  by  whom  he 
had  three  sons,  Samuel,  John,  and  William,  and  two 
daughters,  Jane  and  Sarah.  William,  the  youngest 
son,  died  young.  Samuel,  the  eldest,  succeeded  his 
father  in  the  estate  of  Caw,  and  died  without  leaving 

John,  second  son  of  Samuel  Alexander,  succeeded 
his  brother  in  the  estate  of  Caw.  He  was  born 
in  1770,  and  died  in  February  1852.  He  married 
Hannah  Richardson  Murray,  descended  from  Colonel 
Adam  Murray,  distinguished  on  the  Royalist  side  at 
the  siege  of  Londonderry,  by  whom  he  had  three 
sons,  Samuel,  John,  and  Adam  Murray,  and  two 
daughters,  Hannah  and  Sarah  Jane. 

John,  youngest  son  of  John  Alexander,  became  a 
doctor  of  medicine,  married,  and  left  a  daughter. 

Adam  Murray,  second  son,  was  born  in  1809.  He 
became  a  barrister-at-law,  and  for  many  years  offici- 
ated as  judge  in  the  Supreme  Court  of  British  Guiana. 
He  died  unmarried  in  1874. 

The  Rev.  Samuel  Alexander,  the  eldest  son,  was 
born  in  1808.  He  is  rector  of  Termon,  diocese  of 
Armagh,  and  county  of  Tyrone.  He  married  Charlotte 


Frances  Beresford,  by  whom  he  has  had  three  sons, 
John  Adam,  Charles  Murray,  and  Henry ;  also  three 
daughters.  John  Adam  Alexander,  the  eldest  son, 
resides  on  the  estate  of  Caw,  and  is  a  magistrate  in 
the  county  of  Derry.  Charles  Murray,  the  second 
son,  is  a  captain  in  the  Eoyal  Tyrone  Fusiliers,  and 
possesses  the  estate  of  Enagh,  under  the  will  of  his 
uncle,  Adam  Murray  Alexander. 



IN  the  reign  of  Charles  I.,  Eobert  Alexander,  son  of 
John  Alexander  the  elder,  of  Candren,  Paisley,  settled 
in  Dublin.  In  the  Subsidy  Boll  of  that  city,  dated 
1st  February  1637-8,  are  named  in  "  St  Nicholas  parish 
without  the  walls,  Eobert  Grococke  and  Kobert  Alex- 
ander ; "  they  are  together  assessed  "  in  bonis "  the 
sum  of  £3,  6s.  8d.  Two  nephews  of  Eobert  Alex- 
ander, John  and  James,  sons  of  his  elder  brother 
John,*  of  Candren,  Paisley,  proceeded  from  Scotland 
to  Dublin,  and  there  settled. 

John  Alexander  engaged  in  business  as  a  lime  agent 
(Book  of  Judgments,  Public  Eecord  Office,  Dublin). 
He  died  in  1671  intestate,  and  on  the  20th  December 
of  that  year,  letters  of  administration  were  granted  to 
his  widow,  Catherine  Alexander,  and  William  Hartley, 
his  son-in-law,  and  Avia,  his  daughter,  for  the  use  of 

*  The  relationship  subsisting  between  the  families  of  Alexander  of  Candren, 
Paisley,  and  James  Alexander  of  Dublin,  is  confirmed  by  Wodrow,  who,  in 
describing  the  sufferings  of  John  Spreul,  Paisley  (whose  mother,  Janet  Alexander, 
was  daughter  of  John  Alexander  of  Candren,  Paisley),  remarks  :  "  He  was  in 
Ireland  with  his  uncle,  Mr  James  Alexander,  in  May  1679,  and  came  over  to 
Scotland  after  the  scuffle  at  Drumclog  in  June  "  (Wodrow 's  History  of  the 
Scottish  Church,  ed.  1829,  vo1.  iii.,  p.  252) 


Catherine  Hartley,  daughter  of  the  said  William 
Hartley  and  Avia  Alexander.  On  the  22d  December 
1677,  Catherine  Hartley,  styled  "  of  Blind  Key, 
Dublin,"  administered  the  affairs  of  her  grandmother, 
Mrs  Catherine  Alexander  (Grant  Book,  Probate 
Court,  Dublin). 

James  Alexander  settled  in  Dublin  as  an  attorney. 
His  name  first  occurs  in  the  Public  Eecords  of  Dublin 
in  1665.  On  the  6th  December  of  that  year,  Ellen 
Gascoigne,  widow,  empowered  and  authorised  James 
Alexander — styled  "  of  the  city  of  Dublin,  gent." — to 
receive  all  sums  of  money  payable  to  her  from  His 
Majesty's  Exchequer,  upon  the  Lord-Deputy's  warrant, 
and  to  grant  discharge  for  the  same  (Assignment  He- 
cords,  Dublin,  vol.  iii.,  256).  In  the  same  records  (vol. 
vi.,  p.  61)  a  power  of  attorney  is  granted  to  James  Alex- 
ander by  Lieut. -Colonel  George  Stewart,*  dated  21st 
April  1668,  wherein  the  colonel  constitutes  him  his 
"  true  and  lawful  agent  to  aske,  receive,  and  demand, 
all  such  sumes  of  money  as  are  or  shall  grow  due  to  the 
Company  of  Foot  under  his  command." 

On  the  4th  January  1671,  James  Alexander  obtained 
from  William  Stewart  t  of  Ballilan,  in  the  barony  of 
Kaphoe  and  county  of  Donegal,  authority  "  to  receive 

*  Colonel  George  Stewart  was  son  of  Sir  Robert  Stewart.  He  sometime  resided 
at  Culinore,  near  Londonderry  (Lodge's  Peerage,  edited  by  Archdall,  vol.  vi., 
p.  244). 

t  William  Stewart  was  eldest  son  of  Sir  William  Stewart,  Bart,  who  was 
created  Baron  Stewart  of  Ramelton,  and  Viscount  Mountjoy  in  1682.  He  became 
a  lieutenant-general  in  the  army,  and  succeeded  his  father  as  second  Viscount 
Mountjoy  in  1692.  He  died  10th  January  1727. 


rents  due  to  him  by  George  Pryott  of  Edmontoune, 
in  the  city  of  Dublin,  and  to  compound  with  the 
commissioners  authorised  for  satisfying  forty -nine 
officers  of  the  thousand  per  lot  for  his  part  of  the 
same  "  (Assignment  Records,  vol.  vii.,  p.  89). 

In  1680  and  1681,  James  Alexander  appeared  as 
attorney  for  Francis,  Earl  of  Longford,  Ambrose 
Aungier,  John  Gordon,  James  Hartley  of  Dublin, 
ironmonger,  and  Michael  Gaynor  of  Black  Castle, 
in  a  suit  raised  against  them  by  Humphrey  Perrott 
(Book  of  Judgments). 

James  Alexander  held  for  ten  years  subsequent  to 
1672,  the  office  of  deputy-clerk  of  the  Pells,  in  the 
Exchequer  Court  (Revenue  Accounts). 

Among  the  Irish  Chancery  Rolls  for  1674,  are  four 
deeds,  by  which  Henry,  Earl  of  Clanbrassill,*  and 
Alice  his  wife,  conveyed  lands  in  the  county  of  Down 
to  James  Ross,  John  Blackwood,  James  Mure,  and 
David  Kennedy — James  Alexander  acting  as  attorney 
for  the  purchasers  (Public  Record  Office,  Dublin). 

A  zealous  promoter  of  the  Presbyterian  Church, 
James  Alexander  received  on  the  7th  November 
1698,  a  mandate  authorising  him  to  draw  the  quarter's 
payment  of  £1200,  granted  to  the  Church  as  an 
annual  boon  by  William  III.  (Assignment  Records). 

James    Alexander    married   as   his   first    wife,   a 

*  James  Hamilton,  second  Viscount  Claneboye,  was  promoted  as  Earl  of  Clan- 
brassill, in  the  county  of  Armagh,  on  the  7th  June  1647.  He  married  Lady  Anne 
Carey,  eldest  daughter  of  Henry,  Earl  of  Monmouth,  who  married  secondly  Sir 
Robert  Maxwell,  Bart.  Lord  Clanbrassill  died  20th  June  1659. 


daughter  of  Peter  Blanchville  of  Blanchvilletown, 
in  the  county  of  Kilkenny.  Sometime  prior  to  1676, 
Peter  Blanchville  was  succeeded  in  his  estates  by  his 
son  Edmund,  for  on  the  llth  June  of  that  year, 
James  Alexander  received  from  the  said  Edmund,  on 
a  payment  of  £500,  a  bond  on  "  the  castles,  towns,  and 
lands  of  Blanchvilletown,  Blanchvilleskill,  Blanch- 
villespark,  Smithstown,  Bennett's  Bridge,  Carlin, 
Severstown,  Madogstown,  and  Church  Claragh,  in 
the  barony  of  Gowran,  and  county  of  Kilkenny."  The 
loan  had  not  been  redeemed  when  Edmund  Blanch- 
ville was,  on  the  13th  February  1688,  forfeited  for 
high  treason.  After  certain  proceedings,  James  Alex- 
ander, on  the  10th  August  1700,  presented  to  the 
Trustees  of  the  Court  of  Claims,  a  statement  of 
claims  against  the  forfeited  lands.  Among  these  is 
a  claim  for  £200,  for  which,  on  account  of  Edmund 
Blanchville,  he  had  become  bound  to  Charles  Agar, 
on  the  24th  September  1675.  Certain  of  the  bonds, 
he  represents,  had  been  "  lost  or  mislaid  in  the  late 
troublesome  times,  when  the  claimant  carried  away 
papers  into  England,  about  the  month  of  January 
1688,  in  a  confused  manner,"  and  were  held  by  the 
Court  "  to  be  comprehended  within  the  benefit  of  the 
capitulation  or  articles  of  Limerick"  (Decrees  of 
Court  of  Claims). 

James  Alexander  died  on  the  3d  March  1701. 
The  following  document,  purporting  to  be  his  will 
with  a  codicil  attached,  was  on  the  23d  August  1701, 


proved  in  the  Prerogative  Court  of  Dublin,  by  Richard 
Tenner,  his  son-in-law,  "without  prejudice  to  Edmund 
Alexander,"  the  testator's  son  and  a  co-executor : 

"  I,  James  Alexander,  of  the  cittie  of  Dublin,  being  this  25th 
day  of  December  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1699,  in  perfect  health 
and  sound  memory,  praised  be  God  for  the  same,  but  consider- 
ing the  uncertainty  of  this  life,  many  younger  than  I  being 
taken  away  by  sudden  death  or  short  sickness,  do  now  deliber- 
ately make  and  write  with  my  own  hand,  this  as  my  last  Will 
&  Testament,  hereby  revoaking  and  makeing  void  all  former 
will  or  pretensions  either  by  word  or  writing,  and  this  to  be 
taken  as  my  last  Will  &  Testament.  In  the  first  place,  I 
comitt  my  soul  to  Almighty  God,  hoping  through  the  merits  of 
my  blessed  Lord,  Jesus  Christ,  to  obtain  mercy  and  pardon  of 
all  my  sins,  &c.,  and  my  body  to  be  decently  buried  as  the 
Freinds  who  shall  be  near  me  at  the  time  of  my  death  shall 
think  fitt.  And  if  it  shall  happen  that  I  dy  in  or  near  the  citie  of 
Dublin,  I  desire  to  be  buryed  in  ye  same  grave  in  St  Cle van's 
churchyard,  where  my  last  wife  was  buried,  it  being  deep  and 
having  most  room,  close  to  the  left  side  of  my  first  wife's  grave, 
and  this  to  be  done  without  any  charge,  but  what  is  absolutely 
necessary.  And  for  settling  what  little  concerns  I  have  in  the 
world,  I  desire  my  debts  may  be  satisfied,  as  easily  as  my  under- 
named  Executors  can  deall  with  my  creditors,  who  are  very  few, 
all  that  I  can  think  of  being  only  a  bond  *  to  David  Kennedy 
of  Ballycultra,  in  the  county  of  Down,  which  I  think  is  under 
one  hundred  or  eighty  pounds,  which  debt  I  design  paying  him 

*  This  bond  is  referred  to  in  the  will  of  David  Kennedy  of  Ballycultra,  dated 
22d  April  1697,  and  proved  in  the  Prerogative  Court  at  Dublin.  In  the  schedule 
of  assets  he  has  the  following  :  "James  Alexander  of  the  city  of  Dublin,  gent., 

by  bond  and  judgment,   dated  March  3,   1693-4,   payable  the  first 1694. 

Judgment  entered  in  the  Common  Pleas"  (Records  in  Dublin  Probate  Court). 
David  Kennedy  belonged  to  the  parish  of  Dundonald,  county  Down.  He  served 
as  captain  under  the  Earl  of  Mount  Alexander,  in  1649,  when  the  earl  com- 
manded in  Ulster.  By  Act  of  Settlement  he  obtained  £1482,  Is.  4d.  as  arrears 
of  pay  (MS.  preserved  among  the  Family  Papers  at  Donaghadee,  and  Irish  Record 
Commission  Reports,  vol.  iii.,  p.  296V 


with  a  bond  due  to  me  by  Sir  Eobert  Hamilton,*  with  con- 
siderable interest.  I  think  the  penalty  is  now  due.  I  hope 
Mr  Kennedy  will  be  reasonable  in  his  demands,  in  regard  he 
had  Lodging  &  Dyett  at  my  house  severall  times  that  he 
was  in  Dublin,  which  I  leave  to  himselfe  as  he  thinks  fitt. 
Another  bond  for  about  seventy  pounds  to  John  Usher,  Esq.,-f- 
who  discounted  with  me  for  a  debt  of  money  that  I  lent  to  his 
brother  Adam  Usher,  {  and  which  I  think  was  about  halfe  of  the 
principal  that  John  Usher  may  clayme  of  me.  This  debt  to  Mr 
Usher  was  the  relict  of  an  old  account  between  him  &  the  Lord 
Glenawly,§  and  I  do  believe  Mr  Usher  doth  not  expect  more  than 
I  paid  or  lent  his  said  brother,  Mr  Adam  Usher,  he  never  to  this 
day  having  demanded  or  spoke  of  it  to  me,  however  he  is  a  worthy 
good  gent.,  &  I  leave  it  to  his  own  discretion.  And  for  what 
debts  are  due  to  myselfe,  I  have  them  all  by  way  of  Debr-  & 
Credr-  in  my  long  book,  and  do  desire  that  all  my  worldly  sub- 
stance may  be  equally  divided  amongst  my  four  children — viz., 
my  sons  Edmond,  Richard,  &  John,  and  my  daughter  Hannah, 
and  if  any  of  them  dye  before  they  be  fitt  to  receive  their  por- 
tions, I  desire  that  the  portion  of  such  child  or  children  that 
shall  so  dye  may  be  divided  amongst  those  of  them  that  shall 
survive,  &  because  I  am  at  an  uncertainty  about  my  son-in-law, 
Richard  Tenner,  whose  portion  I  designed  to  be  paid  him  out  of 
the  debt  due  to  me  upon  the  estate  of  Edmond  Blanchvill,  of 
the  county  of  Kilkenny,  Esq.,  the  same  seeming  to  be  in  hazard 
if  the  said  Blanchvill  be  not  restored,  and  if  so,  I  desire  that 
he  may  come  in  for  a  share  as  the  rest  of  my  children,  besides 

*  Sir  Robert  Hamilton  of  Mount  Hamilton,  son  of  Sir  Hans  Hamilton  of 
Monella,  was  created  a  baronet  in  1682;  he  died  in  1703  (The  Hamilton  MSS., 
Belfast,  4 to,  p.  162). 

t  John  Usher  of  Monachan,  Master  in  Chancery,  eldest  son  of  Sir  Walter 
Usher  of  Portrane,  county  Dublin,  by  his  wife  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Sir  William 
Parsons  of  Bellamont,  Lord- Justice  of  Ireland  (Burke's  Landed  Gentry). 

J  The  Rev.  Adam  Usher,  a  brother  of  the  preceding. 

§  Hugh,  Lord  Hamilton  of  Glenawly,  was  second  son  of  Malcolm  Hamilton, 
Archbishop  of  Cash  el.  He  entered  the  Swedish  service,  in  which  he  became 
Master-General  of  Artillery.  He  was  raised  to  the  peerage  in  1660.  He  died  in 
1724.  James  Alexander  acted  as  attorney  for  Lord  Glenawly,  and  was  authorised 
to  administer  his  affairs  during  his  absence  abroad  (Assignment  Records,  Dublin). 


one  hundred  sterling,  with  the  interest  thereof,  that  I  left  with 
the  said  Eichard  Fenner  when  I  went  out  of  this  kingdom,  be- 
ginning of  the  late  warr,  and  which  he  lent  out  and  took  bond 
to  Audley  Mervin,  Esq.,*  and  I  do  hereby  appoint  the  said 
Eichard  Tenner,  and  my  son  Edmond  Alexander,  to  be  exe- 
cutors of  this  rny  last  Will,  praying  &  enjoy ning  that  they  take 
speciall  care  that  my  three  younger  children  by  my  second  wife, 
be  well  secured  their  portions  till  they  come  to  age  to  make  use 
thereof  themselves.  And  it  is  also  my  earnest  desire  and 
request,  that  care  may  be  taken  for  their  education  &  learning, 
and  that  they  may  be  put  to  such  Trades  or  Callings  as  may  be 
thought  most  suitable  for  them,  &  that  in  every  respect  they 
may  be  soe  treated  &  regard  had  to  them  as  if  they  had  been  all 
borne  of  one  Mother.  One  thing  furder  I  desire,  that  if  any  of 
the  children  of  Walter  Morison,  late  of  Convent  Garden,  London, 
Taylor,  be  alive,  that  there  may  be  Twenty  pounds  paid  them, 
I  having  been  formerly  concerned  for  the  said  Walter  Morrison, 
that  I  am  conscious  that  I  ought  to  give  them  so  much.  This 
is  my  Will,  which  I  have  now  deliberately  written  with  my  own 
hand,  and  do  sign  &  subscribe  the  same,  the  day  &  year  afore- 
said. JA.  ALEXANDER. 

"  Signed  &  sealed  in  the  presence  of 
John  Matthews,  Elizabeth  Jones,  Deborah  Gill. 

"  The  above  being  my  last  Will,  I  have  nothing  to  add  at 
present,  but  the  debt  due  by  Blanchvill  seeming  now  to  be 
good  from  the  Trustees,  I  order  Mr  Tenner  in  the  first  place  to 
be  satisfied  all  due  to  him ;  and  the  rest  to  my  son  Edmond ; 
but  if  it  prove  otherwise  then  I  have  good  reason  to  believe,  it 
will  do  well  yet,  &  in  that  case  I  desire  that  Mr  Tenner  and  my 
son  Edmond  may  come  in  for  a  share  of  the  redyest  money,  also 
hoping  other  debts  may  prove  good,  out  of  which  I  leave  and 
bequeath  to  my  grandchildren  by  Mr  Tenner,  three  hundred 
pounds  to  be  divided  amongst  them,  and  if  any  of  them  dye,  the 
share  of  such  to  go  amongst  those  that  survive  as  their  "Father 

*  Probably  a  son  of  Sir  Audley  Mervyn,  the  celebrated  soldier  and  Speaker  of 
the  Irish  House  of  Commons. 


sees  fitt,  but  if  wee  find  good  success  in  our  affaire,  then  I  intend 
to  augment  them.  In  witness  whereof  I  have  subscribed  these 
presents,  this  first  day  of  March  1701. 


John  M'Clelan,  husband  of  Hannah  Alexander, 
daughter  of  James  Alexander  by  his  second  wife, 
disputed  the  validity  of  the  will,  which  became  the 
subject  of  a  protracted  suit.  On  the  20th  September 
1707,  it  is  set  forth  in  the  Grant  Book  of  the  Pre- 
rogative Court  that  Marmaduke  Coghill,  commissary 
of  that  Court,  had  adjudged  the  will  ineffectual,  on 
the  ground  that  Richard  Fenner  and  Edmond  Alex- 
ander had  suppressed  the  truth  in  connection  with  it. 
A  decree  was  consequently  granted,  that  the  affairs 
of  the  deceased  should  be  administered  by  Hannah 
M'Clelan,  alias  Alexander,  and  Edmond,  Richard, 
and  John  Alexander,  lawful  children  of  the  deceased. 

The  children  of  James  Alexander,  by  his  first  wife, 
the  daughter  of  Peter  Blanchville,  were  Susannah, 
Sarah,  and  Edmond ;  and  by  his  second  wife,  Richard 
James,  John,  and  Hannah. 

Susannah,  elder  daughter  of  James  Alexander  by 
his  first  wife,  married,  10th  January  1692,  James 
Agar  of  Gowran  Castle,  in  the  county  of  Kilkenny, 
whose  mother,  Ellis  Blanchville,  was  her  mother's 
sister.t  She  had  a  son,  James,  and  two  other  sons, 

*  Dublin  Probate  Court. 

t  Charles  Agar,  of  an  old  family  in  the  county  of  York,  settled  at  Gowran 
Castle,  in  the  county  of  Kilkenny.  He  died  14th  February  1696.  By  his  mar- 
riage with  Ellis,  daughter  of  Peter  Blanchville  of  Blanchvilletown,  county  Kil- 
kenny, he  had  a  son,  James,  who  succeeded  him  in  his  estate.  On  the  death  of 

*  K 


who  all  died  in  infancy.  She  died  prior  to  the  25th 
December  1699,  the  date  of  her  father's  will. 

Sarah,  daughter  of  James  Alexander  by  his  first 
wife,  espoused  Eichard  Tenner  of  the  city  of  Dublin, 
whom  she  predeceased.  She  had  four  sons,  James, 
Alexander,  Edmond,  and  William ;  and  three  daugh- 
ters, Elizabeth,  who  married  -  -  Parry,  Susannah, 
and  Mary.* 

Edmond,  only  son  of  James  Alexander  by  his  first 
wife,  died  unmarried  in  1716.  His  will,  proved  in 
the  Prerogative  Court  of  Dublin  by  his  nephew,  James 
Fenner,  on  the  29th  March  1716,  proceeds  thus : 

"  In  the  name  of  God,  Amen,  the  13th  May  1706.— I,  Edmond 
Alexander  of  the  city  of  Dublin,  being  of  sound  and  perfect 
memory  (praise  be  to  God  for  the  same),  and  knowing  ye  uncer- 
tainty of  this  life,  and  being  desirous  to  settle  things  in  order, 
do  make  this  my  last  Will  &  Testament,  that  is  to  say, — First, 
and  principally,  I  commend  my  soul  to  Almighty  God,  my 
Creator,  assuredly  believing  yfc  I  shall  receive  full  pardon  and 
free  remission  of  all  my  sins,  and  be  saved  by  the  precious 
death  and  meritts  of  my  blessed  Saviour  and  Eedeemer,  Christ 
Jesus.  And  my  body  to  be  buried  in  St  Cavanis  Churchyard, 
near  my  mother  &  sister  (if  I  dye  in  Dublin) ;  if  I  dye  in  the 
county  of  Kilkenny,  I  desire  to  be  buryed  in  the  tomb  at  St 
Kenny's  Church  (belonging  to  my  mother's  family),  in  such 
decent  manner  as  to  my  Executors  hereafter  named,  shall  seem 
meet  and  convenient.  And  as  touching  such  worldly  estate  as 

Susannah.  Alexander,  his  first  wife,  he  married,  secondly,  Mary,  eldest  daughter 
of  Sir  Henry  Wemyss  of  Danesfort,  county  Kilkenny  (who  died  in  1771,  aged 
106),  and  had  by  her  sons  and  daughters.  James  Agar,  eldest  son  of  Henry,  his 
eldest  son,  was  created  Baron  Clifden,  27th  July  1776  ;  the  eldest  son  of  his  second 
son,  James,  was,  on  the  6th  June  1790,  created  Lord  Callan ;  and  Charles,  third 
son  of  his  eldest  son,  was  appointed  Archbishop  of  Dublin,  and  in  1806  was 
created  Earl  of  Normanton. 

*  See  will  of  Edinoiid  Alexander,  infra. 


it  has  pleased  God  to  bless  me  with,  my  will  and  meaning  is,  ye 
same  shall  be  employed  and  be  bestowed  as  hereafter  by  this 
my  will  is  expressed ;  and,  first,  I  do  revoke,  renounce,  frustrate, 
and  make  void  all  wills  by  me  formerly  made,  and  declare  & 
appoint  this  my  last  Will  &  Testament. 

"  First,  I  will  yfc  all  those  debts  which  I  owe  in  right  or  con- 
science to  any  manner  of  persons  whatever  shall  be  well  arid 
truly  paid  by  my  Executors  undernamed.  Item,  I  give  & 
bequeath  to  my  sister,  Hannah  Alexander,  alias  M'Clelan,  the 
sum  of  five  shillings  and  five  pence,  to  buy  her  husband  a  glass 
eye,  and  this  with  the  consent  of  her  three  counsellors,  Eliza- 
beth, Eichard,  &  Jenny  Jones.  Item,  I  give  and  bequeath  to 
my  brother,  Eichard  Alexander,  the  sum  of  five  shillings,  to  pur- 
chase his  guardian  a  Eattle.  Item,  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my 
brother,  John  Alexander,  the  sum  of  five  shillings ;  I  intended 
him  ye  best  share  of  what  I  had,  but  as  he  has  turned  me  from 
being  his  guardian,  so  I  now  do  him  with  this  five  shillings  to 
buy  him  more  understanding  in  the  future.  Item,  I  leave  Mrs 
Jones  my  pardon  for  her  perjury  about  my  Father's  will,  &  hope 
she  may  heartily  repent  and  make  her  peace  with  God.  Item, 
I  will  that  all  my  substance  be  equally  divided  amongst  my 
dearest  sister,  Tenner's,  children;  y*  is,  to  James,  Alexander, 
Edmond,  William  Fenner,  &  to  Elizabeth  Fenner,  alias  Parry, 
Susanna,  and  Mary  Fenner,  to  be  paid  them  at  the  age  of  one- 
and-twenty,  &  if  any  of  them  dye  before  they  arrive  at  that  age, 
ye  share  of  such  child  or  children  to  be  equally  divided  amongst 
the  remaining  children  of  my  sister  Fenner.  Item,  I  leave  as  a 
legacy  to  Mrs  Elizabeth  Tarnoll's  of  King's  Steet,  in  Bloomsbury, 
in  London,  the  sum  of  five  pounds  sterling,  for  her  care  of  me  in 
my  sickness,  besides  a  debt  due  to  her.  Item,  I  leave  James 
Agar  and  his  lady  each  a  guiney  to  buy  a  mourning  ring.  Item, 
I  leave  Mr  James  Cowan  a  mourning  ring,  of  a  guinea  value. 
I  do  appoint  Eichard  Fenner  and  his  son,  James  Fenner,  to  be 
executors  of  this  my  last  will,  &c.  EDM.  ALEXANDER. 

C  Peter  Agar. 

"  Witnesses,  \  Eichd  Malloy. 
( Owen  Sullivan." 

(Dublin  Probate  Court). 


Kichard  James  Alexander,  elder  son  of  James 
Alexander  of  Dublin  by  his  second  marriage,  ac- 
quired the  small  estate  of  Mawdlins,  near  Trim,  in 
the  county  of  Meath.  He  married  Margaret  Hughes, 
and  had  issue,  two  daughters,  Hannah  and  Mary. 
He  died  in  1725.  His  will,  dated  13th  July  1725, 
was  proved  by  his  brother,  John,  on  the  2d  February 
1726  ;  it  contains  the  following  : 

"  That  the  settlement  made  upon  intermarryage  in  favour  of 
my  dear  child  and  daughter,  Hanna  Alexander,  shall  continue, 
as  at  present,  in  the  hands  of  William  Lingan,  Esq.,  in  the 
Castle  of  Dublin,  save  y*  in  case  of  her  death  her  hundred  and 
fifty  pounds  shall  descend  to  the  survivor  of  my  two  daughters ; 
but  in  case  of  both  their  deaths,  the  same  to  remain  still  at 
interest  for  the  use  of  my  beloved  wife,  Margaret  Alexander, 
alias  Hughes ;  but  in  case  of  the  death  of  all  three,  to  remain 
for  the  use  of  my  dear  brother  and  sister,  Mr  John  Alexander 
and  Hanna  Maclelan,  alias  Alexander.  As  for  the  lease  of  my 
house  on  Lesyrshill,  Dublin,  I  leave  it  for  the  use  of  my  dear 
wife,  Margaret,  and  daughter,  Mary  Alexander.  Item,  my 
proportion  of  ye  fund  lying  in  the  hand  of  Mr  Young,  near  St 
Catherine's  Church  in  Dublin,  the  interest  of  which  comes  to 
three  pounds  per  annum,  I  leave  to  be  disposed  of  in  the  best 
manner  for  the  use  of  said  Margaret,  my  wife,  and  Mary,  my 
daughter.  Item,  the  hundred  pounds  lying  in  the  hands  of  Mr 
James  Eagar  [Agar]  of  Gowran,  in  the  county  of  Kilkenny,  to 
continue  at  interest  for  use  of  said  Margaret,  my  wife,  and 
Mary,  my  daughter.  Item,  all  my  goods  and  chattels,  etc.,  here 
at  ye  Maudlins,  near  Trim,  with  what  money  lyes  in  my  brother 
John  Alexander's  hands,  to  be  also  equally  for  the  use  of  my 
said  wife  Margaret,  and  Mary,  my  daughter ;  but  in  case  of  the 
death  of  my  daughter  Mary,  I  order  her  moyety  of  all  above 
mentioned  to  be  divided  between  my  wife  Margaret,  and  daugh- 
ter Hanna,  and  in  case  of  the  death  of  both  the  latter,  for  my 


brother  and  sister  as  before.  I  order  my  sister,  Sara  Hughes, 
upon  account  of  attending  me  some  time  as  an  honest  servant, 
five  pounds  sterling  to  put  her  to  some  honest  employment,  out 
of  the  product  of  my  goods.  I  order  my  lawfull  debts  should 
be  paid  out  of  the  bulk  of  my  worldly  substance  as  soon  as 
possible;  funeral  charges,  book  debts  due  to  Mr  Anthony, 
Trim,  to  be  paid  by  my  brother  John.  Item,  I  leave  the  charge 
of  both  my  children  to  my  dear  wife,  Margaret  Alexander,  as 
long  as  she  behaves  herself  towards  them  as  a  good  mother, 
but  in  case  of  her  second  marryage,  I  leave  the  charge  of  my 
daughter  Hanna  to  her  uncle  and  my  brother-in-law,  Mr  James 
Bath  of  Nettstowne.  Lastly,  I  constitute  my  brother,  John 
Alexander,  and  brother-in-law,  said  James  Bath,  executors  of 
this  my  last  will  and  testament,  to  see  justice  done  in  every 

A  codicil  is  added,  in  which  the  testator  desires  that 
the  money  lying  in  his  brother  John's  hands  be 
forthwith  paid  to  discharge  debt  (Dublin  Probate 

Hannah  Alexander,  only  daughter  of  James  Alex- 
ander by  his  second  marriage,  married  John  M/Clelan, 
of  the  city  of  Dublin. 

John,  youngest  son  of  James  Alexander  of  Dublin, 
became  a  student  of  Glasgow  College,  session  1700-1. 
In  the  Matriculation  Register  of  that  University  he 
has,  on  the  3d  March  1701,  recorded  his  name  thus  : 
"  Johannes  Alexander,  Scot.  Hib."  The  affix  Scoto- 
Hibernicus  indicates  that,  though  a  native  of  Ireland, 
the  signer  was  of  Scottish  descent. 

By  his  father's  will,  John  Alexander  was,  as  a 
minor,  placed,  with  his  brother,  Richard  James, 
under  the  care  of  their  half-brother,  Edmond,  and 


brother-in-law,  Richard  Fenner.  When  the  will  was 
set  aside,  John  M'Clelan,  husband  of  Hannah  Alex- 
ander, obtained,  on  the  9th  April  1706,  legal  guar- 
dianship of  his  brothers,  Edmond  and  John,  who 
were  still  minors  (Grant  Book  of  Prerogative  Court). 

The  decision  respecting  his  father's  will  was  keenly 
resented  by  Edmond  Alexander,  who  proceeded  forth- 
with to  frame  his  own  last  will,*  in  which  he  evinced 
much  bitter  feeling  towards  his  brothers  and  sister 
by  his  father's  second  marriage.  Respecting  his 
half-brother,  John,  he  affirmed  that  he  had  intended 
to  bestow  on  him  the  best  share  of  his  substance,  but 
as  he  had  deprived  him  of  being  his  guardian,  he  left 
him  "  five  shillings  to  buy  him  more  understanding." 

From  the  University  of  Glasgow,  John  Alexander 
removed  to  Bristol,  to  assist  in  the  theological 
academy  kept  by  the  Rev.  Isaac  Noble,t  minister  of 
the  Presbyterian  congregation  at  Castle  Green  in 
that  city.  Having  become  a  licentiate  of  the  Pres- 
byterian Church,  he  was,  in  1712,  settled  at  Glouces- 
ter on  the  invitation  of  a  portion  of  the  Presbyterians 
in  that  city,  who  withdrew  from  the  old  meeting  on 

*  His  will  is  dated  13th  May  1706  (see  supra). 

t  Rev.  Isaac  Noble  was  ordained  minister  of  the  Castle  Green  Presbyterian 
Church,  Bristol,  on  the  28th  May  1689.  He  was  a  popular  preacher,  and  had 
upwards  of  five  hundred  hearers.  .  Besides  discharging  the  duties  of  the  pastorate, 
he  conducted  a  theological  seminary,  which  was  much  resorted  to  by  persons 
preparing  for  the  ministry  of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  Mr  Noble  published  a 
sermon  which  he  preached  at  Gloucester  on  the  death  of  the  Rev.  James  Forbes, 
3d  June  1712.  He  is  frequently  mentioned  in  the  "Life  of  the  Rev.  John 
Reynolds,"  an  eminent  Presbyterian  divine.  He  died  on  the  27th  September 
1726  (Calamy's  Life,  vol.  i.,  p.  365  ;  and  Wilson's  Presbyterian  Congregations 
in  England,  in  Dr  Williams'  library,  London). 


the  death  of  the  Rev.  James  Forbes.*  He  continued 
at  Gloucester  till  1718,  when  he  was  translated  to 
the  pastorate  of  the  Presbyterian  church  at  Stratford- 
on-Avon.  An  academy,  which  he  established  at 
Gloucester,  he  continued  at  Stratford-on-Avon  so 
long  as  he  remained  in  that  place. 

In  1726  John  Alexander  proceeded  from  Strat- 
ford-on-Avon to  Dublin  to  attend  to  his  duties  as  an 
executor  under  the  will  of  his  deceased  brother, 
Richard  James.  In  that  will  he  is  described  as  "  Mr 
John  Alexander,"  in  allusion  to  his  clerical  office. 
Having  preached  at  Dublin,  his  pulpit  talents  recom- 
mended him  to  the  Presbyterian  congregation  in 
Plunket  Street,  who,  on  the  29th  April  of  the  same 
year,  invited  him  to  undertake  their  pastorate.  He 
at  first  declined,  but  on  a  renewal  of  the  call  on  the 
29th  March  1730,  he  accepted  it  (Kirk  Session  Re- 
cords of  Plunket  Street  Church).  His  translation 
from  Stratford-on-Avon  was  opposed  by  some  of  his 
English  brethren  as  being  detrimental  to  the  Presby- 
terian cause  in  England,  but  the  translation  was 
proceeded  with,  and  on  the  12th  November  1730  he 
was  inducted  in  his  new  charge.  He  died  at  Dublin 
on  the  1st  of  November  1743 ;  his  funeral'  was  con- 
ducted at  the  expense  of  his  hearers  (Kirk  Session 
Records  of  Plunket  Street  Church).  Mr  John  Alex- 

*  The  Rev.  James  Forbes  was  a  native  of  Scotland.  He  was  persecuted  for 
nonconformity.  He  died  at  Gloucester  on  the  31st  May  1712,  aged  eighty-three, 
having  ministered  at  Gloucester  fifty-eight  years  (Wilson's  Presbyterian  Congre- 
gations in  England). 


ander  is  described  by  Dr  Kippis  as  "distinguished 
for  his  skill  in  Oriental  literature "  (Biographia 
Britannica,  Lond.  1780,  vol.  ii.,  p.  206). 

Mr  John  Alexander  married,  on  the  8th  August 
1732,  Hannah  Higgs  of  Old  Swinford,  the  marriage 
being  celebrated  by  licence  in  the  parish  church  of 
Hartlebury,  Worcestershire  (Parish  Church  Eegister 
of  Hartlebury).  Of  the  marriage  were  born  six  chil- 
dren, two  of  whom  died  in  infancy  (Records  of  Plunket 
Street  Church).  Mr  Alexander  having  died  intestate, 
the  Prerogative  Court,  on  the  27th  February  1743-4, 
authorised  Benjamin  Higgs  of  Dublin,  his  brother- 
in-law,  to  settle  his  affairs,  and  act  as  guardian  to 
his  children,  Mary,  John,  Benjamin,  and  Hannah 
Alexander,  minors  (Grant  Book  Register  of  Prero- 
gative Court  of  Dublin). 

Mrs  Hannah  Alexander,  wife  of  Mr  John  Alex- 
ander, died  at  Birmingham  on  the  5th  October  1768, 
aged  sixty-three  (Inscription  on  Tombstone  at  Birming- 

John  Alexander,  the  elder  son,  was  born  at  Dublin, 
on  the  26th  January  1736.  In  his  "  Biographia  Bri- 
tannica," Dr  Kippis  describes  his  career  in  the  fol- 
lowing narrative  :  "  Mrs  Hannah  Alexander  removed 
with  her  family  from  Dublin,  and  settled  at  Birming- 
ham. She  sent  her  son  John  to  an  academy  at 
Daventry,  in  the  county  of  Northampton,  where  he 
prosecuted  his  studies  under  the  Rev.  Dr  Caleb  Ash- 
worth,  an  eminent  Nonconformist  minister.  He  was 


next  taken  to  London,  and  there  placed  under  the 
tuition  of  the  distinguished  Dr  George  Benson,  under 
whose  care  he  remained  for  several  years.  With  his 
learning  and  personal  behaviour,  Dr  Benson  was  so 
much  satisfied  that  he  gave  him  free  board  and  lodg- 
ing. Leaving  the  metropolis,  he  remained  some  time 
with  his  mother  at  Birmingham.  In  that  town  and 
neighbourhood  he  preached  occasionally,  and  after- 
wards discharged  the  clerical  duties  at  Longdon,  a 
place  situated  about  twelve  miles  from  Birmingham. 
On  Saturday,  28th  December  1765,  he  retired  to  rest 
in  perfect  health  between  eleven  and  twelve  o'clock, 
intending  to  officiate  at  Longdon  the  next  day,  but 
at  six  in  the  morning  he  was  found  dead  in  his  bed— 
an  event  which  was  sincerely  deplored  by  his  friends, 
as  both  a  private  and  a  public  loss.  He  was  in  his 
thirtieth  year."  After  his  death,  the  Rev.  John 
Palmer  of  London  published  "  A  Paraphrase  upon  the 
Fifteenth  Chapter  of  the  First  Epistle  to  the  Corinth- 
ians, with  critical  notes  and  observations,  and  a  pre- 
liminary dissertation.  A  Commentary,  with  critical 
remarks  upon  the  sixth,  seventh,  and  part  of  the  eighth 
chapters  of  the  Romans,  to  which  is  added  a  Sermon  on 
Ecclesiastes,  ix.  10,  composed  by  the  Author  the  day 

*  The  tombstone  of  the  Rev.  John  Alexander  at  Birmingham  is  thus  inscribed : 
"Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  Mr  John  Alexander,  who  was  eminently 
distinguished  as  a  Christian  scholar  and  divine,  though  cut  off  in  his  thirtieth 
year.  He  was  born  January  26,  1736  ;  died  December  29,  1765.  Learn,  reader, 
that  honourable  age  is  not  that  which  standeth  in  length  of  time,  nor  that  is 
measured  by  number  of  years ;  but  wisdom  is  the  grey  hair,  and  an  unspotted 
life  is  old  age." 


preceding  his  death.  By  John  Alexander.  Printed 
at  London,  in  quarto,  for  Buckland  and  others,  in 

In  his  posthumous  work,  Mr  Alexander  upholds 
the  opinion  that  the  soul  is  in  a  state  of  unconscious- 
ness between  death  and  the  resurrection.  To  The 
Library — a  miscellany  published  in  London  in  the 
years  1761  and  1762 — he  contributed  an  ironical 
defence  of  persecution,  and  essays,  entitled  "  Dul- 
ness,"  "Misanthropy,"  "The  Study  of  Man,"  "Con- 
troversy," "The  Misconduct  of  Parents,"  "Modern 
Authorship,"  "The  Present  State  of  Wit  in  Great 
Britain,"  "  The  Index  of  the  Mind,"  and  "  The  Fate 
of  Periodical  Productions."* 

Benjamin  Alexander,  second  son  of  the  Kev.  John 
Alexander,  was  born  at  Dublin  in  March  1737.  He 
studied  medicine,  and  practised  as  a  physician  in 
London.  A  copy  of  his  thesis  on  obtaining  his 
degree,  is  contained  in  the  British  Museum.  Dedi- 
cated to  William  Hunter,  M.D.,  the  celebrated 
physician,  it  extends  to  twenty  pages,  4to,  and  bears 
the  following  title  :  "  Dissertatio  Medicae  Inauguralis 
de  Motu  Musciilorum,  &c.,  pro  gradu  Doctoratus  sum- 
misque  in  Medicina  honoribus  et  privilegis  rite  ac 
legitime  consequendis  eruditorum  examini  submittit 
Benjaminus  Alexander  Londinensis  ad  diem  1  Decem- 
bris  1761  hora  locoque  solitis." 

Dr  Benjamin  Alexander  published  at  London,  in 

*  Biographia  Britannica,  vol.  ii.,  pp.  206,  207. 


1769,  in  three  quarto  volumes,  a  work,  entitled 
"Seats  and  Causes  of  Diseases  investigated  by 
Anatomy,  in  five  books ;  containing  a  great  variety 
of  dissections,  with  remarks  ;  to  which  are  added  very 
copious  and  accurate  indices  of  the  principal  things 
and  names  therein  contained.  From  the  Latin  of  John 
Baptist  Morgagni."  Dr  Alexander  died  in  April 
1768  (Register  of  Burials,  Bunhill  Fields  Burying 

Mary  Alexander,  elder  daughter  of  the  Rev.  John 
•Alexander,  born  in  October  1733,  died,  unmarried, 
on  the  28th  April  1794.  Hannah,  the  younger 
daughter,  born  January  1740,  married,  26th  Septem- 
ber 1769,  William  Humphrys,  merchant,  Birming- 
ham (Register  of  Marriages  of  Parish  of  St  Martin, 
Birmingham).  Mr  Humphrys  was  of  Irish  descent. 
Edward  Humphrys  of  Tententown,  in  the  county  of 
Carlo w,  in  his  will  dated  16th  April  1782  (proved 
27th  May  1786),  mentions  his  brother,  William,  and 
his  nephew,  Alexander,  and  his  son  (Sir  William 
Betham's  MSS.  in  the  Ulster  Office,  Dublin  Castle). 

Of  the  marriage  of  William  Humphrys  and  Hannah 
Alexander  were  born  two  sons  and  five  daughters,  of 
whom  a  son,  Alexander,  and  a  daughter,  Elizabeth, 
survived  infancy.  The  remaining  history  of  this 
branch  will  be  found  in  the  Appendix. 



IN  the  Calendar  of  the  Carew  MSS.  appears  the  follow- 
ing transcript  from  an  ancient  register:  "  6  Edward  II. 
Monday,  in  the  morrow  of  the  Annunciation,  pleas  of 
the  Crown  at  Cassell,  before  Walter  de  Thornebury, 
Chancellor  of  Ireland,  and  William  Alexander,  ap- 
pointed in  place  of  Edmond  le  Bottiller,  engaged  in 
remote  parts"  (Calendar  of  the  Carew  MSS.,  p.  353). 
At  the  date  herein  indicated,  being  the  26th  of 
March  1313,  William  Alexander  obtained  the  place 
of  judge  in  the  Assize  Court  at  Cashel  in  place  of 
Edmond  le  Botiller,  who  held  office  as  Lord  Justice 
of  Ireland.  From  the  same  register  we  have 
the  following :  "  7  Edward  II.  Monday,  before  St 


Laurence  the  Martyr,  pleas  of  the  Crown  and  gaol 
delivery  at  Corche,  before  Walter  de  Thornebury, 
Chancellor  of  Ireland,  and  William  Alexander." 

Sir  Henry  Wallop,  who,  in  1582,  was  appointed 
one  of  the  Lord  Justices  of  Ireland,  had,  as  his  secre- 
tary, George  Alexander,  a  native  of  England,  whose 
honest  and  faithful  services  he  commended  in  a  letter 
to  Secretary  Walsingham  on  the  2d  January  1585 
(Irish  State  Papers).  On  the  3d  June  1584,  George 
Alexander  obtained  a  royal  grant  of  the  preceptory 
of  the  Ardes,  with  the  manor  of  Johnston  and  the 
tithes  of  the  rectory  and  parish  church  of  Kath- 
mollen,  in  the  province  of  Ulster,  which,  on  the  7th 
July  following,  he  conveyed  to  Matthew  Smyth  of 
Newry,  in  the  same  province  (Original  in  Usher's 
Box,  Public  Eecord  Office,  Dublin). 

The  will  of  George  Alexander,  dated  27th  October 
1585,  is  preserved  among  the  records  of  the  Con- 
sistorial  Court  of  Dublin.  In  this  document,  which 
is  of  great  length,  the  testator  intimates  his  con- 
nection with  Bedfordshire.  He  bequeaths  a  portion 
of  his  substance  to  his  father,  Nicholas  Alexander, 
and  makes  provision  for  his  sisters,  "Urseley  and 
Marie."  He  also  bequeaths  articles  of  apparel  as 
remembrances  to  a  number  of  persons  with  Jewish 

In  the  settlement  or  colonisation  of  Ulster,  which 
began  in  1609,  the  corporation  of  the  city  of  London 
took  a  principal  part.  They  obtained  an  allotment 


of  the  whole  county  of  Coleraine,  since  called  London- 
derry, on  the  condition  that  they  would  fortify  the 
towns  of  Londonderry  and  Coleraine,  and  expend 
£20,000  in  the  plantation  (Reid's  Presbyterian 
Church,  i.  81). 

On  the  7th  February  1634,  Robert  Alexander, 
silk  mercer  in  London,  executed  his  will.  He  names 
two  sons,  Robert  and  Richard,  and  two  unmarried 
daughters,  Margaret  and  Gertrude.  To  Robert,  his 
elder  son,  he  bequeathed  his  lands  in  Ireland,  being 
that  portion  of  territory  which  belonged  to  him  as  a 
member  of  the  Company  of  Skinners  (Will  in  Probate 
Court  of  Canterbury). 

In  his  will,  executed  on  the  22d  July  1627,  Lord 
Caulfeild,  Baron  Charlemont,  bequeathed  to  Francis, 
son  of  his  late  niece,  Dorothy,  wife  of  Doctor  Alex- 
ander, £200  English,  to  be  paid  him  at  the  age  of 
twenty-four,  and  in  the  meantime  £20  a-year  towards 
his  maintenance  (Lodge's  Peerage,  iii.  127-134). 
Baron  Charlemont  was  so  created  in  1620.  As  Sir 
Toby  Caulfeild,  he  was,  on  account  of  his  military 
services,  appointed  by  James  I.  governor  of  the  fort 
of  Charlemont,  and  of  the  counties  of  Tyrone  and 
Armagh.  He  was  subsequently  appointed  one  of  the 
commissioners  for  distributing  the  escheated  lands  in 
Ulster  among  British  undertakers.  On  his  death  in 
August  1627,  he  was,  in  terms  of  the  patent,  suc- 
ceeded in  his  estates  and  title  by  his  nephew,  Sir 
William  Caulfeild,  knight,  son  of  his  younger  brother, 


Doctor  James  Caulfeild  (Lodge's  Peerage).  Of  this 
last,  Dorothy,  the  second  daughter,  espoused  "  Doctor 
Alexander,"  so  named  in  Lord  Caulfeild's  will,  and 
who  was  probably  a  physician,  who  had  sought  prac- 
tice on  the  new  plantation  of  the  London  Companies. 
That  his  Christian  name  was  Andrew,  and  that  he 
died  in  1642,  as  stated  by  Dr  Cotton,  are  assertions 
which  we  have  failed  to  verify  (Cotton's  Fasti  Eccl. 

Francis  Alexander/  son  of  "  Doctor  Alexander  " 
and  Dorothy  Caulfeild,  died  at  Dublin  sometime  prior 
to  the  6th  November  1630,  when  his  will  was  proved 
in  the  Prerogative  Court  of  that  city.  From  that 
document,  which  is  dated  16th  July  1629,  we  extract 
the  following : 

"Whereas  Toby,  late  Lord  Caulfeild,  did,  by  his  Will,  be- 
queath unto  me  one  legacy  of  Two  hundred  pounds  sterl. 
remayning  yett  unpaid,  as  by  his  last  Will  appeareth,  I  doe 
heirby  authorize  my  trustie  &  welbeloved  friend,  Thomas  Wilson, 
gentleman,  whom  I  doe  hereby  make  my  sole  executor,  to  aske, 
demaunde,  and  receive  of  Sir  William  Caulfeild,  knight,  Lord 
Caulfeild,  the  said  sum  of  Two  hundred  pounds  sterling,  and 
upon  receipt  thereof,  to  dispose  of  y*,  as  by  my  Will  following 
I  doe  dispose  of  the  same.  First,  I  will  that  my  executor  be 
carefull  for  mee  to  see  those  debts  that  I  duly  owe  be.  carefully 
satisfied  and  paid ;  and  after  the  said  debts  paid,  and  my  funerall 
rights  satisfied,  I  will  and  bequeath  unto  my  loving  freind,  Nath. 

*  The  Christian  name  of  Francis  does  not  re-appear  among  either  the  English 
or  Scottish  families  of  Alexander,  resident  in  Ireland.  A  "  Francis  Alexander, 
Doctor  of  Divinity,"  certifies  as  to  the  value  of  certain  books  belonging  to  the 
late  Dean  and  Chapter  of  Winchester,  in  a  legal  instrument,  dated  22d  December 
1651  (Eoyalist  Composition  Papers,  First  Series,  vol.  74,  p.  148,  in  Public 
Record  Office,  London). 


Crosby  of  Dublin,  gent.,  the  sum  of  Forty  Pounds  sterling. 
Item,  I  will  and  bequeath  unto  Eobert  Dunn,  shoemaker,  the 
sum  of  Twenty  Pounds  sterl.  Item,  I  will  and  bequeath  unto 
Eichard  Kearney,  sonne  unto  Edward  Kearney,  the  sum  of  Five 
Pounds  sterling,  to  be  put  forth  to  encrease  for  his  advancement 
in  learning.  Item,  I  will  and  bequeath  unto  Alice  Conner  that 
attendeth  me  at  this  tyme,  Twenty  shillings.  Item,  I  will 
and  bequeath  unto  William  Lalor,  all  my  apparrell  and  some 
books,  both  printed  and  written.  Item,  I  will  and  bequeath  unto 
Ellen  Kearney,  wyfe  unto  Edward  Kearney,  the  sum  of  fforty 
shillings  sterl.,  for  to  make  her  a  ringe  off ;  and  for  the  remainder 
of  my  state  and  goods,  I  give  and  bequeath  fully  unto  my  said 
executor,  to  his  own  use,  in  recompense  of  his  care  of  mee,  and 
in  performing  this  my  last  Will  and  Testament." 

Francis  Alexander  died  unmarried,  but  it  is  ex- 
tremely probable  that  an  English  family  of  the  name 
which  we  find  established  in  the  vicinity  of  London- 
derry in  the  latter  part  of  the  seventeenth  century, 
were  descended  from  the  same  stock  which  had  pro- 
duced "  Doctor  Alexander "  and  Eobert  Alexander, 
mercer  in  London. 

Notably  connected  with  Ireland  in  the  seventeenth 
century  was  Sir  Jerome  Alexander,  Second  Justice 
of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas,  and  founder  of  the 
Alexander  Library  in  Trinity  College,  Dublin.  De- 
scended from  a  Jewish  family  in  the  county  of  Nor- 
folk, he  was  a  barrister-at-law,  and  a  pleader  in  the 
Court  of  Star  Chamber.  In  that  court  he  was 
accused  of  defacing  certain  depositions  in  a  case 
wherein  he  was  plaintiff,  and  one  John  Yates  defender, 
and  whereby  the  court  was  misled  so  as  to  give  judg- 


ment  against  Yates.  Consequent  on  this  offence,  he 
was,  on  the  17th  November  1626,  amerced  by  the 
council  of  the  Star  Chamber  in  a  penalty  of  £500, 
deprived  of  his  status  as  a  barrister,  and  sentenced 
to  imprisonment  in  the  Fleet  prison.  To  avoid  the 
consequences  of  this  sentence  he  escaped  to  Ireland, 
where,  by  Edward,  second  Viscount  Conway,  he  was 
employed  in  connection  with  his  lordship's  estates 
in  the  counties  of  Down  and  Armagh,  and  in  other 
duties  connected  with  Ulster.  He  afterwards  prac- 
tised in  the  law  courts  of  Dublin,  but  the  sentence  of 
the  Court  of  Star  Chamber  materially  impeded  his 
advancement.  In  January  1633  he  unsuccessfully 
attempted  to  procure  a  pardon  from  Charles  I., 
through  a  subordinate  in  the  office  of  Sir  John 
Cooke,  Secretary  of  State.  About  the  close  of  the 
same  year  he  obtained,  through  the  influence  of  Lord 
Arundel,  Earl  Marshal,  the  royal  licence  to  repair  to 
England.  But  his  enemies  were  on  the  alert.  On 
the  alleged  informality  of  his  not  presenting  his 
licence  to  the  Lord  Deputy  before  leaving  Dublin,  he 
was  committed  to  prison.  Petitioning  the  king,  he, 
on  the  7th  December  1633,  received  the  royal  pardon 
—the  penalty  inflicted  by  the  Court  of  Star  Chamber 
being  discharged  by  his  father-in-law.  The  royal 
pardon  was  granted  on  the  express  condition  that  its 
recipient  "  should  never  practise  as  a  councillor-at- 
law  in  England." 

Jerome  Alexander  now  obtained  extensive  employ- 

*  L 


ment  in  the  courts  of  Dublin.  Countenanced  by  Lord 
Conway,  he  proved  of  much  service  in  suggesting 
legislative  measures  for  restoring  tranquillity  among 
British  settlers  in  Ulster.  In  a  lengthened  paper, 
bearing  date  1655,  he  proposed  that  a  commission 
should  issue  from  the  Irish  Chancery,  with  the  Sur- 
veyor-General as  one  of  its  members.  That  commis- 
sion, he  suggested,  should  determine  the  boundaries 
of  baronies  forfeited  by  rebels  and  delinquents  since 
the  25th  of  March  1639,  and  should  subdivide  and 
allocate  the  same  according  to  a  scheme  agreed  upon 
by  the  Committee  of  Adventurers.  From  the  date  of 
his  obtaining  the  royal  pardon  he  began  to  invest  his 
savings  in  the  purchase  of  forfeited  lands.  On  the 
26th  May  1634,  Everage  M'Evor  and  Eory  M'Evor 
conveyed  to  him  the  lands  of  Bally  M'Broghie, 
and  others  in  the  district  of  Killwarkie  and  county 
of  Down.  On  the  28th  September  1635,  he  paid 
£53,  6s.  8d.  on  several  "  alienations  of  land "  made 
to  him  in  the  county  of  Down.  On  9th  December 
1636,  he  purchased  the  manor  and  mansion-house, 
and  site  of  the  late  dissolved  Abbey  of  Kilcooley, 
from  the  Earl  of  Ormonde.  One  of  the  most  opulent 
of  the  English  settlers  in  Ireland,  Jerome  Alexander 
was  invited  to  London  in  1660,  and  on  the  18th 
August  of  that  year  was  knighted  by  Charles  II.  at 
Whitehall.  On  the  30th  November  following  he 
received  letters-patent  appointing  him  to  the  office  of 
Second  Justice  of  the  Irish  Court  of  Common  Pleas. 


Sir  Jerome  Alexander  died  on  the  25th  July  1670, 
and  his  remains  were  deposited  in  St  Patrick's  Cathe- 
dral. In  his  will,  executed  on  the  23d  March  1670, 
he  bequeathed  to  the  provost,  fellows  and  scholars  of 
Trinity  College,  Dublin,  his  books  and  MSS.,  along 
with  the  sum  of  £600  to  found  a  library  in  connec- 
tion with  the  college,  to  be  called  Alexander's  Library; 
he  also  provided  for  the  endowment  of  a  keeper.  He 
bequeathed  to  the  collegiate  authorities  rents  of  a 
portion  of  his  lands  in  Westmeath  for  supplying  a 
sixpenny  loaf  of  bread  weekly  to  ten  indigent  persons, 
being  Protestants,  at  the  gate  of  the  college.  He 
also  made  provision  for  recompensing  a  clergyman 
selected  by  the  college  authorities,  who  should  preach 
a  discourse  each  Christmas  in  celebration  of  that 

By  the  authorities  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  the 
directions  contained  in  his  will  are  substantially 
observed.  Indigent  persons  are  every  Saturday  at 
the  college  gate  supplied  with  bread,  soup,  and  meat, 
along  with  an  allowance  of  money.  They  are  for  the 
most  part  persons  who  have  served  the  students,  and 
no  religious  test  is  imposed.  The  MSS.  and  books 
bequeathed  by  him  are  preserved  in  the  college 
library.  The  MSS.  are  kept  separately,  the  press 
marks  being  G  3,  1—15,  and  G  4,  1—14.  The 
printed  books  are  placed  among  the  other  books  of 
the  library.  At  the  Eevolution  of  1688  Sir  Jerome's 
bequest  of  books  was  considerably  interfered  with. 


In  1702  the  MSS.  were  revised,  when  it  appeared  that 
several  were  missing.  Some  of  these  were  recovered 
in  1741  and  1742,  when  Dr  Lyons  made  a  catalogue 
of  MSS.  in  the  college.  About  that  period  the  MSS. 
were  rebound  and  rearranged,  so  that  a  catalogue 
printed  in  1697  is  now  of  little  use  (Catalogi  MSS. 
Angliae  et  Hibernise,  etc.,  Oxon.,  1697).  The  special 
direction  respecting  the  sermon  on  Christmas  has 
not  been  observed  for  many  years ;  it  has  been  merged 
in  the  general  preachership. 

Sir  Jerome  Alexander  married  Elizabeth,  daughter 
of  John  Havers  of  London  (who  died  on  the  10th 
November  1667),  by  whom  he  had  three  daughters, 
Jeromina,  Eose,  and  Elizabeth.  Jeromina,  the  eldest 
daughter,  married  Humphrey  Lanham,  by  whom  she 
had  two  sons,  John  and  Humphrey,  who  died  young, 
and  three  daughters,  Mary,  Eose,  and  Elizabeth. 
Elizabeth  married,  first,  Nicholas  Browne,  and  se- 
condly, John  Button ;  by  her  first  husband  she  had  a 
daughter,  Elizabeth.  Eose,  second  daughter  of  Sir 
Jerome  Alexander,  was  twice  married.  Her  first 
husband  was  Eawlin  Mallech  of  Cockington,  Devon- 
shire, by  whom  she  had  a  son,  Eankin,  and  a  daughter, 
Anne.  She  married  secondly,  23d  March  1656, 
Thomas  Gorges  of  Heavitree,  Devonshire,  M.P.  for 
Taunton,  by  whom  she  had  two  sons,  Alexander  and 
Edward,  and  a  daughter,  Elizabeth.  Mrs  Eose 
Gorges  or  Alexander  died  14th  April  1671. 

Elizabeth,  youngest  daughter  of  Sir  Jerome  Alex- 


ander,  was,  in  her  father's  will,  prohibited  from 
marrying  any  person  of  Irish  extraction  of  whatever 
rank,  under  the  pain  of  forfeiting  the  whole  of  his 
landed  estates,  which  were  otherwise  bequeathed  to 
her.  She  married  Sir  William  Barker,  Bart,  of  Bock- 
ing  Hall,  in  the  county  of  Suffolk.  The  lands  of  Kil- 
cooley  Abbey,  with  its  beautiful  demesne  of  sixteen 
hundred  acres,  are  still  occupied  by  the  descendants 
of  Sir  Jerome  Alexander,  the  present  owner  being 
William  Ponsonby  Barker,  who  is  descended  from 
Mary,  daughter  of  Sir  William  Barker,  the  third 
baronet  (Transactions  of  Koyal  Historical  Society, 
vol.  ii.). 

Jacob  Alexander  of  Newton  Limavady  died  in  1710. 
In  his  will,  deposited  in  the  Prerogative  Court  of 
Londonderry,  he  mentions  his  wife  and  five  children, 
of  whom  three  were  sons.  He  also  names  his 
brothers,  Samuel  and  John,  his  sister  Rachel,  and 
three  others,  Thomas,  Debora,  and  Eebecca  Alex- 
ander, connections  of  his  family. 

According  to  Sir  William  Betham,*  Jacob  Alex- 
ander married  in  1692,  Jane  or  Margaret,  daughter 
and  heiress  of  John  Oliver  of  Newton  Limavady,  a 
magistrate  appointed  to  administer  the  oath  of  allegi- 
ance. Of  two  of  his  three  sons,  James  and  John, 
the  wills  are  recorded  in  the  Prerogative  Court  at 
Dublin  in  1786.  In  his  will,  dated  16th  October 
1764,  James,  the  eldest  brother,  styles  himself  "  of 

*  Betliam  Pedigrees  in  the  Ulster  Office,  Dublin. 


Newtonlimavady,  merchant."  He  bequeaths  the  life- 
rent  of  his  houses,  lands,  and  tenements,  in  the  manor 
of  Limavady,  to  his  wife  Elizabeth,  and,  at  her  death, 
the  moiety  of  his  lands  of  Killane  to  his  son  James. 
If  James  does  not  choose  to  reside  at  Killane,  he 
enjoins  him  to  dispose  of  the  lands  and  tenements  to 
his  brothers,  Leslie  and  John.  He  settles  an  annuity 
on  his  son  Oliver,  who  is  described  as  residing  in 
America.  To  his  daughter  Jane  he  bequeaths 
£150,  should  she  marry  with  consent  of  his  execu- 
tors. He  adds  that,  having  given  his  daughters, 
Mary  Ogilby,  Elizabeth  Orr,  and  Anne  Law,  at  the 
time  of  their  marriages,  more  than  he  could  afford, 
he  leaves  each  of  them  five  shillings  only.  He  consti- 
tutes his  sons,  Leslie,  John,  and  James,  his  residuary 

The  will  of  John  Alexander,  a  younger  son  of 
Jacob  Alexander  of  Newton  Limavady,  is  dated  21st 
April  1772.  The  testator,  who  describes  himself  as 
"  John  Alexander  of  Newtonlimavady,"  liferents  his 
wife  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  William  Eoss  of  Newton 
Limavady,  and  his  wife,  Mary  Leslie  of  Leslie  Hill, 
county  Antrim,  in  his  moiety  of  the  land  of  Killane. 
He  bequeaths  to  his  niece,  Mary  Ogilby,  £50;  to  his 
niece,  Elizabeth  Orr,  £50 ;  to  his  niece,  Anne  Law, 
£50 ;  and  to  his  niece,  Jane  Alexander,  £150.  He 
bequeaths  to  his  three  nephews,  Leslie,  John,  and 
James  Alexander,  the  residue  of  his  estate,  real  and 
personal,  providing  that  if  his  nephew  James,  who 


has  gone  to  the  East  Indies,  should  die  before  he 
returns  home,  his  share  should  be  possessed  by  Leslie 
and  John. 

John,  second  son  of  Jacob  Alexander,  died  without 
issue.  His  elder  brother  James  had  four  sons, 
Leslie,  John,  James,  and  Oliver,  and  four  daughters, 
Mary,  Elizabeth,  Anne,  and  Jane.  Mary  married  Dr 
Alexander  Ogilby  of  Newton  Limavady ;  Elizabeth 
married  James  Orr  of  Gortin,  parish  of  Aghadowey, 
county  Derry ;  Anne  married  the  Rev.  William  Law, 
Presbyterian  minister  at  Strabane,  county  Tyrone; 
and  Jane  married  Dr  Robert  Ogilby  of  Newton 
Limavady.  James,  the  third  son,  became  a  major- 
general  in  the  service  of  the  East  India  Company, 
and  died  at  Calcutta  in  1779,  unmarried  (Betham's 
Pedigrees,  Ulster  Office).  In  his  will,  dated  18th 
March  1769,  he  is  described  as  "James  Alexander, 
late  of  Philadelphia,  merchant,  but  now  of  London, 
and  bound  on  a  sea  voyage  to  the  East  Indies."  He 
bequeaths  his  freehold  lands  and  tenements  in  the 
county  of  Derry  to  his  brothers  Leslie  and  John. 
John  Alexander  married  Hester  King  of  Newton 
Limavady,  and  died  without  issue. 

Leslie  Alexander,  eldest  son  and  heir  of  James 
Alexander  of  Newton  Limavady,  married  Anna  Simp- 
son of  Armagh  (Betham's  Pedigrees).  He  had  five 
sons,  John,  James,  Leslie,  Alexander,  and  Thomas, 
and  three  daughters,  Elizabeth  and  Louisa,  who  died 
unmarried,  and  Jane,  who  married  William  Moody 


of  Roe  House.  Thomas,  the  fifth  son,  settled  as  a 
merchant  in  London,  and  acquired  the  estate  of 
Frowick  in  Essex,  and  Ahilly  in  the  county  of  Done- 
gal. He  married  Jane,  eldest  daughter  of  William 
Haigh  of  Westfield,  Doncaster,  and  died  in  1867, 
leaving  four  sons,  Leslie  William,  born  1841,  now  of 
Ahilly,  James,  Thomas,  and  Edward  Merydeth  Edg- 
worth,  and  three  daughters,  Anna  Louisa,  Eosetta, 
and  Elizabeth  Frances. 

Alexander  Alexander  of  Foyle  Park,  fourth  son 
of  Leslie  Alexander,  died  on  the  1st  September 
1832,  aged  forty-one.  His  will  was  proved  at  Lon- 
donderry by  his  brothers,  John  Alexander  of  Newton 
Limavady,  and  Lesley  Alexander  of  "the  Old 
Jewry,  London."  To  his  brother  Leslie  he  be- 
queathed the  lands  in  the  Manor  of  Goldsmiths, 
lately  purchased  by  him  from  the  Ponsonby  family. 
He  bequeathed  his  estate  and  lands  in  the  Half 
Barony  of  Coleraine  to  his  nephew,  Leslie  Alex- 
ander, son  of  his  brother  John.  To  his  brother 
John  he  bequeathed  the  estate*  in  Newton  Lima- 
vady, which  he  purchased  from  John  Alexander  of 
Belfast ;  also  his  lands  of  Ballymore  and  Largy,  in 
the  county  of  Derry,  subject  to  an  annuity  of  £150 
to  his  brother  James.  His  property  in  Newton 
Limavady,  which  he  purchased  from  Mr  Ogilby  of 
London,  he  bequeathed  to  his  brother  Thomas. 

*  Alexander  Alexander  purchased  the  estate  of  Ballyclose,  Newton  Limavady, 
from  John  Alexander  of  Belfast  in  July  1827. 


Leslie  Alexander,  third  son  of  Leslie  Alexander 
of  Newton  Limavady,  resided  at  London  and  Foyle 
Park,  in  the  county  of  Derry,  of  which  county  he 
was  a  deputy-lieutenant.  He  married,  on  the  22d 
September  1835,  Amelia  Maria,  daughter  of  Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel Bates  of  the  21st  Light  Dragoons,  but 
died  without  issue. 

James  Alexander,  second  son  of  Leslie  Alex- 
ander of  Newton  Limavady,  acquired  the  estate  of 
Deer  Park,  in  the  county  of  Derry. 

John,  eldest  son  of  Leslie  Alexander,  married  Mar- 
garet, daughter  of  Samuel  Maxwell,  of  Armagh,  and 
had  issue  four  sons,  Leslie,  Alexander,  Samuel  Max- 
well, and  John,  and  two  daughters,  Anna  and  Jane. 

Anna,  elder  daughter  of  John  Alexander  of  New- 
ton Limavady,  married  A.  J.  Stanton,  M.P.  for 
Stroud;  Jane,  the  younger  daughter,  married  Ed- 
ward Frederick  Christian  Bitter,  of  London ;  Leslie, 
eldest  son,  served  as  a  lieutenant  in  the  llth  Hussars; 
and  died  unmarried ;  Alexander,  the  second  son,  died 
unmarried ;  John,  the  fourth  son,  owned  the  lands  of 
Ballyclose ;  he  died  unmarried.  Samuel  Maxwell 
Alexander,  the  third  son,  is  proprietor  of  Roe  Park, 
and  representative  of  his  House.  He  is  a  magistrate 
for  county  Donegal,  and  a  deputy-lieutenant  of  the 
county  of  Derry. 

A  person  named  Alexander,  from  the  county  of 
Kent,  of  Jewish  origin,  settled  on  lands  near  Stra- 
bane,  in  the  county  of  Tyrone,  during  the  Com- 


monwealth.  One  of  his  descendants,  Joseph  Alex- 
ander, rented  the  farm  of  Magheragh,  in  the  parish  of 
Donagheady,  county  Tyrone,  and  there  died  in  Nov- 
ember 1781.  He  had  two  sons,  Robert  and  James, 
and  two  daughters,  Elizabeth  and  Martha.  In  his 
will,  dated  21st  November  1781,  he  bequeaths  the 
lease  of  his  farm  to  his  son  Eobert.  To  his  son 
James  he  bequeaths  £100,  to  his  daughter  Eliza- 
beth, £100,  and  to  his  daughter  Martha,  and  her 
husband,  Arthur  Kelly,  £20.  To  his  sister  Martha 
he  bequeaths  two  guineas,  and  to  his  brother  Thomas 
his  body  clothes.  A  descendant  of  Joseph  Alexander 
by  his  son  Eobert  now  occupies  the  farm  of  Mag- 

James,  second  son  of  Joseph  Alexander,  tenant 
at  Magheragh,  rented  the  farm  of  Gortinesson,  near 
Strabane.  He  had  two  sons,  Eobert  and  John ;  also 
a  daughter,  Elizabeth,  who  married  John  Alexander, 
of  the  Scottish  family  of  Alexander.  Her  son  received 
an  appointment  in  the  Indian  Army  on  the  recom- 
mendation of  the  first  Earl  of  Caledon,  who  acknow- 
ledged him  as  a  relative. 

Eobert  Alexander,  elder  son  of  James  Alexander, 
succeeded  his  father  in  the  lease  of  Gortinesson ;  the 
farm  is  now  rented  by  his  son  Eobert. 

John,  younger  son  of  James  Alexander,  farmer  at 
Gortinesson,  had  a  son,  John,  who  married  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  James  Alexander,  of  the  Scottish  family 
settled  at  Ballybiglemore,  county  Donegal.  Of  this 


marriage  were  born  seven  sons  and  one  daughter. 
Joseph,  the  second  son,  rents  the  farm  of  Imlick-Corri- 
gans,  county  Donegal.  James,  the  elder  son,  is  farmer 
at  Drumenon,  parish  of  Taghboyne,  county  Donegal. 
To  the  family  of  Magheragh  belonged  the  late  Rev. 
John  Alexander,  minister  of  the  Presbyterian  congre- 
gation at  Douglas  Bridge,  near  Newton  Stewart.  His 
brother,  William  Alexander,  rents  the  farm  of  Mount 
Castle,  parish  of  Donagheady,  county  Tyrone. 



ACCORDING  to  the  learned  author  of  the  "  History  of 
Beading,"  Berkshire,  the  family  of  Zinzano,  supposed 
to  be  of  Italian  origin,  settled  in  England  during  the 
reign  of  Queen  Mary  (Coates'  History  of  Eeading, 
p.  445).  The  first  reference  to  any  member  of  the 
House  in  England  occurs  in  1555.  Sir  John  Norres, 
knight,  of  Yattenden,  Berkshire,  died  21st  October 
1564.  In  the  inquisition  on  his  obit,  made  at  Abing- 
don  on  the  25th  January  1564-5,  it  was  found  that, 
by  deeds  executed  on  the  25th  April  and  20th 
August  1555,  he  had  settled  certain  lands  at  Ashamp- 
sted  and  Hampsted-Norres,  Berks,  on  his  illegitimate 
daughter,  Anne  Norres,  alias  Graunt,  and  her  issue. 
At  the  date  of  inquest,  Anne  was  wife  of  Alexander 
Zinzan,  gentleman,  residing  at  Ashampsted. 

Eobert,  son  of  Alexander  Zinzan  and  Anne  Norres, 
preferred  as  a  surname  his  father's  Christian  name. 
In  May  1585,  a  warrant  was  directed  by  Queen  Eliza- 
beth to  the  officers  of  Exchequer,  authorising  a  grant 
of  £50  to  Eobert  Alexander,  styled  "one  of  the 
Quirries  [equerries]  of  the  stable,  to  defray  his  charges 
in  conveying  certain  horses  from  the  Queen  to  the 


King  of  Scotts,  also  for  the  charges  of  such  as  should 
accompany  him  "  (Docquet  Book  of  Exchequer). 

In  April  1594,  a  royal  licence  was  granted  to 
Robert  Alexander  and  Richard  Mompessons,  equerries 
of  her  Majesty's  stable,  "that  they,  their  executors, 
administrators,  and  assignes  only,  and  none  other, 
may  bring  into  this  realme  of  England  annis  seeds 
and  sumacke,  during  the  space  of  twentie  yeares  after 
the  date  of  the  same  letters  patent,  paying  to  her 
Majestie  the  customes  and  subsedies  due  from  the 
same  "  (Docquet  Book). 

Among  the  knights  dubbed  by  James  I.  in  the 
royal  garden  at  Whitehall,  on  the  23d  July  1603, 
was  Sir  Robert  Alexander  of  St  Albans  (Nichols' 
Progresses  of  James  I.).  Sir  Robert  married  the 
daughter  of  -  -  Westrode,  Esq.  of  Hansacker  Hall, 
Staffordshire,  by  whom  he  had  four  sons — Sigismund, 
Henry,  Alexander,  and  Andrew ;  also  three  daughters. 

Sir  Robert  Alexander  or  Zinzan  seems  to  have  died 
in  1607,  for  on  the  24th  December  of  that  year,  Henry 
Zinzan,  alias  Alexander,  his  second  son,  received  the 
office  of  brigandery  to  his  Majesty,  in  succession  to 
his  father,  Sir  Robert  Zinzan  or  Alexander  (Patent 
Roll,  James  I.,  v.  17). 

On  the  8th  May  1607,  a  warrant,  subscribed 
by  the  Master  of  the  Horse,  was  directed  to  the 
treasurer  and  other  officers  of  his  Majesty's  house- 
hold, authorising  them  to  pay  to  Alexander  Zinzan, 
and  two  others,  described  as  "  ordinary  ryders 


of  his  Majesty's  stable,  an  encrease  of  15  Ib.  by 
the  yeare  during  their  lives,  over  and  above  their 
former  allowance  of  20  Ib.  yearly.  Also  to  pay  unto 
Andrew  Zinzan  the  younger,  now  entertayned  as  a 
ryder  of  the  said  stables,  15  Ib.  by  the  yeare  for  his 
wages  during  his  life,  and  to  such  person  as  shall 
succeed  as  an  ordynary  ryder  of  the  said  stable." 
John  Pritchard  was,  on  the  24th  January  1626, 
appointed  a  rider  of  his  Majesty's  great  horses,  in 
place  of  Alexander  Zinzan,  deceased. 

On  the  28th  April  1607,  "  Andrew  Zinzan,  alias 
Alexander,  of  the  town  of  St  Alban,  and  county  of 
Hertford,"  is  named  in  an  indenture  between  himself 
and  Henry  Cutlar  of  Ayr,  in  the  county  of  Suffolk. 
During  the  same  reign,  Andrew  Zinzan,  alias  Alex- 
ander, received  £66,  13s.  4d.  per  annum  for  riding 
the  king's  great  horses. 

Among  the  burials  in  St  Lawrence's  Eegister  for 
1625  is  named  that  of  "Mr  Andrew  Zinzan,  alias 
Alexander."  In  July  1624,  Richard  Zinzan,  alias 
Alexander,  received  an  annuity  of  £66,  13s.  4d.,  and 
yearly  livery,  for  riding  the  king's  great  horses  in 
reversion  after  Andrew  Zinzan,  alias  Alexander 
(Record  of  the  Sign  Manual,  vol.  xvi.,  No.  10). 

Sir  Sigismund  and  Henry  Alexander  or  Zinzan, 
sons  of  Sir  Robert  Alexander,  were  associated  as 
masters  of  sports  at  the  accession  of  James  I.  In 
describing  certain  fetes  in  honour  of  the  king's  arrival 
at  Grafton,  the  seat  of  her  father,  George,  Earl  of 


Cumberland,  and  which  took  place  on  the  27th  June 
1603,  Lady  Anne  Clifford  writes  thus  : 

"  From  thence  (Althorp)  the  Court  removed,  and  were  ban- 
quetted  wth  great  Eoyaltie,  by  my  Father,  at  Grafton,  wher  the 
King  and  Queene  wear  entertayned  wth  Speeches  and  deli  cat 
presents,  at  wch  tyme  my  Lord  and  the  Alexanders  did  run 
and  course  at  ye  field,  wher  he  hurt  Henry  Alexander  verie 
dangerouslie."  * 

In  the  Warrant  Book  of  the  Exchequer  (vol.  ii.,  p. ' 
141),  a  Privy  Seal  warrant,  dated  14th  March  1608, 
authorises  the  treasurer  to  pay  to  Sir  Sigismund  Alex- 
ander, knight,  and  Henry  Alexander,  Esq.,  the  sum 
of  £100  in  "frie  guift."  They  afterwards  received 
£100  annually  "  towards  their  charges  for  running  at 
tylte."  In  certain  of  the  warrants,  the  "tylte"  is 
described  as  having  been  run  on  the  24th  of  March. 

On  the  10th  February  1611,  Henry  Alexander,  de- 
scribed as  "one  of  the  gent,  equerries  of  His  Ma- 
jesty's Stables,  received  a  grant  of  all  such  goods, 
chattels,  and  debtes,  which  ought  to  come  to  His 
Highness  by  the  means  of  the  attainder  of  Eichard 
Bancks,  late  of  Westness,  in  the  county  of  York, 
attainted  of  manslaughter"  (Patent  Roll).  In  1614 
Sir  Sigismund  and  Henry  Alexander  received  a  royal 
gift  of  £1000.  Henry  Zinzan  was  appointed  harness 
maker  to  the  Ordnance,  with  a  salary  of  £10  per 
annum.  He  long  retained  office  in  the  royal  house- 
hold, for  there  is  an  indenture,  dated  1st  May  1638, 

*  Lady  Anne  Clifford  was  successively  Countess  of  Dorset  and  Pembroke.  Her 
narrative  is  included  in  Nichols'  Progresses  of  James  I.,  vol.  ii.,  p.  287. 


between  him  and  Joseph  Zinzan  or  Alexander,  one 
of  his  sons,  in  which  he  is  described  as  "  one  of  the 
equerries  of  the  stable,  son  and  heir  of  Eobert 
Zinzan,  alias  Alexander,  long  since  deceased  "  (Patent 
Eoll,  Charles  I.,  xiv.  23,  26). 

Sir  Sigismund  Alexander  held  a  command  in  the 
Low  Countries  in  1617  (Coates5  History  of  Eeading). 
Among  the  undated  State  Papers  of  the  reign  of 
Charles  I.,  there  is  a  list  of  captains  recommended  for 
service  in  the  Palatinate.  Among  the  lieutenants 
is  named  Sir  Sigismund  Alexander ;  he  afterwards  ap- 
pears as  a  petitioner  for  a  company  under  the  name  of 
Sir  Sigismund  Zinzan,  specially  recommended  "  by  the 
Prince  and  Queen  of  Bohemia."  In  a  document  con- 
taining a  list  of  colonels  and  lieutenant-colonels  con 
nected  with  Ireland,  he  is  named  in  a  roll  of  captains. 

Sir  Sigismund  Zinzan  or  Alexander  married  Mar- 
garet, daughter  of  Sir  Philip  Sterley,  knight,  of  the 
county  of  Nottingham,  by  whom  he  had  five  sons  and 
three  daughters.  Margaret,  one  of  the  daughters, 
married,  first,  Sir  William  Shelley,  knight ;  and  se- 
condly, Eobert  Thomas,  Esq.  On  the  9th  March 
1640-1,  along  with  her  father,  she  presented  to  the 
House  of  Lords  a  petition,  praying  for  relief  against  a 
sentence  of  the  Judges  Delegates,  made  upon  an  appeal 
from  the  Ecclesiastical  Court,  touching  the  validity  of 
her  marriage  with  Sir  William  Shelley  (Manuscripts 
in  the  House  of  Lords,  quoted  in  Appendix  to 
Fourth  Eeport  of  Eoyal  Historical  Commissioners). 


Henry,  son  of  Sigismund  Zinzan  or  Alexander, 
married  Jacoba,  eldest  of  the  three  daughters,  and 
co-heiress  of  Sir  Peter  Vanlore,  Bart,  of  Tilehurst, 
Berkshire.  Mary,  Sir  Peter's  youngest  daughter,  had, 
as  her  first  husband,  Henry  Alexander,  third  son  of 
the  first  Earl  of  Stirling,  who  afterwards  succeeded 
to  the  earldom.  Among  the  Close  Eolls  is  an  inden- 
ture, executed  on  the  llth  January  1661,  between  Sir 
Robert  Crooke,  who  married  Susan,  second  daughter 
of  Sir  Peter  Vanlore,  and  his  two  brothers-in-law, 
Henry  Zinzan  or  Alexander,  and  Henry,  Earl  of 
Stirling.  Henry  Zinzan  or  Alexander  died  in  No- 
vember 1676,  and  Jacoba,  his  wife,  in  the  following 
year.  Both  were  interred  at  Tilehurst,  and  are  com- 
memorated by  a  monument  in  the  parish  church. 

By  his  wife,  Jacoba  Vanlore,  Henry  Zinzan  or 
Alexander  had  three  sons,  Henry,  Nicholas,  and 
Peter ;  also  five  daughters.  Henry,  the  eldest 
son,  was  born  2d  January  1633.  .  An  indenture, 
dated  28th  August  1704,  between  Peter  Zinzan  or 
Alexander  of  Reading,  Berks,  and  Nicholas  Zinzan, 
alias  Alexander,  of  London,  describes  the  former  as 
"  brother  and  heir  of  Henry  Alexander,  alias  Zinzan, 
late  of  Tylehurst,  in  the  county  of  Berks,  deceased." 
Nicholas  Zinzan  was  a  member  of  St  John's  College, 
Oxford,  and  took  the  degree  of  M.A.,  16th  March 
1694.  He  was  ordained  deacon  by  Bishop  Hough  in 
Magdalen  Chapel,  22d  May  1692. 

Peter  Zinzan  or  Alexander,  third  son  of  Henry 


Zinzan,  was  vicar  of  St  Lawrence,  Reading.  His 
grandson,  Peter  Zinzan,  baptized  30th  September 
1705,  was  elected  a  demy  of  Magdalen  College,  Ox- 
ford, in  July  1723,  on  the  Berkshire  foundation,  and 
took  the  degree  of  M.A.  in  1729.  He  resigned  his 
demyship  in  1731,  but  became  probation-fellow  in 
1735.  He  afterwards  held  various  offices  in  his 
college,  of  which  he  became  vice-president  in  1746. 

In  a  letter  addressed  by  the  magistrates  of  Leith 
to  the  magistrates  of  Edinburgh,  dated  17th  Octo- 
ber 1668,  one  Charles  Zinzan  is  named  as  resident  at 
Leith,  and  as  having  had  his  house  attacked  by  six- 
teen French  soldiers  (Analecta  Scotica,  vol.  ii.,  p. 
164) ;  he  may  have  been  a  son  of  Henry  Zinzan  or 
Alexander.  Charles  Zinzan,  who  practised  medicine 
at  Reading,  married,  first,  the  widow  of  Charles 
Hopson,  Esq.  of  Beenham,  and  secondly,  Sarah, 

daughter  of  Matthews  of  Reading.      He  died 

at  Reading  on  the  9th  November  1781,  and  his 
remains  were  deposited  in  St  Mary's  churchyard. 
He  is  the  individual  referred  to  in  Dr  Bacon's  "  Kyte" 
in  The  Oxford  Sausage.  Describing  his  manners, 
Mr  Coates  remarks :  "  Had  he  not  retired  from  his 
profession  upon  his  first  marriage,  he  would  probably 
have  been  distinguished  in  it ;  but  wealth,  as  is  fre- 
quently the  case,  checked  the  exertions  of  genius 
(Coates'  History  of  Reading,  and  Private  Sources). 


No.  I. 

BER 1621. 

JAMES,  by  the  grace  of  God,  King  of  Great  Britain,  France, 
and  Ireland,  and  Defender  of  the  Faith,  to  all  good 
men,  clerical  and  lay,  of  his  entire  realm,  greeting, 

Know  ye,  that  we  have  always  been  eager  to  embrace  every 
opportunity  to  promote  the  honour  and  wealth  of  our  kingdom 
of  Scotland,  and  think  that  no  gain  is  easier  or  more  safe  than 
what  is  made  by  planting  new  colonies  in  foreign  and  unculti- 
vated regions,  where  the  means  of  living  and  food  abound; 
especially  if  these  places  were  before  without  inhabitants,  or 
were  settled  by  infidels  whose  conversion  to  the  Christian  faith 
most  highly  concerns  the  glory  of  God. 

But  while  many  other  kingdoms,  and,  not  very  long  ago,  our 
own  England,  to  their  praise,  have  given  their  names  to  new 
lands,  which  they  have  acquired  and  subdued,  we,  thinking 
how  populous  and  crowded  this  land  now  is  by  Divine  favour, 
and  how  expedient  it  is  that  it  should  be  carefully  exercised  in 
some  honourable  and  useful  discipline,  lest  it  deteriorate  through 
sloth  and  inaction,  have  judged  it  important  that  many  should 
be  led  forth  into  new  territories,  which  they  may  fill  with 


colonies;  and  so  we  think  this  undertaking  most  fit  for  this 
kingdom,  both  on  account  of  the  promptness  and  activity  of  its 
spirit,  and  the  strength  and  endurance  of  its  men  against  any 
difficulties,  if  any  other  men  anywhere  dare  to  set  themselves 
in  opposition;  and  as  it  demands  the  transportation  only  of 
men  and  women,  stock  and  grain,  and  not  of  money,  and  can 
not  repay  at  this  time,  when  business  is  so  depressed,  a  trouble- 
some expenditure  of  the  treasures  of  this  realm;  for  these 
reasons,  as  well  as  on  account  of  the  good,  faithful,  and  accept- 
able service  of  our  beloved  counsellor,  Sir  William  Alexander, 
knight,  to  us  rendered,  and  to  be  rendered,  who  first  of  our  sub- 
jects at  his  own  expense,  attempted  to  plant  this  foreign  colony, 
and  selected  for  plantation  the  divers  lands  bounded  by  the 
limits  hereafter  designated. 

We  therefore,  from  our  sovereign  anxiety  to  propagate  the 
Christian  faith,  and  to  secure  the  wealth,  prosperity,  and  peace 
of  the  native  subjects  of  our  said  kingdom  of  Scotland,  as  other 
foreign  princes  in  such  cases  already  have  done ;  with  the  advice 
and  consent  of  our  well-beloved  cousin  and  counsellor,  John, 
Earl  of  Mar,  Lord  Erskine  and  Garioch,  etc.,  our  High  Trea- 
surer, Comptroller,  Collector,  and  Treasurer  of  our  New  Eevenues 
of  this  our  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  and  of  the  other  Lords  Com- 
missioners of  our  said  kingdom,  have  given,  granted,  and  con- 
veyed, and  by  the  tenor  of  our  present  charter,  do  give,  grant, 
and  convey,  to  the  aforesaid  Sir  William  Alexander,  his  heirs 
or  assigns,  hereditarily,  all  and  single  the  lands  of  the  continent 
and  islands  situated  and  lying  in  America,  within  the  head  or 
promontory  commonly  called  Cape  of  Sable,  lying  near  the 
forty-third  degree  of  north  latitude,  or  thereabouts;  from  this 
cape,  stretching  along  the  shores  of  the  sea,  westward  to  the 
roadstead  of  St  Mary,  commonly  called  St  Mary's  Bay,  and 
thence  northward  by  a  straight  line  crossing  the  entrance  or 
mouth  of  that  great  roadstead,  which  runs  toward  the  eastern 
part  of  the  land  between  the  countries  of  the  Suriqui  and  Etech- 
emini,  commonly  called  Suriquois  and  Etechemines,  to  the  river 
generally  known  by  the  name  of  St  Croix,  and  to  the  remotest 
springs  or  source  from  the  western  side  of  the  same,  which 


empty  into  the  first-mentioned  river;  thence  by  an  imaginary 
straight  line  which  is  conceived  to  extend  through  the  land,  or 
run  northward  to  the  nearest  bay,  river,  or  stream  emptying 
into  the  great  river  of  Canada;  and  going  from  that,  eastward, 
along  the  low  shores  of  the  same  river  of  Canada,  to  the  river, 
harbour,  port,  or  shore  commonly  known  and  called  by  the  name 
of  Gathepe  or  Gaspie,  and  thence  south-south-east  to  the  isles 
called  Bacalaos  or  Cape  Breton,  leaving  the  said  isles  on  the 
right,  and  the  mouth  of  the  said  great  river  of  Canada,  or  Large 
Bay,  and  the  territory  of  Newfoundland,  with  the  islands  be- 
longing to  the  same  lands  on  the  left ;  thence  to  the  headland 
or  point  of  Cape  Breton  aforesaid,  lying  near  latitude  45°  or 
thereabouts ;  and  from  the  said  point  of  Cape  Breton  toward  the 
south  and  west  to  the  above-mentioned  Cape  Sable,  where  the 
boundary  began ;  including  and  containing  within  the  said 
coasts  and  their  circumference,  from  sea  to  sea,  all  lands  of  the 
continent,  with  the  rivers,  falls,  bays,  shores,  islands,  or  seas, 
lying  near,  or  within  six  leagues  on  any  side  of  the  same,  on 
the  west,  north,  or  east  sides  of  the  same  coasts  and  bounds : 
and  on  the  south-south-east  (where  Cape  Breton  lies),  and  on 
the  south  side  of  the  same  (where  Cape  Sable  is)  all  seas  and 
islands  southward  within  forty  leagues  of  said  seashore,  thereby 
including  the  large  island  commonly  called  Isle  de  Sable,  or 
Sablon,  lying  towards  Carbau,  in  common  speech,  south-south- 
east, about  thirty  leagues  from  the  said  Cape  Breton,  seaward, 
and  being  in  latitude  44°  or  thereabouts. 

The  above  described  lands  shall  in  all  future  time  bear  the 
name  of  New  Scotland,  in  America ;  and  also,  the  aforesaid  Sir 
William  shall  divide  it  into  parts  and  portions  as  seemeth  best 
to  him,  and  shall  give  names  to  the  same  at  his  *  pleasure. 
With  all  mines,  both  the  royal  ones  of  gold  and  silver,  and 
others  of  iron,  lead,  copper,  tin,  brass,  and  other  minerals,  with 
the  power  of  mining  and  causing  to  dig  them  from  the  earth, 
and  of  purifying  and  refining  the  same,  and  converting  to  his 
own  use,  or  that  of  others,  as  shall  seem  best  to  the  said  Sir 
William,  his  heirs  or  assigns,  or  to  whomsoever  it  shall  have 
pleased  him  to  establish  in  said  lands ;  reserving  only  to  us  and 


our  successors  a  tenth  part  of  the  metal  vulgarly  known  as 
ore  of  gold  and  silver,  which  shall  be  hereafter  dug  or  obtained 
from  the  land ;  leaving  the  said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids 
whatever  of  other  metals  of  copper,  steel,  iron,  tin,  lead,  or  other 
minerals,  we  or  our  successors  may  be  able  in  any  way  to  obtain 
from  the  earth,  in  order  that  thereby  they  may  the  more  easily 
bear  the  large  expense  of  reducing  the  aforesaid  metals,  together 
with  margarite,  termed  pearl,  and  any  other  precious  stones, 
quarries,  forests,  thickets,  mosses,  marshes,  lakes,  waters,  fisheries 
in  both  salt  and  fresh  water,  and  of  both  royal  and  other  fish, 
hunting,  hawking,  and  anything  that  may  be  sold  or  inherited ; 
with  full  power  and  privilege  and  jurisdiction  of  free  royalty, 
chapelry,  and  chancery  for  ever:  with  the  gift  and  right  of 
patronage  of  churches,  chapels,  and  benefices;  with  tenants, 
tenancies,  and  the  service  of  those  holding  the  same  freely; 
together  with  the  offices  of  justiciary  and  admiralty  within  all 
the  bounds  respectively  mentioned  above;  also  with  power  of 
setting  up  states,  free  towns,  free  ports,  villages,  and  barony 
towns ;  and  of  establishing  markets  and  fairs  within  the  bounds 
of  said  lands ;  of  holding  courts  of  justice  and  admiralty  within 
the  limits  of  such  lands,  rivers,  ports,  and  seas ;  also  with  the 
power  of  improving,  levying,  and  receiving  all  tolls,  customs, 
anchor-dues,  and  other  revenues  of  the  said  towns,  marts,  fairs, 
and  free  ports ;  and  of  owning  and  using  the  same  as  freely  in 
all  respects  as  any  greater  or  lesser  baron  in  our  kingdom  of 
Scotland  has  enjoyed  in  any  past,  or  could  enjoy  in  any  future 
time ;  with  all  other  prerogatives,  privileges,  immunities,  digni- 
ties, perquisites,  profits,  and  dues  concerning  and  belonging  to 
said  lands,  seas,  and  the  boundaries  thereof,  which  we  ourselves 
can  give  and  grant,  as  freely  and  in  as  ample  form  as  we  or  any 
of  our  noble  ancestors  granted  any  charters,  letters  patent, 
enfeoffments,  gifts,  or  commissions  to  any  subjects  of  whatever 
rank  or  character,  or  to  any  society  or  company  leading  out  such 
colonies  into  any  foreign  parts  or  searching  out  foreign  lands, 
and  in  as  free  and  ample  form  as  if  the  same  were  included  in 
this  present  charter;  also,  we  make,  constitute,  and  ordain  the 
said  Sir  William  Alexander,  his  heirs  and  assigns,  or  their 


deputies,  our  hereditary  lieutenants-general,  for  representing 
our  royal  person  both  by  sea  and  by  land,  in  the  regions  of  the 
sea  and  on  the  coasts,  and  in  the  bounds  aforesaid,  both  in 
seeking  said  lands  and  remaining  there  and  returning  from  the 
same ;  to  govern,  rule,  punish,  and  accept  all  our  subjects  who 
may  chance  to  visit  or  inhabit  the  same,  or  who  shall  do  busi- 
ness with  the  same,  or  shall  tarry  in  the  said  places ;  also,  to 
pardon  the  same,  and  to  establish  such  laws,  statutes,  constitu- 
tions, orders,  instructions,  forms  of  government,  and  ceremonies 
of  magistrates  in  said  bounds,  as  shall  seem  fit  to  Sir  William 
Alexander  himself,  or  his  aforesaids,  for  the  government  of  the 
said  region,  or  of  the  inhabitants  of  .the  same,  in  all  causes,  both 
criminal  and  civil ;  also  of  changing  and  altering  the  said  laws, 
rules,  forms,  and  ceremonies  as  often  as  he  or  his  aforesaids  shall 
please,  for  the  good  and  convenience  of  said  region,  so  that  said 
laws  may  be  as  consistent  as  possible  with  those  of  our  realm 
of  Scotland.  We  also  will  that,  in  case  of  rebellion  or  sedition, 
he  may  use  martial  law  against  delinquents,  or  such  as  with- 
draw themselves  from  his  power,  as  freely  as  any  lieutenant 
whatever  of  our  realm  or  dominion  by  virtue  .of  the  office  of 
lieutenant  has  or  can  have  the  power  to  use ;  by  excluding  all 
other  officers  of  this  our  Scottish  realm,  on  land  or  sea,  who 
hereafter  can  pretend  to  any  claim,  property,  authority,  or  inter- 
est in  and  to  said  lands  or  province  aforesaid,  or  any  jurisdiction 
therein  by  virtue  of  any  prior  disposal  or  patents :  and  that  a 
motive  may  be  offered  to  noblemen  for  joining  this  expedition 
and  planting  a  colony  in  said  lands,  we,  for  ourselves  and  our 
heirs  and  successors,  with  the  advice  and  consent  aforesaid,  by 
virtue  of  our  present  charter,  do  give  and  grant  full  and  free 
power  to  the  aforesaid  Sir  William  Alexander  and  his  aforesaids 
to  confer  favours,  privileges,  gifts,  and  honours  on  those  who 
deserve  them,  with  full  power  to  the  same,  or  any  one  of  them, 
who  may  have  made  bargains  or  contracts  with  Sir  William  or 
his  deputies  for  the  said  lands,  under  his  signature,  or  that  of 
his  deputies,  and  under  the  seal  hereinafter  described,  to  dispose 
of  and  convey  any  part  or  parcel  of  said  lands,  ports,  harbours, 
rivers,  or  of  any  part  of  the  premises ;  also  of  erecting  machines  of 


all  sorts,  introducing  arts  or  sciences,  or  practising  the  same,  in 
whole  or  in  part,  as  he  shall  judge  to  be  for  their  advantage : 
also  to  give,  grant,  and  bestow  such  offices,  titles,  rights,  and 
powers,  make  and  appoint  such  captains,  officers,  bailiffs, 
governors,  clerks,  and  all  other  officers,  clerks,  and  ministers  of 
royalty,  barony,  and  town,  for  the  execution  of  justice  within 
the  bounds  of  said  lands,  or  on  the  way  to  these  lands  by  sea, 
and  returning  from  the  same,  as  shall  seem  necessary  to  him, 
according  to  the  qualities,  conditions,  and  deserts  of  the  persons 
who  may  happen  to  dwell  in  any  of  the  colonies  of  said  pro- 
vince, or  in  any  part  of  the  same,  or  who  may  risk  their  goods 
and  fortunes  for  the  advantage  and  increase  of  the  same ;  also 
of  removing  the  same  persons  from  office,  transferring  or  chang- 
ing them  as  far  as  shall  seem  expedient  to  him  and  his  afore- 

And,  since  attempts  of  this  kind  are  not  made  without  great 
labour  and  expense,  and  demand  a  large  outlay  of  money,  so 
that  they  exceed  the  means  of  any  private  man ;  and,  on  this 
account,  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander  and  his  aforesaids  may 
need  supplies  of  many  kinds,  with  many  of  our  subjects  and 
other  men  for  special  enterprise  and  ventures  therein  who  may 
form  contracts  with  him,  his  heirs,  assigns,  or  deputies,  for 
lands,  fisheries,  trade,  or  the  transportation  of  people  and  their 
flocks,  goods,  and  effects  to  the  said  New  Scotland:  We  will 
that  whosoever  shall  make  such  contracts  with  the  said  Sir 
William  and  his  aforesaids,  under  their  names  and  seals,  by 
limiting,  assigning,  and  fixing  the  day  and  place  for  the  delivery 
of  persons,  goods,  and  effects  on  ship-board,  under  forfeiture  of  a 
certain  sum  of  money,  and  shall  not  perform  the  same  contracts, 
but  shall  thwart  and  injure  him  in  the  proposed  voyage,  which 
thing  will  not  only  oppose  and  harm  the  said  Sir  William  and 
his  aforesaids,  but  also  prejudice  and  damage  our  so  laudable 
intention ;  then  it  shall  be  lawful  to  the  said  Sir  William  and 
his  aforesaids,  or  their  deputies  and  conservators  hereinafter 
mentioned,  in  such  case  to  seize  for  himself  or  his  deputies, 
whom  he  may  appoint  for  this  purpose,  all  such  sums  of  money, 
goods  and  effects,  forfeited  by  the  violation  of  these  contracts. 


And  that  this  may  be  more  easily  done,  and  the  delay  of  the 
law  be  avoided,  we  have  given  and  granted,  and  by  the  tenor 
of  these  presents  do  give  and  grant,  full  power  to  the  Lords  of 
our  Council  that  they  may  reduce  to  order  and  punish  the 
violators  of  such  contracts  and  agreements  made  for  the  trans- 
portation of  persons.  And  although  all  such  contracts  between 
the  said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids,  and  the  aforesaid 
adventurers  shall  be  carried  out,  in  the  risk  and  the  conveyance 
of  people  with  their  goods  and  effects  at  the  set  time,  and  they 
with  all  their  cattle  and  goods  arrive  at  the  shore  of  that  pro- 
vince with  the  intention  of  colonising  and  abiding  there,  and 
yet  afterwards  shall  leave  the  province  of  New  Scotland  alto- 
gether, and  the  confines  of  the  same,  without  the  consent  of  the 
said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids,  or  their  deputies,  or  the 
society  and  colony  aforesaid,  where  first  they  had  been  collected 
and  joined  together,  and  shall  go  away  to  the  uncivilised  natives 
to  live  in  remote  and  desert  places,  then  they  shall  lose  and 
forfeit  all  the  lands  previously  granted  them,  also  all  their  goods 
within  the  aforesaid  bounds ;  and  it  shall  be  lawful  for  the  said 
Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids  to  confiscate  the  same  and 
reclaim  the  same  lands,  and  to  seize  and  convert  and  apply  to 
his  own  use  and  that  of  his  aforesaids  all  the  same  belonging  to 
them,  or  any  one  of  them. 

And  that  all  our  beloved  subjects,  as  well  of  our  kingdoms 
and  dominions,  so  also  any  others  of  foreign  birth,  who  may  sail 
to  the  said  lands  or  any  part  of  the  same  for  obtaining  merchan- 
dise, may  the  better  know  and  obey  the  power  and  authority 
given  by  us  to  the  aforesaid  Sir  William  Alexander,  our  faithful 
counsellor,  and  his  deputies,  in  all  such  commissions,  warrants, 
and  contracts  as  he  shall  at  any  time  make,  grant,  and -establish 
for  the  more  fit  and  safe  arrangement  of  offices,  to  govern  said 
colony,  grant  lands  and  execute  justice  in  respect  to  said  in- 
habitants, adventurers,  deputies,  factors  or  assigns,  in  any  part 
of  said  lands,  or  in  sailing  to  the  same,  We,  with  the  advice  and 
consent  aforesaid,  do  order  that  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander 
and  his  aforesaids  shall  have  one  common  seal  pertaining  to  the 
office  of  justiciary  and  admiralty,  which,  by  the  said  Sir  William 


Alexander  and  Ms  aforesaids,  or  their  deputies,  in  all  time  to  come, 
shall  be  safely  kept :  On  one  side  our  arms  shall  be  engraved, 
with  these  words  on  the  circle  and  margin  thereof,  "Sigillum  Eegis 
Scotise,  Angiise,  Francise,  et  Hiberniee ; "  and  on  the  other  side  our 
image,  or  that  of  our  successors,  with  these  words,  "  Pro  Novae 
Scotise  Locum  Tenente ; "  and  a  true  copy  of  it  shall  be  kept  in 
the  hands  and  care  of  the  conservator  of  the  privileges  of  New 
Scotland,  and  this  he  may  use  in  his  office  as  occasion  shall 
require.  Arid  as  it  is  very  important  that  all  our  beloved  sub- 
jects who  inhabit  the  said  province  of  New  Scotland  or  its 
borders  may  live  in  the  fear  of  Almighty  God,  and  at  the  same 
time  in  His  true  worship,  and  may  have  an  earnest  purpose  to 
establish  the  Christian  religion  therein,  and  also  to  cultivate 
peace  and  quiet  with  the  native  inhabitants  and  savage  abor- 
igines of  these  lands,  so  that  they,  and  any  others  trading  there, 
may  safely,  pleasantly,  and  quietly  hold  what  they  have  got  with 
great  labour  and  peril ;  we,  for  ourselves  and  our  successors,  do 
will  and  decree,  and  by  our  present  charter  give  and  grant  to  the 
said  Sir  William  Alexander  and  his  aforesaids,  and  their  deputies, 
or  any  other  of  our  government  officers  and  ministers  whom 
they  shall  appoint  free  and  absolute  power  of  arranging  and 
securing  peace,  alliance,  friendship,  mutual  conferences,  assist- 
ance, and  intercourse  with  those  savage  aborigines  and  their 
chiefs,  and  any  others  bearing  rule  and  power  among  them ; 
and  of  preserving  and  fostering  such  relations  and  treaties  as 
they  or  their  aforesaids  shall  form  with  them,  provided  those 
treaties  are  on  the  other  side  kept  faithfully  by  these  barbarians ; 
and  unless  this  be  done,  of  taking  up  arms  against  them,  whereby 
they  may  be  reduced  to  order,  as  shall  seem  fitting  to  the  said 
Sir  William  Alexander,  and  his  aforesaids  and  deputies ;  for  the 
honour,  obedience,  and  service  of  God,  and  the  stability,  defence, 
and  preservation  of  our  authority  among  them ;  with  power  also 
to  the  said  Sir  William.  Alexander  and  his  aforesaids,  by  them- 
selves or  their  deputies,  substitutes,  or  assigns,  for  their  defence 
and  protection  at  all  times,  and  on  all  just  occasions  hereafter, 
of  attacking  suddenly,  invading,  expelling,  and  by  arms  driving 
away  as  well  by  sea  as  by  land,  and  by  all  means,  all  and  singly, 


those  who  without  the  special  licence  of  the  said  Sir  William 
and  his  aforesaids  shall  attempt  to  occupy  these  lands,  or  trade 
in  the  said  province  of  New  Scotland,  or  in  any  part  of  the 
same ;  and  in  like  manner  all  other  persons  who  presume  to 
bring  any  damage,  loss,  destruction,  injury,  or  invasion  against 
that  province,  or  the  inhabitants  of  the  same:  And  that  this  may  be 
more  easily  done,  it  shall  be  allowed  to  the  said  Sir  William  and 
his  aforesaids,  their  deputies,  factors,  and  assigns,  to  levy  con- 
tributions on  the  adventurers  and  inhabitants  of  the  same ;  to 
bring  them  together  by  proclamations,  or  by  any  other  order,  at 
such  times  as  shall  seem  best  to  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander 
and  his  aforesaids ;  to  assemble  all  our  subjects  living  within 
the  limits  of  the  said  New  Scotland,  and  trading  there,  for  the 
better  supplying  of  the  army  with  necessaries,  and  the  enlarge- 
ment and  increase  of  the  people  and  planting  of  the  said  lands  : 
With  full  power,  privilege,  and  liberty  to  the  said  Sir  William 
Alexander  and  his  aforesaids,  by  themselves  or  their  agents,  of 
sailing  over  any  seas  whatever  under  our  ensigns  and  banners, 
with  as  many  ships  of  as  great  burden,  and  as  well  furnished 
with  ammunition,  men,  and  provisions,  as  they  are  able  to  pro- 
cure, at  any  time,  and  as  often  as  shall  seem  expedient :  and  of 
carrying  all  persons  of  every  quality  and  grade  who  are  our 
subjects,  or  who  wish  to  submit  themselves  unto  our  sway,  for 
entering  upon  such  a  voyage  with  their  cattle,  horses,  oxen, 
sheep,  goods  of  all  kinds,  furniture,  machines,  heavy  arms, 
military  instruments,  as  many  as  they  desire,  and  other  com- 
modities and  necessaries  for  the  use  of  the  same  colony,  for 
mutual  commerce  with  the  natives  of  these  provinces,  or  others 
who  may  trade  with  these  plantations ;  and  of  transporting  all 
commodities  and  merchandise,  which  shall  seem  to  them  needful, 
into  our  kingdom  of  Scotland  without  the  payment  of  any  tax, 
custom,  and  impost  for  the  same  to  us,  or  our  custom-house 
officers,  or  their  deputies ;  and  of  carrying  away  the  same  from 
their  offices  on  this  side,  during  the  space  of  seven  years  follow- 
ing the  day  of  the  date  of  our  present  charter ;  and  to  have  this 
sole  privilege  for  the  space  of  three  years  next  hereafter,  we 
freely  have  granted,  and  by  the  tenor  of  our  present  charter 


grant  and  give,  to  the  said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids  accord- 
ing to  the  terms  hereinafter  mentioned. 

And  after  these  three  years  are  ended,  it  shall  be  lawful  to  us 
and  our  successors  to  levy  and  exact  from  all  goods  and  mer- 
chandise which  shall  be  exported  from  this  our  kingdom  of 
Scotland  to  the  said  province  of  New  Scotland,  or  imported  from 
this  province  to  our  said  kingdom  of  Scotland,  in  any  ports  of 
this  our  kingdom,  by  the  said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids, 
five  per  cent,  only,  according  to  the  old  mode  of  reckoning, 
without  any  other  impost,  tax,  custom,  or  duty  from  them  here- 
after, which  sum  of  five  pounds  per  hundred,  being  thus  paid  by 
the  said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids  to  our  officers  and  others 
appointed  for  this  business,  the  said  Sir  William  and  his  afore- 
saids may  carry  away  the  said  goods  from  this  our  realm  of 
Scotland  into  any  other  foreign  ports  and  climes,  without  the 
payment  of  any  other  custom,  tax,  or  duty  to  us,  our  heirs  or 
successors,  or  any' other  persons;  provided  also  that  said  goods 
within  the  space  of  thirteen  months  after  their  arrival  in  any 
part  of  this  our  kingdom  may  be  again  placed  on  board  a  ship. 
We  also  give  and  grant  absolute  and  full  power  to  the  said  Sir 
William  and  his  aforesaids  of  taking,  levying,  and  receiving  to 
his  own  proper  use,  and  that  of  his  aforesaids,  from  all  our  sub- 
jects who  shall  desire  to  conduct  colonies,  follow  trade,  or  sail 
to  the  said  lands  of  New  Scotland,  and  from  the  same,  for  goods 
and  merchandise,  five  per  cent. ;  besides  the  sum  due  to  us ; 
whether  on  account  of  the  exportation  from  this  our  kingdom 
of  Scotland  to  the  said  province  of  New  Scotland,  or  of  the 
importation  from  the  said  province  to  this  our  kingdom  of  Scot- 
land aforesaid :  and  in  like  manner  from  all  goods  and  mer- 
chandise which  shall  be  exported  by  our  subjects,  leaders  of 
colonies,  merchants  and  navigators  from  the  said  province  of 
New  Scotland  to  any  of  our  dominions,  or  any  other  places ;  or 
shall  be  imported  from  our  realms  and  elsewhere  to  the  said 
New  Scotland,  five  per  cent,  beyond  and  above  the  sum  before 
appointed  to  us :  and  from  the  goods  and  merchandise  of  all 
foreigners  and  others  not  under  our  sway,  which  shall  be  either 
exported  from  the  said  province  of  New  Scotland,  or  shall  be 


imported  into  the  same  beyond  and  above  the  said  sum  assigned 
to  us,  ten  per  cent,  may  be  levied,  taken,  and  received  for  the 
proper  use  of  the  said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids,  by  such 
servants,  officers,  or  deputies,  or  their  agents,  as  they  shall 
appoint  and  authorise  for  this  business.  And  for  the  better 
security  and  profit  of  the  said  Sir  "William  and  his  aforesaids, 
and  of  all  our  other  subjects  desiring  to  settle  in  New  Scotland 
aforesaid,  or  to  trade  there,  and  of  all  others  in  general  who  shall 
not  refuse  to  submit  themselves  to  our  authority  and  power,  we 
have  decreed  and  willed  that  the  said  Sir  William  may  construct, 
or  cause  to  be  built,  one  or  more  forts,  fortresses,  castles,  strong- 
holds, watch-towers,  block-houses,  and  other  buildings,  with 
ports  and  naval  stations,  and  also  ships  of  war :  and  the  same 
shall  be  applied  for  defending  the  said  places  as  shall,  to  the 
said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids,  seem  necessary  to  accom- 
plish the  aforesaid  undertaking:  and  they  may  establish  for 
their  defence  there,  garrisons  of  soldiers,  in  addition  to  the  things 
above  mentioned ;  and  generally  may  do  all  things  for  the  ac- 
quisition, increase,  and  introduction  of  people,  and  to  preserve 
and  govern  the  said  New  Scotland,  and  the  coasts  and  lands 
thereof  in  all  its  limits,  features,  and  relations,  under  our  name 
and  authority,  as  we  might  do  if  present  in  person ;  although 
the  case  may  require  a  more  particular  and  strict  order  than  is 
prescribed  in  this  our  present  charter,  and  to  this  command  we 
wish,  direct,  and  most  strictly  enjoin  all  our  justices,  officers, 
and  subjects,  frequenting  these  places,  to  conform  themselves ; 
and  to  yield  to  and  obey  the  said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids 
in  all  and  each  of  the  above-mentioned  matters,  both  principal 
and  related ;  and  be  equally  obedient  to  them  in  their  execution 
as  they  ought  to  be  to  us  whose  person  he  represents,  under  the 
pains  of  disobedience  and  rebellion.  Moreover,  we  declare  by 
the  tenor  of  our  present  charter  to  all  Christian  kings,  princes, 
and  states,  that,  if  hereafter  any  one,  or  any  from  the  said 
colonies,  in  the  province  of  New  Scotland  aforesaid,  or  any  other 
persons  under  their  licence  and  command,  exercising  piracy  at 
any  future  time,  by  land  or  by  sea,  shall  carry  away  the  goods 
of  any  person,  or  in  a  hostile  manner  do  any  injustice  or  wrong 


to  any  of  our  subjects,  or  those  of  our  heirs  or  successors,  or  of 
other  kings,  princes,  governors,  or  states  in  alliance  with  us ; 
then,  upon  such  injury  offered,  or  just  complaint  thereupon,  by 
any  king,  prince,  governor,  state,  or  their  subjects,  we,  our  heirs 
and  successors,  will  see  that  public  proclamations  are  made  in 
any  part  of  our  said  kingdom  of  Scotland,  just  and  suitable  for 
this  purpose,  that  the  said  pirate  or  pirates  who  shall  commit 
such  violence,  at  a  stated  time  to  be  determined  by  the  aforesaid 
proclamation,  shall  fully  restore  all  goods  so  carried  away :  and 
for  the  said  injuries  shall  make  full  satisfaction,  so  that  the  said 
princes  and  others  thus  complaining  shall  deem  themselves 
satisfied.  And  if  the  authors  of  such  crimes  shall  neither 
make  worthy  satisfaction,  nor  be  careful  that  it  be  made 
within  the  limited  time,  then  he  or  they  who  have  com- 
mitted such  plunder  neither  are  nor  hereafter  shall  be  under 
our  government  and  protection;  but  it  shall  be  permitted 
and  lawful  to  all  princes,  and  others  whatsoever,  to  proceed 
against  such  offenders,  or  any  of  them,  and  with  all  hostility 
to  invade  them. 

And  though  it  is  appointed  that  no  nobleman  and  gentleman 
may  depart  from  this  country  without  our  consent,  yet  we  will 
that  this  our  present  charter  be  a  sufficient  permission  and 
assurance  to  all  engaging  in  the  said  voyage,  save  those  who 
may  be  accused  of  treason,  or  retained  by  any  special  order; 
and  according  to  our  present  charter,  we  declare  and  decree  that 
no  person  may  leave  this  country  and  go  to  the  said  region  of 
New  Scotland,  unless  they  have  previously  taken  the  oath  of 
allegiance  to  us,  for  which  purpose  we,  by  our  present  charter, 
give  and  grant  the  said  Sir  William  and  his  foresaids,  or  their 
conservators  and  deputies,  full  power  and  authority  to  exact  the 
said  oath  from,  and  administer  it  to,  all  persons  proceeding  into 
the  said  lands  in  that  colony.  Moreover,  we,  for  ourselves  and 
our  successors,  with  the  advice  and  consent  aforesaid,  declare, 
decree,  and  ordain  that  all  our  subjects  going  to  the  said  New 
Scotland,  or  living  in  it,  and  all  their  children  and  posterity 
born  there,  and  all  adventuring  there,  shall  have  and  enjoy  all 
the  liberties,  rights,  and  privileges  of  free  and  native  subjects 


of  our  kingdom  of  Scotland,  or  of  our  other  dominions,  as  if  they 
had  been  born  there. 

Also,  we,  for  ourselves  and  our  successors,  give  and  grant 
to  the  said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids,  the  free  power 
of  regulating  and  coining  money  for  the  freer  commerce  of 
those  inhabiting  the  said  province,  of  any  metal,  in  what 
manner,  and  of  what  form  they  shall  choose  and  direct  for 
the  same. 

And  if  any  questions  or  doubts  shall  arise  on  the  meaning 
and  construction  of  any  clause  in  our  present  charter,  all  these 
shall  be  taken  and  explained  in  their  amplest  form,  and  in  favour 
of  the  said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids.  Besides,  we,  of  our 
certain  knowledge,  proper  motive,  regal  authority,  and  kingly 
power,  have  made,  united,  annexed,  erected,  created,  and  in- 
corporated, and  by  the  tenor  of  our  present  charter  do  make,  unite, 
annex,  erect,  create,  and  incorporate  the  whole  and  undivided, 
the  said  province  and  lands  of  New  Scotland,  with  all  the  seas 
and  limits  of  the  same,  and  minerals  of  gold  and  silver,  lead, 
copper,  steel,  tin,  brass,  iron,  and  any  other  mines,  pearls,  precious 
stones,  quarries,  forests,  thickets,  mosses,  marshes,  lakes,  waters, 
fisheries,  as  well  in  fresh  waters  as  in  salt,  as  well  of  royal  fishes 
as  of  others;  cities,  free  ports,  free  villages,  towns,  baronial 
villages,  seaports,  roadsteads,  machines,  mills,  offices,  and  juris- 
dictions, and  all  other  things,  generally '  and  particularly 
mentioned  above,  in  one  entire  and  free  lordship  and  barony, 
which  shall  be  called  in  all  future  time  by  the  aforesaid  name  of 
New  Scotland. 

And  we  will  and  grant,  and  for  ourselves  and  our  successors 
decree  and  order,  that  one  seisin  now  made  by  the  said  Sir 
William  and  his  aforesaids  upon  any  part  of  the  soil  of  the  said 
lands,  and  upon  the  province  before  described,  shall,  in  all  future 
time,  be  effective ;  and  shall  be  a  sufficient  seisin  for  the  whole 
region,  with  all  the  parts,  appendages,  privileges,  accidents, 
liberties,  and  immunities  of  the  same  mentioned  above,  without 
any  other  special  and  definite  seisin  to  be  taken  by  himself  or 
his  aforesaids  on  any  other  part  or  place  of  the  same :  And  con- 
cerning this  seisin,  and  all  things  which  have  followed  it,  or  can 


follow  it,  we,  with  the  advice  and  consent  above  mentioned,  for 
ourselves  and  successors,  have  dispensed,  and  by  the  tenor  of 
our  present  charter,  in  the  manner  hereafter  mentioned,  do  dis- 
pense for  ever,  To  hold  and  to  possess  the  whole  and  undivided, 
the  said  region  and  lordship  of  New  Scotland,  with  all  the 
bounds  of  the  same  within  the  seas  above-mentioned,  all  minerals 
of  gold  and  silver,  copper,  steel,  tin,  lead,  brass,  and  iron,  and 
any  other  mines,  pearls,  precious  stones,  quarries,  woods,  thickets, 
mosses,  marshes,  lakes,  waters,  fisheries,  as  well  in  fresh  water 
as  in  salt,  as  well  of  royal  fishes  as  of  others,  states,  free  towns, 
free  ports,  towns,  baronial  villages,  seaports,  roadsteads,  machines, 
mills,  offices,  and  jurisdictions,  and  all  other  things  generally 
and  specially  mentioned  above ;  with  all  other  privileges,  liberties, 
immunities,  and  accidents,  and  other  things  above-mentioned,  to 
the  aforesaid  Sir  William  Alexander,  his  heirs  and  assigns,  from 
us  and  our  successors,  in  free  covenant  inheritance,  lordship, 
barony,  and  royalty  for  ever ;  through  all  their  just  bounds  and 
limits,  as  they  lie  in  length  and  breadth,  in  houses,  buildings, 
erected  and  to  be  erected,  bogs,  plains,  and  moors  ;  marshes, 
roads,  paths,  waters,  swamps,  rivers,  meadows,  and  pastures; 
mines,  malt-houses,  and  their  refuse;  hawkings,  huntings, fisheries, 
peat  mosses,  turf-bogs,  coal,  coal-pits,  coneys,  warrens,  doves, 
dove-cotes,  workshops,  maltkilns,  breweries,  and  broom ;  woods, 
groves,  and  thickets ;  wood,  timber,  quarries  of  stone  and  lime, 
with  courts,  fines,  pleas,  heriots,  outlaws,  rabbles  of  women,  with 
free  entrance  and  exit,  and  with  fork,  foss,  sok,  sac,  theme, 
infangtheiff,  outfangtheiff,  wrak,  wair,  veth,  vert,  vennison, 
pit,  and  gallows;  and  with  all  other  and  singly,  the  liberties, 
commodities,  profits,  easements,  and  their  rightful  pertinents  of 
all  kinds,  whether  mentioned  or  not,  above  or  below  ground,  far 
and  near,  belonging,  or  that  can  belong,  to  the  aforesaid  region 
and  lordship,  in  any  manner,  for  the  future,  freely,  quietly,  fully, 
wholly,  honourably,  well,  and  in  peace,  without  any  revocation, 
contradiction,  impediment,  or  obstacle  whatever. 

Annually,  at  the  festival  of  Christ's  Nativity,  on  the  soil  of 
the  said  lands,  and  of  the  province  of  New  Scotland,  the  said 
Sir  William  Alexander  and  his  aforesaids  shall  pay  to  us,  and  our 


heirs  and  successors,  under  the  name  of  quit-rent,  one  penny  of 
Scottish  money,  if  so  much  be  demanded. 

And  because  the  tenure  of  the  said  lands,  and  of  the  province 
of  New  Scotland,  and  the  quit-rent  above-mentioned,  may  fail 
through  want  of  the  timely  and  lawful  entry  of  any  heir  or  heirs 
of  the  said  Sir  William  succeeding  him,  a  thing  which  they  may 
not  easily  accomplish,  on  account  of  the  great  distance  from  our 
kingdom;  and  these  same  lands  and  province,  on  account  of 
non-entrance,  may  come  into  our  hands,  and  those  of  our  suc- 
cessors, until  the  lawful  entrance  of  the  legitimate  heir;  and 
we,  being  unwilling  that  the  said  lands  and  region  at  any  time 
should  fall  into  non-entry,  or  that  the  said  Sir  William  and  his 
aforesaids  should  be  thus  deprived  of  the  benefits  and  profits  of 
the  same,  therefore  we,  with  the  advice  aforesaid,  have  dispensed 
with  the  said  non-entry  whenever  it  shall  occur,  and  by  the 
tenor  of  this  our  charter,  we,  for  ourselves  and  our  successors, 
do  dispense ;  and  also  we  have  renounced  and  exonerated,  and 
by  the  tenor  of  our  present  charter,  do  renounce  and  exonerate, 
the  said  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids  in  respect  to  the  above- 
mentioned  non-entrance  of  the  said  province  and  region,  when- 
ever it  shall  come  Into  our  hands,  or  by  reason  of  non-entry  may 
fall,  with  all  things  that  can  follow  therefrom :  provided,  how- 
ever, that  the  said  Sir  William,  his  heirs  and  assigns,  within  the 
space  of  seven  years  after  the  decease  and  death  of  their  pre- 
decessors, or  entry  to  the  possession  of  said  lands,  and  of  other 
things  aforesaid  by  themselves,  or  their  lawful  agents  holding, 
power  for  this  purpose,  do  homage  to  us  and  our  successors,  and 
come  to  and  receive  through  us  the  said  lands,  lordship,  barony, 
and  other  things  aforesaid,  according  to  the  laws  and  statutes  of 
our  said  kingdom  of  Scotland.  Finally,  we,  for  ourselves  and 
our  successors,  do  will,  decree,  and  ordain  that  this  our  present 
charter  and  infeoffment  above  written,  of  the  lands  aforesaid, 
lordship  and  region  of  New  Scotland,  and  the  privileges  and 
liberties  of  the  same,  shall  be  ratified,  approved,  and  established  in 
our  next  Parliament  of  our  said  kingdom  of  Scotland,  whenever 
it  shall  meet,  so  that  it  shall  have  therein  the  force  and  efficacy 
of  a  decree ;  and  for  this,  we,  for  ourselves  and  our  successors, 

*  N 


declare  that  this  our  charter  shall  be  a  sufficient  warrant ;  and, 
as  a  prince,  we  promise  that  the  same  shall  be  ratified  and  ap- 
proved ;  and  also  we  promise  to  alter,  renew,  increase,  and  ex- 
tend the  same  into  the  most  ample  form  as  often  as  it  shall 
seem  necessary  and  expedient  to  the  said  Sir  William  and  his 

Moreover,  it  has  seemed  best  to  us,  and  we  order  and  enjoin 
our  beloved  our  sheriffs,  especially  appointed  on 

our  part,  on  seeing  this  our  charter  under  our  Great  Seal,  so  to 
give  and  grant  to  the  aforesaid  Sir  William  and  his  aforesaids, 
or  their  attorney  or  attorneys,  possession  and  seisin,  actual  and 
real,  of  the  lands,  lordship,  barony,  and  other  things  mentioned 
above :  with  all  privileges,  immunities,  liberties,  and  other  things 
above  expressed ;  and  this  seisin  we,  by  the  tenor  of  our  present 
charter,  declare  to  be  as  lawful  and  regular  as  if  he  had  a  precept, 
under  proof  of  our  Great  Seal,  and  in  the  most  ample  form,  with 
all  clauses  requisite  for  the  aforesaid  purpose ;  with  which  we, 
for  ourselves  and  successors,  do  for  ever  dispense.  In  witness 
whereof  we  have  commanded  our  Great  Seal  to  be  affixed  to  this 
our  present  charter.  Witnesses — Our  well-beloved  cousins  and 
councillors,  James,  Marquis  of  Hamilton,  Earl  of  Arran  and 
Cambridge,  Lord  Aven  and  Innerdaill ;  George,  Earl  Marischal, 
Lord  Keith,  etc.,  Marshal  of  our  Kingdom ;  Alexander,  Earl  of 
Dunfermline,  Lord  Fyvie  and  Urquhart,  etc.,  our  Chancellor; 
Thomas,  Earl  of  Melrose,  Lord  Binning  and  Byres,  our  Secre- 
tary.— Our  beloved  familiar  Councillors,  Baronets ;  Sir  Eichard 
Cockburn,  junior  of  Clerkington,  Keeper  of  our  Privy  Seal ;  Sir 
George  Hay  of  Kinfauns,  our  Eegister  of  the  Eolls,  and  Clerk 
of  the  Council ;  Sir  John  Cockburn  of  Ormiston,  Clerk  of  our 
Justiciary;  and  Sir  John  Scot  of  Scotstarvet,  Director  of  our 
Chancery,  Knights. 

At  our  Castle  of  Windsor,  the  10  day  of  September,  in  the 
year  of  our  Lord  1621,  and  of  our  reigns  the  fifty-fifth  and 
nineteenth  years  respectively. 

By  signature  superscribed  by  the  hand  of  our  Sovereign  Lord 
the  King;  and  subscribed  by  the  hands  of  our  Chancellor, 
Treasurer,  Principal  Secretary,  and  of  the  other  Lords,  our  Com- 


missioners,  and  of  our  Privy  Council  of  the  said  Kingdom  of 
Written  to  the  Great  Seal,  29  Sept.  1621, 

J.  SCOTT,  Gratis. 
Sealed  at  Edinburgh,  29  Sept.  1621, 

JA.  EAITHE,  Grs. 

No.  II. 

ALEXANDEE,  DATED  12ra  JULY  1625. 

CHARLES,  by  the  grace  of  God,  King  of  Great  Britain, 
France,  and  Ireland,  and  Defender  of  the  Faith,  to  all 
good  men  of  his  whole  land,  clergy  and  laity,  greeting. 

Know  ye,  etc.  [Same  as  charter  of  1621,  up  to  "said  king- 
dom of  Scotland"  p.  180]  .  .  .  in  which  case  the  heirs 
and  assignees  of  the  said  Sir  Willianij  Alexander  shall,  not- 
withstanding the  foresaid  non-entry,  enjoy  and  possess  all  and 
sundry  the  foresaid  lands,  country,  and  lordship  of  New 
Scotland,  with  all  and  sundry  profits,  as  if  the  said  non- 
entry  had  never  happened,  or  as  if  they  had  never  fallen 
into  non-entry.  Which  lands,  country,  and  lordship  of  New 
Scotland,  as  well  mainlands  as  islands,  within  all  and  sundry 
the  said  bounds  and  seas  thereof,  with  the  woods,  fishings, 
as  well  in  salt  waters  as  in  fresh,  of  royal  fishes  as  of  others, 
with  pearls,  precious  stones,  veins,  royal  minerals  of  gold  and 
silver,  other  minerals  of  iron,  steel,  lead,  copper,  brass,  tin, 
mountain  brass,  and  others  whatsoever;  and  all  privileges, 
liberties,  immunities,  prerogatives,  offices  and  jurisdictions,  and 
others,  specially  and  generally  above  recited,  formerly  belonged 
to  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander  and  his  heirs  and  assignees, 
and  were,  by  him  and  his  procurators,  in  his  name,  duly  and 
lawfully  resigned  into  our  hands,  and  that,  for  our  new  heritable 
infeftment  of  the  same,  to  be  granted  in  favour  of  the  said  Sir 


William,  or  his  heirs  and  assignees  foresaid,  in  due  and  compe- 
tent form,  as  accords,  to  be  holden,  as  said  is,  with  dispensation 
of  non-entry,  in  manner  before  written,  when  it  shall  happen. 

Moreover,  we,  with  advice  before  written,  for  the  good,  faith- 
ful, and  willing  service,  performed  and  rendered  to  us  by  the  said 
Sir  William  Alexander,  and  respect  being  had  to  the  great  and 
manifold  expenses  and  charges  bestowed  and  expended  in  the 
plantation  of  the  said  bounds  of  the  lordship  and  country  of 
New  Scotland,  and  reduction  of  them  under  our  obedience,  and 
for  other  weighty  and  onerous  causes,  have  of  new  given,  granted, 
and  disponed,  and  by  our  present  charter,  give,  grant,  and  dis- 
pone,  to  the  before-mentioned  Sir  William  Alexander,  and  his 
heirs  and  assignees  heritably,  all  and  sundry  the  foresaid  lands, 
lordship,  and  country  of  New  Scotland,  together  with  all  and 
sundry  castles,  towns,  fortalices,  manor  places,  houses,  buildings, 
built  and  to  be  built;  gardens,  orchards,  planted  and  to  be 
planted ;  tofts,  crofts,  meadows,  grazings,  woods,  shrubs,  mills, 
multures,  mill-lands,  fishings,  as  well  of  red  as  of  other  fishes, 
salmon,  large  fish  and  small,  in  salt  water  as  in  fresh ;  together 
with  all  and  sundry  teind-sheaves  thereof  included,  as  well  great 
as  small ;  with  the  presentation,  gift  of  benefices,  churches,  and 
chapels,  and  rights  of  patronage  thereof;  annexes,  connexes, 
dependencies,  tenants,  tenandries,  and  services  of  free  tenants  of 
the  same ;  together  with  all  and  sundry  precious  stones,  jewels, 
crystal,  alum,  coral,  and  others,  with  all  and  sundry  minerals, 
veins,  and  quarries  thereof,  as  well  of  regal  and  royal  metals, 
and  minerals  of  gold  and  silver,  within  the  said  bounds  and 
lordship  of  New  Scotland ;  as  of  other  minerals  of  iron,  steel, 
tin,  copper,  brass,  mountain  brass,  and  other  minerals  whatso- 
ever, with  all  and  sundry  parts,  pendicles,  pertinents,  privileges, 
liberties,  and  immunities  of  all  and  sundry  the  foresaid  lands, 
lordship,  and  country  of  New  Scotland;  with  full  power  and 
privilege  to  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander,  his  heirs  and 
assignees,  of  trying  and  searching,  digging  and  examining  the 
ground  for  the  same,  and  extracting,  cleansing,  refining,  and 
purifying  them,  and  using,  converting,  and  applying  them  to 
their  own  proper  uses  (the  tenth  part  of  the  royal  metals,  com- 


monly  called  the  ore  of  gold  and  silver,  hereafter  to  be  found 
and  extracted  out  of  the  said  lands  and  country,  only  being 
reserved  to  us  and  our  successors),  and  the  remainder  of  the  said 
metals,  minerals,  precious  stones,  jewels,  and  others  whatsoever, 
to  belong  to  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander,  his  heirs  and 
assignees,  to  remain  for  ever  with  them,  and  be,  with  all  profits 
and  duties  thereof,  converted  to  their  own  proper  uses,  with 
power  to  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander,  his  heirs  and  assignees, 
of  building,  constructing,  and  erecting  upon  and  within  all 
the  bounds  of  the  said  country,  as  shall  seem  to  them  expe- 
dient, cities,  free  boroughs  of  barony,  towns,  villages,  harbours, 
ports,  and  naval  stations,  and  of  appointing  markets,  as  well 
within  the  town  as  without,  and  imposing,  levying,  and  receiv- 
ing all  and  whatsoever  tolls,  customs,  anchorages,  and  other 
dues  of  said  cities,  boroughs  of  barony,  towns,  villages,  fairs, 
markets,  free  ports,  harbours,  naval  stations,  with  all  and  sundry 
casualties,  profits,  and  duties  whatsoever;  and  furnishing  the 
said  cities  and  boroughs,  as  well  within  borough  as  without, 
with  sufficient  and  able  magistrates,  justices  of  the  peace,  pro- 
vosts, bailies,  aldermen,  constables,  and  other  officers,  citizens, 
free  burgesses,  and  manufacturers,  crafts  of  all  kinds,  with  their 
deacons  and  others  thereto  requisite,  with  full  power,  privilege, 
and  liberty,  to  them  or  their  children,  citizens  and  burgesses,  to 
sell  wine  and  wax,  salmon,  herrings,  and  other  staple  goods  and 
merchandises,  as  well  great  as  small,  and  constructing  churches, 
chapels,  hospitals,  maison-dieus,  market-crosses,  belfries,  bells, 
and  all  other  ordinary  ornaments  thereto  belonging,  and  planting 
the  said  churches,  and  sufficiently  providing  them  with  sufficient 
teachers,  preachers,  pastors,  and  ministers.  And,  in  like  manner, 
of  erecting,  founding,  and  constructing  common  schools,  colleges, 
and  universities,  sufficiently  provided  with  able  and  sufficient 
masters,  rectors,  regents,  professors  of  all  sciences,  letters,  lan- 
guages, and  instruction ;  and  of  providing  for  sufficient  mainten- 
ance, salaries,  and  living  for  them,  to  this  effect.  As  also  of 
erecting  prelates,  archbishops,  bishops,  rectors,  and  vicars  of 
parishes  and  parish  churches ;  and  distributing  and  dividing  all 
the  foresaid  bounds  of  the  said  country  into  divers  and  distinct 


shires,  provinces,  and  parishes,  for  the  better  provision  of  the 
churches  and  ministry,  division  of  the  shires,  and  all  other  civil 
police;  and,  likewise,  of  founding,  erecting,  and  instituting  a 
senate  of  justice,  places  and  colleges  of  justice,  senators  of 
council  and  session ;  members  thereof,  for  the  administration  of 
justice,  within  the  said  country,  and  other  places  of  justice  and 
judicature.  Further,  of  erecting  and  appointing  secret  and  privy 
councils  and  sessions  for  the  public  good  and  advantage  of  said 
country,  and  giving  and  granting  titles,  honours,  and  dignities  to 
the  members  thereof,  and  creating  their  clerks  and  members,  and 
appointing  seals  and  registers  with  their  keepers.  And  also  of 
erecting  and  instituting  officers  of  state — a  chancellor,  treasurer, 
comptroller,  collector,  secretary,  advocate,  or  attorney-general, 
clerk  or  clerks,  register  and  keeper  of  the  rolls,  justice-clerk, 
director  or  directors  of  chancery,  conservator  or  conservators  of 
privileges  of  the  said  country,  advocates,  procurators,  and  plead- 
ers of  causes,  and  solicitors  and  agents  thereof,  and  other  members 
necessary.  And  likewise  of  gathering,  collecting,  and  appointing 
meetings  and  assemblies  of  ecclesiastical  persons  and  prelates, 
as  well  general,  special  or  provincial  meetings,  as  others ;  for 
ecclesiastical  police  and  discipline,  and  authorising,  ratifying, 
and  confirming  the  said  meetings,  councils,  and  assemblies,  with 
acts,  statutes,  and  decrees  thereon  concluded,  for  the  better 
authority  of  the  same. 

Further,  we  have  made,  constituted,  and  appointed,  and  by 
our  present  charter  make,  constitute,  and  appoint,  the  said  Sir 
William  Alexander,  his  heirs  and  assignees,  our,  and  our  heirs 
and  successors',  lieutenants -general,  to  represent  our  royal  person, 
as  well  by  sea  as  by  land,  of  all  and  whole  the  said  country  and 
lordship  of  New  Scotland,  or  to  any  judicature  or  jurisdiction 
heretofore,  in  virtue  of  any  foregoing  or  subsequent  right  or  title 
whatsoever.  And  with  special  power  to  the  said  Sir  William 
Alexander,  and  his  foresaids,  of  governing,  ruling,  and  punishing 
and  pardoning  all  our  subjects,  and  others,  inhabitants  of  the 
said  bounds  and  country  of  New  Scotland,  or  persons  going 
thither,  violators  of  the  peace,  or  of  the  laws ;  and  of  making, 
sanctioning,  arid  establishing  laws  there,  as  well  civil  as  criminal, 


with  laws  of  justiciary,  admiralty,  stewardship,  regality,  and 
sheriffship,  at  their  good  pleasure,  provided  the  said  laws  be  as 
conformable  as  possible  to  the  laws  of  Scotland,  respect  being 
had  to  circumstances,  place,  country,  persons,  and  their  qualities. 
And  likewise,  of  appointing  rulers,  commanders,  and  heads  of 
all  and  sundry  the  foresaid  cities,  boroughs,  ports,  naval  stations, 
and  harbours,  and  also  captains  of  castles,  fortalices,  and  fort- 
resses, as  well  by  sea  and  near  the  shore  as  by  land,  well  and 
sufficiently  provided,  appointed,  and  fortified  with  troops  of 
soldiers  and  forces  for  the  maintenance,  defence,  and  preservation 
thereof,  and  the  repelling  of  all  domestic  as  well  as  foreign  in- 
vasions of  the  same :  and  of  gathering,  assembling,  and  making 
all  the  inhabitants  of  the  said  country  meet  together  for  the 
purpose  before  written,  on  all  necessary  occasions,  for  the  repel- 
ling and  resisting  other  force  and  violences  whatsoever:  And 
with  power  to  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander  and  his  foresaids, 
for  the  better  fortifying  of  the  said  lordship  and  country  of  New 
Scotland,  of  transporting  from  the  said  kingdom,  and  other 
bounds  convenient,  all  sorts  of  munitions,  great  and  small, 
greater  ordnance,  cannons,  demi-cannons  of  cast  iron,  swords, 
guns  of  brass  and  iron,  and  other  instruments  and  engines  of 
war,  with  small  guns  commonly  called  muskets,  hagbuts,  half 
haggs,  pistols,  powder,  balls,  and  other  necessary  provision  and 
arms,  as  well  offensive  as  defensive ;  and  wearing  and  using  such 
arms,  as  well  within  the  said  country  of  New  Scotland  as  in 
their  passage  and  progress  to  the  said  lands,  or  from  them,  with 
their  companions,  associates,  and  dependants:  Also,  we,  with 
advice  aforesaid,  have  made,  constituted,  and  appointed  the  said 
Sir  William  Alexander,  his  heirs  and  assignees  heritably,  our 
justices  general,  in  all  criminal  causes  within  the  said  country 
and  lordship  of  New  Scotland ;  high  admiral,  and  lord  of  regality, 
and  admiralty  within  the  said  country,  hereditary  high  steward 
also  thereof,  and  of  all  and  sundry  such  regalities,  with  power 
to  him,  and  his  heirs  and  assignees,  of  using,  exercising,  and 
enjoying  all  and  sundry  the  foresaid  jurisdictions,  judicatures, 
and  offices,  with  all  and  sundry  privileges,  prerogatives,  immuni- 
ties, and  casualties  thereof ;  in  like  manner,  and  as  freely  as  any 


other  justice  or  justices  general,  high  stewards,  admirals,  sheriffs, 
or  lords  of  regalities,  had,  or  can  have,  and  possess,  or  enjoy,  the 
said  jurisdictions,  judicatures,  offices,  dignities,  and  prerogatives 
in  any  of  our  kingdoms,  bounds,  and  dominions  whatsoever : 
With  power  to  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander,  his  heirs  and 
assignees,  of  constituting,  erecting,  nominating,  and  creating 
clerks,  officers,  macers,  apprisers,  and  all  other  members  of  court, 
of  all  and  sundry  the  foresaid  judicatures  and  jurisdictions  respec- 
tively, with  all  fees,  dues,  and  emoluments  thereto  belonging  as 
shall  seem  to  them  expedient :  without  prejudice  always  to  all 
other  infeftments,  rights,  or  dispositions  by  us  or  our  predecessors 
to  whatsoever  person  or  persons  who  are,  or  shall  be,  portioners 
of  the  said  plantation  of  New  Scotland,  proceeding  upon  the 
resignation  of  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander  only,  and  not 
otherwise,  of  whatsoever  parts  or  portions  of  the  said  country 
and  lordship  of  New  Scotland,  with  the  privileges  and  immuni- 
ties mentioned  in  their  infeftments. 

And  seeing,  by  reason  of  the  great  remoteness  and  distance 
of  the  said  country  and  lordship  of  New  Scotland  from  our  said 
ancient  kingdom  of  Scotland,  both  that  the  said  country  can 
neither  easily  nor  conveniently  be  reached  except  in  the  summer 
time ;  and  that  the  said  country  is  altogether  destitute  of  public 
scriveners  and  notaries,  requisite  for  taking  seisins ;  so  that  seisin 
at  all  times  cannot  conveniently  be  taken  on  the  ground  of  the 
said  country ;  and  also  respect  being  had  to  the  great  and  mani- 
fold disadvantages  which  may  result  by  default  of  timely  seisin 
being  taken  upon  this  present  patent ;  and  upon  other  charters 
and  similar  infeftments  granted,  and  to  be  granted,  of  the  fore- 
said  lands  and  lordship  of  New  Scotland,  or  any  part  thereof; 
Therefore,  that  this  our  present  charter  may  be  more  effectual, 
and  that  seisin  thereupon  may  be  more  conveniently  taken,  it  is 
necessary  that  seisin  of  all  and  sundry  the  foresaid  lands  of  the  said 
country  and  lordship  of  New  Scotland  be  taken  within  our  said 
kingdom  of  Scotland,  and  on  the  grounds  and  lands  of  the  same 
in  the  most  eminent  place  thereof;  which  can  neither  conveniently 
nor  lawfully  be  done  without  an  express  union  of  the  said  country 
and  lordship  of  New  Scotland  to  the  said  kingdom  of  Scotland : 


Wherefore,  and  for  the  advantage  and  readier  convenience  of 
the  aforesaid  seisin,  we,  with  advice  aforesaid,  have  annexed, 
united,  and  incorporated,  and,  by  our  present  charter,  annex, 
unite,  and  incorporate,  with  our  said  kingdom  of  Scotland,  all 
and  sundry  the  foresaid  country  and  lordship  of  New  Scotland, 
with  the  teinds  and  teind-sheaves  thereof  included,  and  all  and 
sundry  parts,  pertinents,  privileges,  jurisdictions,  and  liberties  of 
the  same,  and  others  generally  and  specially  above  mentioned : 
and  by  our  present  charter,  will,  declare,  decern,  and  ordain  that 
one  seisin,  now  to  be  taken  at  our  Castle  of  Edinburgh,  as  the 
most  eminent  and  principal  place  of  our  said  kingdom  of  Scot- 
land, of  all  and  sundry  the  said  lands,  country  and  lordship  of 
New  Scotland,  or  any  part  of  the  same,  with  teinds  and  teind- 
sheaves  thereof  included,  respectively,  is  and  shall  be  sufficient 
seisin  for  all  and  whole  the  foresaid  lands,  country,  and  lordship 
of  New  Scotland,  with  the  teinds  and  teind-sheaves  thereof 
included,  or  any  parts  of  the  said  lands  and  country  aforesaid, 
with  all  the  privileges,  jurisdiction,  and  liberties  thereof  respec- 
tively, and  others  specially  and  generally  above  mentioned,  not- 
withstanding the  said  lands,  country,  and  lordship  of  New  Scot- 
land are  far  distant,  and  lie  discontiguous  from  our  said  kingdom 
of  Scotland :  as  to  which  we,  with  advice  and  consent  foresaid, 
have  dispensed,  and,  by  our  present  charter,  for  ever  dispense, 
without  prejudice  and  derogation,  always  to  the  said  privilege 
and  prerogative  granted  to  the  foresaid  Sir  William  Alexander, 
and  his  heirs  and  assignees,  of  making  and  establishing  laws, 
acts,  and  statutes  concerning  all  and  sundry  the  foresaid  lands, 
country,  and  lordship  of  New  Scotland,  as  well  by  sea  as  by 
land :  And  by  our  present  charter  we  declare  that,  notwithstand- 
ing the  said  union,  which  is  declared  to  be  granted -solely  for 
the  advantage  and  convenience  of  seisin,  the  said  country  and 
lordship  of  New  Scotland  shall  be  judged,  ruled,  and  governed 
by  the  laws  and  statutes  made,  and  to  be  made  and  constituted 
and  established  by  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander,  and  his  heirs 
and  assignees,  relating  to  the  said  country  and  lordship  of  New 
Scotland,  in  like  manner,  and  as  freely  in  that  respect  as  if  the 
said  union  had  never  been  made  or  hitherto  granted:  And 


further,  notwithstanding  the  foresaid  union,  it  shall  be  lawful  to 
the  foresaid  Sir  William  Alexander,  and  his  heirs  and  assignees, 
to  give,  grant,  and  dispone  any  parts  or  portions  of  the  said 
lands,  country,  and  lordship  of  New  Scotland  heritably  belong- 
ing to  them,  to  and  in  favour  of  whatsoever  persons,  their  heirs 
and  assignees,  heritably,  with  the  teinds  and  teind-sheaves 
thereof  included,  provided  they  are  our  subjects,  to  be  holden  of 
the  said  Sir  William  Alexander,  or  of  us  and  our  successors, 
either  in  blench  farm,  feu  farm,  or  in  ward  and  relief  at  their 
pleasure,  and  to  entitle  and  denominate  the  said  parts  and  por- 
tions, by  whatsoever  styles,  titles,  and  designations  shall  seem 
to  them  fit,  or  be  in  the  will  and  option  of  the  said  Sir  William 
and  his  foresaids,  which  infeftments  and  dispositions  shall  be 
approved  and  confirmed  by  us  or  our  successors  freely,  without 
any  composition  to  be  paid  therefor.  Moreover,  we  and  our  suc- 
cessors shall  receive  whatsoever  resignations  shall  be  made  by 
the  said  Sir  William  Alexander  and  his  heirs  and  assignees,  of 
all  and  whole  the  foresaid  lands  and  lordship  of  New  Scotland, 
or  of  any  part  thereof  in  our  hand,  and  [those]  of  our  successors 
and  commissioners  aforesaid,  with  the  teinds  and  teind-sheaves 
thereof  included,  and  others  generally  and  specially  above-men- 
tioned to  and  in  favour  of  whatsoever  person  or  persons  (pro- 
vided they  are  our  subjects,  and  live  under  our  obedience) :  And 
they  shall  pass  infeftments  thereon,  to  be  holden  in  free  blench 
farm  of  us,  our  heirs  and  successors,  in  manner  above-men- 
tioned, freely,  without  any  competition ;  which  lands,  country, 
and  lordship  of  New  Scotland,  with  the  teind-sheaves  thereof 
included,  and  all  and  sundry  parts,  pendicles  and  pertinents, 
privileges,  jurisdictions,  prerogatives,  and  liberties  of  the  same, 
and  others  specially  and  generally  above-mentioned,  together 
with  all  right,  title,  interest,  claim  of  right,  petitory  as  well  as 
possessory  (which  we  or  our  predecessors  or  successors  had, 
have,  or  in  any  way  could  have,  claim,  or  pretend  thereto,  or  to 
any  part  of  the  same,  or  to  the  maills,  farms,  profits,  and  duties 
thereof,  of  whatsoever  years  or  terms  bygone,  for  whatsoever 
cause  or  occasion,  we,  with  advice  foresaid  for  the  reasons  above- 
mentioned,  of  new  give,  grant,  and  dispone  to  the  foresaid  Sir 


William  Alexander,  and  his  heirs  and  assignees,  heritably  for 
ever,  renouncing  and  exonerating  the  same  simpliciter,  with  all 
action  and  instance  heretofore,  competent  to  and  in  favour  of 
the  said  Sir  William  Alexander,  and  his  heirs  and  assignees,  as 
well  for  non-payment  of  the  duties  contained  in  their  original 
infeftments,  as  for  non-performance  of  due  homage  conform 
thereto,  or  for  non-fulfilment  of  any  point  of  the  said  original 
infeftment,  or  for  commission  of  any  fault  or  deed  of  omission 
or  commission  prejudicial  thereto,  and  whereby  the  said  original 
infeftment  may  in  any  way  be  lawfully  impugned  or  called  in 
question ;  for  ever  acquitting  and  remitting  the  same  simpliciter 
with  all  title,  action,  instance,  and  interest  heretofore  competent, 
or  that  may  be  competent  to  us  and  our  heirs  and  successors, 
renouncing  the  same  simpliciter  jure  lite  et  causa  cum  pacto  de 
non  petendo :  and  with  supplement  of  defects  as  well  not  named 
as  named,  which  we  will  to  be  held,  as  expressed  in  this  our 
present  charter. 

To  be  holden  in  free  blench  farm  as  said  is,  and  dispensing 
with  non-entry  whensoever  it  shall  happen  in  manner  afore- 
said :  Moreover,  we,  for  us  and  our  successors,  with  advice  afore- 
said, give,  grant,  and  commit  power  to  the  said  Sir  William 
Alexander  and  his  heirs  and  assignees,  of  having  and  lawfully 
establishing  and  causing  to  be  coined  current  money  in  the  said 
country  and  lordship  of  New  Scotland,  and  for  the  readier  con- 
venience of  commerce  and  bargains  among  the  inhabitants  thereof, 
of  such  metal,  form,  and  fashion  as  they  shall  design,  or  appoint : 
And  for  this  effect,  we  give,  grant,  and  commit  to  them,  or  their 
heirs  and  assignees,  lieutenants  of  the  said  country,  the  privileges 
of  coining  money  with  iron  instruments,  and  with  officers  neces- 
sary for  that  purpose :  Further,  we,  for  us  and  our  successors, 
with  advice  aforesaid,  have  given,  granted,  ratified,  and  confirmed, 
and  by  our  present  charter  give,  grant,  ratify,  and  confirm,  to  the 
said  Sir  William  Alexander,  and  his  heirs  and  assignees,  all 
places,  privileges,  prerogatives,  pre-eminences,  and  precedencies 
whatsoever,  given,  granted,  and  reserved,  or  to  be  given,  granted, 
and  reserved,  to  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander,  his  heirs  and 
assignees;  and  his  successors,  lieutenants  of  the  said  country 


and  lordship  of  New  Scotland,  over  the  knights-baronets,  and 
remanent  portioners  and  associates,  of  the  said  plantations, 
so  as  the  said  Sir  William  Alexander,  and  his  heirs-male 
descending  of  his  body,  as  lieutenants  foresaid,  shall  and  may 
take  place,  prerogative,  pre-eminence,  and  precedency,  as  well 
before  all  esquires,  lairds,  and  gentlemen  of  our  said  kingdom 
of  Scotland,  as  before  all  the  foresaid  knights-baronets  of  our 
said  kingdom,  and  all  others  before  whom  the  said  knights- 
baronets,  in  virtue  of  the  privilege  of  dignity  to  them,  can  have 
place  and  precedency ;  for  the  advancement  of  which  plantation 
and  colony  of  New  Scotland,  and  in  respect  of  it  especially,  the 
said  knights-baronets  were,  with  advice  foresaid,  created  in  our 
said  kingdom  of  Scotland,  with  their  estate  and  dignity,  as  a 
special  token  of  our  favour  conferred  upon  such  gentlemen  and 
honourably  born  persons,  portioners  of  the  foresaid  plantation 
and  colony ;  with  this  express  provision  always,  that  the  number 
of  the  foresaid  baronets  never  exceed  one  hundred  and  fifty. 
Finally,  we,  with  advice  aforesaid,  for  us,  our  heirs  and  successors, 
will,  decern,  and  ordain  that  this  our  patent  and  infeftment,  with 
all  its  contents,  be  ratified,  approved,  and  confirmed  in  our  next 
Parliament  of  our  kingdom  of  Scotland ;  and  that  it  may  have 
the  force,  strength  and  effect,  of  an  act,  statute,  and  decree  of 
that  supreme  judicatory,  as  to  which  we,  for  us  and  our  suc- 
cessors, declare  and  ordain  this  our  present  charter,  to  be  a  suffi- 
cient warrant  to  the  Lords  of  the  Articles  of  our  said  Parliament, 
for  the  ratification  and  confirmation  thereof  in  manner  before 
written.  Moreover,  to  our  lovites  and  each  of  you 

conjunctly  and  severally,  our  sheriffs  in  that  part  especially  con- 
stituted, greeting :  We  charge  and  command  you  that  ye  give  and 
deliver  to  the  foresaid  Sir  William  Alexander,  or  his  certain 
attorney,  bearer  of  these  presents,  heritable  state  and  seisin,  as 
well  as  corporal,  actual,  and  real  possession  of  all  and  whole 
the  foresaid  lands,  country,  and  lordship  of  New  Scotland,  with 
all  and  sundry  parts,  pendicles,  privileges,  commodities,  immu- 
nities, and  others,  generally  as  well  as  particularly  above  expressed, 
at  our  said  Castle  of  Edinburgh,  without  delay,  and  this  in  no 
wise  ye  leave  undone:  Which  to  do,  we  commit  to  you  and 


each  of  you  conjunctly  and  severally,  our  sheriffs  in  that  part 
foresaid,  our  full  and  irrevocable  power  by  our  present  charter : 
which  seisin  we,  with  advice  aforesaid,  for  us  and  our  successors, 
by  our  present  charter,  will,  declare,  and  ordain  to  be  as  lawful 
and  sufficient  as  if  precepts  of  seisin,  separately  and  ordinarily 
to  that  effect,  had  been  directed  out  of  our  Chancery  upon  our 
said  charter,  as  to  which  we,  with  advice  aforesaid,  for  us,  our 
heirs  and  successors,  have  j dispensed,  and  by  our  present  charter 
for  ever  dispense. 

In  Witness  whereof,  we  have  ordered  our  Great  Seal  to  be 
appended  to  this  our  present  charter,  the  witnesses  being  our 
well-beloved  cousins  and  councillors,  James,  Marquis  of  Ham- 
ilton, Earl  of  Arran  and  Cambridge,  Lord  Aven  and  Innerdaill, 
etc. ;  William,  Earl  Marischal,  Lord  Keith,  etc.,  Marischal  of  our 
kingdom ;  our  beloved  councillor,  Sir  George  Hay  of  Kinfauns, 
knight,  our  Chancellor ;  our  well-beloved  cousin  and  councillor, 
Thomas,  Earl  of  Melrose,  Lord  Binning  and  Byers,  our  Secretary ; 
our  beloved  familiar  Councillors,  Sir  Kichard  Cokbourne  of 
Clerkington,  Keeper  of  our  Privy  Seal ;  Sir  John  Hamilton  of 
Magdalens,  Clerk  of  our  Eolls,  Eegister,  and  Council ;  Sir  George 
Elphinstone  of  Blythswoode,  our  Justice-Clerk ;  and  Sir  John 
Scot  of  Scotstarvet,  Director  of  our  Chancery,  Knights. — At  our 
Palace  of  Oatlands,  the  12th  day  of  July,  A.D.  1625,  and  the 
first  of  our  reign. 

No.  III. 


AFTER  a  great  travel  both  of  body  and  of  mind  which  (since  not 
voluntary,  but  imposed  upon  me)  was  the  more  painful,  by 
retiring  for  a  time  where  I  was  born,  of  late  gladly  embracing 
this  rarely  offered  opportunity  to  refresh  myself,  and  being 
curious,  as  the  most  dainty  kind  of  pleasure  for  such  as  are 


capable  of  their  delicacies,  to  recreate  myself  with  the  Muses 
(I  may  justly  say  recreate,  since  they  create  new  spirits,  which 
shaking  off  gross  affections,  diving  into  the  depths,  reaching  the 
heights,  and  contemplating  both,  are  transported  with  these 
things  which  are  only  worthy  to  entertain  so  noble  a  thing  as  the 
mind  of  man).  I  began  to  renew  my  acquaintance  there,  having 
of  a  long  time  been  a  stranger  with  them;  so  that  at  the  first,  I 
could  not  begin  to  practise  as  one  of  their  ordinary  train,  but 
only  to  court  with  these  whose  credit  might  procure  my  access. 
I  conversed  with  some  of  the  modern  as  well  as  with  the  ancients, 
kindling  my  fire  at  those  fires  which  do  still  burn  out  of  the 
ashes  of  ancient  ^ authors,  to  whom  I  find  them  in  no  way 
inferior,  though  like  affectioned  patriots,  by  writing  in  the  vulgar 
tongues,  seeking  to  grace  their  own  country.  I  have  pitied  the 
ignorance  of  some  who  might  be  admitted  for  versifiers  and  poets, 
that  would  extol  as  an  excellent  piece  of  poetry,  that  which, 
wanting  life,  had  nothing  but  language,  masking  ignorance  with 
Greek  and  Latin,  whose  treasure  long  feeding  upon,  they  had  by 
time  digested,  and  converted  to  their  own  use,  though  venting  it 
but  in  excrements  ! 

Language  is  but  the  apparel  of  poesy :  which  may  give  beauty 
but  not  strength.  And  when  I  censure  any  poet,  I  first  dissolve 
the  general  contexture  of  his  work  in  several  pieces,  to  see  what 
sinews  it  hath,  and  to  mark  what  will  remain  behind,  when  that 
external  gorgeousness  consisting  in  the  choice  or  placing  of  words 
as  if  it  would  bribe  the  ear  to  corrupt  the  judgment,  is  first 
removed,  or  at  least  only  marshalled  in  its  own  degree.  I  value 
language  as  a  conduit ;  the  variety  thereof  to  several  shapes,  and 
adorned  truth  or  witty  inventions,  that  which  it  should  deliver. 
I  compare  a  poem  to  a  garden,  the  disposing  of  the  parts  of  the 
one  to  the  several  walks  of  the  other;  the  decorum  kept  in 
descriptions  and  representing  of  persons,  to  the  proportion  and 
distances  to  be  observed  in  such  things  as  are  planted  therein, 
and  the  variety  of  invention,  to  the  diversity  of  flowers  thereof : 
whereof  three  sorts  do  chiefly  please  me — a  grave  sentence  by 
which  the  judgment  may  be  bettered ;  a  witty  conceit  which 
doth  harmoniously  delight  the  spirits ;  and  a  generous  rapture 


expressing  magnanimity,  whereby  the  mind  may  be  inflamed  for 
great  things.  All  the  rest,  for  the  most  part,  is  but  a  naked  nar- 
ration or  gross  stuff  to  uphold  the  general  frame :  yet  the  more 
apt,  if  well  contrived  and  eloquently  delivered,  to  angle  vulgar 
readers,  who  perchance  can  scarce  conceive  the  other. 

I  condemn  their  opinions,  who,  as  they  would  include  all 
perfection  in  one,  do  prefer  some  one  with  whom  they  sympa- 
thise, or  whom  they  have  most  practised,  to  all  others.  There  is 
none  singular  in  all,  and  yet  all  are  singular  in  some  things. 
There  is  none  so  excellent,  that  is  not  excelled  in  some  pieces 
by  some  others ;  and  every  one  hath  his  own  particular  grace, 
none  being  positively,  but  only  comparatively  to  be  praised,  and 
that  for  parts,  not  in  the  whole — men's  works,  like  themselves, 
not  being  all  of  one  quality,  nor  ever  alike. 

I  like  the  phrase,  style,  method,  and  discreet  carriage  of 
Virgil ;  the  vigour  and  variety  of  invention  in  Ovid ;  the  deep 
judgment  and  grave  sentences  of  Horace  and  Juvenal;  the 
heroical  conceptions,  showing  an  innate  generosity,  in  Statius 
Papianus  and  Lucan.  And  I  cannot  wonder  enough  at  that 
man  (deservedly  renowned  and  admirably  learned),  who,  with  a 
passionate  kind  of  partiality  (the  more  strange  that  it  is  against 
dead  men,  who  have  exceeded  envy,  having  their  just  value  set 
upon  them  by  sundry  ages),  would  advisedly  vilify  Lucan  in 
so  extreme  a  measure,  saying,  "Videtur  potius  latrare  quam 
canere ; "  whom  Statius  Papianus  and  Martial  (his  superiors  in 
poesy),  both  celebrating  his  birth  by  eternal  testimonies,  have 
magnified  so  much : 

"  Hsec  est  ilia  dies,  quse  magni  conscia  partus 
Lucanum  populis  et  tibi  Polla  dedit ; " 

and  thereafter : 

"  Vatis  Apollinei,  magno  memorabilia  ortu 
Lux  redit,  Aonidum  turba  favete  sacris 
Hsec  merita,  cum  te  terris  Lucane  dedisset 
Mixtus  Castaliae  Boetis  ut  esset  aquae. " 

Julius  Scaliger  doth  aggravate  much  any  hyperbole  wherein 
he  hath  seemed  to  exceed,  and  hath  not  remarked,  at  least  will 


not  remember,  the  unmatchable  height  of  his  ravishing  conceits 
to  provoke  magnanimity.  If  he  had  as  narrowly  sifted  Virgil, 
whom  he  will  needs  justify  as  without  any  blemish,  without 
reposing  as  by  an  implicit  faith  upon  his  sufficiency,  he  would 
have  found  an  error  in  him  more  gross  than  any  that  is  in 
Lucan ;  as  this,  where  the  praise  of  an  epic  poem  is  to  feign  a 
person  exceeding  nature,  not  such  as  all  ordinarily  be,  but  with 
all  the  perfections  whereof  a  man  can  be  capable — every  defi- 
ciency in  that  imaginary  man  being  really  the  author's  own, 
whose  unlimited  invention,  for  lack  of  judgment,  could  reach 
to  no  greater  height.  He  (seeking  to  extol  the  valour  of  ^Eneas, 
which  only  could  be  done  by  the  valour  of  some  valorous  enemy 
whom  he  had  vanquished)  doth  so  extremely  extenuate  the 
courage  of  Turnus  at  his  death,  leaving  him  no  time  to  recover 
it,  that,  where  out  of  a  poetic  liberty  he  should  have  afforded 
more  than  was  ordinary,  wanting  nothing  but  fortune,  and  at 
least  inferior  to  none  but  to  him  whom  he  would  grace  with  his 
ruin,  he  doth  make  him  die  like  a  dastard;  casting  thereby 
down  all  the  glory  intended  for  ^Eneas  overcoming  but  a  coward ; 
and,  in  a  more  abject  manner  than  the  lowest-minded  man 
could  have  descended  to  conceive,  burdening  the  gods  with  his 
cowardice,  whose  mind,  in  whatsoever  state  his  body  was,  should 
have  continued  free,  not  basely  begging  his  life. 

"  Ille  humilis  supplexque,  oculos  dextramque  precantem 
Protendens,  '  equidem  merui,  nee  deprecor '  inquit 
Utere  sorte  tua ;  miseri  te  si  qua  Parentis 
Tangere  cura  potest,  oro  (fuit  et  tibi  talis 
Anchises  genitor),  Donni  miserere  senectse ; 
Et  me  seu  corpus  spoliatum  lumine  mavis, 
Reddemeis;  Vicisti;  tua  est  Lavinia  conjux." 

Thus  would  he  unworthily  ransom  his  life  with  loss  of  his 
honour  and  of  his  lady,  and  I  never  read  that  part  of  Virgil  but 
I  remember  the  speech  of  Paulus  Emilius,  when  Perseus,  King 
of  Macedon,  came  with  tears,  a  suitor  to  him,  that  he  might  not 
be  led  in  triumph.  "  Fie  upon  you,  beast,"  said  he ;  "  you  beg 
that  which  you  ought  to  give  unto  yourself,  and  have  disgraced 
my  victory,  who  now,  after  all  my  travels,  can  have  no  credit, 


having  only  overcome  such  a  base  coward  as  was  not  worthy  to 
have  been  contended  with."  If  I  have  been  too  bold  in  censur- 
ing Julius  Scaliger,  let  me  be  excused  by  his  example  in  cen- 
suring all  his  betters ;  and  it  is  only  to  give  Lucan  his  due,  not 
to  derogate  from  him. 

There  is  no  man  doth  satisfy  me  more  than  that  notable 
Italian,  Torquato  Tasso,  in  whom  I  find  no  blemish  but  that  he 
doth  make  Solyman,  by  whose  overthrow  he  would  grace  Kin- 
aldo,  to  die  fearfully,  belying  the  part  that  he  would  have  per- 
sonated during  his  life ;  as  if  he  would  choose  rather  to  err  in 
imitating  others,  than  to  prove  singular  by  himself.  Speron, 
thinking  his  exquisite  work  of  "  Godfred  "  to  be  too  full  of  rich 
conceits,  and  more  dainty  than  did  become  the  gravity  of  such  a 
work,  said  that  it  was  an  "  heroic  poem  written  in  madrigals ; " 
and  yet  when  he  wrote  a  "  Week  of  the  Creation  "  in  emulation 
of  Du  Bartas,  it  did  no  way  approach  to  the  perfections  of  the 
other,  which  doth  confirm  me  in  my  first  opinion,  that  evei»y 
author  hath  his  own  genius  directing  him,  by  a  secret  inspira- 
tion, to  that  wherein  he  may  most  excel,  and,  as  I  said,  excelling 
in  some  tilings,  and  none  in  all. 

Many  would  bound  the  boundless  liberty  of  a  poet — binding 
him  only  to  the  birth  of  his  own  brains ;  affirming  that  there 
can  be  no  perfection  but  in  a  fiction ;  not  considering  that  the 
ancients,  upon  whose  example  they  ground  their  opinion,  did 
give  faith  unto  those  fables  whereby  they  would  abuse  our 
credulity,  not  only  as  to  true  history,  but  as  to  true  Divinity, 
since  containing  the  greatness  of  their  gods  and  grounds  of  their 
religion,  which  they  in  their  own  kind  did  strive  superstitiously 
to  extol ;  so  that  hereby  they  would  either  make  our  religion 
or  our  affection  thereunto  inferior  unto  theirs,  and  imaginary 
matters  to  be  more  celebrated  than  true  deeds,  whose  envied 
price,  affectionately  looked  upon,  must  beget  a  generous  emula- 
tion in  any  virtuous  reader's  mind. 

The  treasures  of  poesy  cannot  be  better  bestowed  than  upon 
the  apparelling  of  truth,  and  truth  cannot  be  better  apparelled 
to  please  young  lovers  than  with  the  excellences  of  poesy.  I 
would  allow  that  an  epic  poem  should  consist  altogether  of  a 

*  0 


fiction,  that  the  poet,  soaring  above  the  course  of  nature,  making 
the  beauty  of  virtue  to  invite,  and  the  honour  of  vice  to  affright, 
the  beholders,  may  liberally  furnish  his  imaginary  man  with  all 
the  qualities  requisite  for  the  accomplishing  of  a  perfect  creature, 
having  power  to  dispose  of  all  things  at  his  own  pleasure. 

No.  IV. 


ALEXANDER  HUMPHRYS,  one  of  the  claimants  of  the  earldom  of 
Stirling,  was  son  of  William  Humphrys,  merchant,  residing  at 
Fair  Hill,  Birmingham,  by  his  wife,  Hannah,  younger  daughter 
of  the  Rev.  John  Alexander,  who,  on  the  1st  November  1743, 
died  minister  of  Plunket  Street  Presbyterian  Church,  Dublin, 
and  whose  father,  James  Alexander,  a  solicitor  at  Dublin,  was 
descended  from  the  family  of  Alexander,  at  Candren,  near  Pais- 
ley (vol.  ii.,  chap,  xxiii,). 

Alexander  Humphrys  was  born  at  Birmingham  on  the  21st 
June  1783,  Having  accompanied  his  father  to  France  during 
the  peace  of  Amiens  in  1802,  he  was,  on  the  outbreak  of  hos- 
tilities, arrested  by  order  of  Napoleon.  His  father  died  at 
Verdun,  in  France,  on  the  1st  May  1807,  but  he  personally  con- 
tinued a  captive  till  1814,  when,  on  the  restoration  of  peace,  he 
returned  to  England.  The  family  resources  being  nearly  ex- 
hausted, he  settled  at  Worcester,  where  he  some  time  assisted 
in  Netherton  House  school,  which  he  subsequently  conducted 
on  his  own  account.  Through  his  wife,  Fortunata  Bartoletti 
of  Naples,  whom  he  married  in  1812,  he  became  acquainted 
with  Mademoiselle  le  Normand,*  who,  at  Paris,  conducted  busi- 

*  Mademoiselle  le  Normand  composed  the  following,  among  other  works : 
"  Les  Souvenirs  Prophetiques  d'une  Sibylle,"  8vo,  1814  ;  "  Memoires  Historiques 
et  Secrets  de  I'lmpe'ratrice  Josephine,"  2  vols.,  8vo,  1820,  of  which  a  second 


ness  as  an  authoress,  book-vender,  and  fortune-teller  by  cards. 
This  person  predicted  that,  after  encountering  many  trials  and 
difficulties,  he  would  attain  distinction  and  opulence.  Impressed 
with  this  prediction,  he  proceeded,  on  the  death  of  his  mother, 
which  took  place  on  the  12th  September  1814,  to  institute  in- 
quiries as  to  his  descent.  There  was,  he  learned,  a  dormant  peerage 
in  the  House  of  Alexander ;  and  in  1815,  or  the  year  following,  he 
requested  Mr  Josiah  Corrie,  his  family  solicitor  at  Birmingham, 
to  promote,  on  his  behalf,  a  claim  for  the  earldom  of  Stirling. 
Mr  Corrie,  in  the  absence  of  documents,  declined  to  act. 

In  February  1819,  some  one,  under  the  signature  of  "F.  D.," 
communicated  with  the  Gentleman's  Magazine,  desiring  to  receive 
some  information  respecting  the  family  of  Alexander.  He 
specially  inquired — "  1.  What  descendants,  from  the  fourth, 
fifth,  sixth,  and  seventh  sons,  of  Sir  William  Alexander,  were 
existing  in  1739  ?  When  the  earldom  became  dormant  ?  and 
who  and  what  are  the  descendants  now  existing  ?  2.  Whether 
any  correct  pedigrees  of  the  family,  comprising  the  younger 
branches  down  to  1740,  or  later,  can  be  procured  ?  3.  Whether 
it  be  possible  to  refer  to  the  papers  of  the  successive  claimants 
of  the  honours  ?" 

In  the  Gentleman's  Magazine  for  April  1819,  the  editor  refers 
to  further  inquiries  by  "  F.  D."  in  these  words : 

" '  F.  D./  in  addition  to  the  inquiries  respecting  the  Alexander 
family,  inserted  in  our  number  for  February  last,  p.  98,  would 
be  thankful  for  any  particulars,  through  the  medium  of  our  mis- 
cellany, of  the  descent  of  the  Eev.  John  Alexander,  minister  of 
the  Presbyterian  church  in  Plunket  Street,  Dublin,  from  1730 
till  his  death,  November  1,  1743.  Mr  Alexander  was  a  native 
of  Londonderry,  and  nearest  male  heir  to  the  earldom-  of  Stirling 
on  the  demise  of  Henry,  fifth  earl,  in  1739.  He  was  author  of 
an  excellent  work  on  Irenseus,  and  one  of  those  men  whose 
society  was  courted  by  the  celebrated  Dean  Swift." 

edition,  in  three  volumes,  was  published  in  1827  ;  "  Souvenirs  de  la  Belgique 
Cent  Jours  d'Infortunes,  ou  le  Proces  Memorable,"  8vo,  1822  ;  "Ombre  Immor- 
telle de  Catharine  II.  au  Tombeau  d'Alexandre  I.,"  8vo,  1826  (Swinton's  Keport 
of  Humphrys'  Trial). 


The  statement  by  "F.  D."  that  the  Eev.  John  Alexander  of 
Dublin  composed  "  an  excellent  work  on  Irenaeus "  had  been 
made  in  a  letter,  alleged  by  "  one  of  Mr  Alexander's  descendants 
at  Birmingham  "  to  have  been  written  by  Dr  Isaac  "Watts,  to  Mr 
Alexander  "from  the  Lady  Abney's  in  Lime  Street,  London,  on 
the  18th  April  1727."  The  supposed  letter  was  printed  in  1816 
in  the  Monthly  Eepository  of  Theology,  a  religious  serial  pub- 
lished at  Hackney  (vol.  xl,  p.  193).  The  other  statements,  that 
Mr  Alexander  was  a  native  of  Londonderry,  a  friend  of  Dean 
Swift,  and  "  nearest  male  heir  to  the  earldom  of  Stirling,"  were 
altogether  groundless. 

With  the  signature  "  H.  W.,"  a  correspondent,  in  the  G-entle- 
man's  Magazine  for  May  1819,  presented  the  following  note : 

"The  Eev.  John  Alexander  was  probably  a  descendant  of 
Captain  Andrew  Alexander  of  Londonderry,  whose  name  appears 
in  the  list  of  Protestants  attainted  by  James  the  Second's  Par- 
liament, held  in  Dublin  in  1689." 

In  1823  Mr  Humphrys  entered  into  correspondence  with  Mr 
Thomas  Christopher  Banks  of  London,  author  of  the  "  Dormant 
and  Extinct  Baronage  of  England."  Having,  "  out  of  grateful 
respect  to  the  memory  of  his  maternal  grandfather,  John  Alex- 
ander, as  well  as  out  of  consideration  for  the  wishes  oftentimes 
expressed  by  his  deceased  mother,"  sought  permission  to  adopt 
the  surname  of  Alexander,  he  procured,  on  the  8th  March  1824, 
a  royal  licence  for  that  purpose.  Without  further  process,  he 
attended  the  election  of  a  representative  peer  in  Holyrood  Palace 
on  the  2d  June  1825,  and,  answering  to  the  name  of  the  Earl  of 
Stirling,  tendered  his  vote.  He  claimed  the  peerage  "  under  the 
destination  of  a  royal  charter  of  novodamus,  under  the  Great  Seal 
dated  7th  December  1639,  granted  by  Charles  I.  in  favour  of 
William,  Earl  of  Stirling"  (Eeg.  of  Elections  of  Peers,  vol.  ii., 
fol.  228). 

As  "Earl  of  Stirling,"  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  proceeded 
to  the  town  of  Stirling,  to  visit  a  locality  associated  with  his 
alleged  progenitors.  At  the  instance  of  Mr  James  Wright,  his 
solicitor  at  Stirling,  his  arrival  was  welcomed  by  the  ringing  of 
the  public  bells,  while  the  magistrates  waited  upon  him  at  his 


hotel,  to  offer  congratulations.  His  visit  was  chronicled  in  a 
local  newspaper,*  which  described  "  the  interest  with  which  his 
lordship  visited  the  castle,  and  every  part  of  the  town  worthy  of 
notice,"  adding  that  "he  seemed  to  take  peculiar  interest  in 
viewing  Argyle  Lodge,  formerly  the  town  residence  of  the  Earls 
of  Stirling." 

At  Stirling,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  confirmed  to  his  soli- 
citor, Mr  James  Wright,  his  claim  to  a  place  of  sepulture  ad- 
joining the  High  Church  (vol.  i.,  p.  187);  before  leaving  the 
place,  he  conveyed  to  the  treasurer  of  the  kirk  session  a  donation 
of  £5  for  the  parochial  poor.  In  appreciation  of  his  dignity 
and  munificence,  the  town  council  placed  him  on  their  burgess 
roll,  and  apprised  him  of  the  honour  in  these  terms:  "At 
Stirling,  the  twenty-seventh  day  of  June,  one  thousand  eight 
hundred  and  twenty-five  years. — Which  day  the  magistrates 
and  town  council  of  the  burgh  of  Stirling  being  convened, 
they  resolve  to  elect  and  admit  the  Eight  Honourable  Alex- 
ander, Earl  of  Stirling,  to  be  a  burgess  qua  guildbrother  of 
the  burgh;  and  authorise  the  provost  to  subscribe  a  proper 
ticket  of  admission,  and  transmit  the  same  to  his  lordship,  the 
expense  being  to  be  defrayed  by  the  town,  and  authorise  the 
chamberlain  to  pay  the  same  accordingly.  Extracted  from  the 
Eecords  of  the  Town  Council  of  the  Burgh  of  Stirling  by  Wil- 
liam Galbraith,  Town  Clerk." 

From  Stirling  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  proceeded  to  Glasgow, 
where  he  was  introduced  to  Mr  John  Dillon,  a  solicitor  with 
whom,  in  relation  to  his  claims,  he  subsequently  corresponded. 
Under  the  designation  of  "Alexander  Humphrys  Alexander, 
Earl  of  Stirling,"  he  was,  on  the  7th  February  1826,  served  before 
the  Bailie  Court  of  Canongate  "  lawful  and  nearest  heir-male  in 
general  of  his  mother,"  Hannah  Alexander ;  he  was  thereafter 
retoured  "Earl  of  Stirling  and  Dovan,"f  his  mother  being 
described  as  "  Countess  of  Stirling."  In  this  service  was  assumed 
the  validity  of  the  charter  of  novodamus  of  the  7th  December 

*  Stirling  Journal,  16th  June  1825. 

t  The  Do  van  was  the  ancient  name  of  the  river  Devon,  which  flowed  near 
Menstry  in  its  passage  from  the  Ochil  hills  to  the  river  Forth. 


1639,  on  which  he  had  in  June  recorded  at  Holyrood  his  claim 
to  the  earldom ;  it  was  made  to  re-grant  to  the  first  earl,  on  his 
resignation  of  a  former  patent,  the  earldom  of  Stirling  and 
Dovan,  with  remainder  to  females,  failing  heirs-male.  In  the 
service  was  presented  a  statement  of  pedigree,  in  which  Mr 
Humphrys  Alexander's  maternal  grandfather,  the  Eev.  John 
Alexander,  was  described  as  son  of  John  Alexander  of  Antrim, 
son  of  John  Alexander,  fourth  son  of  the  first  earl,  by  his  wife, 
Agnes  Graham.  At  a  subsequent  stage  he  corrected  his  pedi- 
gree by  alleging  that  his  ancestor,  John  Alexander  of  Antrim, 
was  son  of  John  Alexander  of  Gartmore  by  a  second  wife, 
"  Elizabeth  Maxwell  of  Londonderry." 

Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  despatched  to  America  Mr  Thomas 
Christopher  Banks,  there  to  assert  his  claim  as  Earl  of  Stirling 
to  the  vast  territories  which  had  belonged  to  the  first  earl.  To  Mr 
Dillon,  his  Glasgow  correspondent,  he,  in  a  letter,  dated  the  24th 
November  1826,  wrote  as  follows  :  "  I  have  been  cruelly  disap- 
pointed about '  the  loan  negotiation/  which  has  been  twice  broken 
off  and  again  renewed.  The  great  news  received  from  Mr  Banks 
by  the  last  packet  has  made  the  prospect  brighten  up  again,  and 
I  am  now  once  more  flattered  that  the  object  of  my  wishes  will 
be  accomplished  almost  immediately.  By  all  he  was  received 
in  a  most  flattering  manner.  The  British  consul,  Mr  Buchanan, 
had  tendered  his  services  to  Mr  Banks  in  a  very  handsome 
manner,  by  a  letter.  With  my  second  counsel,  Mr  Clark,  whom 
Mr  B.  describes  as  a  man  of  high  character,  great  soundness, 
and  perspicuity  of  judgment,  and  devoted  to  my  interests  with 
an  ardent  zeal,  he  had  had  daily  meetings  and  conversations, 
for  the  purpose  of  examining  the  charters  and  documents,  and 
arranging  the  plan  of  proceedings.  The  cause  will  be  conducted 
in  its  proper  time  for  hearing,  by  Mr  Webster,  as  leading  coun- 
sel, assisted  by  Mr  Clark,  and  Mr  Banks  as  my  agent  and  repre- 
sentative; and  it  is  now  confidently  anticipated  the  Congress 
will  grant  me  a  location  of  five  millions  of  acres,  which  is  found 
to  be  not  one-twentieth  part  of  the  lands  originally  granted,  all 
convertible  at  once,  at  common  market  prices,  into  cash,  and  will 
be  more  than  one  million  sterling."  To  Mr  Dillon  he  reported, 


on  the  25th  July  1827,  that  Mr  Banks  was  using  in  America, 
"  with  complete  effect,  copies  of  charters  obtained  by  the  first 
Earl  of  Stirling,"  adding,  "  By  degrees,  all  the  valuable  papers  of 
which  my  grandfather  was  robbed,  about  the  time  that  the 
General  preferred  his  claims  to  the  earldom,  are  finding  their  way 
back  to  me." 

Mr  Banks  returned  from  America  in  the  autumn  of  1827, 
when  "  the  loan  negotiation  "  was  vigorously  renewed.  In  April 
1828,  on  the  recommendation  of  Mr  James  Wright,  Stirling, 
Mr  Ephraim  Lockhart,  Writer  to  the  Signet  at  Edinburgh, 
undertook  the  office  of  law  adviser  in  the  case,  and,  under  his 
direction,  Mr  Banks  proceeded  to  Ireland  to  institute  inquiries 
respecting  the  claimant's  family.  The  materials  which  Mr 
Banks  alleged  he  had  procured  in  Ireland  during  his  visit  in 
1828  did  not  include  the  charter  of  novodamus,  and  he  accord- 
ingly undertook  a  second  mission  to  Ireland  early  in  1829. 
From  Carlow  he  communicated  to  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  on 
the  17th  March,  that,  having  "found,  on  his  return  to  Dublin, 
on  the  10th  inst.,  a  parcel,  enclosing  an  old  document,  which 
appears  to  be  an  excerpt  from  the  charter  of  novodamus,  7th 
December  1639,  and  bearing  on  it  an  indorsement,  with  the 
initials,  as  they  seemed,  of  Mr  Conyers,"  he  had  proceeded  to 
Carlow  to  make  inquiry  about  it  of  Mr  Fairclough,  who  was 
possessor,  he  had  ascertained,  of  some  of  Mr  Conyers'  papers.* 

Deeming  the  "  excerpt "  genuine,  Mr  Lockhart  proceeded  to 

*  To  Mr  Conyers  we  shall  refer  subsequently.  It  may  be  stated  meanwhile  that 
Mr  Banks  afterwards  acknowledged  that  the  excerpt  charter  came  into  his 
hands  at  Carlow,  having  there  reached  him  by  post  in  a  packet,  which  bore  the 
postmark  of  Portsmouth  or  Falmouth.  But  the  narrative  which  he  transmitted 
to  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  was  intended  for  transmission  to  Mr  Lockhart, 
whom  it  was  necessary  to  satisfy  as  to  the  absolute  genuineness  of  his  discovery. 
On  this  subject  we  subjoin  a  MS.  note  of  the  late  Mr  William  B.  B.  D. 
Turnbull,  advocate,  Edinburgh  :  "Mr  Lockhart  stated  to  me  that  Banks  wrote 
to  him,  desiring  to  be  informed  of  the  style  of  a  novodamus,  supposing  such  had 
been  granted  to  the  first  Earl  of  Stirling.  Lockhart  sent  him  a  draft,  and  was 
surprised  when  he  received  '  the  excerpt '  three  months  afterwards,  to  find  that 
Banks  had  made  it  in  ipsissimis  verbis  of  the  copy  sent  him.  Banks  had  at  the 
same  time  procured  from  the  Kegister  House  various  copies  of  charters  granted 
about  the  period  founded  on." 

216  -APPENDIX. 

raise  upon  it,  in  the  Court  of  Session,  a  process  for  proving 
the  tenor  of  the  novodamus  charter.  This  action  was  raised 
against  "Dr  John  Watts,  physician,  New  York,  and  William 
Alexander  Duer,  Esq.,  residing  in  Albany,  in  the  state  of  New 
York,  grandsons  and  heirs-portioners  of  line  of  the  deceased 
William  Alexander,  surveyor-general  of  the  province  of  New 
Jersey,"  the  summons  setting  forth  that  the  alleged  charter 
had,  about  the  year  1758,  been  abstracted  from  Mrs  Hannah 
Alexander,  the  claimant's  grandmother,  by  "  a  servant  of  hers, 
at  the  instigation  of  the  said  William  Alexander."  As  probably 
anticipated,  Messrs  Watts  and  Duer,  who  had  no  possible 
interest  in  the  case,  remained  silent.  The  action  was,  however, 
resisted  by  the  officers  of  State,  and  was  dismissed  on  the  4th 
March  1830.  It  was  followed  by  another  action,  directed  against 
the  officers  of  State,  and  Mr  Graham  of  Gartmore,  in  which 
"  the  excerpt "  of  the  alleged  charter  of  novodamus  was  again 
founded  on.  This  second  action  was  dismissed  on  the  2d  March 

The  alleged  discovery  of  the  excerpt  charter  took  place  in  the 
spring  of  1829,  and  thereafter  Mr  Humphry s  Alexander  was 
enabled  to  recommend  his  case  to  financial  agents  and  money- 
lenders. In  October  1829,  he  quitted  Worcester  for  London, 
where,  through  a  person  named  Morant,  he  was  introduced  to 
Mr  John  Tyrrell,  a  financial  agent.  Ascertaining  from  Mr  James 
Wright,  the  claimant's  solicitor  at  Stirling,  that  Mr  Edward 
Alexander  of  Powis  claimed  descent  from  an  ancestor  of  the 
first  Earl  of  Stirling,  Mr  Tyrrell  suggested  to  Mr  Alexander's 
elder  son,  now  Major-General  Sir  James  Edward  Alexander, 
that  the  honours  and  advantages  of  the  earldom  might  be 
shared  with  him,  on  his  abetting  the  claim.  The  proposal  not 
being  entertained,  Mr  Tyrrell  introduced  the  claimant  to  several 
capitalists,  who,  on  his  granting  them  bonds  for  £50,000,  handed 
him  sums  together  amounting  to  £13,000.  Mr  Humphrys 
Alexander  now  rented  a  house  in  Baker  Street,  and  set  up  his 

*  Commenting  on  the  evidence  given  by  Mr  Tyrrell  at  Mr  Humphrys  Alex- 
ander's trial  in  April  1839,  the  anonymous  author  of  a  pamphlet,  issued  on  the 


Procuring  a  brieve  from  Chancery,  dated  the  21st  September 
1830,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  was,  on  the  llth  October  of 
that  year,  served  by  a  jury  in  the  Burgh  Court  of  Canongate, 
heir  in  general  of  William,  first  Earl  of  Stirling,  described  in 
the  record  as  "his  great -great -great -grandfather."  Among 
the  documents  accompanying  the  claim  were  extracts  from 
Douglas's  Peerage,  and  from  parochial  and  other  records ;  also 
several  documents,  of  which  the  genuineness  was  subsequently 
questioned.  Of  these  last  two  were  affidavits,  dated  1722 
and  1723.  In  the  former,  Sara  Lyner,  "residing  at  Bally- 
ryder,  in  the  parish  of  Stradbally,  Queen's  County,  Ireland,  a 
widow,  aged  eighty-four,"  deponed  that  her  mother  was  in  the 
service  of  Lord  Montgomery,  in  the  county  of  Down,  and  that 
while  there  "Mr  John  Alexander  of  Garthmore,  a  son  of  the 
Lord  Sterline  in  Scotland,  came  to  see  my  lord,  and  brought 
with  him  his  ounely  son."  In  the  family  of  this  "  only  son," 
Mr  John  Alexander  of  Antrim,  she  subsequently  served;  she 
was  present  when  in  May  1682  he  married  Miss  Mary  Ham- 
ilton at  Donagheady,  and  she  nursed  her  mistress  after  the 
birth  of  her  only  son  in  September  1686,  and  which  son  was 
then  (1722)  residing  at  Stratford -upon -Avon,  Warwickshire. 
This  affidavit  of  Sara  Lyner  bore  to  have  been  sworn  before 
Jonas  Percy,  an  Extraordinary  Commissioner  of  the  Irish  Court 
of  Chancery. 

The  second  affidavit  proceeded  in  the  name  of  Henry  Hoven- 
den  of  Ballynakill,  in  the  Queen's  County,  and  bore  to  have  been 
sworn  on  the  16th  July  1723,  before  the  Hon.  John  Pocklington, 
one  of  the  Barons  of  Exchequer  in  Ireland.  In  this  instru- 
ment, Hovenden  declared  that  the  Rev.  John  Alexander,  then 
residing  in  Warwickshire,  was  "grandson  and  only  male  repre- 
sentative of  John  Alexander  of  Gartmore,  the  fourth  son  of 
William,  first  Earl  of  Stirling;"  he  declared  further  that  he  had 

claimant's  behalf,  has  these  words  :  "  Of  this  money  [£13,000],  scarcely  as  many 
hundreds  ever  reached  Lord  Stirling's  pocket.  Only  a  portion  of  the  money,  less 
than  a  half,  was  ever  paid,  and  of  this  his  lordship  was  robbed  at  the  moment  of 
payment,  by  the  veiy  people  who  pretended  to  supply  it "  (Remarks  on  the  Trial 
of  the  Earl  of  Stirling,  by  an  English  Lawyer,  London,  1839,  8vo). 


seen  in  the  possession  of  Thomas  Conyers  of  Carlow  the  charter 
of  novodamus  of  the  7th  December  1639,  the  contents  of  which, 
as  presented  in  the  alleged  "excerpt,"  he  minutely  detailed. 
Thomas  Meredith,  a  notary-public,  certified  the  signature  of 
Hovenden ;  and  in  a  postscript  Thomas  Conyers  declared  that 
"  Lord  Sterling's  charter  was  trusted  to  his  late  father  in  trouble- 
some times  by  ye  decd  Mary,  Countess  of  Mfc  Alexander." 

On  the  30th  May  1831,  Mr  Humphry s  Alexander  followed 
up  his  service  as  heir-general  to  the  first  Earl  of  Stirling,  by 
effecting  a  service  "  as  heir  of  tailzie  and  provision  "  to  the  first 
Earl  of  Stirling,  in  different  lands  in  Scotland,  erected  into  an 
alleged  earldom  of  Dovan,  but  in  which  no  investiture  of  the 
ancestor  was  even  alleged.  Next,  on  the  10th  June  1831,  he  ob- 
tained a  brieve  as  heir  of  the  first  Earl  of  Stirling  in  the  lands, 
continents,  and  islands  of  Nova  Scotia,  and  part  of  Canada ;  and 
on  the  2d  July,  conducted  a  special  service  before  the  Sheriff  of 
Edinburgh — the  evidence  consisting  of  the  recorded  charter  in 
favour  of  the  first  earl,  dated  12th  July  1625,  and  of  the  retour 
of  his  previous  service  in  the  court  of  Canongate.  The  circle  of 
legal  formalities  was  completed  on  the  8th  July  1831,  when,  on 
a  precept  from  Chancery,  he  was  infeft  in  the  North  American 
territories  within  the  Castle  of  Edinburgh. 

While  these  proceedings  were  in  progress,  the  claimant  lost  no 
opportunity  of  asserting  his  alleged  rights.  He  voted  at  the 
general  election  of  representative  peers  on  the  2d  September 
1830,  and  at  the  general  election  on  the  3d  June  1831.  On  the 
14th  July  1831,  he  granted  his  agent,  Mr  Banks,  16,000  acres 
of  land  in  Canada,  and  created  him  a  baronet  of  Nova  Scotia. 
On  Mr  Philippart,  another  of  Ms  agents,  he  bestowed  similar 
honours  and  privileges.  As  "  lord  proprietor  of  the  province  of 
Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunswick,  and  the  adjacent  islands,"  he 
opened  an  office  at  53  Parliament  Street,  London,  for  the  sale 
of  lands,  and  for  debentures  on  his  American  possessions.  In  a 
prospectus,  dated  12th  July  1831,  he  offered  his  lands  in  Nova 
Scotia  at  prices  varying  from  two  to  twenty  shillings  per  acre. 
"  He  especially  recommended  for  purchase  by  colonists  a  million 
of  acres  of  most  excellent  land  in  New  Brunswick." 


In  January  1831  the  claimant  approached  the  throne.  He 
addressed  a  memorial  to  King  William  IV.,  praying  that  in 
his  character  as  a  peer  he  might  be  admitted  to  the  royal 
presence.  The  memorial  being  referred  to  Lord  Chancellor 
Brougham,  his  lordship  reported  to  the  king  the  decision  of  the 
Court  of  Session  adverse  to  the  memorialist,  and  his  own  opinion 
that  his  pretensions  were  untenable.  Mr  Humphrys  Alex- 
ander renewed  his  memorial  in  August,  when  he  claimed  the 
privilege,  as  Hereditary  Lieutenant  of  Nova  Scotia,  of  rendering 
homage  at  the  coronation.  This  application  was  unheeded.  To 
the  public  authorities  of  Nova  Scotia,  he,  on  the  28th  October 
1831,  addressed  a  manifesto,  in  which  he  refused  to  recognise 
any  allotment  of  territory  made  otherwise  than  by  his  alleged 
ancestor,  but  offering,  in  matters  of  purchase  or  lease,  to  allow 
"the  native  inhabitants  of  Nova  Scotia  or  Canada  every  pre- 
ference over  persons  emigrating  from  Great  Britain."  To  Earl 
Grey,  as  First  Commissioner  of  His  Majesty's  Treasury,  he  sent 
a  protest  against  any  interference  with  his  rights  on  the  part  of 
Government.  In  June  1832  he  petitioned  Parliament  against  a 
charter  being  granted  to  the  Land  Company  of  New  Brunswick 
and  Nova  Scotia.  These  proceedings  attracted  general  attention. 
In  1832  the  Marchioness-Dowager  of  Downshire,  as  heir  of  line 
of  the  fourth  Earl  of  Stirling,  presented  a  memorial  to  the 
House  of  Lords,  complaining  that  the  title  of  Earl  of  Stirling 
had  been  unlawfully  assumed,  and  setting  forth  that  if  the 
charter  of  novodamus  were  a  genuine  document,  its  effect  would 
be  to  vest  the  earldom  in  her  person.  On  the  19th  March  of 
the  same  year,  the  House  of  Lords,  on  the  motion  of  the  Earl 
of  Eosebery,  appointed  a  select  committee  to  consider  the  sub- 
ject of  persons  claiming  dormant  peerages  voting  at  elections  of 
Scottish  representative  peers,  with  a  view  of  preventing  the 
facility  with  which  titles  might  be  unlawfully  assumed.  To 
this  committee  the  memorial  of  the  Dowager  Marchioness  of 
Downshire  was  referred. 

Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  strongly  resisted  interference  with 
his  assumed  rights.  To  the  committee  of  the  House  of  Lords 
he  presented  a  protest,  in  which  he  maintained  that  the  Mar- 


chioness  of  Downshire  was  only  entitled  to  compete  with  him 
in  the  Scottish  courts,  by  which,  he  maintained,  his  title  had 
been  duly  recognised.  On  his  behalf,  in  1832,  Mr  Banks,  assum- 
ing the  title  of  "Sir  Thomas  Christopher  Banks,  Bart.  N.S.," 
issued  an  octavo  volume,  entitled,  "  An  Analytical  Statement  of 
the  Case  of  Alexander,  Earl  of  Stirling  and  Dovan,  containing  an 
explanation  of  his  official  dignities  and  peculiar  territorial  rights 
and  privileges  in  the  British  Colonies  of  Nova  Scotia  and 
Canada."  In  this  work,  which  was  dedicated  to  the  king,  Mr 
Banks  entreated  his  Majesty  to  recognise  his  client  as  de  facto 
Earl  of  Stirling  and  Dovan ;  he  added,  in  "  an  advertisement," 
that  he  regarded  his  own  title  of  baronet  as  being  perfectly  as 
legal  and  efficacious  as  if  it  had  been  conferred  by  the  Crown 
itself.  Against  the  claims  of  the  Marchioness  of  Downshire  he 
urged  his  client's  services  in  the  court  of  Canongate,  and  his 
votes  at  the  peers'  elections  at  Holyrood.  On  his  client's 
behalf,  he  further  pleaded  that,  as  a  peer,  he  had  been  exempted 
from  arrest  by  an  English  judge.  Connected  with  the  matter 
of  arrest,  he  referred  to  certain  proceedings  instituted  against  his 
client  at  the  instance  of  Vice- Admiral  Sir  Henry  Digby,  K.C.B., 
who  had  advanced  him  £500,  and  had  demanded  payment  of 
his  bond.  The  admiral,  he  declared,  had  acted  against  his  client 
in  a  manner  which  "  the  lowest  Jack  in  the  service  would  dis- 
approve," by  becoming  "a  cat's-paw  of  his  enemies,"  designating 
his  lordship  as  a  commoner,  employing  against  him  "  Janus-like 
solicitors,"  and  a  barrister  who  "  had  perverted  facts,"  and  drag- 
ging him  into  a  court  "  which  admitted  of  pettifogging  malice," 
viz.,  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas.  Mr  Banks'  "  Statement "  was 
accompanied  with  several  pedigree  charts,  and  a  map  entitled, 
"The  largest  and  most  valuable  portions  of  the  territories  in 
America  granted  to  the  Earl  of  Stirling." 

On  the  1st  January  1833,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  addressed 
to  the  Scottish  peers  a  printed  letter,  in  which  he  intimated  his 
intention  not  to  vote  at  the  approaching  election  at  Holyrood, 
lest  he  should  thereby  expose  himself  to  misrepresentation  or 
insult.  Having  remarked  that,  "  if  not  checked  in  their  reckless 
course,"  his  opponents  might  "  give  a  death-blow  to  the  privileges 


of  all  Scots  peers  who  have  not  seats  in  the  House  of  Lords," 
he  concluded :  "  The  day  of  retribution  is  not  far  off,  and  then 
I  may  act  a  part  which,  I  have  no  doubt,  will  cause  me  to  be 
differently  respected  and  considered  by  those  who  are  now 
pleased  to  cavil  about  straws,  and  who  would  deny  me  all  but 
what  they  cannot  give  nor  take  away,  namely,  a  rectitude  of 
conscience  and  principle,  which,  in  point  of  honour,  stands  as 
high  and  uncontaminated  as  that  of  the  proudest  of  my  oppon- 

The  printed  letter  addressed  to  the  Scottish  peers  was  followed 
by  a  series  of  anonymous  communications  in  the  Times,  the 
Morning  Post,  and  other  newspapers,  asserting  and  upholding 
Mr  Humphrys  Alexander's  claims. 

In  his  "  Analytical  Statement,"  Mr  Banks  expressed  himself 
as  "  not  doubtful "  that  the  Crown  would  concur  in  confirming 
him  as  a  baronet  of  Nova  Scotia.  Having  failed  to  obtain  recog- 
nition, he  raised  in  the  Court  of  Session  an  action  of  declarator, 
with  the  view  of  enforcing  it.  To  this  action  the  Scottish 
officers  of  State  lodged  defences,  which  Mr  Banks,  in  a  second 
pamphlet,  hastened  to  criticise.  His  new  publication  was 
addressed  to  the  sovereign.  It  bore  the  following  title :  "  A 
Letter  to  the  King's  most  excellent  Majesty,  respecting  what 
are  called  'the  defences  of  the  officers  of  State'  to  a  certain 
action  of  declarator  now  sisted  before  the  Court  of  Session  at 
Edinburgh,  showing  the  uncandid,  covert,  and  invidious  asser- 
tions therein  unnecessarily  introduced,  which,  having  been 
printed,  tend,  as  doubtless  meant,  to  the  prejudice  of  the  pursuer, 
in  the  merits  of  his  action,  and  of  his  public  character,  before 
trial  of  the  cause. 

"  '  "Which  rogue  ought  most  to  be  condenm'd  to  shame,' 
"Who  steals  my  purse,  or  he  who  saps  my  name  ? ' 

Edinburgh,  1834,  8vo." 

"  It  was  unfortunate,"  wrote  Mr  Banks,  "  for  monarchs,  who 
might  wish  to  live  and  reign  in  the  hearts  of  their  subjects,  that 
they  seldom  knew  anything  of  the  conduct  of  their  official  ser- 
vants." "  This  ignorance,"  he  added,  "  occasioned  them  execra- 


tions  when  blessings  would  otherwise  be  given."  The  Scottish 
officers  of  State  he  characterised  as  worthy  of  his  notice  "  only 
from  their  official  character,"  "not  from  nobility  of  blood;"  they 
were  "  Satanites,"  "imps  of  the  fallen  angel;"  their  "intents" 
were  "demon-like;"  they  "practised  insolence;"  "worshipped 
the  golden  calf ;"  abused  their  authority ;  were  miserable  satel- 
lites ;  and  wrote  "  as  the  lowest  English  scribbler  in  Grub  Street." 

Only  a  few  weeks  after  the  appearance  of  his  second  pam- 
phlet, Mr  Banks  differed  seriously  with  his  client ;  he  withdrew 
his  publications,  abandoned  his  action  of  declarator,  and  re- 
nounced his  title !  Henceforth  he  was  personally  subjected  to 
denunciations  and  epithets  of  reproach  similar  to  those  he  had, 
in  the  supposed  interests  of  his  client,  dealt  so  unsparingly  to 
others.  In  a  quarto  publication  issued  by  him  in  1836,  Mr 
Humphrys  Alexander  characterises  his  former  agent  as  "a 
traitor,"  "  an  impostor,"  "  an  extortioner,"  "  a  detractor,"  "  a  low- 
minded  ruffian,"  "  a  companion  of  the  foul  fiend."  He  denounced 
his  services  as  having  been  "  detrimental  to  him,"  and  his  pam- 
phlets as  having  "created  animosity."  In  a  future  pamphlet, 
issued  under  his  sanction,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  described 
Mr  Banks  as  "  a  notorious  character,"  through  whom  "  he  had 
been  involved  in  all  his  difficulties." 

The  pretensions  of  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  had  become 
portentous ;  and  as  his  various  services,  if  unchallenged,  might 
lead  to  serious  complications,  it  was  deemed  advisable  to  adopt 
against  him  decisive  measures.  By  the  Scottish  officers  of  State, 
an  action  of  Eeduction  Improbation  was  raised  in  the  Court  of 
Session  to  set  aside  his  services,  both  general  and  special,  along 
with  the  retours,  precept,  and  instrument  of  sasine  following 

By  a  portion  of  the  newspaper  press,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander's 
movements,  as  "  Earl  of  Stirling  and  Dovan,"  were  duly  chron- 
icled. The  following  paragraph  relative  to  the  marriage  of  his 
daughter  appeared  in  April  1835  in  various  journals  :  "  Runaway 
Match  in  High  Life. — The  gossips  of  Edinburgh  have  experienced 
considerable  excitement  from  the  circumstance  of  an  English- 
man having  eloped  with  the  fair  daughter  of  a  Scotch  peer. 


The  young  lady  is  the  beautiful  A.  A.,  only  daughter  of  the  Earl 
of  S g  (who  has  recently  claimed  the  title),  and  the  bride- 
groom is  W e  P n,  Esq.,  a  person  of  good  property  in 

Cheshire.  The  parties  were  married  yesterday  at  St  James's, 
by  the  gentleman's  brother,  and  instantly  departed  for  Paris/' 

In  the  action  of  Eeduction  Improbation,  Lord  Cockburn,  as 
Ordinary,  granted,  on  the  26th  November  1835,  at  the  instance 
of  the  defender,  a  commission  for  receiving  additional  evidence 
on  his  behalf.  Under  authority  of  that  commission,  witnesses 
were  examined  at  Birmingham,  Dublin,  and  Eathgael,  in  the 
county  of  Down.  At  Eathgael,  Margaret  M'Blain,  a  widow, 
residing  at  Newtonards,  aged  about  eighty,  deponed  that  "  she 
remembered  the  last  Countess  of  Mount  Alexander,  who  resided 
in  Donaghadee,  and  died  sixty-four  years  past  last  April ;  that 
she  was  ten  years  and  upwards  in  Lady  Mount  Alexander's  ser- 
vice, till  the  time  of  her  ladyship's  death;  that  she  has  often 
heard  Lady  Mount  Alexander  speak  of  a  John  Alexander,  who 
had  a  son  also  called  John  Alexander,  who  married  Mary  Ham- 
ilton ;  that  the  said  John  the  second  and  Mary  Hamilton  had  a 
son,  who  was  the  Eeverend  John  Alexander ;  that  John  the  first 
was  called  of  Gartmore,  and  John  the  second  lived  in  Antrim, 
and  the  Eeverend  John  Alexander  was  a  minister  in  Dublin, 
and  died  there." 

Mary  Lewis  in  Newtonards,  a  widow,  aged  about  eighty-six, 
deponed  that  she  had  "  heard  of  a  person  of  the  name  of  Alex- 
ander who  married  a  woman  called  Mary  Hamilton." 

Samuel  Battersby,  weaver,  Newtonards,  aged  fifty,  deponed 
that  one  John  Pew,  clerk  of  the  church  at  Newtonards,  deceased, 
told  him  that  the  ancient  parish  registers  were  destroyed.  His 
wife,  Eleanor  Battersby,  daughter  of  Mary  Lewis,  a  previous  wit- 
ness, said  she  had  heard  her  grandmother,  Sophia  Monk,  state  that 
Mary  Hamilton,  sister  of  James  Hamilton,  of  Bangor,  was  married 
to  John  Alexander  of  Antrim,  and  bore  him  an  only  son,  John,  who 
afterwards  became  a  clergyman  in  Dublin ;  and  that  she  had  heard 
"  her  grandmother  say  that  she  had  heard  her  father  say  that  the 
said  John  of  Antrim  was  descended  from  the  Alexanders  of  Scot- 
land, and  was  nearly  related  to  the  Earl  of  Mount  Alexander  in 


Ireland  ;  and  that  she  had  heard  her  grandmother  also  say  that 
she  had  heard  from  her  father  that  John  of  Gartmore  was  the 
Honourable  John  Alexander,  and  was  father  of  John  of  Antrim." 
In  further  evidence,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  lodged  in  pro- 
cess a  paper  described  as  a  leaf  torn  from  the  family  Bible  of 
his  late  uncle,  the  Eev.  John  Alexander,  son  of  the  Eev.  John 
Alexander  of  Dublin ;  it  contained  the  following  legend : 

"Inscription  on  my  grandfather's  tomb  at  Newton,  copy d  for 
me  by  Mr  Henri  Lyttleton. 

"  Here  lieth  the  Body  of  lohn  Alexander,  Esquire,  late  of  Antrim, 
the  only  son  of  the  Honourable  lohn  Alexander,  who  was  the  fourth 
son  of  that  most  illustrious  and  famous  statesman,  "William,  Earl  of 
Sterline,  Principal  Secretary  for  Scotland :  who  had  the  singular 
merit  of  planting,  at  his  sole  expense,  the  first  colonie  in  Nova  Scotia. 
He  married  Mary,  eldest  daughter  of  the  Eev.  Mr  Hamilton  of 
Bangor,  by  whom  he  had  issue,  one  son,  lohn,  who,  at  this  present 
time,  is  the  Presbyterian  minister  at  Stratford-on-Avon,  in  England, 
and  two  daughters,  Mary,  who  survives,  and  Elizabeth,  wife  of  lohn 
M.  Skinner,  Esquire,  who  died  7th  January  17yy,  leaving  three  chil- 
dren. He  was  a  man  of  such  endowments  as  added  lustre  to  his 
noble  descent,  and  was  universally  respected  for  his  piety  and  bene- 
volence. He  was  the  best  of  husbands ;  as  a  father,  most  indulgent ; 
as  a  friend,  warm,  sincere,  and  faithfull.  He  departed  this  life  at 
Templepatrick,  in  the  county  of  Antrim,  on  the  19th  day  of  April 

"  This  leaf,  taken  out  of  poor  John's  Bible,  is  put  up  with  other 
family  papers  for  my  son  Benjamin. — Done  this  sixteenth  day  of 
December  1776,  in  the  presence  of  my  friends  and  Mr  John  Berry, 
who,  at  my  request,  have  subscribed  their  names  as  witnesses. 

"  Abel  Humphrys. 

Ann  Humphrys. 

John  Berry." 

Neither  the  tombstone  at  Newtonards  nor  the  Bible  said  to 
have  contained  its  inscription  were  forthcoming,  but  certain 
persons  at  Birmingham  vouched  the  handwriting  of  Abel  Hum- 
phrys and  John  Berry,  two  of  the  three  persons  attesting  the 


signature  of  Hannah  Alexander  attached  to  the  inscription. 
Respecting  the  tombstone,  the  witness  Margaret  M'Blain  deponed 
that  she  had  been  informed  by  her  deceased  husband,  a  mason, 
that  "  a  tombstone  with  the  name  John  Alexander,  Esq.,  Antrim, 
formerly  stood  in  the  old  church  at  the  east  end  of  Newtoun 
House,  alongside  the  tombstone  of  Lady  Mount  Alexander;" 
while  Eleanor  Battersby,  another  witness,  affirmed  that  she 
learned  from  Andrew  Kelly,  coachman,  that  Eichard  Monk,  her 
great-grandfather,  "  had  attended  the  funeral  of  Mr  John  Alex- 
ander of  Antrim  in  Newtonards  church." 

Other  efforts  were  put  forth  on  the  claimant's  behalf.  On 
the  26th  May  1836  Mr  Richard  Broun,  a  solicitor,  eldest  son  of 
Sir  James  Broun,  Bart,  of  Colstoun,  convened  a  meeting  at 
London  of  the  baronets  of  Nova  Scotia,  to  consider  the  privileges 
of  the  order,  but  with  the  subsidiary  object  of  acknowledging 
"  the  Earl  of  Stirling  "  as  their  chief.  After  several  adjourn- 
ments, the  baronets  met  at  Edinburgh  on  the  21st  October,  when 
Mr  Broun  submitted  a  lengthened  report.  He  was  allowed  to 
print  and  circulate  it;  but  certain  resolutions  which  he  had 
prepared  for  adoption  were  ignored  or  negatived.  The  report, 
which  was  founded  on  materials  supplied  by  Mr  Lockhart, 
Mr  Humphrys  Alexander's  solicitor  at  Edinburgh,  bore  the 
following  title :  "  Case  of  the  honourable  the  Baronets  of  Scot- 
land and  Nova  Scotia,  shewing  their  rights  and  privileges,  digni- 
torial  and  territorial. 

"  Retinens  vestigia  famse 
Virtutis  praemium  Avorum." 

Edinburgh,  1836,  8vo,  69  pp. 

To  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander,  the  reporter  refers  in  these 
words  :  "  At  the  Peace  of  Paris  in  1763,  the  right  of  inheritance 
to  the  first  Earl  of  Stirling  was  in  the  person  of  his  great-great- 
grandson,  John,  seventh  earl.  He  died  three  years  thereafter, 
and  was  succeeded  by  his  brother  Benjamin,  eighth  earl.  This 
nobleman  did  not  live  to  institute  proceedings  for  his  rights  in 
America,  but  died  in  1768,  when  his  titles  devolved  on  females 
till  the  12th  September  1814,  when  Alexander,  the  present  Earl 

*  P 


of  Stirling  and  Dovan,  succeeded  by  the  decease  of  his  mother. 
His  lordship  completed  his  titles  in  1831,  when,  having  been 
proved  heir  to  the  property,  he  obtained  a  precept  from  his 
Majesty,  as  overlord,  for  giving  him  seisin  of  Nova  Scotia.  This 
precept  was  directed  to  the  Sheriff  of  Edinburgh,  who,  on  his 
Majesty's  behalf,  gave  the  earl  hereditary  state  and  seisin  of 
Nova  Scotia,  with  its  dependencies,  on  the  8th  of  July  1831,  at 
the  Castle  of  Edinburgh,  in  the  manner  prescribed  by  the 
foundation  charters  of  the  province." 

The  defection  of  Mr  Banks  probably  led  Mr  Humphrys 
Alexander  to  apprehend  that  the  officers  of  State  had  availed 
themselves  of  his  services  and  possible  disclosures.  In  the 
Edinburgh  newspapers  he  published  the  following  advertise- 

"  Intimation.  —  Lord  Stirling  respects  the  motives  which  have 
induced  T.  "W.  C.  to  withhold  his  own  name  and  address  j  and,  hav- 
ing ascertained,  by  the  reference  to  Sir  G.  M.,  the  perfect  truth  and 
correctness  of  T.  W.  C.'s  information,  he  feels  bound  in  gratitude  for 
so  generous  and  well-timed  a  disclosure  of  important  facts  on  the  part 
of  a  stranger,  to  comply  with  his  request  of  a  short  acknowledgment 
in  either  the  Edinburgh  or  London  newspapers.  Lord  S.  begs  to 
assure  T.  W.  C.  that  all  his  statements  respecting  the  amissing  charter 
of  1639  have  been  verified  by  the  search,  and  will  soon  completely 
effect  its  discovery.  The  information  sent  respecting  dark  intrigues 
of  the  opposite  party  will  be  useful ;  but  T.  W.  C.  will  be  glad  to 
hear  that,  as  might  have  been  expected,  those  men  who  seek  the  over- 
throw of  a  family  by  treachery,  whose  plans  are  supported  by  fabri- 
cated papers  and  defamatory  statements,  have  traitors  in  their  own 
camp,  to  whose  revelations  Lord  S.  is  indebted  for  ample  means  of 
exposing  and  punishing  the  chief  conspirators." 

In  September  1836,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander,  conjointly 
with  Mr  Lockhart,  his  solicitor  at  Edinburgh,  issued  a  quarto 
volume,  with  the  following  title  :  "  Narrative  of  the  Oppressive 
Law  Proceedings  and  other  measures  resorted  to  by  the  British 
Government,  and  numerous  private  individuals,  to  overpower  the 
Earl  of  Stirling,  and  subvert  his  lawful  rights,  written  by  him- 
self; also,  a  genealogical  account  of  the  family  of  Alexander, 


Earls  of  Stirling,  etc.,  compiled  from  MSS.  in  the  possession  of 
the  family,  followed  by  an  historical  view  of  their  hereditary 
possessions  in  Nova  Scotia,  Canada,  etc.,  by  Ephraim  Lockhart, 
Esq.;  with  a  copious  appendix  of  royal  charters  and  other  docu- 
ments. Rien  riest  beau  que  le  vrai"  In  this  "Narrative," 
which  is  dedicated  to  the  king,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  re- 
quests his  Majesty  to  grant  him  full  compensation  for  the 
"grievous  injury  inflicted  upon  him"  by  his  ministers.  The 
charge  of  forgery  he  repudiates  "  with  indignation,"  and  inti- 
mates that  he  had  detected  a  wicked  design  at  the  colonial 
office  "to  entrap  him,  by  means  of  a  forged  letter,  into  the 
hands  of  a  merciless  enemy."*  He  denounces  the  king's 
ministers  as  having  pursued  him  with  "  intrigue,  deadly  hate, 
envy,  and  accursed  villainy."  Because  "  he  was  entitled  to  a 
princely  fortune  with  vice-regal  powers  and  privileges,"  he 
had,  he  maintains,  "been  pursued  with  despicable  falsehoods, 
animosities,  and  aspersions ; "  described  as  a  "  ruffian,"  and  as- 
sailed by  "lovers  of  defamation."  The  recognition  of  his 
claims  as  Lieutenant  of  Canada  would,  he  believed,  "  stop  an 
impending  revolution  in  that  colony,  while,  were  his  claims 
resisted,  he  would  publish  his  "  Narrative"  in  French  as  well 
as  English,  and  circulate  copies  throughout  America  and  Europe. 
Though  declining  "  to  satisfy  his  enemies,  at  a  time  when  such 
explanations  were  unnecessary,"  as  "  to  how  or  when  he  made  a 
discovery,"  which  he  "  reserved  to  be  made  available  hereafter," 
he  declared  that  he  had  recently  made  in  support  of  his  claims 

*  In  a  lengthened  appendix,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  presents  a  correspondence 
between  Mr  J.  J.  Burn  of-  Gray's  Inn,  his  solicitor  in  London,  and  Lord  Goderich, 
Secretary  for  the  Colonies,  respecting  a  letter  which  he  alleged  was  handed  to 
his  wife  on  the  22d  August  1832,  in  which  the  writer,  who  subscribed  himself 
"B.  T.  Balfour,"  expressed  a  desire  that,  in  his  character  of  Lord  Stirling,  he 
would  attend  at  the  Colonial  Office  to  meet  Lord  Goderich  on  the  following  day. 
Through  his  solicitor,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  charged  Lord  Goderich's  private 
secretary  as  the  writer  of  the  forged  letter — which  he  alleged  was  intended  to 
entrap  him  into  being  arrested  for  debt  on  a  judgment  procured  against  him 
by  Sir  Henry  Digby.  His  solicitor  subsequently  charged  Lord  Goderich's 
secretary  with  joining  in  a  conspiracy  "to  end  Lord  Stirling,  his  case,  his  cares, 
and  his  claims,  by  doing  an  act  not  likely  to  be  discovered  that  would  apparently 
be  acceptable  to  his  principals. " 


"  important  discoveries  both  in  France  and  America — one  most 
important  document  for  establishing  his  descent  having  been 
restored  to  him."  Eeferring  to  the  charter  of  novodamus,  he 
said  he  had  recently  ascertained  that  duly  authenticated  copies 
were  extant, "  which  all  these  years  have  been  purposely  withheld 
by  the  persons  who  have  them  in  their  keeping." 

The  action  of  Keduction  Improbation  came  before  the  €ourt  of 
Session  in  November,  but  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  did  not 
avail  himself  of  his  alleged  discoveries  by  adding  to  the  evidence 
offered  to  the  commission  in  January.  On  the  10th  December, 
Lord  Cockburn  as  Ordinary  issued  a  proposed  judgment  re- 
ducing the  services.  In  an  exhaustive  note,  his  lordship  de- 
clared the  affidavits  of  Lyner  and  Hovenden  .to  be  inadmissible, 
while  the  genuineness  of  the  latter  he  held  as  open  to  suspicion. 
The  tombstone  inscription  he  pronounced  worthless  as  evidence 
in  the  absence  of  the  Bible,  from  which  the  leaf  containing  it 
had  been  procured.  The  evidence  of  M'Blain  and  Battersby  as 
to  the  existence  of  the  tombstone  at  Newtonards  was,  he  held, 
negatived  by  the  testimony  of  other  witnesses  intimately  ac- 
quainted with  the  locality,  who  deponed  that  no  tombstone,  such 
as  that  described,  had  occupied  a  place  in  the  church.  In- 
structing his  solicitor  to  appeal  to  the  Inner  House  against  the 
proposed  judgment  (which  was  pronounced  on  the  20th  Decem- 
ber), Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  proceeded  hastily  to  Paris.  His 
family  remained  in  London. 

On  the  22d  April  1837,  one  of  his  sons  wrote  to  him  from 
London  in  these  terms :  "  At  J  to  seven  to-night,  I  write  a  few 
hasty  lines  to  say  that  I  received  *  new  evidence  yesterday, 
and  ever  since  have  so  occupied  as  not  to  be  able  to  do  anything 
— not  write  a  letter.  It  contained  4  documents  and  a  beauti- 

*  On  the  22d  December  1838,  the  Court  of  Session  directed  the  letters  addressed 
to  Mr  Humphrys  Alexcander  by  his  son  relative  to  the  De  Porquet  packet  to  be 
examined  by  Mr  Thomas  Thomson,  clerk  of  court.  The  order  was  executed,  and 
a  report  thereon  presented  to  the  court  on  the  3d  January  1839.  "  In  reference 
to  the  blank  between  the  words  'I  have  received,'  and  the  words  'new  evidence 
yesterday, '  Mr  Thomson  reported  that  one  word  of  three  or  four  letters  had  been 
lost,  in  consequence  of  a  perforation  made  by  tearing  or  rubbing  out  the  substance 
of  the  paper  at  the  spot." 


ful  portrait  of  John  of  Antrim  .  .  .  haste.  I  will  write  on 
Monday  full  particulars.  Your  affectionate  son,  E." 

To  Mr  Humphry s  Alexander,  his  son,  on  the  following  day, 
wrote  more  fully.  He  stated  that  having,  on  the  21st  inst., 
called  at  the  shop  of  the  family  booksellers,  Messrs  De  Porquet 
and  Co.,  11  Tavistock  Street,  he  was  informed  by  a  young  man  at 
the  counter  that  the  firm  had  about  an  hour  before  received,  by 
the  twopenny  post,  a  packet,  which,  being  addressed  to  them, 
they  had  opened.  It  was  found  to  contain  an  enclosure  ad- 
dressed, "  To  the  Eight  Honble  the  Earl  of  Stirling,"  along  with  a 
card  inscribed  in  these  terms :  "  Mrs  Innes  Smyth's  compliments 
to  Messrs  De  Porquet  and  Co.  She  had  fully  intended  calling 
in  Tavistock  Street  when  she  arrived  in  town  yesterday  from 
Staffordshire ;  but  another  commission  she  had  to  execute  having 
prevented  her,  she  is  induced  to  send  the  enclosed  packet  to 
them  by  the  twopenny  post,  with  her  particular  request  that 
they  will  forward  it  instantly  to  the  Earl  of  Stirling,  or  any 
member  of  his  lordship's  family,  whose  residence  may  be  known 
to  them.  Hackney,  April  19th"  On  receiving  the  packet,  he 
consulted  with  his  father's  solicitors  as  to  the  manner  of  opening 
it,  and  they  suggested  that  it  should  be  opened  before  a  public 
notary,  which  was  accordingly  done.  Within  the  packet  was 
found  a  parchment,  inscribed,  "  Some  of  my  wife's  family  papers," 
the  handwriting,  according  to  the  young  gentleman,  being  that 
of  his  maternal  grandfather.  The  packet  was  impressed  with 
three  black  seals,  "  the  opening  of  which  the  notary  could  not 
venture  to  witness."  Consequently  the  young  gentleman,  ac- 
companied by  one  of  his  father's  solicitors,  proceeded  to  Doctors' 
Commons,  where,  in  presence  of  proctor  Thomas  Blake  and  other 
three  witnesses,"  he  "  cut  the  parchment  over  the  middle  black 
seal,"  and  drew  out  the  contents.  The  several  documents  were 
then  examined  and  numbered  by  the  proctor,  who  inscribed  his 
initials  upon  each,  as  did  the  three  persons  who  were  present 
as  witnesses. 

In  an  unsigned  note,  dated  17th  April  1837,  the  sender  of  the 
packet  described  the  papers  as  stolen  from  the  house  of  Wil- 
liam Humplnys,  the  claimant's  father,  by  a  young  man,  lately 


deceased,  at  the  instance  of  whose  family  they  were  returned. 
They  were  sent  anonymously,  to  avoid  "  disgrace  and  infamy." 

Among  the  documents  enclosed  in  the  packet  was  an  em- 
blazoned pedigree  of  the  Earls  of  Stirling,  "reduced  to  pocket 
size  by  Thomas  Campbell  on  the  15th  April  1759,  from  the 
large  emblazoned  tree  in  the  possession  of  Mrs  Alexander  of 
King  Street,  Birmingham."  This  document  presented  a  state- 
ment of  pedigree  corresponding  with  that  adduced  by  the 
claimant  in  his  different  services;  it  represented  John  Alex- 
ander, fourth  son  of  the  first  Earl  of  Stirling,  as  having  settled 
in  Ireland  in  1646,  and  as  having  died  there  in  1665,  leaving, 
by  his  second  marriage*  with  Elizabeth  Maxwell  of  London- 
derry, a  son,  John.  "  W.  G.,"  a  lawyer,  writing  from  Edinburgh 
on  the  14th  January  1723  to  the  Eev.  John  Alexander  of 
Dublin,  refers  to  the  charter  of  novodamus,  and  suggests  that 
though  it  is  not  in  the  Register  of  the  Great  Seal,  it  may  have 
occupied  a  portion  of  the  57th  volume  of  that  Register,  where 
several  leaves  are  now  wanting  ;•(•  he  adds  that  Mr  Thomas 
Conyers  of  Catherlough  in  Ireland  held  the  original,  while  Mr 
Conyers  adds  a  certification  that  he  did  so. 

A  letter  from  the  Rev.  John  Alexander  describes  his  corre- 
spondent, "W.  G.,"  as  Mr  William  Gordon  of  Edinburgh.  A 
miniature  portrait  of  the  alleged  John  of  Antrim  was  on  the 
back  inscribed,  "John  Alexander,  Esq.,  of  Antrim,  died  April  19, 
1712.  From  the  original  painting  done  at  Versailles  in  his 
fortieth  year:  now  in  the  possession  of  P.  Denison,  Esq.,  of 
Dublin.  Thos.  Campbell,  pinx."  A  letter,  dated  Dublin,  Sep- 

*  John,  fourth  son  of  the  first  Earl  of  Stirling,  died  about  the  year  1641,  with- 
out male  issue.  He  did  not  contract  a  second  marriage  (see  vol.  i.,  p.  257). 

t  Mr  George  Eobertson,  one  of  the  deputy  keepers  of  the  Records  of  Scotland, 
at  the  trial  of  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  for  forgery,  produced  the  following  certifi- 
cate :  "  I,  George  Robertson,  do  certify  that  I  have  searched  the  Principal  Record  of 
the  57th  volume,  and  that  at  the  beginning  of  the  said  57th  volume,  twelve  leaves 
have  been  destroyed  or  lost.  The  charters  originally  recorded  on  these  missing 
leaves  are,  however,  ascertained  with  precision  from  two  ancient  indices  of  the 
Great  Seal  Record.  I  have  examined  these,  and  can  state  as  the  result  that  the 
twelve  leaves  now  lost  did  not  contain  any  charter,  diploma,  patent,  nor  other 
grant  in  favour  of  William,  Earl  of  Stirling,  nor  of  any  Earl  of  Stirling,  nor  of 
any  person  of  the  name  of  Alexander." 


tember  16,  1765,  and  subscribed,  "A.  E.  Baillie,"  informs  Mr 
John  Alexander  of  Birmingham,  son  of  the  Eev.  John  Alexander 
of  Dublin,  that  the  family  tombstone  at  Newtonards  had  been 
destroyed  by  the  American  claimant  of  the  Stirling  peerage. 
Letters  subscribed  "B.  Alexander"  (Benjamin  Alexander),  in 
1765  and  1766,  also  refer  to  this  event,  and  enter  into  details 
conforming  to  the  statements  in  the  pedigree. 

On  the  12th  July  1837,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  (as  he 
afterwards  deponed),  was  surprised  by  having  exhibited  to  him 
at  Paris,  by  his  friend  Mademoiselle  le  Normand,  a  map  of 
Canada,  or  New  France,  which  she  had  found  in  her  cabinet, 
where  some  unknown  person  had  left  it,  accompanied  by  a  letter. 
The  letter,  written  in  French,  set  forth  that  the  sender,  being  a 
person  in  office,  had  concealed  his  name,  and  that  he  had  sent 
the  map  to  Mademoiselle  le  Normand  on  account  of  certain 
autographs  attached  to  it,  which,  he  hoped,  would  prove  useful 
to  her  friend,  the  Earl  of  Stirling. 

The  map  was  one  of  a  series  prepared  by  the  celebrated  French 
geographer,  Guillaume  de  Lisle.  It  was  dated  1703,  and  to  the 
back  of  it  were  attached  letters  and  certifications  specially  adapted 
to  the  exigencies  of  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander's  claim.  One 
Philip  Mallet  certified  that  the  charter  of  novodamus  granted  to 
the  first  Earl  of  Stirling,  and  which  could  not  .be  found  in 
Britain,  was  in  the  register  at  Port  Royal  in  1706.  This  charter 
Caron  Saint  Estienne,  writing  from  Lyons  on  the  6th  April 
1707,  stated  he  had  read;  while  Esprit  Flechier,  Bishop  of 
Nismes,  certified  that  he  had  seen  a  transcript  prepared  by 
M.  Mallet.  To  the  map  was  attached  a  letter,  dated  Antrim, 
25th  August  1704,  and  subscribed  John  Alexander,  in  which 
the  writer  claimed  to  be  the  only  son  of  John  Alexander,  fourth 
son  of  the  first  Earl  of  Stirling,  and  stated  that  he  was  then 
educating  his  son  John  for  the  Scottish  Church  at  the  Univer- 
sity of  Leyden.  *  That  letter,  in  its  turn,  was  certified  as 

*  The  Scottish  Church  has  never  recognised  attendance  at  foreign  universities 
as  part  of  a  theological  curriculum.  In  1704  Mr  John  Alexander,  latterly  Presby- 
terian minister  at  Dublin,  was  a  student  at  the  University  of  Glasgow  (seo  vol.  ii., 
p.  149). 


authentic,  under  date  16th  October  1707,  by  the  celebrated  Fran- 
9013  Fenelon,  Archbishop  of  Cambray.  A  copy  of  the  inscrip- 
tion on  the  alleged  tombstone  at  Newtonards  was  also  affixed  to 
the  map,  accompanied  by  a  note  bearing  that  it  had  been  com- 
municated by  Madame  de  Lambert,  an  alleged  patroness  of  the 
Eev.  John  Alexander. 

On  the  13th  August  1837,  Mr  Humphry s  Alexander  left 
Paris,  and  proceeded  to  Edinburgh,  "  to  attend  the  election  of 
peers."  In  October  he  despatched  one  of  his  sons  to  Paris  to 
receive  from  Mademoiselle  le  Normand  the  map  and  other  docu- 
ments of  July,  which,  if  genuine,  would,  along  with  the  contents  of 
the  packet  of  the  preceding  April,  have  fully  established  his  claims. 

To  sustain  his  appeal  in  the  action  of  Eeduction  Improbation, 
Mr  Humphry  s  Alexander  produced  in  court,  on  the  25th  No- 
vember 1837,  the  documents  discovered  at  London  and  Paris, 
the  latter  under  the  seal  of  Mademoiselle  le  Normand.  The 
genuineness  of  these  productions  being  impeached  by  the  officers 
of  State,  the  court  authorised  a  commission  to  make  the  neces- 
sary inquiries.  The  commissioners  made  a  searching  examina- 
tion at  Paris,  and  on  their  report  the  officers  of  State  moved 
that  the  claimant  should  be  judicially  examined.  This  motion 
being  acceded  to,  the  examination  of  the  claimant  was,  in  the 
Second  Division  of  the  Court  of  Session,  conducted  by  the  Lord 
Advocate,  on  the  18th  December  1838.  The  claimant  admitted 
that  Mademoiselle  le  Normand  told  fortunes  by  means  of  cards, 
and  was  paid  by  those  who  consulted  her.  For  revealing  his 
own  fortune,  he  had  paid  her  five  napoleons.  This,  he  said,  was 
"  a  long  time  ago,"  but  he  afterwards  recollected  that  it  was  in 
1837.  Not  long  before  the  discovery  of  the  map  of  Canada,  he 
had  granted  to  Mademoiselle  le  Normand  a  bond  for  400,000 
francs;  it  was  for  borrowed  money,  and  in  reimbursement  of 
outlays  for  researches  made  on  his  behalf  in  France,  Germany, 
and  Holland.* 

*  In  a  pamphlet  published  at  Paris  in  1845,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  con- 
demns Mademoiselle  le  Normand,  then  deceased,  for  "creating  a  prejudice  against 
him  in  having  the  map  of  Canada,  covered  with  her  sealed  envelope,  carried  to 
the  Court  of  Session,  and  opened  in  the  presence  of  the  judges." 


On  the  14th  February  1839,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  was, 
on  a  charge  of  forging  seventeen  documents,  committed  to  prison 
at  Edinburgh.  Judicially  examined  by  one  of  the  sheriffs  of 
Edinburgh  on  the  14th  and  18th  February,  and  again  on  the  6th 
March,  he  stated  that  during  his  late  residence  at  Paris,  "  he  was 
engaged  in  literary  pursuits;"  and  in  particular,  was  concerned 
in  supplying  information  with  regard  to  the  state  of  society  in 
England  to  a  friend  who  was  engaged  in  publishing  a  work 
on  the  subject ;  he  was  also  occupied  in  writing  a  memoir  of  his 
own  life.  He  expressed  a  "  strong  suspicion  "  that  the  map  of 
Canada  was  brought  to  Mademoiselle  le  ISTormand  from  one  of 
the  administerial  departments  in  the  archives  of  France,  and 
that  it  was  sent  her  "  through  the  intervention  or  direction  of  a 
person  high  in  office."  On  the  18th  March  he  was  served  with 
an  indictment.  It  embraced  five  counts,  embodying  charges  as 
to  forging  and  uttering  the  excerpt  charter  of  novodamus,  the 
writings  on  the  back  of  the  map  of  Canada,  and  the  various 
papers  contained  in  the  packet  addressed  to  the  care  of  his 

The  trial  was  fixed  to  take  place  in  the  High  Court  of  Justi- 
ciary at  Edinburgh,  on  the  3d  of  April,  but  was  adjourned  from 
that  day  to  the  29th  of  the  same  month,  to  enable  the  prisoner 
better  to  prepare  his  defence.  The  trial  continued  four  days. 
The  prosecution  was  conducted  by  Lord  Advocate  Euther- 
furd,  Solicitor-General  Ivory,  and  Messrs  Cosmo  Innes  and 
Eobert  Handyside,  Advocates-Depute.  Messrs  Patrick  Eobert- 
son,  Adam  Anderson,  and  John  Inglis,  advocates,  were  counsel 
for  the  prisoner.  At  the  bar,  he  was  accompanied  by  his  early 
friend,  Colonel  D'Aguilar,  Deputy  Adjutant-General  of  the 
Forces  in  Ireland,  who  also  advanced  £500  to  aid  his.  defence. 

In  support  of  the  charge  relative  to  the  excerpt  charter  of 
novodamus,  it  was  proved  that  Archbishop  Spottiswoode  of 
St  Andrews,  whose  name  as  Chancellor  of  Scotland  was  ap- 
pended to  it  as  a  witness,  ceased  to  hold  office  as  chancellor  on 
the  13th  November  1638,  and  died  on  the  26th  November 
1639,*  eleven  days  before  the  date  assigned  to  the  instrument. 

*  In  Craufurd's  "  Liver;  of  the  Officers  of  State,"  it  is  stated  that  Archbishop 


It  was  also  proved  that  the  words  "  Gratis  per  signetum  "  at  the 
end  of  the  excerpt  could  not  have  been  attached  to  a  completed 
charter,  the  proper  words  being  "  per  preceptum  secret!  sigilli." 
Further,  at  the  commencement  of  the  excerpt  were  the  words, 
"  Eeg.  Mag.  Sig.,  lib.  Ivii." — meaning  Eegister  of  the  Great  Seal, 
57th  volume,  while  it  was  shown  that  the  charter  of  novodamus 
was  not  contained  in  the  volume  so  indicated,  and  that  the 
formula,  Eeg.  Mag.  Sig.,  was  not  used  prior  to  the  year  1806. 

Eespecting  the  map  of  Canada,  it  was  proved  that  though 
bearing  date  1703,  it  could  not  have  been  printed  till  subse- 
quent to  the  24th  August  1718,  when  its  author  was  appointed 
"  Premier  Geographe  du  Eoi,"  as  which  he  is  described  upon  the 
map  itself.  It  therefore  followed  that  the  inscriptions  attached 
to  it  were  spurious,  since  at  the  date  assigned  to  them  the  map 
was  non-existent.  In  the  defence  strong  testimony  on  behalf  of 
the  prisoner's  character  was  borne  by  Mr  Josiah  Corrie,  his 
family  solicitor  at  Birmingham,  Mr  Charles  Hardinge  of  Bole 
Hall,  near  Tamworth,  Mr  Eoger  Aytoun,  "Writer  to  the  Signet 
at  Edinburgh,  and  Colonel  D'Aguilar.  In  giving  his  evidence, 
Colonel  D'Aguilar  said :  "  Nothing  on  earth  would  have  induced 
me  to  stand  where  I  now  do  before  this  court,  if  I  did  not 
believe  Lord  Stirling  to  be  incapable  of  doing  a  dishonourable 
action.  If  the  correspondence  of  an  individual  can,  in  any  case, 
be  relied  on,  as  an  index  to  his  mind  and  character,  I  have  in 
my  possession — in  the  letters  of  Lord  Stirling — what  will  afford 
the  best  proof  of  his  uprightness  and  integrity.  His  early 
letters  to  me  I  have  not  preserved ;  but  latterly,  and  especially 
since  he  has  had  the  misfortune  to  be  placed  in  his  present 
situation,  I  have  heard  from  him  regularly."  Mr  Patrick  Eobert- 
son,  the  prisoner's  senior  counsel,  thus  concluded  an  ingenious 
argument  in  his  defence  : 

Spottiswoode  died  on  the  27th  December  1639 ;  but  in  the  Latin  inscription  on 
his  monument  in  Westminster  Abbey,  contained  in  the  same  work,  the  date 
of  the  archbishop's  death,  is  thus  indicated:  "Ex  hac  vita  in  pace  migravit 
anno  domini  1639,  sexto  calendas  Decembris. "  At  the  trial,  Mr  Eobertson,  on 
the  part  of  the  prisoner,  admitted  that  the  words  sexto  calendas  Decembris  denoted 
the  26th  of  November. 


"When  I  look  back  on  the  life  of  this  unfortunate  man,  I  see 
nothing  but  anxious  days  of  heart-sickening  hope  and  sleepless  nights 
of  feverish  rest,  disturbed  and  chequered  by  golden  dreams  that  were 
speedily  dissipated  by  the  rays  of  the  morning  sun — a  rising  family, 
taught  to  look  on  nobility  and  wealth  as  their  birthright,  yet  seeing 
nothing  but  penury  and  distress  before  them — calling  to  their  parent 
for  bread,  and  lo  !  he  has  nothing  to  give  them  but  a  stone. 

'  Lo  !  poverty  to  fill  the  band 
That  numbs  the  soul  with  icy  hand, 
And  slow  consuming  age. ' 

And  when  I  look  forward  to  the  future,  I  trust  I  see  a  prospect 
that  his  mind  shall  be  directed  to  pursuits  more  solid,  and  to  the 
attainment  of  objects  more  consolatory  and  enduring.  Let  the 
visionary  coronet  be  plucked  from  his  bewildered  brow — let  the 
prospects  of  wealth  and  of  courtly  titles  and  honours  vanish  into  air; 
but  oh,  gentlemen,  leave  him  that  best  and  highest  title  to  nobility — 
his  good  name ;  let  his  character  remain  to  solace  him  on  retiring  from 
the  fatigues  and  bustle  of  this  vain  and  transitory  world.  Gentle- 
men, I  am  one  of  those  who  venerate  the  memory  of  the  illustrious 
dead — of  those  whose  prejudices,  feelings,  and  principles  unite  in 
admiration  of  hereditary  rank  and  high  title,  conferred  as  the  reward 
of  patriotism  and  virtue  upon  those  whose  names  adorn  the  page  of 
history,  and  who  are  enrolled  amidst  the  nobles  of  the  land ;  and  I 
also  venerate  those  of  more  recent  name,  who,  from  their  valour, 
their  piety,  or  their  learning,  have  been  added  to  grace  that  august 
assembly.  But  without  truth,  integrity,  and  honour,  titles  and  dis- 
tinctions are  worse  than  nothing.  "Without  these,  the  glitter  of  the 
coronet  hath  no  splendour  in  my  eye — the  rustling  of  the  silken  robe 
hath  no  music  in  my  ear.  On  the  tarnished  ermine  I  trample  with 
contempt.  Do  not,  gentlemen — do  not  add  to  the  pangs  of  this  man 
more  than  he  deserves.  Leave  him  in  possession  of  that  character 
which  he  has  hitherto  enjoyed,  as  his  only  solace  under-  his  heavy 
trials.  Leave  him  that,  without  which  the  crown  itself  is  but  a  bauble, 
and  the  sceptre  a  toy ;  for,  in  my  conscience,  I  believe  him  innocent 
of  the  crimes  here  charged,  and  to  have  been  merely  the  dupe  of  the 
designing,  and  the  prey  of  the  unworthy."* 

*  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  was  dissatisfied  with  the  manner  in  which  his 
defence  was  conducted.  He  considered  Mr  Robertson's  appeal  to  the  jury  as 
"  ill-judged,"  and  his  entire  speech  as  doing  him  "more harm  than  all  the  accus- 
ing, surmising,  and  guessing  of  the  Crown  lawyers." 


After  deliberating  five  hours,  the  jury  brought  in  the  following 
verdict : 

"The  jury  unanimously  find  it  proved  that  the  excerpt  charter 
libelled  on  is  a  forged  document ;  and  by  a  majority  find  it  not  proven 
that  the  pannel  forged  the  said  document,  or  is  guilty  art  and  part 
thereof,  or  that  he  uttered  it,  knowing  it  to  be  forged.  They  unani- 
mously find  it  proved  that  the  documents  on  the  map  libelled  are 
forged;  and  by  a  majority  find  it  not  proven  that  the  pannel 
forged  the  said  documents,  or  is  guilty  art  and  part  thereof,  or  that 
he  uttered  them,  knowing  them  to  be  forged.  They  unanimously 
find  it  not  proven  that  the  documents  contained  in  De  Porquet's 
packet  are  forged,  or  were  uttered  by  the  pannel  as  genuine,  know- 
ing them  to  be  forged.  They  imanimously  find  it  not  proven  that 
the  copy  letter  to  Le  Normand,  in  the  fifth  and  last  charge  of  the 
indictment,  is  either  forged,  or  was  uttered  by  the  pannel  as  genuine, 
knowing  it  to  be  forged." 

When  the  chancellor  of  the  jury  had  read  this  verdict,  the 
prisoner  fainted  and  was  borne  from  the  court.  The  following 
judgment  was  put  on  record:  "The  Lords  Commissioners  of 
Justiciary,  in  respect  of  the  foregoing  verdict  of  assize,  assoilzie 
the  pannel  simplititer,  and  dismiss  him  from  the  bar."  *  A  few 
months  subsequent  to  the  trial  appeared  an  octavo  pamphlet  of 
134  pages,  entitled,  "  Eemarks  on  the  Trial  of  the  Earl  of  Stirling 
at  Edinburgh,  by  an  English  Lawyer."  In  this  publication  the 
writer  expressed  dissatisfaction  with  the  verdict  of  the  jury,  and 
denounced  both  the  judges  and  the  officers  of  State. 

On  the  4th  June  1839,  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  presented 
a  note  to  the  Court  of  Session,  requesting  delay,  in  order  that  he 
might  determine  whether  he  should  abide  or  not  by  the  docu- 
ments pronounced  forgeries  by  the  jury.  The  request  was 
refused,  and  the  Court,  on  the  9th  July  1839,  affirmed  the 
judgment  of  Lord  Cockburn,  reducing  the  defender's  services. 
Against  this  decision  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  offered  to 
appeal  to  the  House  of  Lords.  It  was  now  contended  by  the 
Scottish  officers  of  State  that  the  summons  in  their  action  of 

*  From  a  return  presented  to  Parliament  in  May  1840,  the  expenses  incurred 
in  conducting  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander's  trial  were  set  down  at  £2585. 


Keduction  Improbatiou  contained  declaratory  as  well  as  reductive 
conclusions,  and  they  accordingly  craved  a  remit  of  the  process 
to  the  Lord  Ordinary  to  dispose  of  the  former.  On  the  29th 
May  1840,  the  Court  issued  an  interlocutor,  remitting  the  pro- 
cess to  Lord  Cunningham,  as  Ordinary,  who,  on  the  2d  June, 
affirmed  the  declaratory  conclusions.  Against  this  judgment, 
confirmed  by  the  Inner  House,  and  against  the  former  interlocu- 
tor, Mr  Humphry s  Alexander  in  August  1841  appealed  to  the 
House  of  Lords,  but  the  final  hearing  and  disposal  of  the  case 
were  suspended.  In  December  1842  an  advertisement  appeared 
in  the  Edinburgh  Evening  Post,  and  other  Scottish  newspapers, 
inviting  applications  to  the  Eev.  J.  C.  Helm,  Worthing,  Sussex, 
who  undertook  to  satisfy  inquirers  that  the  map  of  Canada, 
with  its  autographs,  was  now  proved  to  be  genuine  and  authentic. 
Messrs  Swinton  &  Turnbull,  advocates,  who  had  published 
reports  of  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander's  trial,  accordingly  com- 
municated with  Mr  Helm,  who  forwarded  to  each  a  tract  of  four 
duodecimo  pages,  in  which  it  was  set  forth  that,  since  the  trial, 
"  the  Earl  of  Stirling  has  discovered  that  an  Englishman  named 
Eowland  Otto  Baijer,  a  prisoner  of  war  in  France  during  the 
empire,  died  at  Verdun  in  1805,  and  that  in  an  account  of 
writings  found  in  his  apartments,  and  delivered  to  a  Monsieur 
Gorneau,  was  a  copy  of  De  Lisle's  map  of  Canada,  with  an  epitaph 
in  English,  an  autograph  letter  of  John  Alexander,  with  a 
marginal  note  by  Fenelon,  a  note  by  the  traveller  Mallet,  and 
other  attestations."  This,  maintained  the  writer,  was  "  absolutely 
the  identical  map  which  figured  in  the  court  at  Edinburgh."  In 
1845  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  issued  a  further  publication; 
he  printed  at  Paris  an  octavo  pamphlet  of  75  pages,  entitled, 
"Two  Letters  addressed  to  the  Eight  Hon.  Thomas,  Lord  Denman, 
Lord  Chief  Justice  of  the  Court  of  Queen's  Bench."  In  this 
publication  he  insisted  on  his  rights  as  Earl  of  Stirling  and 
Lieutenant  of  Canada,  maintained  the  genuineness  of  the 
impugned  documents,  including  those  on  the  map  of  Canada, 
and  begged  that  in  his  impending  appeal  to  the  House  of  Lords, 
Lord  Denman  would  "  act  as  a  mediator  between  him  and  the 
Government."  He  referred  to  his  "  undeniable  grievances,"  and 


hoped  that,  under  his  lordship's  auspices,  he  would  no  longer  be 
oppressed  and  persecuted. 

On  the  6th  March  1845  the  appeal  of  Mr  Humphry s  Alexander 
was  heard  in  the  House  of  Lords,  when  their  lordships  found  that 
the  interlocutor  of  the  Court  of  Session,  of  the  2d  June  1840, 
not  having  been  reclaimed  against,  the  process  was  asleep.  The 
appellant  thereupon  raised  a  process  of  "  wakening  "  before  the 
Lord  Ordinary,  but  after  certain  proceedings,  and  an  order  in  the 
case  by  the  House  of  Lords,  on  the  19th  February  1846,  procedure 
was  sisted. 

Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  now  removed  to  the  United  States, 
and  establishing  his  residence  at  Washington,  presented  to  the 
American  Government  a  statement  of  his  claims.  By  General 
Pierce,  President  of  the  United  States,  an  application  on  his 
behalf  was,  about  the  year  1854,  addressed  to  the  British 
Government,  which  was  followed  by  a  correspondence. 

Mr  Humphrys  Alexander  died  at  Washington  on  the  4th 
May  1859,  aged  seventy-six.  By  his  wife,  Fortunata,  daughter 
of  Signor  Giovanni  Bartoletti,  of  Naples,  he  had  five  sons,  Alex- 
ander William  Francis,  Charles  Louis,  Eugene,  William  Donald, 
and  John,  and  a  daughter,  Angela;  she  married,  in  April  1835, 
William  Wilberforce  Pearson,  Esq.  of  Scraptoft  Hall,  Leicester- 
shire, with  issue. 

On  the  llth  February  1864,  Alexander  William  Francis  Alex- 
ander, eldest  son  of  Alexander  Humphrys  Alexander,  was  served 
heir  in  general  to  his  father  by  the  Sheriff  of  Chancery  at  Edin- 
burgh. He  thereupon  revived,  in  the  Court  of  Session,  the  pro- 
cess of  wakening.  The  competency  of  the  proceeding  was  resisted 
by  the  officers  of  State,  but  by  an  interlocutor,  dated  29th  June 
1864,  the  Court  repelled  the  objections,  and,  on  payment  by 
the  appellant  of  costs  incurred  by  the  officers  of  State  prior  to 
the  2d  June  1840,  permitted  the  raiser  to  reclaim.  On  the  25th 
May  1866,  the  Court  found  the  action  raised  by  the  officers  of 
State,  as  regarded  its  declaratory  conclusions,  incompetent ;  and 
in  respect  of  these  conclusions,  dismissed  it,  with  costs  to  the 
appellant.  But  on  the  19th  June  of  the"  same  year,  the  Second 
Division  pronounced  the  following  judgment :  "  In  respect  of  the 


interlocutor  of  Lord  Cockburn  of  the  20th  December  1836,  and 
of  the  interlocutor  of  the  Second  Division  of  the  9th  July  1839, 
reduce  the  precept  from  Chancery,  the  instrument  of  seisin,  and 
procuratory  of  resignation,  and  decern."  Thereupon  Mr  William 
Francis  Alexander  petitioned  the  House  of  Lords  for  leave  to 
revive  his  former  appeal,  and  on  the  7th  June  1867  the  required 
permission  was  obtained.  The  appeal  was  heard  in  the  House 
of  Lords  on  the  20th  February  1868,  and  subsequently  it  was 
argued  for  the  appellant  that  it  was  incompetent  for  the  Crown 
to  reduce  his  services,  inasmuch  as  there  was  not  a  competing 
claimant.  The  case  was  also  argued  on  its  merits,  the  appellant 
being  represented  by  Sir  Eoundell  Palmer,  Q.C.,  and  the  Lord 
Advocate  appearing  for  the  officers  of  State.  By  the  Lords 
Chelmsford,  Westbury,  and  Colonsay,  judgment  was  delivered  on 
the  3d  April  1868.  Their  lordships  held  that  the  action  of  Eeduc- 
tion  was  competent,  disallowed  further  proof  on  account  of  the 
circumstances  of  suspicion  under  which  the  former  evidence  was 
rejected,  and  affirmed  eight  interlocutors  appealed  against.  In 
an  opinion  extending  to  forty-one  folio  pages,  Lord  Chelinsford 
entered  into  a  minute  and  careful  criticism,  showing  the  defective 
character  of  the  evidence,  which,  he  remarked,  solely  rested  on 
forged  documents. 

On  the  15th  April  1872,  Mr  Charles  Louis  Alexander,  second 
son  of  Mr  Humphrys  Alexander,  made  a  claim  on  behalf  of  his 
brother,  as  Earl  of  Stirling,  to  the  British  American  Fisheries. 
A  portion  of  his  printed  appeal  to  Congress  is  subjoined : 

"  The  Fisheries,  now  under  Treaty  consideration,  are  private  pro- 
perty. They  have  become  irrevocably  so  since  the  30th  May  1871. 
The  Crown  of  Great  Britain,  in  attempting,  nearly  forty  years  ago,  to 
suspend,  '  for  political  reasons,'  as  it  stated  apologetically,  the  exercise 
of  the  rights  established  by  law,  and  confirmed  by  seisin  granted  by 
King  William  IV.  on  the  8th  of  July  1831,  brought  an  '  illegal '  action 
against  the  late  Earl  of  Stirling  in  January  1833.  One  of  the  services 
of  heirship,  dated  May  30th,  1831,  by  which  the  earl,  under  an  order 
of  the  Court  of  Session,  was  served  nearest  lawful  heir  of  tailzie  and 
provision  to  William,  first  Earl  of  Stirling,  was  never  questioned  by 
the  Crown,  and  is  now  for  ever  prescribed  in  favour  of  his  heirs. 


"  '  According  to  Act  of  Parliament,  a  service  of  heirship  to  an 
ancestor,  which  remains  unchallenged  by  any  other  heir,  shall,  after  a 
lapse  of  twenty  years,  become  absolute  in  the  heir  so  served ;  and  that, 
in  all  cases  between  the  Crown  and  a  subject,  such  service  shall  be- 
come absolute  if  it  remains  unchallenged  by  the  Crown  after  a  lapse  of 
forty  years.3  The  service  above  named,  being  dated  May  30th,  1831, 
the  forty  years  expired  on  May  30th,  1871,  and  the  Government  of 
Great  Britain  is  bound,  on  demand,  to  give  a  new  charter  in  accord- 
ance with  said  service.  This  fact,  in  addition  to  the  want  of  title  in 
the  Crown  to  interfere  at  all  in  an  heirship,  established  by  law,  nul- 
lifies all  the  litigious  proceedings  commenced  in  January  1833,  during 
the  political  agitation  in  the  Canadas,  which  resulted  subsequently  in 
rebellion.  .  .  . 

"  These  rights  are  founded  upon  a  charter,  granted  10th  September 
1621,  of  Nova  Scotia,  etc. ;  a  novodamus  of  the  same,  dated  12th 
July  1625 ;  and  a  charter  of  the  Dominion  of  Canada,  dated  2d  Feb- 
ruary 1628.  These  charters  were  formally  ratified  by  Act  of  Parlia- 
ment, 28th  of  June  1633.  They  are  all  on  file  in  the  Record  Office 
at  Edinburgh,  Scotland.  Their  present  validity  has  been  proved  by 
their  use  on  various  treaties,  and  on  questions  of  boundary;  and, 
further,  their  legal  force  was  established  by  their  renewal  in  the  Act 
of  seisin  (quoting  them  at  length),  in  Lord  Stirling's  favour,  by  King 
William  IV.,  on  the  8th  of  July  1831. 

"  Litigious  proceedings,  worthy  only  of  the  barbarous  ages — an 
unholy  system  of  law  practice  grown  out  of  feudal  conquest — have 
been  pursued  for  forty  years.  They  have  been  condemned  in  strong 
terms  by  British  lawyers  and  judges,  and  never  more  so  than  in  the 
House  of  Lords  in  April  1845,  on  appeal  from  decisions  (two  of  them 
actually  made  in  secret)  in  Scotland,  when  Lord  Chancellor  Cotteii- 
ham  and  ex-Chancellors  Brougham,  Lyndhurst,  and  Campbell  heard 
the  case,  and  expressed  their  opinions  that  the  whole  proceedings  of 
the  Crown  ( were  wrong,  illegal,  unconstitutional,  and  arbitrary' — 
'  unheard  of  in  British  Courts,'  etc.  This  course  of  illegality,  however, 
was  persisted  in  because,  as  Lord  Advocate  Murray  stated  in  the 
Court  of  Session,  in  1837,  '  the  case  had  political  consequences.' 

"  This  opposition  led  to  a  succession  of  crimes,  commencing  with 
the  celebrated  forgery  at  the  Colonial  Office  in  1833,  to  inveigle  and 
carry  off  Lord  Stirling,  details  of  which  were  published  in  a  quarto 
volume  at  Edinburgh,  1837  (containing  all  the  self-convicting  letters 
from  the  Government,  and  final  confession  of  the  Solicitor  of  the 


Treasury,  Mr  Maul),  to  the  forgery  trial  in  Edinburgh,  in  revenge  for 
the  publicity  given  to  the  official  forgery;  wherein  a  map  of  Canada, 
with  writings  upon  it,  stolen  by  a  British  agent  from  the  Office  of 
Foreign  Affairs  in  Paris,  was  in  a  disreputable  way  forced  on  Lord 
Stirling,  and  then  secretly  withdrawn  from  the  Court,  and  a  copy  or 
forgery  substituted  for  it. 

"  The  charge  fell  through,  the  rebutting  testimony  proving  that  the 
Crown  witnesses  were  a  set  of  criminals.  The  Lord  Advocate,  find- 
ing that  Mr  Mark  Napier,  an  eminent  Crown  Counsel,  and  other 
reliable  witnesses,  could  prove  the  substitution  before  named,  referred 
the  case  to  the  Home  Office  in  London.  After  consultation,  the 
Government  decided  that  the  Crown  had  gone  too  far  to  retract; 
that  the  case  must  proceed  at  all  hazards,  and  every  effort  be  made 
'  to  save  the  honour  of  the  Crown,  compromised  by  ITS  AGENTS  ! '  etc. 

"  As  one  forgery  naturally  required  others  to  sustain  it,  so  ALL  the 
official  and  newspaper  reports  of  the  sham  trial  were  but  a  series  of 
misrepresentations  of  the  testimony  '  to  save  the  honour  of  the  Crown* 
by  calumniating  the  heir.  It  was  considered  necessary  not  only  to 
falsify  evidence,  but  passages  in  letters  were  interpolated  in  imitation 
of  Lord  Stirling's  handwriting  and  read  to  the  jury  by  the  chief  judge, 
after  the  case  closed,  to  carry,  if  possible,  a  verdict  by  surprise.  In 
short,  a  '  powerful  and  proud  Government  was  not  too  proud  or  too 
powerful  to  allow  itself  to  be  the  tool  of  petty-fogging  lawyers,  and 
cover  up  their  crimes  because  Lord  Stirling  had  '  obstinately  refused' 
(a  Crown  Counsel's  words)  to  arrange  (i.e.,  'share')  with  them,  and  so 
ensure  to  them  enough  to  cover  the  fortunes  promised  if  they  could 
destroy  the  established  right. 

"  That  the  British  Government  had  no  doubts  of  Lord  Stirling's 
rights,  and  knew  well  the  weak  course  it  was  pursuing,  is  shown  by 
the  fact  that  at  the  severe  contest  for  election  of  sixteen  Peers  at 
Edinburgh,  in  1838,  it  commissioned  the  Earl  of  Buchan  to  offer 
Lord  Stirling  an  English  Barony  (enabling  a  Peer  to  sit  in  the  House 
of  Lords  without  form  of  election),  if  he  would  vote  the  whole  Govern- 
ment ticket.  But  Lord  S.  refused  to  change  his  politics  or  abandon 
his  friends,  arguing  that  his  rights  should  be  settled  independently  of 
party  questions. 

"  But  to  leave  this  revolting  view  of  official  imbecility  on  one 
side  and  greed  on  the  other,  I  will  add,  that  on  June  1,  1854,  Lord 
Stirling  forwarded  to  Hon.  William  L.  Marcy,  then  Secretary  of 
State,  a  letter  and  protest  against  any  interference  with  his  established 


rights  in  the  Fisheries.  The  Hon.  Reverdy  Johnson,  in  a  lengthy 
opinion,  dated  May  5,  1§54,  confirming  English  and  Scotch  opinions, 
together  with  those  of  Hon.  R.  J.  "Walker,  John  L.  Hayes  (author  of 
t  Vindication '  of  Lord  Stirling,  published  in  this  city  in  1854),  and 
A.  H.  Lawrence,  Counsellors  of  Law  in  this  country,  says :  *  It  is 
evident  that  those  proceedings  were  originally  instituted  for  imme- 
diate political  efiect  in  the  Canadas,  and  with  no  expectation  of 
finally  disturbing  the  foundation  of  Lord  Stirling's  title.'  Lord 
Stirling  died  at  my  house,  May  4th,  1859.  A  few  years  later  a 
settlement  of  the  case  was  talked  of  in  England,  but  procrastinated 
until  the  '  arbitrary  decisions,'  etc.,  had  been  rescinded.  Accordingly, 
the  present  earl,  my  eldest  brother,  by  decree  of  the  Court  of  Session, 
after  decision  of  a  jury,  was  in  the  usual  form  declared  heir  to  his 
father,  etc.,  etc.,  and  in  February  1864,  the  ' arbitrary  decisions' 
were  reversed,  and  finally  the  Court  of  Session  dismissed  the  Crown 
case  on  the  ground  of  'illegality'  in  May  1866. 

"  It  is  but  justice  to  a  few  honourable  men  to  state  that  Earl  Grey, 
Reform  Prime  Minister  in  1830,  the  late  Earl  Derby,  Sir  Robert 
Peel,  and  other  British  statesmen,  protested  against  the  persecution 
into  which  the  opposition  commenced  '  from  political  reasons/  drifted 
through  the  action  of  lawyer  swindlers,  who  wanted  a  compensating 
share  in  the  case.  Years  ago,  a  London  journal,  commenting  on  this 
case,  remarked  that  the  Government  'ought  to  interfere  and  in- 
demnify Lord  Stirling,'  and  '  spare  the  poor  earl  from  being  worried 
to  death  by  the  wolf-dogs  of  the  law.' 

"  I  leave  this  case  in  the  hands  of  Congress,  trusting  that  with  a 
view  to  protect  its.  citizens  in  their  rights,  it  will  countenance  no 
measure  damaging  to  them,  but  cause  a  thorough  investigation  of  the 
whole  subject  before  taking  final  action  in  regard  to  the  matter  of  the 

On  the  statements  put  forth  in  this  "  appeal,"  commentary  is 
useless,  differing  as  they  essentially  do  with  the  facts  and  cir- 
cumstances of  the  case. 


ABERCROMBY,  Alexander,  of  Tullibody, 

197,  198,  287. 
Abercromby,  Baroness,  197. 
Abercromby,  George,  of  Skeith,  197. 
Abercromby,    George    Ralph,    Baron, 

197,  198. 
Abercromby,  Sir  Alexander,  of  Birken- 

bog,  197. 

Abercromby,  Sir  Ralph,  197. 
Aberdeen,  Alexanders  in,  ii.  2-5. 
Aberdeen,  Gilbert,  Bishop  of,  7. 
Acheson,  Sir  Archibald,  54,  112,  128. 
Adam,  Isobel,  291. 
Agar,  Charles,  ii.  141,  145. 
Agar,  Charles,  Earl  of  Normanton,  ii. 


Agar,  Henry,  ii.  146. 
Agar,  James,  Baron   Clifden,  ii.  145- 


Agar,  Peter,  ii.  147. 
Ahilly,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  168. 
Ainslie,  Frances,  227. 
Airdrie,  Alexanders  in,  ii.  34-36. 
Airdrie  and  Cowdenhill,  Alexanders  of, 

ii.  33-37. 

Aissoun,  James,  274. 
Aitchison,  Christian,  ii.  34. 
Aitchison,  John,  of  Airdrie,  ii.  34. 
Albany,  Robert,  Duke  of,  7. 
Alexander,    Archibald,     Professor    at 

Princeton,  U.S.A.,  ii.  81,  82. 
James,    Professor    at    Princeton, 

U.S.A.,  ii.  82,  83. 
Joseph,  Professor  at  New  Jersey, 

U.S.A.,  ii.  84,  85. 
Nathaniel,  Bishop  of  Meath,  ii.  111. 
Robert,  Archdeacon  of  Down,  ii. 

Ill,  112. 

Robert,  General,  ii.  115. 
Sir  Antony,   149,  150,   172,   173, 
176,  186,  187,  228-234,  251. 

Alexander,  Sir  James  Edward,  of  Wester- 
ton,  Major- General,  310-313. 
Sir  Jerome,  ii.  160-164. 
Sir  Walter,  40-43,  259-266. 
Sir  William,  Lord,  101,  102,  104, 
105,    134,   120,    123,   128,   159, 
161,   162,   172,   173,   176,   187, 
205-208,  255,  256,  260,  273. 
Sir  William,  see  Alexanders,  Earls 

of  Stirling. 
William,  Bishop  of  Derry,  ii.  117, 


William,  General,  ii.  115,  116. 
William,   Major-General,  U.S.A., 

241,  282-284. 
William   Ruxton,  Major-General, 

ii.  77,  78. 
Alexander  of  the  Isles,  Lord  of  Loch- 

aber,  3. 
Alexander  or  Zinzan,  family  of,  ii.  172- 


Alexander,  Rev.  W.  Lindsay,  ii.  15,  16. 
Alexander,  Sir  William,  of  Cowdenhill, 
Bart.,  ii.  35,  36,  41. 

ALEXANDERS,  Earls  of  Stirling. 

Henry,    173,    175,   177,    190-192, 

234-238,  240-245. 
William,    26,    29-204,    260,    273, 

286,  292,  322  ;  ii.  9-11,  61-63. 

Works  of,  35-39,  4448,  67,  68, 

165-167;    and    Appendix,    No. 

III.,  ii.  205. 

ALEXANDERS,  THE,  in  America  (U.S.). 
Agatha,  ii.  35. 
Alexander,  ii.  37. 
Andrew,  ii.  35,  81. 
Anne,  ii.  80,  81. 
Archibald,  ii.  79-82,  85. 
Bethia,  ii.  34. 
Catherine,  282. 
Charles,  ii.  35,  85, 



Alexanders,  the — continued. 
Christian,  ii.  35. 
David,  ii.  37. 
Elizabeth,  ii.  37,  80,  81. 
.  Hannah,  ii.  80. 
Henry,  ii.  83,  85. 
Isabella,  ii.  35. 
James,  ii.  35,  81-83. 
Jane,  ii.  35,  81. 
Janetta,  ii.  82,  85. 
Joanna,  ii.  35. 
John,  ii.  35,  81. 
Joseph,  ii.  80,  84,  85. 
Lucy,  ii.  36. 
Maitland,  ii.  85. 
Margaret,  ii.  80,  81. 
Marianne,  ii.  34,  35. 
Martha,  ii.  81. 
Mary,  284 ;  ii.  36,  37,  81. 
Phoebe,  ii.  80,  81. 
Kobert,  ii.  36,  37,  79,  135. 
Samuel,  ii.  81,  85. 
Sarah,  ii.  81. 
Thomas,  ii.  70. 

William,  241,  282-284;  ii.  34,  37, 
79-81,  83,  84. 

ALEXANDEES,  THE,  in  Ireland. 
Adam,  ii.  136. 
Agnes,  ii.  120. 

Alexander,  ii.  101,  102,  167-169. 
Alice,  ii.  114. 
Amelia,  ii.  100. 
Andrew,   ii.    91-93,    98-101,   109,' 

123,  159;  ii.  212. 
Anne,  ii.  46,  102,  104.  105,  111- 

113,   119,   123,   124/126,   166- 


Archibald,  ii.  79,  88,  91,  93. 
Arthur,  ii.  43-45. 
Avia,  ii.  39,  138,  139. 
Benjamin,  ii.  152,  154,  155,  225, 


Blanch,  ii.  114. 
Caledon,  ii.  120. 
Caroline,  ii.  125. 
Catherine,  ii.  105,  106,   112,  115- 

117,  123,  124,  138,  139. 
Charles,  ii.  90,  92,  102,  103,  115, 

126,  127,  137. 
Charlotte,  ii.  105,  107,  112,  119, 


Christian,  ii.  102. 
Claud,  ii.  114. 
Constance,  ii.  114. 
Cuthbert,  ii.  134. 
David,  ii.  92,  131. 
Deborah,  ii.  165. 
Dorothea,  ii.  106,  110,  117. 

Alexanders,  the — continued. 
Dudley,  ii.  114. 
Edith,  ii.  114. 
Edmund,  ii.  143-145,  149,  150. 

Edward,  ii.  46,  127,  168. 

Eleanor,  ii.  90. 

Eliza,  ii.  115,  119,  120,  123. 

Elizabeth,  ii.  46,  89,  90,  93,  94, 
96,  102,  104,  105,  110,  112,  116, 
123,  124,  130,  132,  164,  166- 
168,  170,  171,  224. 

Ellen,  ii.  120. 

Emily,  ii.  102,  114. 

Fanny,  ii.  102,  120,  126. 

Fergus,  ii.  134. 

Francis,  ii.  87,  103,  159,  160. 

Frederick,  ii.  114,  126. 

George,  ii.  45,  46,  87,  94,  101-104, 
113,  114,  157. 

Gertrude,  ii.  158. 

Godfrey,  ii.  127. 

Grace,  ii.  112. 

Granville,  ii.  114. 

Grizel,  ii.  44. 

Gustavus,  ii.  126. 

Hannah,  ii.  44,  90,  130,  143,  145, 
147-150,  152,  155,  210,  224,  225. 

Harriet,  ii.  103,  112,  123,  126. 

Henrietta,  ii.  112,  113. 

Henry,  ii.  101-103,  107,  110,  114, 
115,  118,  124,  126,  132,  137. 

Hugh,  ii.  91,  92,  130,  131. 

Isabella,  ii.  94,  126,  127. 

Jacob,  ii.  91,  93,  94,  165. 

James,  ii.  39,  42-45,  86-92,  94-96, 
102-104, 107,  108,  110, 113,  115, 
119,  120,  130-132, 138-141,  145, 
165-171,  210. 

Jane,  ii.  44,  46,  87,  90,  93,  97,  110, 
119,  123,  124, 131-133, 136,  166- 

Janet,  ii.  129,  138. 

Jean,  ii.  132,  166. 

Jerome,  ii.  160-164. 

Jeromina,  ii.  164. 

John,  ii.  39,  43-46,  61,  63,  87,  89- 
91,  93,  94,  99-104,  107,  113, 
123,  125,  129, 131-133,  135-138, 
143,  145,  147-154,  165-171,  210- 
212,  214,  217,  223-225,  230,  231. 

Joseph,  ii.  86,  87,  89-94,  170, 171. 

Josias,  ii.  100,  120. 

Leonora,  ii.  126. 

Lesley,  ii.  166-169. 

Lewson,  ii.  133. 

Lorenzo,  ii.  102,  103. 

Louisa,  ii,  112,  167. 

Lucia,  ii.  102. 

Lucy,  ii.  120. 



Alexanders,  the — continued. 
Magdalene,  ii.  44. 
Margaret,  ii.  44,  47,  100,  130,  131, 


Martha,  ii.  93,  100,  131,  170. 
Mary,  ii.  46,  90,  91,  104,  106,  107, 

111-113,  115,  116,  120,  126, 131, 

148,  152,  155,  157,  164-167  ;  ii. 


Matilda,  ii.  116. 
Monsey,  ii.  106. 
Nathaniel,  ii.  89,  90,  100,  104, 

109-115,  132. 
Nicholas,  ii.  157. 
Oliver,  ii.  166,  167. 
Patrick,  ii.  131. 
Peter,  ii.  79. 
Kachel,  ii.  165. 
Raynsford,  ii.  125. 
Rebecca,  ii.  87,  104, 105,  110,  165. 
Richard,  ii.  47,  113,  116,  124,  143, 

145,  147-149,  151,  158. 
Robert,  ii.  43-45,  79,  86,  87,  89-91, 

94,  97,  101,  104,  107-113,  115, 

116,  118-120,  123-127,  130-133, 

135,  138,  158,  170. 
Ronald,  ii.  114. 
Rose,  ii.  164,  165. 
Rosetta,  ii.  168. 
Samuel,  ii.  46,  47,  89-92,  131,  135- 

137,  165,  169. 

Sarah,  ii.  89,  123,  136,  145,  146. 
Sophia,  ii.  113. 
Stuart,  ii.  45. 

Susanna,  ii.  46,  47,  145,  146. 
Thomas,  ii.   87,    91-94,    99,    130- 

133,  165,  167-169. 
Ursula,  ii.  157. 
Waller,  ii.  116. 
Walter,  ii.  103. 
Wentworth,  ii.  44,  45. 
William,  ii.  79,  87,  89,  91,  92,  94, 

97,  100,  103-107,  110,  113-118, 

123-126,  129-132,  134-136,  156, 

157,  171. 

ALEXANDERS,  THE,  in  Middleton  of 
Menstry,  Menstry,  and  Alloa. 

Adam,  278,  294. 

Agnes,  279. 

Alexander,  278,  280,  293-295,  297, 

Alfred,  302. 

Andrew,  291,  292,  296,  299. 

Anne,  300,  301. 

Archibald,  287,  297,  298. 

Catherine,  281,  298,  301. 

Charles,  292,  293,  300-302. 

Christian,  280,  300. 

Alexanders,  the — continued. 
David,  280,  298,  299. 
Ebenezer,  289,  301,  302. 
Elizabeth,  278,  279,  281,  288,  298. 
Eupham,  298. 
Francis,  298. 

George,  278,  279,  297,  299. 
Hugh,  278,  279,  286-288,  290,  299, 


Isabel,  288,  293. 
James,  18,  278-281,  287-291,  293- 

295,  299-302,  304. 

Janet,  280,  293,  294,  298-301. 

Jean,  279,  288,  299-301. 

John,  18,  278-280,  287-297,  299- 


Lilias,  300. 
Magdalene,  298,  299. 
Malcolm,  278,  290,  291,  293,  295, 

296,  304. 

Margaret,  279,  287,  289,  298-300, 


Mary,  279,  286,  289,  300,  301. 
Patrick,  280. 
Peter,  279,  290. 
Robert,  278,  279,  286,  288,  294, 

297,  300. 
Susanna,  281. 

Thomas,  286,  288,  289,  292,  295, 

296,  300. 

Walter,  288,  290,  291,  302. 
William,    10,    278-280,    286-300, 


ALEXANDERS,  THE,  in  Scotland  (centre 

and  south). 
Adam,  17  ;  ii.  54. 
Agnes,  ii.  54,  56,  58. 
Alexander,  12  ;  ii.  8,  12,  13,  38, 

Alister,  12. 

Andrew,  18,  28  ;  ii.  14. 
Barbara,  ii.  17. 
Catherine,  ii.  10-12,  23. 
Charles,  ii.  16. 
Christian,  ii.  11. 
Claud,  ii.  23,  39. 
David,  18  ;  ii.  10,  11,  21,  57. 
Donald,  12. 
Elizabeth,  ii.  10-12. 
Elspeth,  ii.  11. 
Gavin,  17,  18. 
George,  ii.  10,  56. 
Gilbert,  ii.  21,  22,  53. 
Henry,  ii.  8. 
Hugh,  ii.  19. 
Isobel,  ii.  54. 

James,  12,  17,  18  ;  ii.  8-10,  12,  14, 
17-19,  23,  38,  56-58. 



Alexanders,  the — continued. 

Janet,  ii.  11,  14,  23,  39,  54,  57, 

John,   12,   25;  ii.  10,  12,  16-22, 

38,  39,  49,  53,  54,  56-58. 
Margaret,  17  ;  ii.  9,  11,  19,  54,  56- 


Marion,  ii.  10,  54, 
Patrick,  12  ;  ii.  15,  58. 
Richard,  ii.  15,  21. 
Robert,  18  ;  ii.  9-12,  15,  19,  22, 

23,  38,  39,  50,  54-56,  58. 
Susanna,  ii.  10. 

Thomas,  18,  28;  ii.  8,  14,  19,  54. 
William,  17  ;  ii.  8,  9,  12-20,  22, 

38,  39,  56-58. 

ALEXANDERS,  THE,  in  Scotland  (Fife 

and  the  North). 
Agnes,  316,  319. 
Alexander,  321  ;  ii.  1-6. 
Andrew,  317,  318. 
Anne,  315-317. 
Archibald,  ii.  6. 
Catherine,  317,  320. 
Charles,  ii.  5. 
Christian,  326  ;  ii.  6. 
Christina,  321. 
Cosmo,  ii.  3. 

David,  315-318,  320-326  ;  ii.  6,  7* 
Doctor,  175. 
Euphame,  ii.  6. 
George,  314,  321. 
Gilbert,  316,  319. 
Helen,  317. 
Hugh,  327. 

Isobel,  315,  322  ;  ii.  4,  7,  18. 
James,  315,  317,  318,  321,  325; 

ii.  2,  5-7. 

Janet,  317,  318,  320 ;  ii.  6. 
Jean,  316. 

John,  316-322  ;  ii.  2,  3,  5-7. 
Lyston,  315. 

Margaret,  316-318  ;  ii.  4,  5. 
Marion,  ii.  7. 
Patrick,  ii.  2. 
Rachel,  317. 
Richard,  ii.  3. 
Robert,  316,  317,  319,  321,  322, 

325,  326 ;  ii.  2. 
Thomas,  314-316,  318  ;  ii.  5-7. 
Walter,  ii.  5. 
William,  315,  318-321,  326  ;  ii.  2, 


ALEXANDERS,  THE,  in  Stirling. 
Agnes,  270,  273. 
Andrew,  10,  275,  286,  292 
Barbara,  273,  276. 

Alexanders,  the — continued. 
Catherine,  270,  276. 
Charles,  276,  277. 
Christopher,  23,  273. 
David,  271. 
Elizabeth,  20,  21,  270,  271,  273, 


Helen,  274. 
James,  274,  276,  277. 
Janet,  270,  275,  276. 
Jean,  276. 

John,  271,  274,  277. 
Marion,  272. 
Robert,  20,  21,  268-272,  275,  277  ; 

ii.  62. 

Thomas,  276. 
William,  271,  274-277. 

ALEXANDERS,  THE,  of  Blockhouse,  Bog- 
hall,  Ballochmyle,  Southbar,  and 

Alexander,  ii.  28,  33,  34. 

Anna,  ii.  25,  28,  29. 

Boyd,  ii.  28,  30,  31. 

Catherine,  ii.  28,  29. 

Claud,  ii.  24,  26,  27,  29,  31,  32. 

Cora,  ii.  30. 

David,  ii.  31. 

Edwin,  ii.  30. 

Elizabeth,  ii.  25. 

Evelyn,  ii.  30. 

Helenora,  ii.  29-31. 

Herbert,  ii.  31. 

James,  ii.  24,  25. 

Janet,  ii.  24. 

Jean,  ii.  25-27,  34. 

John,  ii.  24,  25,  29,  30. 

Lilias,  ii.  28. 

Lockhart,  ii.  28. 

Margaret,  ii.  24,  27-29. 

Marion,  ii.  24,  27,  31. 

Mary,  ii.  25,  29. 

Michael,  ii.  31. 

Robert,  ii.  23-25,  27,  29,  31,  33, 
34,  37,  39. 

Sophia,  ii.  30. 

Ursula,  ii.  27. 

Wilhelmina,  ii.  28. 

William,  ii.  25,  26,  30,  31,  33, 
35-37,  41. 

ALEXANDERS,  THE,  of  Caledon. 
Charles,  ii.  122. 

Dupre,  Earl  of  Caledon,  ii.  122. 
Elizabeth,  ii.  122. 
James,  Earl  of  Caledon,  ii.  121, 122. 
Jane,  ii.  122. 
Mabella,  ii.  121. 
Walter,  ii.  122. 



ALEXANDERS,  THE,  of  Eredy  and  Gir- 


Alexander,  ii.  66-68,  70,  71. 
Andrew,  ii.  67. 
Angus,  ii.  68,  70,  72,  76. 
Archibald,  ii.  64. 
Augustus,  ii.  74,  76. 
Brickell,  ii.  74. 
Burnside,  ii.  68. 
Charlotte,  ii.  73. 
Daniel,  ii.  68. 
Eleanor,  ii.  71. 
Elizabeth,  ii.  71-73. 
Ellen,  ii.  68,  71,  76. 
George,  ii.  67-72. 
Hugh,  ii.  67,  69,  72. 
James,  ii.  68,  69,  72. 
Jane,  ii.  67-71,  73. 
John,  ii.  61,  63-65,  67,  68,  70-74, 


Joseph,  ii.  67,  69,  70. 
Josephine,  ii.  70. 
Louisa,  ii.  74. 
Lucinda,  ii.  73. 
Margaret,  ii.  68,  70,  73. 
Maria,  ii.  73. 
Martha,  ii.  71-73. 
Mary,  ii.  67-71. 
Percy,  ii.  70. 
Rachel,  ii.  70. 
Richard,  ii.  74. 
Robert,  ii.  64,  68,  69,  71. 
Sarah,  ii.  68-71, 
Susanna,  ii.  66,  73. 
Thomas,  ii.  70. 
William,  ii.  64,  67,  68,  70-75. 
William  R.  E.,  Major-General,  ii. 

77,  78. 

ALEXANDERS,  THE,  of  Manor  Neuk  and 

Agnes,  305. 
Alexander,  278. 
Andrew,  303. 
Catherine,  304,  305,  309. 
Edward,  309,  312. 
Elizabeth,  306,  307. 
Euphemia,  309. 
Gerald,  313. 
Helen,  304,  305. 
Herbert,  313. 
Isobel,  304-306. 
James,  304-309. 
Janet,  305-307. 
Jean,  303-307. 
John,  303-307,  309,  310. 
Malcolm,  278. 
Margaret,  304-307. 
Marion,  305. 

Alexanders,  the — continued. 
Mary,  306,  309. 
Ranald,  313. 
Robert,  306,  307. 
Sir  James,  310-313  ;  ii.  216. 
Thomas,  306,  307. 
William,  278,  287,  303-307. 

ALEXANDERS,  THE,  of  Menstry. 
Adam,  11. 
Alexander,  8,  9,  11-14,  16,  19,  25, 

29;  ii.  61. 
Andrew,  7-9,  12,  15,  19,  24,  25, 

65,  177,  191,  278,  294. 
Anne,  265-267. 

Archibald,  15,  16,  19-22,  34,  270. 
Barbara,  267. 

Catherine,  193,  208,  209,  211,  256. 
Charles,  25,   177,  191,  193,  198, 

199,   253,   256,   257,   265,  266, 


Christian,  19,  29,  31. 
Elizabeth,  14,  15,  19,  20,' 23,  24, 

27,  33,  253,  257,  258,  263. 
Henry,  266,  267  (vide  Alexanders, 

Earls  of  Stirling). 
Isabel,  9,  10. 
James,  14,  15,  18,  19,  20,  22,  23, 

24,  27,  33,  253,  254,  256,  257. 
Janet,  10,  14,  16,  19,  20,  29,  194, 

238,  239,  241-245,  254. 
Jean,  193,  208,  249,  256,  257 ;  ii. 

John,   12-14,   25,   155,   156,   175, 

177,   191,  253,  254,   256,  257; 

ii.  214,  217,  223-225,  230. 
Judith,  246. 
Lucy,  267. 
Ludovick,  254. 
Margaret,  27,  193,  196,  208,  211, 

212,  215,  251,  252,  256,  258. 
Marion,  9,  14,  15. 
Mary,  238,  239,  241,  245,  253. 
Peter,  243,  245. 
Priscilla,  243. 
Robert,  242,  245,  251. 
Sir  Antony,  287. 
Sir  Walter,  287. 
Thomas,  6,  7. 
William,  11,  12,  14,  19,  244,  245, 


ALEXANDERS,  THE,  of  Pitgogar. 
Alexander,  18. 
Catherine,  17,  18. 
David,  16,  18. 
Gavin,  ii.  8. 
Isobel,  18. 
Janet,  17,  18. 



Alexanders,  the — continued. 

John,  16,  17,  28,  29 ;  ii.  8. 

Robert,  16. 

Susan,  18. 

William,  16. 
"Alexandrsean,  the,"  39. 
Algeo,  Isobel,  ii.  23. 
Allan,  Isobel,  ii.  11. 
Alschinder,  see  Alexander. 
Alschonder,  ,, 

Alschunder,  ,, 


"  Anacrisis ;  or,  Censure  of  Some  Poets, 
165,    166;   Appendix,   No.   III.,   ii. 

Ancrum,  Robert,  Earl  of,  181. 
Anderson,  Margaret,  294,  297. 
Angus,  Lord  of  the  Isles,  2,  3  ;  ii.  48, 


Angus,  Margaret,  ii.  18. 
Anstruther,  Christina,  326. 
Anstruther,  Sir  John,  of  ilk,  326. 
Antrim,  Alexanders  in,  ii.  129-133. 
"Arcadia,"  the,  of  Sidney,  46,  47. 
Ardchattan,  Priory  of,  3,  4. 
Ardigon,  lands  of,  ii.  129. 
Ardmillan,  Craufurd  of,  ii.  53. 
Arkwright,  Frances,  215. 
Arkwright,  Robert,  of  Sutton,  215. 
Armagh,  Alexanders  in,  ii.  134. 
Armagh,  grants  of  land  in,  108.  • 
Armstrong,  Sarah,  ii.  70. 
Artimarlach,  battle  of,  ii.  1. 
Arundel,  Lord,  ii.  161. 
Ashworth,  Rev.  Caleb,  ii.  152. 
Assignation,  bond  of,  177-185. 
Auchmull,  lands  of,  ii.  2,  4,  5. 
Aungier,  Ambrose,  ii.  140. 
"Aurora,"  a  poem,  36. 
Aytoun,  Andrew,  Lord  Kinglassie,  317. 
Aytoun,  David,  of  Kinaldie,  317,  318. 
Aytoun,  Rachel,  317. 
Aytoun,  Robert,  of  Inchdairnie,  318. 
Aytoun,  Roger,  W.S.,  ii.  234. 
Aytoun,  Sir  Robert,  39,  40. 


BACALAOS  ISLES,  ii.  181. 

Baijer,  Rowland,  ii.  237. 

Baillie,  Principal  Robert,  32,  173. 

Baillie,  Sir  James,  94,  108,  109,  192 


Baird,  Sir  George,  of  Newbyth,  258. 
Balfour,  Lord  Burleigh,  297. 
Balfour,  Sir  James,  147,  188-190. 
Ball,  James,  of  Drumgay,  ii.  70. 
Ballendine,  Alexanders  in,  17. 

Ballingeich,  Pass  of,  150. 
Ballochmyle,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  29-32. 
"  Ballochmyle,  Bonny  Lass  of,"  ii.  28. 
Ballochmyle,  Whitefoords  of,  ii.  29. 
Ballybigley,  Alexanders  of,   ii.  88-90, 


Ballybroghy,  lands  of,  ii.  162. 
Ballyclare,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  130-133, 

168,  169. 

Ballyclose,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  99-101. 
Ballymore,  lands  of,  ii.  168. 
Balskellie,  lands  of,  ii.  7. 
Banks,  Richard,  ii.  175. 
Banks,  Thomas,  ii.  212,  214,  215,  218, 


Barclay,  Alexander,  20. 
Barclay,  Isobel,  ii.  16,  17. 
Barclay,  William,  20. 
Bargarran,  lands  of,  ii.  55. 
Barker,  Mary,  ii.  165. 
Barker,  Sir  WiUiam,  ii.  165. 
Barker,  William  P.,  ii.  165. 
Barkly,  William,  137. 
Barlow,  James,  ii.  120. 
Barnes,  Captain  Edward,  ii.  124. 
Barnes,  Sir  Edward,  ii.  124. 
Bartoletti,  Fortunata,  ii.  210,  238. 
Bates,  Amelia,  ii.  169. 
Bath,  James,  ii.  149. 
Bathurst,  Hon.  Seymour,  ii.  35. 
Battersby,  Eleanor,  ii.  223,  225. 
Battersby,  Samuel,  ii.  223. 
Baxter,  Anne,  ii.  68. 
Baxter,  Captain  Andrew,  99. 
Baxter,  John,  ii.  71. 
Beatty,  George,  ii.  70,  71. 
Beatty,  Richard,  ii.  69. 
Beatty,  Samuel,  ii.  67. 
Becks,  Lawrence,  237. 
Becks,  Susan,  237. 
Benson,  Dr  George,  ii.  153. 
Beresford,  Charlotte,  ii.  131. 
Bernard,  Francis,  282. 
Betham,  Sir  William,  ii.  1 65. 
Beton,  Robert,  of  Balfour,  320. 
Beveridge,  Margaret,  297. 
Biddle,  Mrs  Thomas,  ii.  35. 
Binfield,  Louisa,  222. 
Birmingham,    John  Alexander  in,   ii. 


Birmingham,  Mrs  Alexander  in,  ii.  228. 
Birney,  Rachel,  ii.  69. 
Birney,  Robert,  of  Gartmore,  ii.  69. 
Blackader,  Sir  John,  190. 
Blacker,  Colonel  William,  ii.  110. 
Blacker,  Grace,  ii.  107. 
Blacker,  Rev.  St  John,  ii.  107. 
Blackhouse,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  23-29. 
Blackwood,  John,  ii.  140. 



Blair,  Charlotte,  ii.  78. 

Blair,  Edward,  ii.  78. 

Blair,  Robert,  162,  205. 

Blair,  Sir  Robert,  226,  ii.  78. 

Blairhill,  Alexanders  in,  18,  28. 

Blancheville,  Edmund,  ii.  141,  143. 

Blancheville,  Ellis,  ii.  145. 

Blancheville,  Peter,  ii.  141,  145. 

Blaw,  Elizabeth,  292. 

Blayney,  Andrew,  Baron,  ii.  121. 

Blount,  Colonel  John,  238-240. 

Blundell,  Mary,  248. 

Blundell,  Montagu,  Lord,  248. 

Boomhall,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  109-111. 

Boteler  (Butler),  Edmund  le,  ii.  156. 

Bothwell  Bridge,  ii.  42. 

Boyd,  Robert,  of  Tourgill,  128,  182. 

Boyd,  Thomas,  of  Bonshaw,  128,  182. 

Boyd,  William,  Earl  of  Kilmarnock,  ii. 


Boyd,  William,  M.P.,  ii.  116. 
Boyle,  Florinda,  ii.  113. 
Boyle,  Richard,  ii.  113. 
Brabazon,  Anthony,  Earl  of  Meath,  ii. 


Brabazon,  Lady  Martha,  ii.  29. 
Bracken,  Mary,  ii.  120. 
Braidie,  Andrew,  ii.  8. 
Braidie,  Christian,  ii.  9. 
Breen,  Ralph,  ii.  70. 
Brinkley,  Esther,  ii.  103. 
Brinkley,  Matthew,  ii.  103. 
Briot,  Nicholas,  144,  145. 
Broderick,  Sir  Allan,  ii.  66. 
Broun,  Richard,  ii.  225. 
Broun,  Sir  James,  of  Colstoun,  ii.  225. 
Broune,  Elizabeth,  ii.  164. 
Broune,  Nicholas,  ii.  164. 
Brown,  Susan,  ii.  85. 
Browne,  Anne,  221. 
Browne,  Captain  W.  F.,  214. 
Browne,  Charlotte,  221. 
Browne,  Clement,  221,  222. 
Browne,  Dr,  221. 
Browne,  Georgiana,  221. 
Browne,  Jessie,  221. 
Browne,  John,  221. 
Browne,  Mary,  221. 
Browne,  Samuel,  221,  222. 
Bruce,  Edward,  298. 
Bruce,  Harry,  298. 
Bruce,  Hon.  Charles,  ii.  119. 
Bruce,  Marjory,  295. 
Bruce,  Robert,  181. 
Bruce,  Robert,  of  Rennet,  298,  299. 
Bruce,  Sir  David,  of  Clackmannan,  6. 
Bruen,  Colonel  Henry,  ii.  102. 
Bruen,  Harriet,  ii.  102. 
Buchanan,  Thomas,  33. 

Bulmer,  Sir  Bevis,  45,  46,  49. 

Buhner,  Thomas,  267. 

Buntein,  Major  Hugh,  of  Kilbryde,  ii. 


Buntein,  Margaret,  ii.  24. 
Burn,  Elizabeth,  20. 
Burn,  Helen,  287,  289. 
Burn,  J.,  ii.  227. 
Burn,  John,  20. 
Burnside,  Margaret,  ii.  68. 


CABELL,  Elizabeth,  ii.  83. 

Cabell,  George,  M.D.,  ii.  82. 

Cabot,  Sebastian,  58,  124. 

Cadell,  Eliza,  224. 

Cahirglass,  lands  of,  ii.  43,  44. 

Cairns,  Captain,  of  Killyfaddy,  ii.  72. 

Cairns,  Elizabeth,  291. 

Cairns,  James,  ii.  71. 

Caledon,  Alexanders,  Earls  of,  ii.  115, 

121,  122. 

Callan,  Lord,  ii.  146. 
Callander,  Janet,  276. 
Calthorpe,  Reynolds,  243. 
Campbell,  Alexa,  227. 
Campbell,  Archibald,  Earl  of  Argyle, 

6,  32-34,  38,  39,  187,  199. 
Campbell,  Archibald,  Lord  of  Lome, 

Campbell,  Archibald,  Master  of  Argyle, 

Campbell,  Archibald,  of  Lochaw,  6. 
Campbell,  Charles,  of  Menstry,  7. 
Campbell,  Christian,  210. 
Campbell,  Colin,  6. 
Campbell,  Colin,  Earl  of  Argyle,  8,  13, 

28,  33. 

Campbell,  Colin,  of  Dunstaffnage,  4. 
Campbell,  Donald,  7. 
Campbell,  Dougal,  7. 
Campbell,  Dougal,  of  Menstry,  6. 
Campbell,  Duncan,  of  Lochaw,  7. 
Campbell,  Duncan,  of  Menstry,  6. 
Campbell,  Henrietta,  219.  • 
Campbell,  James,  187. 
Campbell,  James,  of  Ely thes wood,  219. 
Campbell,  John,  6. 
Campbell,  John,  Duke  of  Argyle,  187, 


Campbell,  Lord  Neill,  210. 
Campbell,  Major  Frederick,  251. 
Campbell,  Margaret,  5. 
Campbell,  Marianne,  ii.  35. 
Campbell,  Mary,  220. 
Campbell,  Robert,  ii.  50,  95,  96. 
Campbell,  Sir  Dougal,  of  Auchinbreck,  5, 



Campbell,  Sir  Duncan,  of  Glenurquhie, 

6,  76. 

Campbell,  Thomas,  ii.  230. 
Campion,  Mary,  ii.  46. 
Canada,  early  settlements  in,  58. 
Candren,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  138. 
Cape  Breton,  ii.  181. 
Carey,  Henry,  Earl  of  Monmouth,  ii. 


Carlton,  Sir  Dudley,  236. 
Carmichael,  Richard,  of  Ederney,  319. 
Carnegie,  George,  225. 
Carnegie,  Hon.  Colonel,  225. 
Carnoustie,  lands  of,  ii.  7. 
Carrick,  Earl  of,  ii.  50. 
Carruthers,  Rev.  Mr,  ii.  80. 
Carruthers,  William,  ii.  81. 
Carswell,  Elizabeth,  ii.  23. 
Cartier,  Jacques,  58,  124. 
"  Castara, "  Habington's,  153. 
Castlemaine,  Richard,  Viscount,  ii.  113. 
Caulfield,  Dorothy,  ii.  158,  159. 
Caulfield,  Dr  James,  ii.  159. 
Caulfield,  Sir  Toby,  Baron  Charlemont, 

ii.  158,  159. 

Caulfield,  Sir  William,  ii.  158,  159. 
Caw,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  135,  136. 
Chalmer,  Christian,  ii.  2. 
Chambers,  Isabella,  ii.  133. 
Charles  I. ,  coronation  of,  at  Edinburgh, 

142,  152. 

Charlton,  Robert,  127. 
Chateauneuf,  Mons.  de,  French  Ambas- 
sador, letter  of,  120,  121. 
Chirgar,  William,  ii.  71. 
Chisholm,  Sir  James,  of  Cromlix,  30. 
Christie,  Isobel,  294. 
Clanbrassil,  Alice,  Countess  of,  ii.  129, 

Clanbrassil,  Anne  Carey,  Countess  of, 

ii.  129,  140. 

Clancarty,  Countess  of,  ii.  111. 
Clans,  proposed  emigation  of  Highland, 


Clark,  Major- General,  215. 
Claypoole,  Sir  John,  46. 
Clayton,  Sir  Robert,  ii.  18. 
Clements,  Thomas,  ii.  72. 
Clerk,  Margaret,  289. 
Clifford,  Anne,  ii.  175. 
Clifford,  Catherine,  ii.  43. 
Clifford,  Colonel  Knight,  ii.  43. 
Clifford,  George,  Earl  of  Cumberland, 

ii.  175. 

Clones,  battle  of,  ii.  65. 
Cloyne,  Bishop  of,  ii.  103. 
Cochrane,  Alexander,  ii.  27. 
Cochraiie,  Bailie  James,  ii.  11. 
Cochrane,  Gavin,  of  Craignmir,  ii.  27. 

Cochrane,  William,  Earl  of  Dundonald, 

ii.  27. 

Cochrane,  William,  of  Cowden,  ii.  40. 
Cockburn,  Captain  Walter,  of  ilk,  315. 
Cockburn,  Jean,  257. 
Cockburn,   Margaret,   of  Clerkington, 

Cockburn,  Sir  John,  of  Clerkington,  ii. 

194,  205. 
Cockburn,   Sir  John,  of  Ormiston,  ii. 


Coghil,  Marmaduke,  ii.  145. 
Cogry,  lands  of,  ii.  131. 
Coigny,  Duchesse  de,  214,  215. 
Coinage,  the  copper,  144-146,  154-156, 

174?  175. 

Collins,  Susan,  ii.  102. 
Collinson,  Margaret,  ii.  4. 
Collyer,  Charlotte,  ii.  106. 
Collyer,  John,  ii.  106. 
Collyer,  Rev.  J.  B.,  ii.  105. 
Collyer,  Robert,  ii.  106. 
Colville,  David,  316. 
Colville,  James,  Lord  Culross,  154,  292 ; 

ii.  2. 

Colville,  Lord  Ochiltree,  316. 
Convention,  Scottish,  petition  of,  124- 

Conway,    Edward,  Viscount,   ii.    161, 


Conyers,  Thomas,  ii.  215,  218. 
Conyers,  Thomas,   of  Catherlough,  ii. 


Cooke,  Edward,  ii.  72. 
Cooke,  Elizabeth,  ii.  71. 
Cooke,  Jane,  ii.  72. 
Cooke,  Sir  John,  ii.  161. 
Corrie,  Josiah,  ii.  211,  234. 
Corrieden,  lands  of,  ii.  19. 
Corry,   Colonel,  of  Ahenis  Castle,  ii. 


Corry,  Lucy,  ii.  69. 
Corsclays,  lands  of,  ii.  52,  53. 
Corser,  Robert,  273. 
Cosswaith,  Miss,  ii.  45. 
Coull,  Alexanders  in,  12. 
Coulter,  Mary,  ii.  68. 
Council,  Scottish  Privy,  letters  of,  70, 

71,  102,  103. 
Council,  Scottish  Privy,  proclamations 

of,  72-74,  77-80,  87-89. 
Couttie,  Allan,  27-29. 
Couttie,  Marion,  29. 
Covenant,  Scottish  National,  171. 
Cowan,  Andrew,  29. 
Cowan,  Antony,  29. 
Cowan,  Walter,  29,  65. 
Craig,  John,  ii.  14. 
Craig,  Katherine,  ii.  14. 



Craig,  Rev.  James,  ii.  16. 

Craig,   Sir  Thomas,   of  Riccarton,    ii. 


Craigengelt,  Robert,  271. 
Cranstoun,  John,  ii.  100,  102. 
Craufurd,  Andrew  Hunter  Spreul,  ii. 

36,  41. 

Craufurd,  Hugh,  of  Cloverhill,  ii.  41. 
Craufurd,  Isabella,  217. 
Craufurd,  Isobel,  ii.  41. 
Craufurd,   "William,    of  Craufurdland, 


Crawfurd,  Anne,  ii.  121. 
Crawfurd,  James,  of  Crawfurdsburn,  ii. 


Cree,  Margaret,  289. 
Crew,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  91,  92. 
Crichton,  Margaret,  ii.  15. 
Crichton,  Robert,  ii.  13. 
Crichton,  Sir  John,  of  Strathurd,  7. 
Crichton  Stuart,  James,  Earl  of  Bute, 


Crichton  Stuart,  Mary,  210. 
Crieff,  Alexanders  in,  12. 
"  Croesus,"  a  tragedy,  36. 
Crompton,  Joshua,  of  Azerly,  ii.  29. 
Crooke,  Sir  Robert,  ii.  177. 
Crooke,  Sir  Robert,  of  Elvachan,  237. 
Crosbie,  Sir  Piers,  128,  152: 
Crosbie,  Sir  Walter,  128. 
Crosby,  Nathaniel,  ii.  160. 
Cruikshank,  John,  of  Cadden,  ii.  2. 
Cumberland,  William,  Duke  of,  200. 
Cuninghame,  Alexander,  of  Craigends, 

ii.  25,  27,  28. 

Cuninghame,  Christian,  ii.  28. 
Cuninghame,  Elizabeth,  ii.  25. 
Cuninghame,  Janet,  ii.  25. 
Cuninghame,  Joanna,  ii.  27. 
Cuninghame,  Marion,  ii.  50. 
Cuninghame,  William,  of  Achinyards, 

ii.  25. 
Cuninghame,   William,   of  Craigends, 

ii.  25. 

Cunningham,  Cuthbert,  ii.  129. 
Cunninghame,   James,    Earl  of  Glen- 
cairn,  ii.  62. 
Cunninghame,   Reginald,    of  Glengar- 

nock,  ii.  60. 
Cunninghame,  Sir  Edward,  of  Kilmaurs, 

ii.  60. 
Cunninghame,  Sir  James,  of  Glengar- 

nock,  ii.  60-62. 
Cunninghame,   Sir  John,   of  Glengar- 

nock,  ii.  61,  63. 
Curtis,  Agnes,  ii.  120. 
Curtis,  Sir  William,  ii.  120. 
Curtivacher,  Alexanders,  12. 
Cutler,  Henry,  ii.  174. 


D'AGUILAR,  Colonel,  ii.  233,  234. 
Dalcussen,  lands  of,  ii.  49. 
Dalison,  Anne,  ii.  120. 
Dalison,  Maximilian,  ii.  116,  119. 
Dallas,  Brigadier-General  Charles,   ii. 


Dallas,  General  Sir  Thomas,  ii.  115. 
Dallas,  Janet,  ii.  114. 
Dalreoch,  lands  of,  ii.  50-52. 
Dalrymple,  Dr  Robert,  214. 
Dalrymple,  Elizabeth,  214. 
Dalrymple,  James,  Viscount  Stair,  213. 
Dalrymple,  John,  Earl  of  Stair,  215. 
Dalrymple,  John,  of  Bergany,  213. 
Dalrymple,  Marion,  214. 
Dalrymple,  Sir  Hew,  of  North  Berwick, 

213,  214. 
Dalrymple,   Sir  Robert,   of  Castleton, 


Dalton,  William,  ii.  105. 
Dalzell,  Colonel  John,  ii.  73,  74. 
Dalzell,  Emma,  ii.  73. 
Dalzell,  Major  John,  ii.  73. 
Dalziel,  General  Sir  Thomas,  ii.  42. 
Daniel,  Captain,  116,  117. 
"Darius,  a  Tragedie,"  35,  36. 
Darneholme,  lands  of,  ii.  54. 
Dashwood,  Charlotte,  ii.  119. 
Davie,  Janet,  279. 
Davies,  John,  of  Hereford,  53. 
Dawson,  Mary,  291. 
Deedes,  Henry  C. ,  ii.  37. 
De  la  Croix,  Marion,  ii.  33,  34. 
De  la  Porte,  Agatha,  ii.  34. 
De  la  Tour,  Claude,  103,  119,  120,  126- 


De  L'Isle,  Guillaume,  ii.  231. 
De  Mount,  Governor  of  Canada,  58,  59. 
Demperston,  Janet,  292. 
Demperston,  Margaret,  16. 
Dennis,  James,  of  Murley,  ii.  68. 
Dering,  Sir  Edward,  ii.  66. 
Deuchar,  Alexander,  210,  211. 
Devonport,  James,  267. 
Digby,  Sir  Henry,  ii.  220: 
Dillon,  John,  ii.  213,  214. 
Doak,  Rev.  John,  ii.  81. 
Dolling,  Rev.  Boughey,  ii.  120. 
Dolling,  Robert,  ii.  120. 
Don,  Anna,  ii.  76. 
Donagheady,  lands  of,  ii.  92. 
Donald,  Lord  of  the  Isles,  2,  3  ;  ii.  48. 
Donnethorne,  Captain,  ii.  103. 
"  Doomsday,"  a  poem,  48. 
Dopping,  Alicia,  ii.  113. 
Dopping,  Samuel,  ii.  113. 
Dorchester,  Viscount,  122,  123,  128. 



Dougal,  Lord  of  the  Isles,  2. 

Douglas,  Agnes,  34. 

Douglas,  George,  207. 

Douglas,  Elizabeth,  8,  9. 

Douglas,  James,  106. 

Douglas,  Sir  Robert,  of  Glenbervie,  76. 

Douglas,  Sir  Robert,  of  Lochleven,  9. 

Douglas,  Sir  William,  of  Gleubervie,  207. 

Douglas,  William,  208. 

Douglas,  William,  Earl  of  Angus,  208. 

Douglas,  William,  Earl  of  Morton,  194. 

Douglas,  William,  of  Lugtown,  7. 

Dovan,  earldom  of,  ii.  213. 

Downie,  Alice,  288. 

Downshire,  Marchioness  of,  ii.  219. 

Drayton,  Michael,  44,  52,  56,  141. 

Drumachose,  lands  of,  ii.  99. 

Drumarnagross,  lands  of,  ii.  87. 

Drumclog,  skirmish  of,  ii.  42. 

Drummochrian,  lands  of,  ii.  54,  55. 

Drummond,  correspondence  of,  47,  51, 
52,  54,  55-57,  140-142,  172. 

Drummond,  David,  of  Cultmalindie,  209. 

Drummond,  elegy  on  Sir  Antony  Alex- 
ander, 231-233. 

Drummond,  elegy  on  the  Death  of 
Moeliades  (Prince  Henry),  47. 

Drummond,  Janet,  288,  300. 

Drummond,  John,  Earl  of  Melfort,  ii.  27. 

Drummond,  William,  of  Hawthornden, 
47,  48,  51,  52,  55-57,  188. 

Drumquin,  lands  of,  ii.  86,  87. 

Dublin,  Alexanders,  Baronets  of,  ii. 

Dublin,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  138-155. 

Dudley,  Eliza,  ii.  35. 

Duer,  Colonel  William,  285. 

Duer,  William,  LL.D.,  285  ;  ii.  16. 

Duff,  Janet,  214. 

Duff,  William,  of  Crombie,  214. 

Duine  wassails,  189. 

Dunbar,  Earl  of,  236. 

Duncan,  Adam,  Viscount,  214. 

Duncan,  Robert,  Earl  of  Camperdown, 

Dundas,  Eliza,  ii.  119. 

Dundas,  Mary,  197. 

Dundas,  Ralph,  of  Manor,  197. 

Dunfermline,  Earl  of,  ii.  194,  205. 

Dunkeld,  George,  Bishop  of,  6. 

Dunkeld,  John,  Bishop  of,  13;  ii.  61. 

Dunlop,  James,  of  Dovecote,  ii.  24. 

Dupre  Josias,  ii.  105. 


EAKIN,  Jane,  ii.  93. 
Eastgate,  Lydia,  224. 

Echt,  parish  of,  ii.  5. 

Edmond,  Agnes,  276,  307. 

Edmond,  Colonel,  307. 

Edmond,  Elizabeth,  307. 

Edmond,  John,  307. 

Edmond,  Provost,  307. 

' '  Elegie  on  the  Death  of  Prince  Henry, " 

44,  45. 
"  Elegy  on  Sir  Antony  Alexander, "  231- 


Elgin,  Earl  of,  ii.  119. 
Elliot,  Captain  Amyand,  ii.  76. 
Elliot,  Grace,  ii.  77. 
Elliot,  Hon.  J.  E.,  ii.  76. 
Elliot,  Robert,  ii.  70. 
Elphinstone,  Lord,  30. 
Elphinstone,    Sir  George,   of  Blythes- 

wood,  ii.  205. 
Elye,  Viscount,  262. 
Enagh,  lands  of,  ii.  135. 
"  Encouragement  to  the  Colonies,  an," 

66,  68. 

Eredy  &  Girlaw,  Alexanders  of,  61-78. 
Eredy,  lands  of,  ii.  61,  63. 
Erskine,  Alexander,  38. 
Erskine,  Alexander,  of  Dun,  181. 
Erskine,  Janet,  38,  249,  252. 
Erskine,  John,  Earl  of  Mar,  18";  ii.  180. 
Erskine,  John,  Lord  Balgonie,  38,  208. 
Erskine,  Rev.  Ebenezer,  277. 
Erskine,  Robert,  of  ilk,  6. 
Erskine,  Sir  Charles,  258. 
Erskine,  Sir  James,  38. 
Erskine,  Sir  William,  38,  186,  187. 
"  Expedition  of  the  Scots  Regiment," 

Ewing,  Caroline,  ii.  120. 


FALKNER,  B.,  ii.  45. 
Fane,  Miss,  ii.  119. 

Farquharson,  John,  of  Invercauld,  210. 
Fe"nelon,  Francois,  Archbishop  of  Cam- 
bray,  ii.  232. 

Fenner,  Alexander,  ii.  146,  147. 
Fenner,  Edmond,  ii.  146,  147. 
Fenner,  Elizabeth,  ii.  146,  147. 
Fenner,  James,  ii.  146,  147. 
Fenner,  Mary,  ii.  146,  147. 
Fenner,  Richard,  ii.  142-146,  149,  150. 
Fenner,  Susan,  ii.  146,  147. 
Fenner,  William,  ii.  146,  147. 
Fenwick,  Rev.  Robert,  ii.  56. 
Ferguson,  Andrew,  ii.  110. 
Ferguson,  Anne,  ii.  110. 
Ferguson,  Eliza,  ii.  110. 
Ferguson,  Ellen,  ii.  110. 



Ferguson,  Jane,  ii.  110. 

Ferguson,  John,  ii.  110. 

Ferguson,  John,  of  Kilkenner,  ii.  53. 

Ferguson,  Sarah,  ii.  110. 

Ferguson,  Sir  Andrew,  ii.  110. 

Ferguson,  William,  ii.  110. 

Fergusson,  Andrew,  ii.  96. 

Flechier,  Esprit,  Bishop  of  Nismes,  ii. 


Forbes,  Elizabeth,  14. 
Forbes,  John,  of  Inverarnan,  ii.  5. 
Forbes,  Kev.  James,  ii.  150,  151. 
Forrester,  Agnes,  16. 
Forrester,  Alexander,  16  ;  ii.  14. 
Forrester,  David,  in  Logie,  10,  16. 
Forrester,  Duncan,  of  Arngibbon,  15. 
Forrester,  John,  15,  16. 
Forrester,  Margaret,  10. 
Forrester,  Kobert,  of  Boquhan,  271. 
Forrester,  Walter,  of  Culmore,  273. 
Forster,  J.  W.,  ii.  104. 
Forsyth,  John,  ii.  13. 
Forsyth,  Margaret,  ii.  13. 
Foulis,  George,  46. 
Foulis,  John,  46. 
Foulis,  Robert,  156. 
Foulis,  Thomas,  45,  260. 
Fowles,  Alphonsus,  260,  263. 
Fowles,  Anne,  259. 
Fowles,  Matthew,  263. 
Foyle  Park,  ii.  169. 
Franklin,  Dr  Benjamin,  ii.  35. 
Franquetot,  Georgiana,  215. 
Franquetot,  Louis,  Due  de  Coign y,  215. 
Franquetot,  Louise,  215. 
Freeland,  George,  269. 
Freeland,  Patrick,  269. 
Freman,  Catherine,  ii.  122. 
Freman,  Philip,  Earl  of  Hardwicke,  ii. 


Frith,  Robert,  ii.  70. 
Fullerton,  David,  116. 
Fullerton,  Lucy,  ii.  37. 
Fussell,  Rev.  James,  215. 


GALBKAITH,  Janet,  300,  302. 
Galbraith,  Robert,  ii.  46. 
Gallowajr,  Elizabeth,  290. 
Galloway,  Elspeth,  ii.  6. 
Galloway,  James,  Bishop  of,  ii.  18. 
Garraud,  Rev.-G.,  letter  of,  236. 
Gascoigne,  Ellen,  ii.  139. 
Gay  nor,  Michael,  ii.  140. 
Gibb,  John,  222. 
Gibb,  Mina,  222. 
Gibson,  Sarah,  ii.  81. 

Gillespie,  lands  of,  ii.  18. 

Gillespie,  Sarah,  ii.  70. 

Glas,  Catherine,  209. 

Glas,  John,  of  Sauchie,  209. 

Glass,  parish  of,  ii.  4. 

Glencairn,  Earl  of,  269. 

Glendonyng,  lands  of,  ii.  17. 

Glengarnock,  Riddells  of,  ii.  60. 

Glenorchy,  Campbell  of,  ii.  1. 

Glentogher,  lands  of,  ii.  115. 

Gloom  Castle,  6. 

Goderich,  Lord,  ii.  227. 

Godfrey,  Elizabeth,  ii.  127. 

"Golden  Fleece,  the,"  89-91. 

Gordon,  Duchess  of,  ii.  3. 

Gordon,  John,  ii.  140. 

Gordon,  James,  Keeper  of  Royal  Signet, 

176,  177,  185,  191,  206,  255. 
Gordon,  John,  Marquis  of  Aboyne,  175. 
Gordon,  Rev.  John,  174,  175. 
Gordon,  Sir  Robert,  76,  181. 
Gordon,  Sir  Robert,  of  Lochinvar,  63, 


Gorges,  Alexander,  ii.  164. 
Gorges,  Anne,  ii.  164. 
Gorges,  Edward,  ii.  164. 
Gorges,  Edward,  Lord,  163. 
Gorges,  Elizabeth,  ii.  164. 
Gorges,  Sir  Ferdinand,  59,  60,  159. 
Gorges,  Thomas,  of  Heavitree,   M.P., 

ii.  164. 

Gortinesson,  lands  of,  ii.  169. 
Graham,  Agnes,  253,  254 ;  ii.  214. 
Graham,  Archibald,  290. 
Graham,  Gilbert,  254. 
Graham,  James,  Marquis  of  Montrose. 


Graham,  Katherine,  6,  298. 
Graham,  Rachel,  290. 
Graham,  Robert,  of  Gartmore,  20,  254. 
Graham,  Sir  William,  of  Gartmore,  256. 
Graham,  Walter,  of  Gartmore,  194. 
Graham,  William,  of  Gartavestan,  27. 
Graham,  William,  of  Polder,  256. 
Grant,  Captain  Colquhoun,  ii.  114. 
Gray,  Andrew,  ii.  67. 
Gray,  Christian,  272. 
Gray,  Jean,  12. 
Gray,  Margaret,  300,  302. 
Gray,  Sarah,  259. 
GVeenlees,  William,  ii.  25. 
Greenville,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  93,  94. 
Gregg,  John,  ii.  91. 
Grey,  Edward,  Bishop  of  Hereford,  ii. 


Grey,  Mary,  ii.  124. 
Grimston,  Lady  Jane,  ii.  122. 
Grococke,  Robert,  ii.  138. 
Gurisland,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  104. 




HABINGTON,  William,  153. 

Haddington,  Earl  of,  133. 

Haigh,  Jane,  ii.  168. 

Halden,  Joseph,  of  Myretoun,  43. 

Hamilton,  Ada,  ii.  70. 

Hamilton,  Anne,  214,  215. 

Hamilton,  Charlotte,  215. 

Hamilton,  Claud,  of  Blackhole,  ii.  23. 

Hamilton,  Georgina,  215. 

Hamilton,  Helen,  215. 

Hamilton,  Henrietta,  214. 

Hamilton,  Henry,  Earl  of  Clanbrassil, 

ii.  140. 

Hamilton,  Hon.  John,  213. 
Hamilton,  James,  214. 
Hamilton,  James,  Earl  of  Abercorn,  ii. 

Hamilton,  James,  Earl  of  Arran,  ii. 

Hamilton,  James,  Earl  of  Clanbrassil, 

ii.  140. 
Hamilton,  James,  Marquis  of,  152,  156, 

171 ;  ii.  194,  205. 
Hamilton,  Janet,  ii.  55. 
Hamilton,  Janet,  214,  215. 
Hamilton,  Jemima,  214. 
Hamilton,  Johanna,  213. 
Hamilton,  John,  215. 
Hamilton,     John,     Commendator     of 

Paisley,  ii.  22. 
Hamilton,   John,   of  Hacketstown,   ii. 


Hamilton,  John,  of  Milltown,  ii.  70. 
Hamilton,  Lord  Claud,  ii.  22. 
Hamilton,     Malcolm,    Archbishop    of 

Cashel,  ii.  143. 
Hamilton,  Margaret,  ii.  39. 
Hamilton,  Margaret,  214,  215. 
Hamilton,  Marion,  ii.  23. 
Hamilton,  Mary,  ii.  217,  223. 
Hamilton,  Patricia,  215. 
Hamilton,  Robert,  214. 
Hamilton,   Robert,   of  Clonsillagh,  ii. 
.     123. 
Hamilton,   Sir  Hans,   of  Monella,  ii. 

Hamilton,   Sir  Hew  Dalrymple,    214, 


Hamilton,  Sir  John  Dalrymple,  215. 
Hamilton,  Sir  John,  of  Magdalens,  ii. 


Hamilton,  Sir  Patrick,  of  Preston,  192. 
Hamilton,  Sir  Robert,  of  Mount  Hamil- 
ton, ii.  143. 
Hamilton,  Thomas,  EaiiofMelrose,  82, 

83,  85,  156  ;  ii.  194,  205. 
Hamilton,  Virginia,  215. 

Hamilton,  Wsite,  215. 

Hammick,  Sir  Samuel,  ii.  107. 

Handcock,  Hon.  Alicia,  ii.  113. 

Hankey,  Captain  "William,  ii.  35. 

Hankey,  General  Henry,  ii.  35. 

Hankey,  John,  ii.  35. 

Hankey,  Julia,  ii.  35. 

Hankey,  Thomson,  M.P.,  ii.  35. 

Hannay,  Dr  James,  170. 

Hardynge,  Charles,  of  Bole  Hall,  ii.  234. 

Harker,  Julia,  227. 

Harper,  Thomas,  167,  169. 

Harrington,  Captain  Edward,  of  Rand, 


Harrington,  Lady  Jane,  267. 
Harrington,  James,  of  Rand,  267. 
Harrington,  John,  of  Kelston,  267. . 
Harrington,  William,  of  Rand,  267. 
Harris,  Rev.  Dr,  ii.  106. 
Harrower,  Margaret,  289. 
Hart,  Rev.  John,  ii.  95. 
Hart,  Thomas,  269. 
Hart,  William,  269. 
Hartley,  Catherine,  ii.  139. 
Hartley,  Joseph,  ii.  140. 
Hartley,  William,  ii.  39,  138,  139. 
Harvey,  Miss,  of  Merlin  Hall,  ii.  115. 
Havers,  Elizabeth,  ii.  164. 
Hay,  George,  Earl  of  Kinnoul,  258. 
Hay,  Grizel,  258. 
Hay,  James,  258. 
Hay,  Rev.  Charles,  ii.  113. 
Hay,  Sir  George,  of  Kinfauns,  86  ;  ii. 

194,  205. 

Hay  man,  Robert,  111. 
Helm,  Rev.  C.  H.,  ii.  237. 
Henderson,  Janet,  ii.  23. 
Henderson,  John,  of  Westerton,  209. 
Hendrie,  Janet,  279. 
Henrieson,  Elizabeth,  297. 
Henry,  John,  ii.  73. 
Henry,  Prince,  son  of  James  VI.,  35, 

36,  44. 

Hepburne,  Mary,  226. 
Hepburne,  Robert,  of  Baads,  219. 
Hepburne,  Robert,  of  Clerkington,  226. 
Herbert,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Tintern,  267. 
Heriot,  George,  260,  261. 
Heriot,  James,  237,  260,  261. 
Hibbert  Captain  J.   N.,    of  Chalfont 

Park,  ii.  124. 

Hickey,  Charlotte,  ii.  113. 
Higgs,  Benjamin,  ii.  152. 
Higgs,  Hannah,  ii.  152. 
Hill,   Arthur,  Marquis  of  Downshire, 

247,  248. 

Hill,  George,  ii.  46. 
Hobart,  Sir  Henry,  263. 
Hobey,  Elizabeth,*  244. 



Hobey,  John,  244. 

Hobey,  Richard,  244. 

Hobey,  Sir  Thomas,  245. 

Hobhouse,  John  Cam,  Lord  Broughton, 
ii.  30. 

Hobhouse,  Sir  Benjamin,  ii.  30. 

Hobhouse,  Sophia,  ii.  30. 

Hogg,  Anne,  ii.  70. 

Hogg,  Sir  James  Weir,  223. 

Holbourne,  Colonel  Robert,  197. 

Holbourne,  General  James,  197. 

Holbourne,  James,  197. 

Holbourne,  Sir  James,  198. 

Home,  Sir  David,  of  Wedderburn,  181. 

Home,  Sir  George,  128,  130. 

Home,  William,  of  Aytoun,  192. 

Hope,  James,  of  Waterheid,  256. 

Hope,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Kersse,  176,  177, 

Hopkins,  Maria,  ii.  74. 

Hopson,  Charles,  ii.  178. 

Houston,  Anne,  ii.  27. 

Houston,  Sir  John,  of  ilk,  ii.  27. 

Hovenden,  Henry,  ii.  217. 

Howe,  Robert,  ii.  68, 

Hughes,  Margaret,  ii.  148,  149. 

Hume,  Isabella,  ii.  30. 

Humphreys,  Alice,  ii.  118. 

Humphreys,  Cecil,  ii.  118. 

Humphreys,  Hamilton,  ii.  118. 

Humphreys,  Lucy,  ii.  37. 

Humphreys,  Major,  ii.  118. 

Humphrys,  Abel,  ii.  224. 

Humphrys,  Alexander,  ii.  155 ;  Ap- 
pendix, No.  IV.,  ii.  210-243. 

Humphrys,  Alexander  W.,  jun.,  ii. 
229,  238,  239. 

Humphrys,  Angela,  ii.  239. 

Humphrys,  Anne,  ii.  224. 

Humphrys,  Charles  L.,  ii.  238,  239. 

Humphrys,  Edward,  ii.  155. 

Humphrys,  Elizabeth,  ii.  155. 

Humphrys,  Eugene,  ii.  238. 

Humphrys,  John,  ii.  238. 

Humphrys,  William,  ii.  155,  210,  229, 

Hunter,  Eliza,  227. 

Hunter,  John,  ii.  68. 

Hunter,  Rev.  John,  D.D.,  222. 

Hunter,  William,  M.D.,  ii.  154. 

Hutchinson,  Colonel,  222. 

Hutton,  Captain,  221. 

Hutton,  William,  176. 

INGLLS,  Agnes,  ii.  22. 
Inglis,  Janet,  198. 

Inglis,  John,  of  Cramond,  198. 
Innes,  Cosmo,  ii.  230. 
Innes,  Sir  Robert,  of  ilk,  76. 


JACK,  Margaret,  ii.  89. 

Jackson,  Anne,  ii.  111. 

Jackson,  Right  Hon.  Richard,  ii.  111. 

Jacob,  Colonel,  225. 

Jacob,  John,  M.D.,  ii.  45. 

Jameson,  Ann,  301. 

Jameson,  George,  painter,  ii.  2. 

J^neson,  Mary,  ii.  2. 

Jlmies  VI.,  "  Poetical  Exercises,"  53. 

James  VI.,  sonnets  by,  48-51. 

James  VI.,  version  of  Psalms,  53,  54, 

81,  8-2,  142-144.  164,  165,  167-171. 
Jamieson,  Janet,  288. 
Jocelyn,  Anne,  ii.  116. 
Jocelyn,  Lord  Chancellor,  ii.  116. 
John,  Lord  of  the  Isles,  2,  3  ;  ii.  49. 
Johnson,  A.,  ii.  45. 
Johnson,  Arthur,  epigram  by,  39,  142. 
Johnston,  Anne,  292. 
Johnston,  Georgina,  ii.  106. 
Johnston,  James,  of  Lochwood,  ii.  17. 
Johnston,  James,  of  Westraw,  ii.  17. 
Johnston,  Mary,  287. 
Johnston,  Sir  Richard,  of  Gilford,  ii. 


Johnston,  Sir  William,  of  ilk,  ii.  106. 
"Jonathan  :  a  Poem,"  167. 
"  Julius  Csesar  :  a  Tragedie,"  39. 


KEANE,  Sir  John,  Lord,  ii.  75. 
Kearney,  Richard,  ii.  160. 
Keatinge,  Colonel,  ii.  29. 
Keatiuge,  Elizabeth,  ii.  29. 
Keiss,  Sinclair  of,  ii.  1. 
Keith,  Agnes,  216. 
Keith,  Alexander,  of  Ravelston,  216. 
Keith,  Anne,  33. 
Keith,  Charles,  218. 
Keith,  George,  216. 
Keith,  George,  Earl  Marischal,  ii.  194. 
Keith,  Helen,  217. 
Keith,  Isabella,  216,  218. 
Keith,  James,  M.D.,  216,  217. 
Keith,  John,  216. 
Keith,  Mary,  216,  218. 
Keith,  Robert,  216. 
Keith,  Sir  Alexander,  217. 
Keith,    Sir  William,   Earl  Marischal, 
76  ;  ii.  205. 



Keith,  William,  216-218. 

Kellie,  Alexander,  ii.  100. 

Kelly,  Andrew,  ii.  225. 

Kelly,  Arthur,  ii.  170. 

Kendall,  Caroline,  227. 

Kennedy,  Agnes,  ii.  51. 

Kennedy,  Anne,  ii.  75. 

Kennedy,  David,  of  Ballycutra,  ii.  140, 


Kennedy,  John,  of  Blairquhan,  ii.  52. 
Kennedy,  Lieut. -GeneralJames,  ii.  75, 


Kennedy,  Thomas,  of  Penquhan,  ii.  55. 
Ker,  Sir  James,  of  Crailing,  ii.  12. 
Kertch,  Captain  David,  100,  101,  113, 


Kid,  Oliver,  ii.  69. 
Kilcooley,  lands  of,  ii.  162-164. 
Kilgour,  Magdalene,  ii.  91.        , 
Kilgour,  Mary,  ii.  91. 
King,  Hester,  ii.  167. 
Kinmundie,  lands  of,  ii.  2. 
Kinneir,  Alexander,   of  Forrest,   177, 

185,  193. 

Kinnekelly,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  90,  91. 
Kinross,  Beatrix,  269. 
Kinross,  Margaret,  289. 
Kirk,  Captain,  120,  121. 
Kirk,  James,  270. 
Kirkland,  lands  of,  ii.  19. 
Knights,  Golden,  46,  68. 
Knockcroghery,  lands  of,  ii.  46. 
Knockhill,  lands  of,  ii.  18. 
Knox,  Elizabeth,  ii.  93. 
Knox,  Rev.  William,  ii.  110. 

L'AcADiE,  59,  100. 

Laing,  Margaret,  271. 

Lambert,  Euphane,  292. 

Lambert,  Madame  de,  ii.  232. 

Lamont,  Georgina,  217. 

Lane,  Colonel  Henry,  ii.  76,  77. 

Lane,  Henry,  ii.  76. 

Lane,  Henry  Alexander,  ii.  77. 

Lang,  Elizabeth,  ii.  50. 

Lanham,  Elizabeth,  ii.  164. 

Lanham,  Humphrey,  ii.  164. 

Lanham,  John,  ii.  164. 

Lanham,  Mary,  ii.  164. 

Lanham,  Rose,  ii.  164. 

Largs,    barony   and    seaport   of,    107, 


Latimer,  Patrick,  ii.  70. 
Laud,  Archbishop,  168. 
Lauderdale,  Earl  of,  239. 
Lawrence,  Anne,  221. 

Lawrence,  Sir  George,  221. 

Lee,  Judith,  242. 

Lee,  Robert,  of  Binfield,  241-244. 

Lee,  William  Philips,  241,  282. 

Lefebre,  Jeanne,  221. 

Leggat,  Mary,  288. 

Leishman,  Janet,  15. 

Leishman,  John,  of  Stirling,  14,  15. 

Leishman,  Mary,  279,  290. 

Lendrum,  John,  ii.  69. 

Lendrum,  Sarah,  ii.  69. 

Lennox,  Duke  of,  ii.  63. 

Le  Normand,  Mdlle.,  ii.  210,  211,  231, 

Letters,  royal,  23,  24,  60-62,  81-86,  92- 
98,  102,  110,  113-115,  130-132,  134- 
136,  138,  139,  228,  229,  262,  263, 
323,  324  ;  ii.  12,  13. 

Lewis,  Mary,  ii.  223. 

Lewson,  Rev.  William,  ii.  133. 

Library,  the  Alexander,  in  Trinity  Col- 
lege, Dublin,  ii.  159,  163,  164. 

Linbank,  Alexanders  in,  17. 

Lindsay,  Bernard,  ii.  9. 

Lingan,  William,  ii.  148. 

Linlithgow,  Earl  of,  258,  325. 

Lismahon,  lands  of,  ii.  46. 

Lithgow,  William,  52. 

Little,  Jane,  ii.  70. 

Livingstone,  Alexander,  of  Dunipace, 

Livingstone,  Philip,  284. 

Livingstone,  P.  Vanbrugh,  281. 

Livingstone,  Sarah,  284. 

Livingstone,  Sir  David,  of  Dunipace, 
76,  190. 

Livingstone,  William,  269. 

Lockhart,  Ephraim,  ii.  215,  225,  226. 

Lockhart,  Fanny,  ii.  91. 

Lockhart,  John,  of  Lee,  ii.  26. 

Lockhart,  Sir  George,  213. 

Logie-Coldstone,  parish  of,  ii.  5. 

Londonderry,  ii.  65. 

Longford,  Francis,  Earl  of,  ii.  140. 

Lothian,  William,  Earl  of,  182. 

Loupe,  Macalisters  of,  4,  5. 

Lovelace,  Mary,  ii.  44. 

Lumisdeu,  Andrew,  Bishop  of  Edin- 
burgh, ii.  14. 

Lumisden,  Elizabeth,  ii.  14. 

Lundie,  Archibald,  210. 

Luudie,  Henry,  210. 

Lundie,  William,  of  ilk,  320. 

Lushington,  Florence,  ii.  116. 

Lushington,  Stephen,  ii.  116. 

Lyle,  Elizabeth,  ii.  81. 

Lyle,  Joseph,  ii.  80. 

Lynch,  Susanna,  ii.  47. 

Lynes,  Sarah,  ii.  217. 




MACALEXAXDER,  Agnes,  ii.  51. 
MacAlexander,  Alexander,  ii.  49, 50,128. 
Mac  Alexander,  Andrew,  ii.  51,  55. 
MacAlexander,  Angus,  of  Loupe,  4. 
MacAlexander,  Archibald,  4. 
MacAlexander,  Claud,  ii.  52. 
MacAlexander,  Colin,  ii.  49. 
MacAlexander,  Donald,  4. 
MacAlexander,  Duncan,  4  ;  ii.  50. 
MacAlexander,  Elizabeth,  ii.  51. 
MacAlexander,  Fergus,  ii.  50-52. 
MacAlexander,  George,  ii.  53. 
MacAlexander,  Gilbert,  ii.  49. 
MacAlexander,   Hew,  ii.  51,  52,  128, 


MacAlexander,  Janet,  ii,  51. 
MacAlexander,  John,  4;  ii.  19,  51-55, 

128,  129,  133,  134. 
MacAlexander,  Malcolm,  4. 
MacAlexander,  Margaret,  ii.  51,  133. 
MacAlexander,  Neil  Campbell,  of  Glen- 

aray,  4. 

MacAlexander,  Robert,  ii.  53,  128. 
MacAlexander,  Tarlach,  3  ;  ii.  61. 
MacAlexander,  Thomas,  ii.  52,  133. 
MacAlexanders,  the,  of  Tarbert,  4. 
MacAlister,  Alexander,  of  Tangie,  5. 
MacAlister,  Colonel  Somerville,  4. 
MacAlister,  Keith,  of  Glenbar,  5. 
MacAlister,  Sir  Roderick,  3,  4. 
MacCaulay,  Alexander,  ii.  100. 
MacCaulay,  Sarah,  ii.  100. 
MacDougals,  the,  of  Lome,  2. 
Mackenzie,  Charles,  223. 
Mackenzie,  Colonel,  226. 
Mackenzie,  James,  222. 
Mackenzie,  Lord  Kintail,  255. 
Mackenzie,  Sir  George,  of  Rosehaugh, 


Mackenzie,  Sir  John,  255. 
Mackenzie,  Sir  Roderick,  255. 
Macketstown,  lands  of,  ii.  19. 
Mackintosh,  William,  of  ilk,  210. 
Maclean,  Alexander,  of  Ardgour,  250. 
Madison,  Martha,  ii.  35. 
Madison,  Mira,  ii.  35. 
Mahon,  Giles,  ii.  45. 
Maitland,  Christian,  217. 
Maitland,  Lieut. -Colonel,  217. 
M 'Alexander,  Eliza,  ii.  134. 
M' Alexander,  Fergus,  ii.  134. 
M 'Alexander,  James,  ii.  128,  133. 
M 'Alexander,  Jane,  ii.  133. 
M 'Alexander,  Martha,  ii.  134. 
M 'Alexander,  Samuel,  ii.  129. 
M 'Alexander,   William,    ii.   128;    133, 


Mallech,  Anne,  ii.  164. 

Mallech,  Rankin,  ii.  164. 

Mallech,    Rawlin,    of    Cockiugton,    ii. 

Mallet,  Philip,  ii.  231. 

Manchester,  Earl  of,  240. 

Manor  Neuk  and  Westerton,  Alexan- 
ders of,  278-287,  303-313. 

Manvers,  Charles,  Earl,  215. 

Mapas,  Catherine,  ii.  123. 

Mapas,  John  Folie,  of  Rochetown,  ii. 

Marshall,  Helen,  296. 

Marshall,  Janet,  11,  12,  296. 

Marshall,  Ninian,  ii.  50. 

Marshall,  William,  32,  167,  303. 

Mason,  hereditary  Grand-Master,  230. 

Mathie,  Janet,  ii.  22. 

Matowack,  or  Long  Island,  160,  161. 

Matthews,  Sarah,  ii.  178. 

Maule,  Patrick,  of  Panmure,  234. 

Maxwell,  Adam,  ii.  25. 

Maxwell,  Elizabeth,  ii.  214,  230. 

Maxwell,  Helenora,  ii.  29. 

Maxwell,  James,  Earl  of  Dirletou,  161. 

Maxwell,    James,    of  Innerwick,   156, 

Maxwell,  John,  Bishop  of  Ross,  168, 

Maxwell,  John,  of  Brediland,  ii.  24. 

Maxwell,  John,  of  Cavers,  168. 

Maxwell,  John,  of  Southbar,  ii.  25. 

Maxwell,  Lord  Caerlaverock,  ii.  25. 
Maxwell,  Margaret,  ii.  169. 
Maxwell,  Mary,  ii.  25. 
Maxwell,  Sir  John,  of  Pollok,  104. 
Maxwell,  Sir  Robert,  ii.  140. 
Maxwell,  Sir  William,  of  Springkell,  ii. 


Maxwell,  William,  104. 
M'Blain,  Margaret,  ii.  223,  225. 
M'Cleery,  Henry,  ii.  81. 
M'Cleery,  John,  ii.  80. 
M'Clintock,  Dorothea,  ii.  116. 
M'Cliiitock,  Elizabeth,  ii.  104. 
M'Clintock,  Henry,  of  Ballyarton,  ii. 

M'Clintock,  James,   of  Tearntagh,  ii. 


M'Clintock,  Susanna,  ii.  106. 
M'Clure,  Hamilton,  ii.  104. 
M'Clure,  Margaret,  ii.  80. 
M'Culloch,  Anne,  ii.  109. 
M'Culloch  Castle,  ii.  53. 
M'Culloch,  Catherine,  ii.  52. 
M'Culloch,  Henry,  of  Cladymore,  ii. 


M'Culloch,  James,  ii.  19. 
M'Culloch,  Janet,  ii.  19. 



M'Culloch,  John,  ii.  19. 

M'Culloch,  Robert,  ii.  19. 

Mechane,  lands  of,  ii.  47. 

Meeky,  Elizabeth,  ii.  88. 

Meldrum,  George,  196. 

Meldmm,  Robert,  196. 

Melville,  John,  223. 

Menstry,  Alexanders  of,  7-267. 

Menstry,  Campbells  of,  6,  7. 

Menteith,  Agnes,  290. 

Menteith,  Earl  of,  112. 

Menzies,  Alexander,  210. 

Menzies,  Barbara,  210. 

Menzies,  Catherine,  209,  210. 

Menzies,  Christian,  209,  210. 

Menzies,  Dr  John,  210. 

Menzies,  James,  209,  210. 

Menzies,  Robert,  of  ilk,  209,  210. 

Menzies,  Sir  Alexander,  of  ilk,  209. 

Menzies,  Sir  Robert,  of  ilk,  209. 

Merchant,  Isobel,  ii.  5. 

Mervyn,  Audley,  ii.  144. 

Mervyn,  Sir  Audley,  ii.  65,  86. 

Metcalfe,  Sir  Thomas,  221. 

M'Evor,  Everage,  ii.  162. 

M'Evor,  Rory,  ii.  162. 

Meyboy,  lands  of,  ii.  86. 

M'Gill,  Sir  James,  191. 

Michell,  Colonel  Charles,  313. 

Milford,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  102. 

Miller,  Marion,  291. 

Mills,  Eliza,  ii.  72. 

Mills,  George,  ii.  72. 

Mills,  James,  of  Dromore,  ii.  72. 

Mills,  Martha,  ii.  72. 

Mills,  William,  ii.  72. 

Mines,  the,  of  Crawfurdmuir  and  Hil- 
derston,  45,  46. 

Minto,  Earl  of,  ii.  76. 

Mitchell,  Anne,  288. 

Mitchell,  Elizabeth,  297. 

Mitchell,  Jane,  292. 

Mitchell,  Robert,  ii.  71. 

Mitchelson,  Archibald,  222. 

Mitchelson,  Caroline,  222. 

Mitchelson,  Harriet,  222. 

Mitchelson,  IsabeUa,  222. 

Mitchelson,  Isobel,  219. 

Mitchelson,  John,  of  Middleton,  219. 

Mitchelson,  Mary,  222,  226. 

M'Kiall,  Margaret,  279. 

M'Lauchlin,  Margaret,  290. 

M'Lellan,  John,  ii.  145,  149,  150. 

M'Lellan,  Sir  Robert,  Lord  Kirkcud- 
bright, 181. 

M'Levan,  John,  of  Grimmat,  ii.  55. 

M'Manus,  Alexander,  ii.  112. 

M'Manus,  Hester,  ii.  112, 

M'Neill,  Mary,  279.  " 

M'Nicol,  Conway,  ii.  131. 

Moat,  Catherine,  269. 

Molesworth,  Hon.  Harriet,  ii.  112. 

Molesworth,  Richard,  Viscount,  ii.  112. 

Molloy,  Rebecca,  ii.  114. 

Molloy,  William,  of  Rockvalley,  ii.  114. 

Mompesson,  Richard,  ii.  173. 

Monk,  General,  250. 

Monk,  Richard,  ii.  225. 

Monk,  Sophia,  ii.  223. 

Monsey,  Charlotte,  ii.  105. 

Monsey,  Messenger,  of  Mulberton,  ii. 


Montgomery,  Alexander,  250. 
Montgomery,  Barbara,  ii.  110. 
Montgomery,  Elizabeth,  251. 
Montgomery,  Henry,  251. 
Montgomery,  Hugh,  Viscount,  of  Mount 

Alexander,  249-251  ;  ii.  64. 
Montgomery,  Isabella,  ii.  110. 
Montgomery,  James,  251 ;  ii.  110. 
Montgomery,  Janet,  ii.  54. 
Montgomery,  John,  of  Benrarden,  ii. 


Montgomery,  Robert,  250. 
Montgomery,  Sir  Hugh,  of  Braidstanes, 


Montgomery,  Sir  James,  ii.  64. 
Montgomery,  Thomas,  Earl  of  Mount 

Alexander,  251. 
Montgomery,  William,  of  Rosemount, 

249,  251. 

Moody,  William,  ii.  168. 
Moore,  Eliza,  ii.  72. 
Morris,  Margaret,  301. 
Morrison,  Catherine,  301,  302. 
Morrison,  Walter,  ii.  144. 
Moses,  Elizabeth,  291. 
Moses,  Ellen,  291. 
Mount  Alexander,  Earl  of,  ii.  142. 
Muddelk,  John,  ii.  107. 
Muir,  William,  of  Caldwell,  ii.  42. 
Munro,  Major-General  Robert,  250. 
Munro,  Sir  Thomas,  310. 
Murdoch,  Peter,  ii.  25. 
Mure,  James,  ii.  140. 
Mure,  Ursula,  of  Glanderstown,  ii.  26. 
Murray,  Agnes,  9. 
Murray,  Alexander,  of  Woodend,  9. 
Murray,  Anthony,  of  Dollerie,  217. 
Murray,  Colonel  Adam,  ii.  136. 
Murray,  Elizabeth,  219,  276  ;  ii.  19. 
Murray,  Frances,  217. 
Murray,  Hannah,  ii.  136. 
Murray,  Henry,  9. 
Murray,  James,  251. 
Murray,  John,  9. 
Murray,  Lord  Elibank,  252. 
Murray,  Marion,  286. 



Murray,  Rev.  Alexander,  222. 
Murray,  Rev.  George,  220. 
Murray,  Rev.  Robert,  9,  197,  255. 
Murray,  Sir  Archibald,  of  Blackbarony, 


Murray,  Sir  James,  of  Kilbaberton,  228. 
Murray,  Sir  James  Pulteney,  252. 
Murray,  Sir  Patrick,  217. 
Murray,  Sir  Richard,  of  Cockpool,  181 ; 

ii.  16. 

Murray,  Sir  Robert,  of  Claremont,  252. 
Murray,  Sir  "William,  of  Dunerne,  194, 

196,  251-253. 

Murray,  Sir  William,  of  Newtoun,  258. 
Murray,  William,  9,  275. 
Murray,  William,  of  Oughtertyre,  30, 

Murray,  William,  of  Tullibardine,  11, 


Muschet,  Adam,  11. 
Muschet,  Alexander,  10. 
Muschet,  David,  of  Calziehall,  10. 
Muschet,  George,  of  Burnbank,  9,  1 0. 
Muschet,  James,  of  Burnbank,  9. 
Muschet,  John,  of  Burnbank,  10,  11, 


Muschet,  Rev.  Archibald,  11. 
Muschet,  Sir  George,  10. 
M'Vey,  Mary,  300,  302. 


NAPIER,  Lord,  109  ;  ii.  9. 

Nasmyth,  Anne,  151. 

Nasmyth,  John,  151. 

Nasmyth,  Mary,  214. 

Nasmyth,  Sir  James,  214. 

Neilson,  Claud,  ii.  28. 

Neilson,  Robert,  ii.  27. 

Neisch,  Walter,  19,  29-31,  185. 

Nelson,  Viscount,  ii.  105. 

Nembhard,  Eliza,  ii.  125. 

New  England,  grant  of  lands  in,  159- 

163,  200,  206. 
Newfoundland,  60,  64. 
New  Galloway,  63. 
Newland,  Rev.  Edward,  ii.  110. 
New  Plymouth,  59. 
New  Scotland,  baronetcy  of,  69-97,  112- 

116,  124,  128,  151,  152. 
New  Scotland,   cession  of,  to  France, 

134,  136,  137,  200. 
New  Scotland,   expeditions  to,  63-66, 

100-105,  118-120,  128,  130-139,  157- 

New  Scotland,  Novodamus  Charter  of, 

Appendix  No.  II.,  ii.  195-205,  212. 
New  Scotland,  or  Nova  Scotia,  Grant 

and  Charter  of,   60-63;    Appendix, 

No.  L,  ii.  179-195. 
Newton- Cunninghame,  ii.  65. 
Nicholls,  Edward,  99. 
Nicholson,  Gilbert,  of  Glenmore,  ii.  112. 
Nicholson,  John,  of  Balrath,  ii.  112. 
Nickson,   Lorenzo,    of  Chapelizod,   ii. 


Nicol,  Rev.  William,  ii.  15. 
Nisbet,  Alexander,  ii.  96. 
Nithsdale,  Earl  of,  120,  121. 
Noble,  Marjory,  267. 
Noble,  Rev.  Isaac,  ii.  150. 
Norgate,  Edward,  63. 
Normand,  Isabella,  224. 
Norris,  Anne,  ii.  172. 
Norris,  Sir  John,  of  Yattenden,  ii.  172. 
Northcote,  Sir  Stafford,  ii.  116. 
Northland,  Lord,  ii.  110. 
Nussey,  Rev.  J.,  ii.  126. 


O'BRIEN,  General  Sir  Terence,  ii.  105. 
O'Conellan,  Henry  Duff,  152. 
Ogilby,  Robert,  ii.  167. 
Olave  the  Red,  King  of  Man,  2. 
Oliphant,   Caroline,   Baroness  Nairne, 


Oliphant,  Lawrence,  of  Gask,  216. 
Oliphant,  Margaret,  216. 
Oliver,  John,  ii.  165. 
O'Neill,  Francis,  ii.  94. 
O'Neill,  Sir  Phelim,  ii.  64. 
Ormond,  Marchioness  of,  ii.  111. 
Orr,  James,  of  Garten,  ii.  167. 
Orr,  Janet,  ii.  23. 
Osborne,  Mary,  ii.  87. 
Osborne,  Rev.  H.,  ii.  134. 
Oswald,  Alexander,  214. 
Over  Isgill,  lands  of,  ii.  7. 


PAISLEY,  Alexanders  in,  ii.  21-23,  38-40. 
Paisley,  George  Shaw,  Abbot  of,  ii.  21. 
Paisley,  John,  Abbot  of,  ii.  22. 
Paisley,  Robert,  Abbot  of,  ii.  21. 
Palmer,  Rev.  John,  ii.  143. 
"  Paraenesis    on   Prince   Henry,"   36, 


Park,  Hannah,  ii.  40. 
Parks,  Margaret,  ii.  80. 
Parliament,  Scottish,  Act  of,  157-159. 
Parsons,  Elizabeth,  ii.  143. 
Parsons,  Sir  William,  of  Bellamore,  ii. 




Patents,    royal,   40-43,    59,   106,   107, 
206,  234,  '235. 

Paterson,  Duncan,  15,  16. 

Paterson,  Elizabeth,  ii.  88,  89. 

Paterson,  John,  16. 

Paterson,  Mary,  297. 

Paton,  Edward,  17. 

Paton,  Margaret,  287. 

Paton,  Margaret,  288,  292. 

Pattle,  Sophia,  215. 

Patton,  Isobel,  ii.  81. 

Paul,  Jane,  ii.  71. 

Paxton,  John,  ii.  80. 

Pearson,  W.  W.,  ii.  238. 

Peat,  Janet,  298. 

Pembroke,  Earl  of,  106. 

Penney,  William,  Lord  Kinloch,  217. 

Percy,    Henry,    Earl  of  Northumber- 
land, 7. 

Perott,  Humphrey,  ii.  140. 

Peters,  Margaret,  289. 

Petition  of  Lord  Stirling's  creditors, 

Philips,  Charles,  245,  246. 

Philips,  John,  245. 

Philips,  Lady  Mary,  242,  246. 

Philips,  Robert,  245,  246. 

Philips,  William,  245,  246. 

Phillips,  Captain  Thomas,  ii.  99. 

Phillips,  Dudley,  ii.  98. 

Phillips,  Major-General  George,  ii.  98, 

Phillips,  Sir  Thomas,  ii.  98. 

Phipps,  Constantine,  Marquis  of  Nor- 
mandy, ii.  125. 

Phipps,  Henry,  Earl  of  Mulgrave,  ii. 

Phipps,  Lepel,  ii.  125. 

Pierce,  President,  ii.  238. 

Pitgogar,  Alexanders  of,  16-18,  28,  29; 

Plunkett,    Thomas,    Lord,    Bishop    of 

Tuam,  ii.  104. 

Pocklington,  Hon.  John,  ii.  217. 
Point  Gaspie,  ii.  181. 
Ponsonby,  Hon.  Mrs,  ii.  111. 
Pooler,  Robert,  ii.  74. 
Pope,  Alexander,  246,  247. 
Porterfield,  Boyd,  of  ilk,  ii.  28. 
Porterfield,  Camilla,  ii.  28. 
Porter,  Mary,  ii.  123. 
Portglenone,  lands  of,  ii.  Ill,  112. 
Portis,  Anne,  ii.  101. 
Portis,  George,  ii.  101. 
Port  Mouton,  65. 
Port  Royal,  59,  100,    103,    118,    126, 


Powis,  Alexanders  in,  25,  291;  ii.  216. 
Prendergast,  Mary,  224. 

Prevoost,  David,  221. 
Pringle,  Catherine,  220. 
Pringle,  Elizabeth,  ii.  126. 
Pringle,  Sir  John,  of  Stichill,  220. 
Pritchard,  John,  ii.  174. 
Proclamations,  royal,  132,  133. 
Pryott,  George,  of  Edmonton,  ii.  140. 


QUEBEC,  101,  105,  138.  160. 
Quin,  Henry,  M.D.,  ii.  125. 
Quin,  Judith,  ii.  125. 
"  Quodlibets,"  Hayman's,  111. 


RAE,  Isobel,  289. 

Rae,  Mary  Anne,  216. 

Rae,  William,  ii.  134. 

Ralston,  Jean,  ii.  26,  27. 

Ralston,  William,  of  ilk,  ii.  26. 

Ramsay,  John,  ii.  51. 

Ramsay,  Robert,  299. 

Ramsay,  William,  287. 

Ranald,  Lord  of  the  Isles,  2  ;  ii.  48. 

Randall,  Dorothea,  226. 

Ranfurly,  Lady  Louisa,  ii.  114. 

Ranfurly,  Thomas,  Earl  of,  ii.  114. 

Rannie,  Catherine,  220. 

Raphoe,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  94-97. 

Ratcliffe,  Mary,  ii,  101. 

Rawlinson,  Thomas,  ii.  127. 

Reay,  Master  of,  214. 

Rebellion,  Irish,  of  1641,  ii.  64,  65. 

"  Recreations  with  the  Muses,"  32, 167. 

Redcliffe,  Viscount  Stratford  de,  ii.  119. 

Reid,  Agnes,  ii.  81. 

Reid,  General  John,  of  Straloch,  281. 


Reid,  Isobel,  ii.  55. 
Reid,  Janet,  287,  288  ;  ii.  9. 
Reid,  Philip  V.,  ii.  125. 
Reid,  Sarah,  ii.  80. 
Reilly,  Miss,  ii.  126. 
"Remarks    on  the  Trial   of    Earl  of 

Stirling,"  ii.  236. 
Retter,  Edward,  ii.  169. 
Reynolds,  Rev.  John,  ii.  150. 
Reynolds,  Sir  Robert,  242,  243. 
Rice,  Benjamin,  ii.  81. 
Richards,  Goddard,  ii.  45. 
Ridderie,  Alexanders  in,  18,  28. 
Ridgway,  Sir  Thomas,  ii.  59. 
Rintour,  Robert,  301. 
Riot  against  the  Liturgy  in  Edinburgh, 

170,  171. 



Robertson,  Elizabeth,  276. 

Robertson,  George,  ii.  230. 

Robertson,  Patrick,  ii.  233. 

Robinson,  George,  ii.  46. 

Roderick,  Lord  of  the  Isles,  2. 

Roe  Park,  ii.  169. 

Rolfe,  Rev.  J.  E.,  ii.  105. 

Rolfe,   Robert,    Baron    Cranworth,    ii. 


Rollo,  Sir  Alexander,  of  Duncruib,  195. 
Ronald,  Duncan,  271. 
Ros,  Hon.  Blanche  de,  221. 
Ros,  Lord  de,  221. 
Ross,  Gilbert,  ii.  53. 
Ross,  James,  ii.  140. 
Ross,  Sarah,  ii.  136. 
Ross,  Sir  John,  of  Hawkhead,  ii.  21. 
Ross,  William,  Lord,  ii.  24. 
Routledge,  Isabella,  223. 
Russell,  John,  of  Braidshaw,  ii.  27. 
Russell,  Margaret,  ii.  15. 
Russell,   Sir  William,  of  Charlton,  ii. 


Rutherford,  Anne,  218. 
Rutherford,    Catherine,    of   Fairnylee, 


Rutherford,  John,  M.D.,  218. 
Rutherford,  Major  Walter,  281. 
Rutledge,  Anne,  ii.  68. 
Rutledge,  Isabella,  ii.  71. 
Rutledge,  Jane,  ii.  69. 
Rutledge,  John,  of  Shanco,  ii.  67. 
Rutledge,  Margaret,  ii.  68. 
Ruxton,  Captain  John,  of  Ardee,  ii.  73. 
Ruxton,  Martha,  ii.  73. 
Ruxton,  Thomas,  ii.  73. 


SABLE,  Cape,  ii.  180. 
Sable,  Isle  de,  ii.  181. 
Saltoun,  Lord,  269. 
Sandilands,  Anne,  209. 
Sandilands,  Bailie  Alexander,  208. 
Sandilands,  Catherine,  209. 
Sandilands,  Walter,  Lord  Torphichen, 

208,  209,  212,  213. 
Sands,  Elizabeth,  294. 
Sandys,  Hon.  Martyn,  248. 
Sandys,  Mary,  Baroness,  248. 
Scot,  Sir  John,  of  Scotstarvet,  119,  323; 

ii.  194,  205. 

Scott,  Alexander,  ii.  110. 
Scott,  Francis,  Earl  of  Buccleuch,  178, 


Scott,  Jane,  ii.  79,  89. 
Scott,  Sir  John,  75. 
Scott,  Sir  Walter,  of  Abbotsford,  218. 

Scott,  Walter,  Earl  of  Buccleuch,  178, 


Scott,  Walter,  W.S.,  218. 
"Scourge  of  Folly,  the,"  53. 
Scrimgeour,  Captain  David,  257,  258. 
Scrimgeour,  Margaret,  257. 
Scrymsour,  Henry,  ii.  53. 
Scrymsour,  Isabella,  ii.  53. 
Seamount,  Alexanders  of,  ii.  122-125. 
Segipt,  Sagamore,  118,  119. 
Semple,  Gabriel,  of  Newlands,  ii.  58. 
Semple,  Mary,  218. 
Semple,  Rev.  Samuel,  218. 
Service-Book,  Laud's,  168-171. 
Seton,  Sir  Ninian,  7. 
Sewell,  Lieut. -General,  215. 
Shaldham,  Molyneux,  ii.  112. 
Sharp,  Archbishop  James,  196. 
Sharp,  Christian,  293. 
Sharp,  Sir  William,  196. 
Shaw,  Elizabeth,  ii.  96. 
Shaw,  James,  ii.  96. 
Shaw,  Marion,  ii.  96. 
Shaw,  Miss  Alexander,  ii.  127. 
Shaw,  Rev.  Henry,  ii.  12. 
Shaw,  Sir  James,  of  Sauchie,  43. 
Shaw,  William  Jocelyn,  ii.  123. 
Shelley,  Sir  William,  ii.  176. 
Sherwood,  Lucy,  222. 
Shireff,  Charles,  210. 
Shireff,  Robert,  210. 
Short,  Margaret,  295. 
Short,  Rev.  Francis,  ii.  71. 
Short,  Susan,  ii.  70. 
Shortridge,  John,  ii.  40. 
Simpson,  Anna,  ii.  167. 
Simpson,  Rev.  A. ,  ii.  120. 
Sinclair,  Anne,  213,  215. 
Sinclair,  Catherine,  213. 
Sinclair,  James,  of  Hollyhill,  ii.  117. 
Sinclair,  Janet,  278. 
Sinclair,  Jean,  213. 
Sinclair,  Sir  John,  of  Lochend,  213. 
Sinclair,  Sir  Robert,  of  Longformacus, 

212,  215. 

Sitwell,  Caroline,  220. 
Sitwell,  Sir  George,  of  Renishaw,  221. 
Skelton,  Mary,  ii.  87. 
Small,  Jane,  ii.  69. 
Small,  John,  ii.  12. 
Smith,  Alexander,  of  Reidston,  ii.  24. 
Smith,  Elizabeth,  ii.  74. 
Smith,  Janet,  ii.  24. 
Smith,  Samuel,  ii.  69. 
Smyly,  George,  Q.C.,  ii.  110. 
Smyly,  Rev.  Andrew,  ii.  116. 
Smyth,  Margaret,  274,  275. 
Smyth,  Matthew,  of  Newry,  ii.  157. 
Smyth,  Robert,  of  Gaybrook,  ii.  112. 



Smyth,  Sir  Edward,  ii.  66. 

Snowell,  Thomas,  278. 

Somerhill,  lands  of,  ii.  119. 

Somerled,  Lord  of  the  Isles,  1,  2. 

Sonnets  by  James  VI.,  48-51. 

Sonnets  by  John  Davies,  53. 

Sonnets  by  Michael  Drayton,  52,  141. 

Sonnets  by  Eobert  Hayman,  111. 

Sonnets  by  Sir  Eobert  Aytotm,  39,  40. 

Sonnets  by  Sir  William  Alexander,  37, 
38,  44. 

Sonnets  by  "William  Drummond,  55. 

Sonnets  by  William  Habington,  153. 

Sorbie,  Thomas,  ii.  49. 

Speirs,  Alexander,  of  Elderslie,  M.P., 
ii.  31. 

Speirs,  Eliza,  ii.  31. 

Spottiswoode,  Archbishop,  170 :  ii.  233, 

Spreul,  Agnes,  ii.  41. 

Spreul,  Anna,  ii.  39. 

Spreul,  Bailie  John,  ii.  39-42,  138. 

Spreul,  Gabriel,  ii.  41. 

Spreul,  James,  ii.  39. 

Spreul,  Walter,  of  Cowden,  ii.  40. 

Sprott,  Mary,  281. 

Stanhope,  Charles,  Earl  of,  ii.  126. 

Stanhope,  Lady  Lucy,  ii.  126. 

Staples,  Catherine,  ii.  Ill,  112. 

Staples,  Eev.  Alexander,  ii.  106. 

Staples,  Eev.  John,  ii.  111. 

Staples,  Eight  Hon.  John,  ii.  Ill,  112. 

Staples,  Sir  Nathaniel,  of  Dunmore,  ii. 

Staples,  Sir  Thomas,  ii.  65. 

Staunton,  A.  S.,  ii.  169. 

St  Clair,  Sir  William,  of  Eoslin,  230. 

St  Clair,  William,  Earl  of  Orkney,  230. 

St  Croix,  Eiver,  ii.  180. 

Sterley,  Margaret,  ii.  176. 

Sterley,  Sir  Philip,  ii.  176. 

St  Estienne,  Caron,  ii.  231. 

St  Estienne,  Charles,  120. 

Stevens,  John,  281. 

Stewart,  Colonel  Alexander,  ii.  101. 

Stewart,  Jean,  ii.  67. 

Stewart,  John,  ii.  30. 

Stewart,  John,  of  Darnley,  ii.  21. 

Stewart,  Lieut. -Colonel  George,  ii.  139. 

Stewart,  Margaret,  ii.  30. 

Stewart,  Patrick,  of  Ballechin,  210. 

Stewart,  Eebecca,  ii.  101. 

Stewart,  Sir  Alexander,  ii.  65,  98. 

Stewart,  Sir  James,  Lord  Ochiltree, 
111,  128. 

Stewart,  Sir  James,  scheme  for  colon- 
isation, 112,  116,  117. 

Stewart,  Sir  Michael  Shaw,  ii.  29,  30. 

Stewart,  Sir  Eobert,  ii.  139. 

Stewart,  Sir  Eobert,  of  Aughentane,  ii. 

64,  65,  98. 
Stewart,  Sir  William,  of  Aughentane, 

ii.  64,  139. 

Stewart,  William,  of  Balilan,  ii.  139. 
St  Germain-en-laye,  treaty  of,  134. 
Stirling,  Alexanders  in,  10,  20,  21,  23, 

268-277,  286,  292. 
Stirling,  arms  of  the  Earls  of,  101,  102, 

147,  148,  189. 
Stirling,  burial-place  of  Earls  of,  187, 

Stirling,    Earl  of,    31,    152,    etc.    (see 

Alexander,  Earl  of,  William). 
Stirling,  Henry,  of  Ardoch,  15. 
Stirling,  John,  15. 
Stirling,  mansion  of  the  Earls  of,  148- 

150,  189,  190,  200. 
Stirling,  Viscount,  6,  31,  127,  147-150, 


St  Mary's  Bay,  ii.  180. 
Stonefield,  Campbells  of,  5. 
Stonehouse,  lands  of,  ii.  120. 
Strachan,  Sir  Alexander,  of  Thornton, 

76,  190. 

Stuart,  John,  Earl  of  Buchan,  7. 
Stuart,  Margaret,  3. 
Stuart,  Mary,  ii.  114. 
Stuart,  Eev.  William,  Bishop  of  Ar- 
magh, ii.  114. 

Stuart,  Sir  John,  of  Traquair,  86,  194. 
Sutherland,  Jane,  ii.  119. 
Swinton,  Agnes,  219,  220. 
Swinton,  Alan,  221,  223,  224. 
Swinton,  Anne,  216,  219,  223,  225. 
Swinton,  Anson,  226. 
Swinton,  Archibald,  of  Kimmerghame, 


Swinton,  Arthur,  226. 
Swinton,  Campbell,  of  Kimmerghame, 


Swinton,  Caroline,  222. 
Swinton,  Charles,  225. 
Swinton,  Charlotte,  221,  226. 
Swinton,  Christian,  224. 
Swinton,  Edward,  222,  226. 
Swinton,  Elizabeth,  219,  223,  225,  227. 
Swinton,  Felicite,  221,  222. 
Swinton,  Frances,  219. 
Swinton,  Francis,  216,  218,  219. 
Swinton,  George,  221,  223-226. 
Swinton,  Harriet,  219,  222,  223,  225. 
Swinton,  Henrietta,  220. 
Swinton,  Isabella,  223-226. 
Swinton,  James,  219-221,  223,  224. 
Swinton,  Jean,  216,  218,  219. 
Swinton,  Jessie,  223,  226. 
Swinton,  Joanna,  216. 
Swinton,  John,  216,  218-221,  223-227. 



Swinton,  Julia,  227. 

Swinton,  Katherine,  219,  220,  225. 

Swinton,  Louisa,  226. 

Swinton,  Margaret,  216,  222,  224-226. 

Swinton,  Maria,  119. 

Swinton,  Mary,  219,  220,  223,  225-227. 

Swinton,  Maynard,  222. 

Swinton,  Pringle,  219. 

Swinton,  R.  H. ,  211. 

Swinton,  Robert,  216,  218,  219,  225- 


Swinton,  Samuel,  219-225,  227. 
Swinton,  Sir  John,  of  ilk,  216. 
Swinton,  Walter,  222,  223. 
Swinton,  William,  216,  218,  222-227. 
Syres,  Elspeth,  ii.  54. 
Syres,  Janet,  ii.  54. 
Syres,  Margaret,  ii.  54. 


TABLE,  Eound,  at  Stirling,  150. 

Tait,  Archbishop,  221. 

Tait,  Craufurd,  of  Harvieston,  221. 

Tait,  Susan,  221. 

Talzeour  (Taylor),  Andrew,  272. 

Talzeour  (Taylor),  Elizabeth,  290. 

Talzeour  (Taylor),  Katherine,  272. 

Talzeour  (Taylor),  Thomas,  272 ;  ii.  126. 

Tangier,  expedition  to,  246. 

Tarbert,  Alexanders  of,  4-6,  147 ;  ii.  61. 

Taylor,  Sabina,  ii.  126. 

Telford,  Martha,  ii.  81. 

Temple,  Gertrude,  ii.  126. 

Temple,  Gustavus,  ii.  126. 

Temple,  Rev.  Gervais,  ii.  99. 

Tennant,  Elizabeth,  ii.  46. 

Thompson,     George,     of     Clonskeagh 

Castle,  ii.  116. 
Thomson,  Jean,  289. 
Thomson,  Marion,  298. 
Thomson,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Duddingston, 


Thornebury,  Walter  de,  ii.  156,  157. 
Thorpe,  Emma,  ii.  31. 
Todd,  Elizabeth,  ii.  133. 
Totnes,  Earl  of,  93. 
"Tragedies,  the  Monarchicke, "  36,37. 
Traill,  Rev.  William,  ii.  94,  95. 
Travers,  Lucia,  ii.  103. 
Travers,  Rev.  Charles,  ii.  102. 
Travers,  Sir  William,  of  Rossmore,  ii. 


Trotter,  Rev.  Thomas,  218. 
Trumbull,  Lady  Judith,  242,  244. 
Trumbull,  Sir  William,  242,  246,  247, 

Trumbull,  William,  244,  246. 

Tullibody,  Alexanders  in,  7,  9,  290. 
Tulloh,  Major,  of  Elliston,  224. 
Turner,  Isabella,  ii.  93. 
Turner,  Margaret,  288. 
Turner,  Rev.  William,  ii.  81. 
"Turners,"  coinage  of,  155,  156,  167. 
Tyrrell,  John,  ii.  216. 


ULSTER,  baronetage  of,  69. 

Ulster,  plantation  of,  ii.  59-63. 

Ulster,  Scots  in,  108. 

Urquhart,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Cromartie, 


Usher,  Adam,  ii.  143. 
Usher,  John,  of  Monachan,  ii.  143. 
Usher,  Sir  Walter,  of  Portrane,  ii.  143. 
Ushers,  royal,  264. 


VANLORE,  Jacoba,  236,  237 ;  ii.  177. 

Vanlore,  John,  237. 

Vanlore,  Mary,  190,  235,  237-239  ;  ii. 


Vanlore,  Maurice,  237. 
Vanlore,  Sir  Peter,  190,  235,  237,  238 ; 

ii.  177. 

Vanlore,  Susan,  237 ;  ii.  177. 
Vaughan,  Sir  William,  89. 
Vickars,  Janet,  292. 
Villiers,  George,  Duke  of  Buckingham, 

"Vindication,  etc.,  of  Lord  Stirling," 

ii.  242. 


Wadell,  Janetta,  if.  82. 

Wake,  Sir  Isaac,  122. 

Wakefield,  John,  ii.  112. 

Walker,  Margaret,  295. 

Wallace,  Sir  Hew,  of  Craigie,  182,  183. 

Waller,  Edmund,  ii.  115. 

Waller,  James,  ii.  36. 

Waller,  Lieut.  -General  Sir  Hardress,  ii. 


Waller,  Martha,  ii.  115. 
Waller,  Samuel,  ii.  115. 
Waller,  Sir  Robert,  of  Lisbrian,  ii.  115. 
Wallop,  Sir  Henry,  ii.  157. 
Wardlaw,  Elizabeth,  234. 
Wardlaw,  Sir  Henry,  of  Pitreavie,  235. 
Warrants,  royal,  142-145,  256. 
Warrender,  Charlotte,  215. 



Warrender,  Sir  Patrick,  215. 

Waterston,  Janet,  ii.  17. 

Watson,  Jane,  ii.  94. 

Watts,  Dr  John,  ii.  216. 

Watts,  John,  M.D.,  284. 

Wauchope,  Isabella,  ii.  92. 

Waughton,  Laird  of,  86. 

Weisiger,  Daniel,  ii.  36. 

Weisiger,  Eliza,  ii.  36. 

Wemyss,  Mary,  ii.  146. 

Wemyss,  Sir  Henry,  of  Danesfort,  ii. 


Wemyss,  Sir  John,  of  ilk,  76,  87. 
Westerspott,  lands  of,  ii.  11. 
Westwood,  Agnes,  288. 
White,  Anne,  ii.  100. 
White,  Helen,  300. 
Williams,  General  Jonathan,  ii.  35. 
Williams,  Henry,  ii.  35. 
Will  of  Alexander  Alexander  of  Men- 

stry,  26-29. 

Will  of  Edmond  Alexander,  ii.  146, 147. 
Will  of  Francis  Alexander,  ii.  159,  160. 
Will  of  James  Alexander  of  Dublin, 

ii.  141-145. 

Will  of  Richard  Alexander,  ii.  148,149. 
Will  of  Sir  Walter  Alexander,  264-266. 
Will  of  William,  Lord  Alexander,  207, 


Wilmot,  Miss,  ii.  135. 
Wilson,  David,  ii.  135. 
Wilson,  David,  of  Castleton,  ii.  31. 
Wilson,  James,  of  Woodville,  216,  270. 
Wilson,  Jane,  ii.  68. 
Wilson,  Martha,  ii.  72. 
Wilson,  Mary,  ii.  31. 

Wilson,  Thomas,  ii.  159. 
Windham,  Priscilla,  242,  243. 
Windham,  Sir  Hugh,  242. 
Winram,  John,  ii.  11. 
Winram,  Thomas,  ii.  11. 
Wiseman,  Eliza,  ii.  118. 
Wiseman,  Sir  William,  ii.  118. 
Wood,  James,  of  Tullynevin,  ii.  68.    ' 
Wormestoun,  Spens  of,  320. 
Wright,  James,  187,  200  ;  ii.  212,  213. 
Wylie,  Agnes,  ii.  54. 


YORK,  James,  Duke  of,  200. 
Young,  Colonel,  H.E.I.C.S.,  ii.  126. 
Young,  Robert,  king's  printer,  169. 
Younger,  Isabel,  299. 
Younger,  Janet,  296,  302. 


ZINZAN,  Alexander,  ii.  172-174. 

Zinzan,  Andrew,  ii.  173,  174. 

Zinzan,  Charles,  ii.  178. 

Zinzan,  Henry,  237  ;  ii.  173-178. 

Zinzan,  Joseph,  ii.  176. 

Zinzan,  Margaret,  ii.  176. 

Zinzan,  Nicholas,  ii.  177. 

Zinzan,  Peter,  ii.  177,  178. 

Zinzan,  Richard,  ii.  174. 

Zinzan,  Sir  Robert  (styled  Alexander), 

ii.  172,  173,  176. 
Zinzan,  Sir  Sigismund,  ii.  173-176. 

M'Farlane  &  Erskine,  Printers,  Edinburgh. 



Rogers,  Charles 

Memorials  of  the  Earl  of 